28.02.2023 kl 20:15
-An impairment loss on owned vessels recognized at 31 December 2022 was
US$49,326,000. The impairment loss on owned vessels is non-cash in nature and does not have impact on
the operating cash flows of the Group.
-The Group’s daily vessel running cost increased to US$5,920 for the fourth
quarter of 2022 as compared to US$5,667 for the fourth quarter of 2021.
-The Group’s daily vessel running cost increased to US$5,656 for the year 2022
as compared to US$4,624 for the year 2021 due to the increased crew costs and other pandemic related
manning expenses. We will continue with our cost reduction effort, striving to maintain a highly competitive
cost structure when stacked against other market participants.
2022 was overall a good year for shipping, with the freight environment being steadily driven by a general
robust demand for commodities worldwide. As discussed before, volatility is expected given any changes in
monetary policies or material geo-political issues will affect business sentiment, or in some cases business
practices or trade patterns will be affected. Shipping will not be shipping without a good dose of volatility.
2023 turns out to be very different so far.
There has been a general slowdown in economic activities since second half of 2022, primarily driven by the
interest rate outlook which translates to increasing borrowing costs and correction of risk assets values, as
well as a general expectation of a slower global economic growth going forward given geopolitical conflicts at
multi frontiers. Freight rates of dry bulk shipping has been weakening as a result which has carried on since
2023 began.
When we look purely at the industry fundamentals, the supply of new vessels remain low. However, demand
for commodities has become increasingly uncertain where worries over the economic growth in 2023
persistently linger over all industries. Transportation of certain commodities will undergo profound and complex
changes given the variables that affect our business are a combination of industry specific, economical, as
well as geopolitically driven.
With the expected global dry bulk fleet growth at historical lows, and with no consensus in the shipping with
regards to the next generation engine design to reduce carbon emission, new vessel orders are expected to
be few. Looking ahead, should signs of economic recovery gains momentum, our fleet will be well positioned
to benefit.
We remain alert to the increasingly frequent economic, geo-political, or other unforeseen surprises that can
trigger volatility to our business performance, as well as the carrying value of our shipping assets and financial
assets. In light of the expected slowdown in global economic growth as well as a weakening freight market,
we have decided to revalue downwards the value of our fleet. We currently have no capital expenditure
commitment in relation to newbuilding contracts, and will continue to focus on taking sensible and decisive
actions to maintain a strong financial position.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, I would like to first express our heartfelt appreciation to
our seafarers who have continued to remain professional under an extremely challenging environment, as well
as all customers and stakeholders for their ongoing support.
-An impairment loss on owned vessels recognized at 31 December 2022 was
US$49,326,000. The impairment loss on owned vessels is non-cash in nature and does not have impact on
the operating cash flows of the Group.
-The Group’s daily vessel running cost increased to US$5,920 for the fourth
quarter of 2022 as compared to US$5,667 for the fourth quarter of 2021.
-The Group’s daily vessel running cost increased to US$5,656 for the year 2022
as compared to US$4,624 for the year 2021 due to the increased crew costs and other pandemic related
manning expenses. We will continue with our cost reduction effort, striving to maintain a highly competitive
cost structure when stacked against other market participants.
2022 was overall a good year for shipping, with the freight environment being steadily driven by a general
robust demand for commodities worldwide. As discussed before, volatility is expected given any changes in
monetary policies or material geo-political issues will affect business sentiment, or in some cases business
practices or trade patterns will be affected. Shipping will not be shipping without a good dose of volatility.
2023 turns out to be very different so far.
There has been a general slowdown in economic activities since second half of 2022, primarily driven by the
interest rate outlook which translates to increasing borrowing costs and correction of risk assets values, as
well as a general expectation of a slower global economic growth going forward given geopolitical conflicts at
multi frontiers. Freight rates of dry bulk shipping has been weakening as a result which has carried on since
2023 began.
When we look purely at the industry fundamentals, the supply of new vessels remain low. However, demand
for commodities has become increasingly uncertain where worries over the economic growth in 2023
persistently linger over all industries. Transportation of certain commodities will undergo profound and complex
changes given the variables that affect our business are a combination of industry specific, economical, as
well as geopolitically driven.
With the expected global dry bulk fleet growth at historical lows, and with no consensus in the shipping with
regards to the next generation engine design to reduce carbon emission, new vessel orders are expected to
be few. Looking ahead, should signs of economic recovery gains momentum, our fleet will be well positioned
to benefit.
We remain alert to the increasingly frequent economic, geo-political, or other unforeseen surprises that can
trigger volatility to our business performance, as well as the carrying value of our shipping assets and financial
assets. In light of the expected slowdown in global economic growth as well as a weakening freight market,
we have decided to revalue downwards the value of our fleet. We currently have no capital expenditure
commitment in relation to newbuilding contracts, and will continue to focus on taking sensible and decisive
actions to maintain a strong financial position.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, I would like to first express our heartfelt appreciation to
our seafarers who have continued to remain professional under an extremely challenging environment, as well
as all customers and stakeholders for their ongoing support.
Redigert 28.02.2023 kl 20:26
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28.02.2023 kl 20:22
Jeg anser IKKE faren for at denne faller mer, som betydelig.
Med en NAV pr aksje på mellom 34 og 39 ( avhengig av dollarkurs som legges til grunn),meget solid balanse og rater som nå er på full fart opp, anser jeg muligheten for at den stiger ytterlige, som betydelig.
Med en NAV pr aksje på mellom 34 og 39 ( avhengig av dollarkurs som legges til grunn),meget solid balanse og rater som nå er på full fart opp, anser jeg muligheten for at den stiger ytterlige, som betydelig.
01.03.2023 kl 11:15
JIN kommer til å tape mye penger i 1Q 2023 da ratene har vært elendige og JIN ikke akkurat har for vane å overprestere.
For å se hvilke rater JIN må ha for å gå med noe overskudd kan du legge sammen postene a) shipping related expenses, staff costs, depreciation, other expenses og finance costs, og deretter dele det på antallet båter. Et kjapt overblikk antyder at JIN må ha rate på 15000 eller mer for at det skal bli noe merkbare overskudd.
For å se hvilke rater JIN må ha for å gå med noe overskudd kan du legge sammen postene a) shipping related expenses, staff costs, depreciation, other expenses og finance costs, og deretter dele det på antallet båter. Et kjapt overblikk antyder at JIN må ha rate på 15000 eller mer for at det skal bli noe merkbare overskudd.
01.03.2023 kl 11:28
Har gått med overskudd stort sett hele tiden når ratene har vært over 10000 dollar. Ser bort fra opp og nedskrivinger av skibsverdier. Skal selvsagt ikke forskuttere noe men Jin har alltid vært flinke til og drive i tider ratene har vært lave.
Redigert 01.03.2023 kl 11:29
Du må logge inn for å svare
01.03.2023 kl 15:45
Jinhui går break even på 6000$
Du må lære deg å lese resultater, og tilegne deg grunnleggende økonomiske kunnskaper. 🤡
Depreciaton?? Er du seriøs??? 😂😂🤣
Jinhui vil komme til å skrive opp verdiene på skipene igjen når skipsverdiene stiger mot 2024, men det har intet med inntjeningen å gjøre. Da de skrev opp verdiene med 680 mill. var det mange amatører som ble skuffet over at det ikke gjenspeilet i utbytte, akkurat på samme måte som de nå klør seg i hodet over hvorfor det ble utbytte! 🙈🤡
Du må lære deg å lese resultater, og tilegne deg grunnleggende økonomiske kunnskaper. 🤡
Depreciaton?? Er du seriøs??? 😂😂🤣
Jinhui vil komme til å skrive opp verdiene på skipene igjen når skipsverdiene stiger mot 2024, men det har intet med inntjeningen å gjøre. Da de skrev opp verdiene med 680 mill. var det mange amatører som ble skuffet over at det ikke gjenspeilet i utbytte, akkurat på samme måte som de nå klør seg i hodet over hvorfor det ble utbytte! 🙈🤡
02.03.2023 kl 16:22
Jeg vet ikke, men omsetningen har vert uvanlig høy de siste dagene. Om du ser på topp 20 lista så har ikke handelen vert så veldig stor. Aksjen har allerede falt veldig mye, og ratene er litt høyere enn for en stund siden. Kansje det beste er å bare sitte stille i båten, eller å holde seg unna.
Det var mest sannsynlig småinvestorer som dumpet 1,6 millioner aksjer den 23/2 2023.
Det var mest sannsynlig småinvestorer som dumpet 1,6 millioner aksjer den 23/2 2023.
02.03.2023 kl 17:11
Dette kan da ikke være årsaken til oppgangen idag?????
Jinhui-datter kjøper supramax for 140 millioner kroner
10.07.2021 · Hanna Ghaderi
Et heleid datterselskap av Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited opplyser at de fredag inngikk en intensjonsavtale (mou) for kjøp av en supramax for 15,18 millioner dollar.
Det fremgår av en melding fra selskapet.
Selgeren er Belfri, som er eid av Belships. Skipet er på 55.866 dødvekttonn og ble bygget i 2007, levering vil skje i perioden mellom 15. september og 20. oktober i år.
Belships opplyser i sin melding fredag at de vil få en gevinst på om lag 4,6 millioner dollar etter salget av skipet, det tilsvarer 40 millioner kroner.
Jinhui-datter kjøper supramax for 140 millioner kroner
10.07.2021 · Hanna Ghaderi
Et heleid datterselskap av Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited opplyser at de fredag inngikk en intensjonsavtale (mou) for kjøp av en supramax for 15,18 millioner dollar.
Det fremgår av en melding fra selskapet.
Selgeren er Belfri, som er eid av Belships. Skipet er på 55.866 dødvekttonn og ble bygget i 2007, levering vil skje i perioden mellom 15. september og 20. oktober i år.
Belships opplyser i sin melding fredag at de vil få en gevinst på om lag 4,6 millioner dollar etter salget av skipet, det tilsvarer 40 millioner kroner.
06.03.2023 kl 13:32
Straffen kommer idag! Skikkelig manipulering med denne aksjen!
06.03.2023 kl 17:47
Så er du igang igjen 😒
Sjekk de andre bulkaksjene .
Det er IKKE manipulering. Det er en shippingbørs og shippingbørser har stor volatilitet.
Sjekk de andre bulkaksjene .
Det er IKKE manipulering. Det er en shippingbørs og shippingbørser har stor volatilitet.
08.03.2023 kl 16:27
JIN aksjonærer har kanskje ikke sett dette?
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