Sunderland City Council gave the go-ahead for a new plant

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QFUEL 07.02.2023 kl 15:38 455

Our plans to build a series of chemical recycling plants for plastic waste across the UK are moving on swiftly after planning permission has been granted for our first UK operation. Last night, Sunderland City Council gave the go-ahead for a new plant to be built on land at the Port of Sunderland. 🎉🎉

✅ The plant will take mixed plastic waste from across the north of England that would otherwise have been incinerated or disposed of in landfill
✅ It will create over 100 permanent jobs
✅ Construction is expected to get underway later this year, with the plant opening in 2025

Winifred Patricia Johansen, Director of Quantafuel Sunderland, says: “We’re very pleased to have secured planning permission and thank Sunderland City Council for sharing in our ambition to create a long-term, sustainable alternative to incineration and landfill for dealing with plastics.”

“We’re hoping to open similar plants across the UK but chose Sunderland as our first development as the port provides an ideal location, both for development of the plant and easy export by ship, and the city has a good, skilled workforce to draw on,” she continues.
Redigert 07.02.2023 kl 15:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
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