Share Purchase by Idex Employee

IDEX 02.03.2023 kl 00:21 1910

CEO Vince Graziani acquired 145,121 ordinary shares at NOK 0,71 per share.

The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue 2,648,336 ordinary shares at NOK 0.71 per share to employees who participate in the company’s 2022 Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP was approved by the annual general meeting on 12 May 2022.

31 employees participated in the ESPP in this period. The participating employees have elected to invest a part of the base salary in ordinary shares in the company. Purchase takes place every six months.

Following the issue, the company's share capital will be NOK 175,346,238.- divided into 1,168,974,920 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.

Primary insiders
IDEX Biometrics discloses transactions by the following primary insiders in IDEX Biometrics shares ISIN NO0003070609:
CEO Vince Graziani acquired 145,121 ordinary shares at NOK 0,71 per share.

IDEX Biometrics 2022 ESPP
The ESPP was approved at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2022. Reference is made to the notice of that meeting where the plan document for the ESPP was attached.

All employees in the company and its subsidiaries, except in China, have been offered to subscribe for shares in the Company in connection with the ESPP. The ESPP is structured around two contribution periods, starting on 1 September and 1 March and lasting for the following six months. During each contribution period, a fixed amount (up to 20% of the employee’s gross base salary) is withheld from the employee’s net salary each month. The employee may sign up to participate in the ESPP from the date of the public disclosure of the interim report before the contribution period until the beginning of the contribution period. Unless the employee actively withdraws from the ESPP, participation is automatically renewed for the same amount for subsequent contribution periods. The board's resolution to issue new shares in connection with the ESPP is made pursuant to the authorization granted by the company's annual general meeting on 12 May 2022 to increase the company's share capital in connection with the ESPP.

In accordance with the ESPP, the subscription price is the lower closing price of the IDEX Biometrics share, as traded on Oslo Børs, on the first or last day of the contribution period, less 15% discount. Payment of the subscription amount is made out of the relevant employee salary withholding.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) Article 1 (5) h, issuance of shares in connection with the ESPP is exempt from the obligation to
Redigert 02.03.2023 kl 00:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2023 kl 13:06 1671

Er det kun primærinsidere som må melde kjøp og salg i slike program?
Kan andre ansatte som i varierende grad kjenner selskapet bedre enn utenforstående både kjøpe og selge uten at det må meldes og derved potensielt påvirke markedet?
02.03.2023 kl 14:27 1566

Det er kun primærinnsidere som er meldepliktige.
Men alle ansatte i en bedrift, som alle andre, er omfattet av inside-lovgivningen.
Seriøse bedrifter har et regelverk for ansatte angående kjøp og salg av aksjer.
Det er fritt fram for ansatte å kjøpe aksjer i slike programmer. Tidspunkt og betingelser er børsmeldt lang tid i forveien.
Det er også normalt fritt fram for å selge disse aksjene med en gang fordi aksjene normalt tildeles i forbindelse med en Q presentasjon som skal sikre at andre investorer sitter på samme informasjon som de ansatte. De er ikke fritt fram å selge eller kjøpe når som helst, og spesielt ikke rett før resultat eller viktige meldinger. Flere ansatte er i den situasjonen at de ikke kjenner til mer av innholdet i resultat-pres eller meldinger enn andre investorer, men fordi det kan "se stygt ut" i ettertid om ansatte har vært "for heldige" med timingen, er det vanlig å ha mekanismer internt hvor ansatte som ønsker å handle (og mener selv de ikke har innside informasjon) kan sjekke om det er noen grunn til å holde tilbake en handel.
Redigert 02.03.2023 kl 14:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.03.2023 kl 19:04 1317


$8.25 +0.75 (+10.0%)
Bid: $7.37 Ask: $8.38
Volume: 1,298
Redigert 03.03.2023 kl 19:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.03.2023 kl 19:47 1229

Siste USD 6.08 (-17,84%)
Ganske heftige utslag.
Passert gjennomsnittlig dagsvolum.
03.03.2023 kl 21:10 1098

Dere gjør alle feil når det fokuseres på IDBA KURS og mener det reflekterer IDEX KURS . Husk lav omsetning på 280000 Nok er ikke å sammenlikne med over 30 mill. I Idex. Det er en måte å lure små fisker psykologisk ,håper dere ikke la manipuleres så lett😀
14.03.2023 kl 13:11 655

Reference is made to the notice on 1 March 2023 regarding employees acquiring shares under IDEX Biometrics 2022 Employee Share Purchase Plan.

The capital increase, 2,648,336 shares, has been registered and the shares issued. Following the issue, the company's share capital is NOK 175,346,238.- divided into 1,168,974,920 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.