Hexagon Purus - til hovedlisten på Oslo Børs 30.mars 2023
Det er overmodent nå. Hovedlisten synes helt klart å være rett hjemmeadresse for Hexagon Purus.
For mer enn nok hysj, hysj? Ja, for det må vel nærmest være 'ny norsk rekord' når et selskap som vokser ekstremt og omsatte for like under milliarden i 2022 for en uke siden - onsdag 15.mars 2023 - SIGNERTE EN ENKELT KONTRAKT MED VERDENS STØRSTE KJØRETØYPRODUSENT TOYOTA (SOM EIER HINO TRUCKS 100%) VERDT CA. USD 2 MILLIARDER (CA. 21 MILLIARDER NOK)...
Hexagon Purus signs landmark long-term agreement with Hino Trucks for zero emission heavy-duty trucks in the U.S.
15.3.2023 07:00 • GlobeNewswire •
...og opplever at en slik giganyhet nærmest forbigås i stillhet.. . Vel, rett skal være rett, Finansavisen gjenga en liten notis fra TDN Finans og E24 publiserte en børskommentar.
Er det noen innen norsk næringsliv som virkelig fortjener mer oppmerksomhet, ja så er det Hexagon Group med Hexagon Purus som `juvelen i kronen'.
Tid 22.03.2023, 15:18:29
MeldingsID 585894
UtstederID HPUR
MarkedEuronext Growth (Oslo)
Application for transfer of shares admitted to trading on Euronext Growth to Oslo Børs
Oslo Børs has received an application from Hexagon Purus ASA for the transfer of shares admitted to trading on Euronext Growth to Oslo Børs.
Det er overmodent nå. Hovedlisten synes helt klart å være rett hjemmeadresse for Hexagon Purus.
For mer enn nok hysj, hysj? Ja, for det må vel nærmest være 'ny norsk rekord' når et selskap som vokser ekstremt og omsatte for like under milliarden i 2022 for en uke siden - onsdag 15.mars 2023 - SIGNERTE EN ENKELT KONTRAKT MED VERDENS STØRSTE KJØRETØYPRODUSENT TOYOTA (SOM EIER HINO TRUCKS 100%) VERDT CA. USD 2 MILLIARDER (CA. 21 MILLIARDER NOK)...
Hexagon Purus signs landmark long-term agreement with Hino Trucks for zero emission heavy-duty trucks in the U.S.
15.3.2023 07:00 • GlobeNewswire •
...og opplever at en slik giganyhet nærmest forbigås i stillhet.. . Vel, rett skal være rett, Finansavisen gjenga en liten notis fra TDN Finans og E24 publiserte en børskommentar.
Er det noen innen norsk næringsliv som virkelig fortjener mer oppmerksomhet, ja så er det Hexagon Group med Hexagon Purus som `juvelen i kronen'.
Tid 22.03.2023, 15:18:29
MeldingsID 585894
UtstederID HPUR
MarkedEuronext Growth (Oslo)
Application for transfer of shares admitted to trading on Euronext Growth to Oslo Børs
Oslo Børs has received an application from Hexagon Purus ASA for the transfer of shares admitted to trading on Euronext Growth to Oslo Børs.
Redigert 29.03.2023 kl 11:41
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Charlie Freak
03.04.2023 kl 16:44
Kan fallet ha noe med avtalen til Norwegian Hydrogen å gjøre (men ser ikke selv hva det skulle være) ?
03.04.2023 kl 14:57
Er ganske uforståelig, tatt i betraktning den utviklingen selskapet er i.
Mistenker at markedet midlertidig har mistet tålmodigheten med grønne investeringer og har flyttet seg til olje-relaterte selskaper (spesielt nå i dag med hoppet i oljepris) eller at de sitter på gjerdet i frykt etter bank-krisen de siste ukene.
Med unntak av kjempekontrakten til HPUR har det vært nokså stille med kontraktsinngåelser av betydning i flere grønne selskaper på Oslobørs de siste månedene dessverre.
Men det tar seg vel opp igjen på et eller annet tidspunkt forhåpentligvis.
Mistenker at markedet midlertidig har mistet tålmodigheten med grønne investeringer og har flyttet seg til olje-relaterte selskaper (spesielt nå i dag med hoppet i oljepris) eller at de sitter på gjerdet i frykt etter bank-krisen de siste ukene.
Med unntak av kjempekontrakten til HPUR har det vært nokså stille med kontraktsinngåelser av betydning i flere grønne selskaper på Oslobørs de siste månedene dessverre.
Men det tar seg vel opp igjen på et eller annet tidspunkt forhåpentligvis.
Rect Angel
03.04.2023 kl 14:37
Oppsiktsvekkende og helt ubegripelig for meg, gitt voldsom overtegnet emisjon på 27 NOK, etterfulgt av signering av kontrakten med HINO Trucks, verdt ca. 21 milliarder NOK. En enkelt kontrakt hvis verdi utgjør mer enn 20 ganger Hexagon Purus's FY2022 omsetning!!!
Når det er sagt, er det på ingen måte første gang jeg er borti 'ubegripelige hendelser' på børs. Langt derifra.
Når det er sagt, er det på ingen måte første gang jeg er borti 'ubegripelige hendelser' på børs. Langt derifra.
Redigert 03.04.2023 kl 15:18
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03.04.2023 kl 13:34
Hva skyldes dette raset i HPUR?
Er vel ned 25-30 prosent siden inngåelse av den 20 milliarders langsiktige kontrakten med Hino Trucks.
Er vel ned 25-30 prosent siden inngåelse av den 20 milliarders langsiktige kontrakten med Hino Trucks.
29.03.2023 kl 18:50
Det var noe slikt jeg tenkte at tidspunkt for overføring til ASK uten at man tok hensyn til gevinst/tap som du skriver, hadde en endedato (2020). Men takk for klargjøring.
Det var et interessant spørsmål. Samtlige aksjer på hovedbørsen kan du ha der, men spørsmålet er vel hva som er lurt å gjøre. Har du et tap, er det muligens lurt å realisere det, og så kjøpe aksjer tilbake, etter notering der, med alt det innebærer. Tapet er da realisert, og fradragsberettiget. Et Google søk ga følgende resultat: « Ved overføring av aksjer/andeler fra kontohaver til aksjesparekonto, skattlegges dette som om aksjen/andelen blir realisert (solgt). Dette gjelder fullt ut fra og med 2020. Aksjonæren blir da skattlagt for gevinster og får fradrag for tap. Overføringen blir ansett som et innskudd på kontoen.«
Så da slipper du salg…
Så da slipper du salg…
Redigert 29.03.2023 kl 18:11
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29.03.2023 kl 16:20
Jeg lurer på det er mulig etter dette å flytte mine aksjer i HPUR over på min aksjesparekonto etter at de kommer på hovedlisten? Om jeg skulle tippe selv går nok ikke dette.
Rect Angel
29.03.2023 kl 11:42
Hexagon Purus ASA: Approval and publication of prospectus and admission to trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market
March 29, 2023 05:30 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA Follow
Reference is made to the announcement made by the Oslo Stock Exchange on 27 March 2023 regarding approval of the listing of the shares in Hexagon Purus ASA (the "Company") on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market. The first day of trading of the Company’s shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market is expected to be on or about 30 March 2023. Consequently, the last day of trading of the Company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo is expected to be today, 29 March 2023.
The Company has prepared a prospectus in connection with the listing of its shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market. The prospectus was approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority today, 29 March 2023, and will be available at the Company's website www.hexagonpurus.com.
For additional information, please contact:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com (http://www.hexagonpurus.com) and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
March 29, 2023 05:30 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA Follow
Reference is made to the announcement made by the Oslo Stock Exchange on 27 March 2023 regarding approval of the listing of the shares in Hexagon Purus ASA (the "Company") on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market. The first day of trading of the Company’s shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market is expected to be on or about 30 March 2023. Consequently, the last day of trading of the Company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo is expected to be today, 29 March 2023.
The Company has prepared a prospectus in connection with the listing of its shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange's main market. The prospectus was approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority today, 29 March 2023, and will be available at the Company's website www.hexagonpurus.com.
For additional information, please contact:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com (http://www.hexagonpurus.com) and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Rect Angel
27.03.2023 kl 21:19
Hexagon Purus ASA: Cancellation of subsequent offering
March 27, 2023 13:40 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Hexagon Purus ASA (the "Company") on 1 March 2023 regarding the successful completion of a capital raise comprising a private placement of 18,518,519 new shares at a price of NOK 27.00 per share, raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 500 million (the "Private Placement"), and a private placement of convertible bonds raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 800 million. In the announcement, it was stated that the Company's Board of Directors would consider carrying out a subsequent offering of up to 2,750,000 new shares at the same subscription price as in the Private Placement (the "Subsequent Offering").
The Company's Board of Directors has resolved not to proceed with the Subsequent Offering.
The background for the cancellation is that the Company's shares have traded below the subscription price in the Private Placement for a substantial period of time and at significant volumes. Existing shareholders wishing to reduce the dilutive effect of the Private Placement have thus had the opportunity to purchase shares in the market at prices below the price which would have been the subscription price in the Subsequent Offering.
March 27, 2023 13:40 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Hexagon Purus ASA (the "Company") on 1 March 2023 regarding the successful completion of a capital raise comprising a private placement of 18,518,519 new shares at a price of NOK 27.00 per share, raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 500 million (the "Private Placement"), and a private placement of convertible bonds raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 800 million. In the announcement, it was stated that the Company's Board of Directors would consider carrying out a subsequent offering of up to 2,750,000 new shares at the same subscription price as in the Private Placement (the "Subsequent Offering").
The Company's Board of Directors has resolved not to proceed with the Subsequent Offering.
The background for the cancellation is that the Company's shares have traded below the subscription price in the Private Placement for a substantial period of time and at significant volumes. Existing shareholders wishing to reduce the dilutive effect of the Private Placement have thus had the opportunity to purchase shares in the market at prices below the price which would have been the subscription price in the Subsequent Offering.
Rect Angel
27.03.2023 kl 12:32
Hexagon Purus ASA
Tid 27.03.2023, 11:54:41
MeldingsID 586221
UtstederID HPUR
Marked Oslo Børs, Euronext Growth (Oslo)
Oslo Børs – Vedtak om opptak til handel – Hexagon Purus ASA
Oslo Børs vedtok å ta aksjene i Hexagon Purus ASA opp til handel på Oslo Børs. Det forutsettes at selskapet før første handelsdag oppfyller opptakskravene på Oslo Børs. Børsdirektøren gis fullmakt til å fastsette første handelsdag, senest 23. juni 2023.
Tid 27.03.2023, 11:54:41
MeldingsID 586221
UtstederID HPUR
Marked Oslo Børs, Euronext Growth (Oslo)
Oslo Børs – Vedtak om opptak til handel – Hexagon Purus ASA
Oslo Børs vedtok å ta aksjene i Hexagon Purus ASA opp til handel på Oslo Børs. Det forutsettes at selskapet før første handelsdag oppfyller opptakskravene på Oslo Børs. Børsdirektøren gis fullmakt til å fastsette første handelsdag, senest 23. juni 2023.
Redigert 27.03.2023 kl 12:32
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Rect Angel
22.03.2023 kl 22:22
Ny sjef utnevnt for Hexagon Purus, Weeze, Tyskland der ting også tegner bra som man kan lese i meldingen.
Wystrach GmbH 03/22/2023
Matthias Kötter becomes the new managing director
Leadership successor at Hexagon Purus in Weeze
( PressBox ) (Weeze / Oslo, 03/22/2023)
Hexagon Purus is pleased to announce that Matthias Kötter will be appointed Managing Director of Hexagon Purus in Weeze. This decision creates the conditions for a gradual transition of responsibility from founder Wolfgang Wolter and Jochen Wystrach to the next generation.
Weeze location has a central role in the overall company
„ We are pleased that with Matthias Kötter we have been able to gain a competent leader for this task, "said Michael Kleschinski, Executive Vice President Light Duty, Distribution & Cylinders of Hexagon Purus. „ Our business in Weeze is central to our ambitions in the field of hydrogen systems in Europe and we are confident that with Matthias Kötter we will continue our strong growth course at the top."
Born in Bedburg-Hau
Matthias Kötter ( 40 ) was born in Bedburg-Hau and completed a mechanical engineering degree at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. He joined Wystrach GmbH in 2020 as Head of Sales and helped shape the company's strong growth course and integration into the Hexagon Purus Group. Kötter has experience in technology as well as in business development and sales. Before he came to the Weezer company, he has held various positions at an international research and development company in the automotive industry, including global technical sales in Japan, China, India and Europe. „ The market for our solutions is growing rapidly. With our innovative products, our product development capacities and our current capacity expansion, we are very well positioned. It's great to have the opportunity to help shape the future of the company in my new role, "said Matthias Kötter.
„ We are happy about the result of the succession planning and are confident that the future of the company is in good hands, "said Jochen Wystrach and Wolfgang Wolter. The founders will closely accompany the transition in 2023.
About Hexagon Purus:
Hexagon Purus ASA is a leading global manufacturer of emission-free mobility and infrastructure solutions for a clean energy future. The company is a leading global provider of Type 4 hydrogen high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell and battery powered electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus products are used in a variety of applications, including light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, buses, stationary storage, distribution, refueling, shipping, rail and aerospace.
Find out more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow Hexagon Purus on LinkedIn!
Wystrach GmbH 03/22/2023
Matthias Kötter becomes the new managing director
Leadership successor at Hexagon Purus in Weeze
( PressBox ) (Weeze / Oslo, 03/22/2023)
Hexagon Purus is pleased to announce that Matthias Kötter will be appointed Managing Director of Hexagon Purus in Weeze. This decision creates the conditions for a gradual transition of responsibility from founder Wolfgang Wolter and Jochen Wystrach to the next generation.
Weeze location has a central role in the overall company
„ We are pleased that with Matthias Kötter we have been able to gain a competent leader for this task, "said Michael Kleschinski, Executive Vice President Light Duty, Distribution & Cylinders of Hexagon Purus. „ Our business in Weeze is central to our ambitions in the field of hydrogen systems in Europe and we are confident that with Matthias Kötter we will continue our strong growth course at the top."
Born in Bedburg-Hau
Matthias Kötter ( 40 ) was born in Bedburg-Hau and completed a mechanical engineering degree at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. He joined Wystrach GmbH in 2020 as Head of Sales and helped shape the company's strong growth course and integration into the Hexagon Purus Group. Kötter has experience in technology as well as in business development and sales. Before he came to the Weezer company, he has held various positions at an international research and development company in the automotive industry, including global technical sales in Japan, China, India and Europe. „ The market for our solutions is growing rapidly. With our innovative products, our product development capacities and our current capacity expansion, we are very well positioned. It's great to have the opportunity to help shape the future of the company in my new role, "said Matthias Kötter.
„ We are happy about the result of the succession planning and are confident that the future of the company is in good hands, "said Jochen Wystrach and Wolfgang Wolter. The founders will closely accompany the transition in 2023.
About Hexagon Purus:
Hexagon Purus ASA is a leading global manufacturer of emission-free mobility and infrastructure solutions for a clean energy future. The company is a leading global provider of Type 4 hydrogen high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell and battery powered electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus products are used in a variety of applications, including light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, buses, stationary storage, distribution, refueling, shipping, rail and aerospace.
Find out more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow Hexagon Purus on LinkedIn!
Redigert 22.03.2023 kl 22:31
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22.03.2023 kl 19:32
Dette bør vel bli en realitet! Skulle vel heller ikke ta så alt for lang tid.