15-16 February 2023 Virtual Event start tomorrow

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ENSU 02.02.2023 kl 11:10 20494


15-16 February 2023
Virtual Event der vi er med.


10 kan komme fort

Arvind Kamath

VP Technology and Engineering.

Today’s wearables, hearables and other products used in space-constrained applications need a safe, fast-charging microbattery with high volumetric energy (VED) and long cycle life in the 1 milliampere-hour (mAh) to 100 mAh capacity range. This presentation will explain how anode-less solid-state lithium technology now enables the development of rechargeable microbatteries that deliver these benefits when implemented with an architecture and manufacturing approach that supports high-volume applications. The latest architecture and manufacturing approaches have removed previous barriers to solid-state technology’s adoption in microbatteries for powering an estimated one billion products shipped annually. These approaches maximize energy density while enabling end-to-end fabrication and packaging in a conventional cleanroom rather than expensive dry (zero humidity) environment. Additionally, the approaches increase VED through the use of an ultra-thin stainless steel substrate, and diced and vertically stacked packaging layers. This also enables a customizable footprint at a desired capacity, and the use of conventional metal terminals for creating a surface-mountable device that is compatible with low-temperature-reflow assembly processes. Attendees will also learn about the opportunities ahead as anode-less rechargeable solid-state lithium miocrobatteries enter the market and transform how wearable, hearable and other products are designed, manufactured and powered.
Redigert 14.02.2023 kl 07:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.02.2023 kl 07:31 1873

Oversikt for ENSU (ENSURGE MICROPOWER ASA). Oppdatert VPS 15.02.2023

01 UBS SWITZERLAND AG 10.33% 7 565.90k 25.22m +16 000
02 NORDNET BANK AB 4.83% 3 538.30k 11.79m +681.70k
03 KEITH ROBERT 3.18% 2 333.30k 7 778k
04 BNP PARIBAS 2.61% 1 914.90k 6 383k
05 R. SUNDVALL INVEST AS 2.58% 1 892.20k 6 307k
06 FAVUSEAL AS 2.31% 1 690.80k 5 636k
07 JACO INVEST AS 2.25% 1 650k 5 500k
08 ALDEN AS 1.64% 1 200k 4 000k -8 300k
09 DANSKE BANK A/S 1.60% 1 172.10k 3 907k +151.90k
10 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 1.51% 1 104k 3 680k +733.70k
11 CITIBANK, N.A. 1.50% 1 101.50k 3 672k
12 ELLINGSEN ANDREAS 1.29% 946.43k 3 155k
13 SINMAX INVESTMENT AS 1.27% 930k 3 100k +1 300k
14 SCHLYTTER-HENRICHSEN AS 1.21% 887.19k 2 957k
15 NORTHERN TRUST GLOBAL SERVICES SE 1.05% 772.52k 2 575k +300k
16 BANK JULIUS BÄR & CO. AG 1.00% 733.55k 2 445k
17 UBS AG 0.94% 690k 2 300k +1 300k
18 NORDBY BJØRN GUNNAR JOHANSSON 0.90% 655.86k 2 186k
19 SUNDVALL HOLDING AS 0.88% 646.99k 2 157k
20 TEPPEKONSULENTEN AS 0.86% 630.05k 2 100k +450k
21 HELGELAND ØYSTEIN 0.85% 624k 2 080k 1 010k
22 BNP PARIBAS 0.79% 579.44k 1 931k
23 SAXO BANK A/S 0.77% 561.56k 1 872k +368k
24 NORDEA BANK ABP 0.76% 559.71k 1 866k +111.40k
25 UNION BANCAIRE PRIVEE, UBP SA 0.73% 533.33k 1 778k
26 LINDVARD INVEST AS 0.61% 450k 1 500k
27 AVANZA BANK AB 0.57% 417.33k 1 391k +22 617
29 VIKEN ENERGIMONTASJE AS 0.50% 363.64k 1 212k
30 TORSÆTER VEGARD AAVIK 0.47% 347.37k 1 158k
31 J.P. MORGAN SE 0.47% 346.62k 1 155k 113.20k
32 ELLINGSEN ULF CHRISTIAN 0.47% 345k 1 150k
33 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 0.45% 333.33k 1 111k
34 RICOVE AS 0.45% 330k 1 100k NY INN
35 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 0.45% 328.02k 1 093k
36 UBS AG LONDON BRANCH 0.44% 318.77k 1 063k
37 ANDREAS HOLDING AS 0.39% 286.03k 953.40k
38 JOHANSEN ARILD 0.38% 278.96k 929.90k
39 AASGAARD FRODE 0.36% 262.19k 874k
40 ØGREY INGA HELENE 0.35% 258.99k 863.30k +120k
41 RUUD HANS-PETTER 0.33% 240.20k 800.70k
42 MYKJÅLAND INVEST AS 0.33% 240k 800k
43 SIX SIS AG 0.32% 235.68k 785.60k
44 INTER SEA AS 0.32% 235.33k 784.40k
45 HENRIKSEN JENS ANDREAS 0.32% 232.47k 774.90k
46 K-KONSULT AS 0.32% 231.06k 770.20k
47 AZARI SAID 0.31% 225.82k 752.70k INN
48 AGASØSTER ROY AUDUN 0.31% 225.04k 750.10k INN
50 J&V SNEKKERE AS 0.31% 223.63k 745.40k INN
51 Other investors 42.29% 30.97m 103.24m
15.02.2023 kl 08:45 1712

Ensurge Micropower ASA: Private placement successfully placed
15.2.2023 08:15 • GlobeNewswire •

10 øre for de som ikke er dødelige!
15.02.2023 kl 17:07 1468

Blir spennende å følge presentasjon - vi får håpe på noe positivt.

15.02.2023 kl 17:13 1438

Håpet er ordet ja! Her skal vi håpe på veldig mye fremover...
15.02.2023 kl 19:57 1239

Nogen der fulgte præsentationen så...?
Hvis man kigger på nedenstående uddrag så har de jo fundet den hellige gral til solid state batterier der kan masse produceres:
The latest architecture and manufacturing approaches have removed previous barriers to solid-state technology’s adoption in microbatteries for powering an estimated one billion products shipped annually. These approaches maximize energy density while enabling end-to-end fabrication and packaging in a conventional cleanroom rather than expensive dry (zero humidity) environment.

man får jo et lille snip af mistanke om de store nu vil tage hele kagen uden at dele med hårdt hårdt prøvede småaktionærer...
15.02.2023 kl 20:51 1146

Vel, dersom det er noe som helst håp for en kommersiell suksess vedr. disse batteriene, så finnes det i allefall ikke noe bedre tidspunkt for å foreta et oppkjøp enn nå, så lav markedsverdi som dette selskapet har...

Tidenes røverkjøp mao, forutsatt at det faktisk er ordentlig potensial her. Vanskelig for å tro det nå etter alt dette kaoset. Men vi kan jo alltids håpe!
Redigert 15.02.2023 kl 20:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.02.2023 kl 09:23 928

Noen som har noe info fra presentasjonen ? Blir spennende de neste dagene - blir nok store svingninger.