Noreco med nytt navn. BlueNord og ticker BNOR.
Starter er ny trÄd med riktig ticker og navn. Bortsett fra navnet er innholdet akkurat det samme. Aksjen har vÊrt i en heller dÄrlig kursutvikling i det siste, men det deler den jo med det meste innen olje og gass.
Det gÄr mot en formidabel Þkning i gassproduksjonen til vinteren pÄ Tyra II. GjenÄpnig av Tyrafeltet forventes Ä Þke produksjonen etter hvert til ca. 50 000 boepd fra dagens 27 000 boed. Q1 23 avholdes 10. mai.
Bra driv i dag med 3,9 % oppgang.
Det gÄr mot en formidabel Þkning i gassproduksjonen til vinteren pÄ Tyra II. GjenÄpnig av Tyrafeltet forventes Ä Þke produksjonen etter hvert til ca. 50 000 boepd fra dagens 27 000 boed. Q1 23 avholdes 10. mai.
Bra driv i dag med 3,9 % oppgang.
Redigert 05.05.2023 kl 17:52
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18.03.2024 kl 07:08
Vil tro 25 Ă„r skulle gi mange gode utbytter.
Dagens kurs vil sannsynligvis vĂŠre tilbakebetalt allerede etter max et par Ă„r.
Dagens kurs vil sannsynligvis vĂŠre tilbakebetalt allerede etter max et par Ă„r.
18.03.2024 kl 08:56
Trekker frem denne som FF la ut 28/2, den sier sykt mye pÄ kun fÄ minutter:
Presentasjonen som BlueNord gjorde pÄ konferansen til SP1M . Mye om tilbakebetaling til aksjonÊrene.
Starter ved andre blÄ strek.
Presentasjonen som BlueNord gjorde pÄ konferansen til SP1M . Mye om tilbakebetaling til aksjonÊrene.
Starter ved andre blÄ strek.
Redigert 18.03.2024 kl 08:57
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18.03.2024 kl 09:26
Denne presentasjonen har nok ikke fÄtt sÄ mye oppmerksomhet som den fortjener. Han sier i klartekst at med en oljepris pÄ 80$ og gasspris pÄ 30 EUR/ MWh er forventet utbytte over de neste tre Är pÄ nivÄ med dagens markedsverdi.
Akkurat nÄ er olja i 86 og gassen 28,4.
Edit :
Regnet litt pÄ tallene i presentasjonen og 130- 180 kr i utbytte pr aksje pr Är er den rangen han indikerer i det laveste at de tre scenariene.
Mitt svar pÄ spÞrsmÄlet over er at med first gas i lÞpet av mars og ramp-up som planlagt i Q2 bÞr kursen stige til >1000 i lÞpet av fire mÄneder.
Akkurat nÄ er olja i 86 og gassen 28,4.
Edit :
Regnet litt pÄ tallene i presentasjonen og 130- 180 kr i utbytte pr aksje pr Är er den rangen han indikerer i det laveste at de tre scenariene.
Mitt svar pÄ spÞrsmÄlet over er at med first gas i lÞpet av mars og ramp-up som planlagt i Q2 bÞr kursen stige til >1000 i lÞpet av fire mÄneder.
Redigert 18.03.2024 kl 09:42
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18.03.2024 kl 09:55
I dagens pressemelding som er positiv i seg selv stÄr " Tyra facilities now processing gas" !!!!!!!!
The Company's 2P Reserves Replacement Ratio was 135%, with a total of 12.3mmboe
added, mainly from the maturation of projects, more than offsetting the 2023
production of 9.1 mmboe.
"I am pleased to announce that during 2023, BlueNord's 2P Reserves have
increased due to the successful maturation of the Adda development from
Contingent Resources to Justified for Development. The 135% Reserves Replacement
achieved in 2023 is an indication of the quality and the richness of the DUC
opportunity inventory. With the brand-new Tyra facilities now processing gas,
the maturation of projects that will utilise these new state of the art
processing facilities is key, and the 2023 result shows that we are on track",
said Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer.
18.03.2024 kl 10:04
Jo, men gassen kommer ikke fra Tyrafeltet. Den kommer fra Dan. Se meldingen fra i gpr.
« Gas from the Dan F platform has started to
enter into the new Tyra II system.»
Uansett et veldig positiv melding som jeg ikke fikk med meg fÞr nÄ.
« Gas from the Dan F platform has started to
enter into the new Tyra II system.»
Uansett et veldig positiv melding som jeg ikke fikk med meg fÞr nÄ.
18.03.2024 kl 11:42
E-post i dag:
BlueNord: 2023 Annual Statement of Reserves and Resources with 135% Replacement Ratio
Oslo, 18 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") has today published its 2023 Annual Statement of Reserves and Resources. As of 31 December 2023, the Companyâs net 2P (Proven and Probable) Reserves were 185.6 mmboe. This classification includes the producing Dan, Halfdan and Gorm hubs, the Tyra II redevelopment project and several other infill wells and development projects.
The Companyâs 2P Reserves Replacement Ratio was 135%, with a total of 12.3mmboe added, mainly from the maturation of projects, more than offsetting the 2023 production of 9.1 mmboe.
âI am pleased to announce that during 2023, BlueNordâs 2P Reserves have increased due to the successful maturation of the Adda development from Contingent Resources to Justified for Development. The 135% Reserves Replacement achieved in 2023 is an indication of the quality and the richness of the DUC opportunity inventory. With the brand-new Tyra facilities now processing gas, the maturation of projects that will utilise these new state of the art processing facilities is key, and the 2023 result shows that we are on trackâ, said Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer.
The Reserves Report is attached and will be made available on the Company's website
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
BlueNord: 2023 Annual Statement of Reserves and Resources with 135% Replacement Ratio
Oslo, 18 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") has today published its 2023 Annual Statement of Reserves and Resources. As of 31 December 2023, the Companyâs net 2P (Proven and Probable) Reserves were 185.6 mmboe. This classification includes the producing Dan, Halfdan and Gorm hubs, the Tyra II redevelopment project and several other infill wells and development projects.
The Companyâs 2P Reserves Replacement Ratio was 135%, with a total of 12.3mmboe added, mainly from the maturation of projects, more than offsetting the 2023 production of 9.1 mmboe.
âI am pleased to announce that during 2023, BlueNordâs 2P Reserves have increased due to the successful maturation of the Adda development from Contingent Resources to Justified for Development. The 135% Reserves Replacement achieved in 2023 is an indication of the quality and the richness of the DUC opportunity inventory. With the brand-new Tyra facilities now processing gas, the maturation of projects that will utilise these new state of the art processing facilities is key, and the 2023 result shows that we are on trackâ, said Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer.
The Reserves Report is attached and will be made available on the Company's website
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
20.03.2024 kl 11:58
Mars produksjonen vil overaske og her er mye spennende i nĂŠr fremtid. Jakter rĂžde tall og Ăžker posisjonen deretter, fĂžr den skal opp.
21.03.2024 kl 08:21
Da gÄr vi inn i dette tidsintervallet fra 21. til 31. mars hvor first gas fra Tyra II er meldt.
21.03.2024 kl 17:19
AngÄende utbytte 50-70% av overskudd i utbytte. Hvor mye tenker dere at det utgjÞr Ärlig? NÄr Tyra en online
21.03.2024 kl 17:50
Sydney jeg klipper og limer inn denne fra litt oppi trÄden her, har sjÞl ikke regnet pÄ noe utbytte sÄ kan ikke gÄ god for om det stemmer:
18.03.2024 kl 09:26
Denne presentasjonen har nok ikke fÄtt sÄ mye oppmerksomhet som den fortjener. Han sier i klartekst at med en oljepris pÄ 80$ og gasspris pÄ 30 EUR/ MWh er forventet utbytte over de neste tre Är pÄ nivÄ med dagens markedsverdi.
Akkurat nÄ er olja i 86 og gassen 28,4.
Edit :
Regnet litt pÄ tallene i presentasjonen og 130- 180 kr i utbytte pr aksje pr Är er den rangen han indikerer i det laveste at de tre scenariene.
Mitt svar pÄ spÞrsmÄlet over er at med first gas i lÞpet av mars og ramp-up som planlagt i Q2 bÞr kursen stige til >1000 i lÞpet av fire mÄneder.
HÞr fra andre blÄ strek
18.03.2024 kl 09:26
Denne presentasjonen har nok ikke fÄtt sÄ mye oppmerksomhet som den fortjener. Han sier i klartekst at med en oljepris pÄ 80$ og gasspris pÄ 30 EUR/ MWh er forventet utbytte over de neste tre Är pÄ nivÄ med dagens markedsverdi.
Akkurat nÄ er olja i 86 og gassen 28,4.
Edit :
Regnet litt pÄ tallene i presentasjonen og 130- 180 kr i utbytte pr aksje pr Är er den rangen han indikerer i det laveste at de tre scenariene.
Mitt svar pÄ spÞrsmÄlet over er at med first gas i lÞpet av mars og ramp-up som planlagt i Q2 bÞr kursen stige til >1000 i lÞpet av fire mÄneder.
HÞr fra andre blÄ strek
Redigert 21.03.2024 kl 17:53
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22.03.2024 kl 08:54
E-post i dag.
BlueNord: Tyra II Production Successfully Restarted
Oslo, 22 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") in the late hours on 21 March 2024 successfully reached an important milestone with the safe restart of production.
Since the acquisition of Shellâs upstream assets in Denmark in 2019, the Tyra Redevelopment Project has been the key focus for the Company and its partners in the Danish Underground Consortium (the âDUCâ), and first production from Tyra II marks a true inflection-point for BlueNord and its stakeholders.
The Tyra Redevelopment Project is, to date, the largest project carried out on Danish Continental Shelf with the fabrication and installation of eight new platform topsides. With production from Tyra, Denmark will not only be self-sufficient but also a net-exporter of natural gas to Europe. The production from the new Tyra facilities is expected to more than double BlueNordâs net production to over 50 mboepd by the end of 2024 and unlock gross reserves of more than 200 mmboe. In addition, redeveloped Tyra will significantly decrease field opex and emissions intensity, and at the same time extend its field life by 25 years, only constrained by the 2042 license expiry.
âWith restart of production today, the most important Tyra Redevelopment milestone has been achieved. I would like to thank TotalEnergies and the Tyra Project team for their commitment to the project and for safely restarting the production on Tyra. Focus is now on bringing the Tyra fields and satellites Valdemar, Roar, Harald and Svend on production through one of the most advanced and efficient offshore gas installations in the world,â said Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer of BlueNord.
âWe are delighted to announce the restart of production from Tyra, marking a significant milestone in a journey that began for us nearly five years ago when we became a partner in the DUC. The successful delivery of this project is a monumental accomplishment that is a testament to the commitment, resilience, and perseverance of all parties involved, not only at BlueNord but also at TotalEnergies and NordsĂžfonden. With a ramp-up that is expected to last four months, Tyra will shortly be a key supporter of energy security in the region, transforming Denmark from a net importer to a net exporter of natural gas and supporting the European Union in a manner that compares favourably to imported LNG. For BlueNord, this moment represents the beginning of a new journey: one that will see us more than double our production and, with the benefit of significantly increased free cash flow generation, fulfil our longstanding commitment to shareholder distributions. Today we celebrate not only a major accomplishment but also the bright future that Tyra will help us deliver for all our stakeholders,â said Euan Shirlaw, Chief Executive Officer of BlueNord
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
BlueNord: Tyra II Production Successfully Restarted
Oslo, 22 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") in the late hours on 21 March 2024 successfully reached an important milestone with the safe restart of production.
Since the acquisition of Shellâs upstream assets in Denmark in 2019, the Tyra Redevelopment Project has been the key focus for the Company and its partners in the Danish Underground Consortium (the âDUCâ), and first production from Tyra II marks a true inflection-point for BlueNord and its stakeholders.
The Tyra Redevelopment Project is, to date, the largest project carried out on Danish Continental Shelf with the fabrication and installation of eight new platform topsides. With production from Tyra, Denmark will not only be self-sufficient but also a net-exporter of natural gas to Europe. The production from the new Tyra facilities is expected to more than double BlueNordâs net production to over 50 mboepd by the end of 2024 and unlock gross reserves of more than 200 mmboe. In addition, redeveloped Tyra will significantly decrease field opex and emissions intensity, and at the same time extend its field life by 25 years, only constrained by the 2042 license expiry.
âWith restart of production today, the most important Tyra Redevelopment milestone has been achieved. I would like to thank TotalEnergies and the Tyra Project team for their commitment to the project and for safely restarting the production on Tyra. Focus is now on bringing the Tyra fields and satellites Valdemar, Roar, Harald and Svend on production through one of the most advanced and efficient offshore gas installations in the world,â said Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer of BlueNord.
âWe are delighted to announce the restart of production from Tyra, marking a significant milestone in a journey that began for us nearly five years ago when we became a partner in the DUC. The successful delivery of this project is a monumental accomplishment that is a testament to the commitment, resilience, and perseverance of all parties involved, not only at BlueNord but also at TotalEnergies and NordsĂžfonden. With a ramp-up that is expected to last four months, Tyra will shortly be a key supporter of energy security in the region, transforming Denmark from a net importer to a net exporter of natural gas and supporting the European Union in a manner that compares favourably to imported LNG. For BlueNord, this moment represents the beginning of a new journey: one that will see us more than double our production and, with the benefit of significantly increased free cash flow generation, fulfil our longstanding commitment to shareholder distributions. Today we celebrate not only a major accomplishment but also the bright future that Tyra will help us deliver for all our stakeholders,â said Euan Shirlaw, Chief Executive Officer of BlueNord
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
22.03.2024 kl 10:23
Godt Ä vite at det nÄ gikk etter plan. Kursen reagerte ikke, men dette var jo godt kjent i markedet vil jeg tro. Produksjonen ventes Ä gradvis Þke i de nÊrmeste 4 mÄneder sÄ det kan bli mange positive meldinger fremover. Ikke minst utbytte/tilbakekjÞp av aksjer.
22.03.2024 kl 11:11
22.03.2024 kl 11:20
Ser at det guides hele 22 000 fat kondensat pr. dag. Noen som vet prisen pÄ denne opp mot Brent Oil? Min oppfattelse fra andre steder er omtrent samme pris eller et lite pÄslag for kondensat.
23.03.2024 kl 12:50
Da ble det vel et skuldertrekk i markedet og en minimal nedgang som ble fasiten. Satser pÄ positive nyheter rundt ramp up framover og at kursen beveger seg godt oppover fÞr fÞrste utbytte.
23.03.2024 kl 13:21
Jepp. Startet veldig bra, men falt 15 kr tilbake fra kl. 09:05.
Meldingen fikk mye oppmerksomhet i fagpressen.
Meldingen fikk mye oppmerksomhet i fagpressen.
Redigert 23.03.2024 kl 13:40
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23.03.2024 kl 18:04
Dagens FA skriver mye bra om selskapet sÄ flere som leser dette kan fÄ Þynene opp for BNOR:
Flippet litt fra dagens FA: Energi: BlueNord har startet gassproduksjonen i Danmark og skal mer enn doble produksjonen fremover. Det kan bety Ă©n milliard dollar i utbytter de neste par Ă„rene, ifĂžlge to meglerhus.
Det stÄr mye om utbytter og priser pÄ f.eks: I Europa ligger gassprisen nÄ pÄ rundt 48 dollar pr. fat oljeekvivalenter, mens oljeprisen er i 85 dollar fatet.
Flippet litt fra dagens FA: Energi: BlueNord har startet gassproduksjonen i Danmark og skal mer enn doble produksjonen fremover. Det kan bety Ă©n milliard dollar i utbytter de neste par Ă„rene, ifĂžlge to meglerhus.
Det stÄr mye om utbytter og priser pÄ f.eks: I Europa ligger gassprisen nÄ pÄ rundt 48 dollar pr. fat oljeekvivalenter, mens oljeprisen er i 85 dollar fatet.
Redigert 23.03.2024 kl 18:11
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27.03.2024 kl 08:42
PĂ„ 5 Ă„rs sikt - Hvilke av BNOR , PNOR eller PEN vil gi best avkastning totalt sett (kurs og utbytte)? Ta gjerne med i regnestykket at PNOR vil begynne med utbytte i H1/H2 2024
PĂ„ 5 Ă„rs sikt - Hvilke av BNOR , PNOR eller PEN vil gi best avkastning totalt sett (kurs og utbytte)? Ta gjerne med i regnestykket at PNOR vil begynne med utbytte i H1/H2 2024
Redigert 27.03.2024 kl 08:43
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28.03.2024 kl 14:43
E-post i dag:
BlueNord: Tyra Redevelopment Project: Opening on Valves in Nybro and Export of Gas to the Danish Market
Oslo, 28 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") continues to progress according to plan with the valves at the Nybro Gas Treatment Plant expected to open today and first gas will be exported to the Danish market from Tyra II. Reference is made to the REMIT notification issued by TotalEnergies: Postings ( (
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
đ đđ€Łvi ler hele veien til banken
BlueNord: Tyra Redevelopment Project: Opening on Valves in Nybro and Export of Gas to the Danish Market
Oslo, 28 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") continues to progress according to plan with the valves at the Nybro Gas Treatment Plant expected to open today and first gas will be exported to the Danish market from Tyra II. Reference is made to the REMIT notification issued by TotalEnergies: Postings ( (
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
đ đđ€Łvi ler hele veien til banken
28.03.2024 kl 16:07
Beklager, men det vet jeg selvsagt ikke. Da hadde jeg jo satt alt i det.
Kan skrive mye om det, men orker ikke det nÄ.
Imidlertid har jeg klart mest penger i PEN og det forteller vel hvem jeg har mest tro pÄ de nÊrmeste Ärene i hvert fall.
Kan skrive mye om det, men orker ikke det nÄ.
Imidlertid har jeg klart mest penger i PEN og det forteller vel hvem jeg har mest tro pÄ de nÊrmeste Ärene i hvert fall.
Redigert 28.03.2024 kl 16:07
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03.04.2024 kl 08:42
03.04.2024 kl 12:54
Sterk kursutvikling i dag. De fleste andre gjÞr det klart dÄrligere enn Brent i dag. BNOR gÄr best. Antakelig grunnet dagens melding pluss at SB1M Þker kursmÄlet til 635 fra 615 kr. Det ligger an til Ärets hÞyeste kurs i dag.
03.04.2024 kl 13:03
Betyr dette 3000 fat ekstra daglig pÄ toppen av det de produserte forrige mÄned og uten Tyra? Halfdan er ett helt eget felt som ikke har noe med Tyra Ä gjÞre ikke sant? Det var en positiv overraskelse om jeg forstÄr riktig.
03.04.2024 kl 15:34
Halfdan er et eget felt, ja. Det var ikke noen overraskelse, produksjonen fra Halfdan var planlagt Ä starte nÄ i april, men det er jo alltid betryggende nÄr ting gÄr etter planen. Ser at det er uvanlig hÞy omsetning i dag, kan virke som markedet omsider begynner Ä fÄ Þynene opp for fremtidsutsiktene til BlueNord.
03.04.2024 kl 16:18
Kan bare legge til at dette jo er samme brÞnn som ble spuddet i juni, sÄ dette har tatt veldig lang tid av en eller annen grunn.
« Announcing the start of drilling of the first well, BlueNord said Monday:"This is the first of two infill wells to be drilled during 2023 in the Tor reservoir in the Halfdan North East area. Following the spudding, drilling activities will continue for the next months, and the well is scheduled to be on stream during autumn this year and is expected to have an initial peak production rate of 3 mboe/day net to BlueNord where approximately 75% is gas."
Har altsÄ tatt betydelig lengre tid. Husker ikke om noe ble meldt i den forbindelse.
« Announcing the start of drilling of the first well, BlueNord said Monday:"This is the first of two infill wells to be drilled during 2023 in the Tor reservoir in the Halfdan North East area. Following the spudding, drilling activities will continue for the next months, and the well is scheduled to be on stream during autumn this year and is expected to have an initial peak production rate of 3 mboe/day net to BlueNord where approximately 75% is gas."
Har altsÄ tatt betydelig lengre tid. Husker ikke om noe ble meldt i den forbindelse.
Redigert 03.04.2024 kl 16:19
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03.04.2024 kl 16:31
Det var sÄvidt nevnt i Q3-rapporten, ser jeg:
Technical issues encountered: expected to be ready for production in Q1 2024
Learnings taken into account for further three Halfdan infill wells.
Technical issues encountered: expected to be ready for production in Q1 2024
Learnings taken into account for further three Halfdan infill wells.
03.04.2024 kl 16:44
Takk. Det forklarer jo saken. Da er det tydeligvis ogsÄ en forandring i forhold til den artikkelen jeg la inn. Der stod at det skulle bores to brÞnner mens det mÄ altsÄ ser ut til Ä bli fire.
Veldig bra dag i dag. Bare tre kroner under sluttkurs 31.oktober som er ATH i «moderne tid»
Veldig bra dag i dag. Bare tre kroner under sluttkurs 31.oktober som er ATH i «moderne tid»
04.04.2024 kl 06:45
Hva blir total produksjon pr dag nÄ nÄr Tyra er pÄ full gass og Halfdan produserer mer?
05.04.2024 kl 06:32
startet nylig opp igjen produksjonen fra gassfeltet Tyra etter flere Ă„r med utvikling.
NÄ handler det om Ä Þke produksjonen de neste mÄnedene mot platÄproduksjon, som antagelig blir mot midten av sommeren.
Deretter refinansiere gjeld som i neste omgang Ă„pner opp for utbytter, antagelig fra tredje kvartal.
muligheter for Ä fÄ tilbakebetalt 50 prosent av dagens aksjekurs mot slutten av 2026.
startet nylig opp igjen produksjonen fra gassfeltet Tyra etter flere Ă„r med utvikling.
NÄ handler det om Ä Þke produksjonen de neste mÄnedene mot platÄproduksjon, som antagelig blir mot midten av sommeren.
Deretter refinansiere gjeld som i neste omgang Ă„pner opp for utbytter, antagelig fra tredje kvartal.
muligheter for Ä fÄ tilbakebetalt 50 prosent av dagens aksjekurs mot slutten av 2026.
05.04.2024 kl 10:12
Tre fond delte de 400k som gikk i dag morges.
Typiskfond kommer inn etter tre-gangen.
Men nÄ kommer flere og flere institusjoner etter.
Typiskfond kommer inn etter tre-gangen.
Men nÄ kommer flere og flere institusjoner etter.
05.04.2024 kl 18:39
Fra FA:
«BlueNord steg 1,4 prosent pĂ„ dagens femte hĂžyeste omsetning. Dette til tross for at Taconic Capital Advisors UK, nĂŠrstĂ„ende til styremedlem Peter Coleman, solgte 400.000 aksjer til kurs 582 kroner â tilsvarende et proveny pĂ„ over 230 millioner kroner»
«BlueNord steg 1,4 prosent pĂ„ dagens femte hĂžyeste omsetning. Dette til tross for at Taconic Capital Advisors UK, nĂŠrstĂ„ende til styremedlem Peter Coleman, solgte 400.000 aksjer til kurs 582 kroner â tilsvarende et proveny pĂ„ over 230 millioner kroner»
08.04.2024 kl 08:42
Legger inn hele meldingen:
«BlueNord: Preliminary Production for March and First Quarter 2024
Oslo, 8 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") has today
announced its preliminary production figures for March and first quarter 2024.
The Company had a preliminary production in March of net 24.0 mboepd and
BlueNord exited the month with a production rate of 27.0 mboepd as the Halfdan
NE well HBA-27B came online. The overall performance of the producing assets was
strong, with an operational efficiency above 90% achieved on Halfdan and Dan and
planned compressor maintenance carried out on Gorm.
The preliminary first quarter 2024 production figure was 23.5 mboepd, above the
quarterly guidance of 22.0 - 23.0 mboepd.»
«BlueNord: Preliminary Production for March and First Quarter 2024
Oslo, 8 March 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") has today
announced its preliminary production figures for March and first quarter 2024.
The Company had a preliminary production in March of net 24.0 mboepd and
BlueNord exited the month with a production rate of 27.0 mboepd as the Halfdan
NE well HBA-27B came online. The overall performance of the producing assets was
strong, with an operational efficiency above 90% achieved on Halfdan and Dan and
planned compressor maintenance carried out on Gorm.
The preliminary first quarter 2024 production figure was 23.5 mboepd, above the
quarterly guidance of 22.0 - 23.0 mboepd.»
10.04.2024 kl 15:58
Pareto Þker kursmÄlet fra 630 kr til 650 kr.
MÄ innrÞmme at jeg er skeptisk til utviklingen av gassprisen. Vi har blitt reddet av hedging tidligere, men hva nÄ etter at Tyra kom i drift?
MÄ innrÞmme at jeg er skeptisk til utviklingen av gassprisen. Vi har blitt reddet av hedging tidligere, men hva nÄ etter at Tyra kom i drift?
11.04.2024 kl 09:37
Fint driv i aksjen nÄ. 598 kr. Har ofte gÄtt ned igjen herfra, men vi fÄr hÄpe 600 kr brytes for fÞrste gang siden 2014.
11.04.2024 kl 13:40
11.04.2024 kl 15:21
Dagens, alt alt alt gÄr pÄ skinner (eller i rÞr)
BlueNord ASA Oslo, 11 April 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") continues to progress according to plan with the commencement of processing and export of gas from the Tyra Satellite Harald field in the evening of 10 April. Following this milestone, Tyra volumes have begun to contribute to BlueNordâs net production and Tyra gas is being supplied to the Danish and European market.
"I am delighted to announce that we are now producing and exporting gas from Tyra to Denmark, following a suspension of Tyra production since 2019. This is the first step of the 2024 ramp-up, bringing us up to more than 50mboepd of net production,"âŻsaid Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer in BlueNord.
BlueNord ASA Oslo, 11 April 2024: BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Tyra Redevelopment Project ("Tyra" or "Tyra II") continues to progress according to plan with the commencement of processing and export of gas from the Tyra Satellite Harald field in the evening of 10 April. Following this milestone, Tyra volumes have begun to contribute to BlueNordâs net production and Tyra gas is being supplied to the Danish and European market.
"I am delighted to announce that we are now producing and exporting gas from Tyra to Denmark, following a suspension of Tyra production since 2019. This is the first step of the 2024 ramp-up, bringing us up to more than 50mboepd of net production,"âŻsaid Marianne Eide, Chief Operating Officer in BlueNord.
11.04.2024 kl 18:59
Hartepool skrev Kjetil Skorstad inn i Bnor âŠnĂ„ omsdider kommer saueflokken.
Det er liten aktivitet pÄ denne trÄden. SÄ da kan jeg legge inn endringer pÄ topp tjue lista her.
Nedenfor er siste oppdatering pÄ trÄd: Top 20 liste Noreco;
Oppdatert: 14.02.2024 kl 20:00
Investor Number of shares % of total Type Country
1 EUROCLEAR BANK S.A./N.V. 6 812 266,00 26 NOM BEL
2 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. 5 093 478,00 19,44 NOM GBR
3 SOBER AS 1 850 000,00 7,06 PRIV NOR
4 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 1 447 576,00 5,52 NOM USA
5 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 1 286 751,00 4,91 NOM GBR
6 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 818 256,00 3,12 NOM GBR
7 BNP PARIBAS 593 990,00 2,27 NOM IRL
10 CITIBANK, N.A. 495 469,00 1,89 NOM IRL
11 SBAKKEJORD AS 419 586,00 1,6 PRIV NOR
12 FINSNES INVEST AS 316 000,00 1,21 PRIV NOR
13 SOSYFR INVEST AS 308 070,00 1,18 PRIV NOR
14 ALTO HOLDING AS 237 868,00 0,91 PRIV NOR
15 VELDE HOLDING AS 232 222,00 0,89 PRIV NOR
17 MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INT. PLC. 220 264,00 0,84 NOM GBR
18 OUSDAL AS 200 000,00 0,76 PRIV NOR
19 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC 176 788,00 0,67 NOM USA
% av topp 20 - 83,6.
NY mellon har redusert med ca. 850. Ellers fÄ endringer siden slutten av november. Sbakkejord og Alto Þker med noen tusen.
11.04.2024 kl 19:06
Og her er en oppdatert liste.
Updated 2024-04-1
Nr Investor Number of shares % of total
1 EUROCLEAR BANK S.A./N.V. 6 395 473,00 24,41
3 SOBER AS 1 850 000,00 7,06
4 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 1 447 576,00 5,52
5 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 1 286 751,00 4,91
6 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 818 256,00 3,12
7 BNP PARIBAS 593 990,00 2,27
8 CITIBANK, N.A. 512 494,00 1,96
9 CLEARSTREAM BANKING S.A. 510 393,00 1,95
10 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 474 043,00 1,81
11 SBAKKEJORD AS 425 500,00 1,62
12 FINSNES INVEST AS 311 000,00 1,19
13 SOSYFR INVEST AS 308 070,00 1,18
14 ALTO HOLDING AS 234 808,00 0,9
15 VELDE HOLDING AS 230 000,00 0,88
16 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 228 149,00 0,87
17 MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INT. PLC. 212 351,00 0,81
18 OUSDAL AS 200 000,00 0,76
20 SONGA CAPITAL AS 185 735,00 0,71
Nr. 19 og 20 er ny pÄ lista.
Songa eies av Arne Blystad.
Updated 2024-04-1
Nr Investor Number of shares % of total
1 EUROCLEAR BANK S.A./N.V. 6 395 473,00 24,41
3 SOBER AS 1 850 000,00 7,06
4 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 1 447 576,00 5,52
5 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 1 286 751,00 4,91
6 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 818 256,00 3,12
7 BNP PARIBAS 593 990,00 2,27
8 CITIBANK, N.A. 512 494,00 1,96
9 CLEARSTREAM BANKING S.A. 510 393,00 1,95
10 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 474 043,00 1,81
11 SBAKKEJORD AS 425 500,00 1,62
12 FINSNES INVEST AS 311 000,00 1,19
13 SOSYFR INVEST AS 308 070,00 1,18
14 ALTO HOLDING AS 234 808,00 0,9
15 VELDE HOLDING AS 230 000,00 0,88
16 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 228 149,00 0,87
17 MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INT. PLC. 212 351,00 0,81
18 OUSDAL AS 200 000,00 0,76
20 SONGA CAPITAL AS 185 735,00 0,71
Nr. 19 og 20 er ny pÄ lista.
Songa eies av Arne Blystad.
Redigert 11.04.2024 kl 21:08
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12.04.2024 kl 09:18
rsrapporten foreligger idag, en himmelblÄ lektyre.Her vil alt gÄ opp opp opp.
Fra ;
We entered 2024 with a strong portfolio, supported
by the near-term addition of volumes from Tyra.
This means BlueNord is now able to put in place a
distribution policy that we believe fully delivers the
value of BlueNordâs portfolio to all our
stakeholders; we will prioritise near-term
distributions during 2024 to 2026, while at the
same time maintaining a conservative balance
sheet and undertaking measured reinvestment
where attractive opportunities to do so exist.
Despite the impact of Tyra on production in the
current year and beyond, we do not envisage any
change to the Companyâs approach. Each
decision will continue to be assessed against the
most efficient use of capital and the Companyâs
ability to drive higher distributions for investors and
other stakeholders for the long term. Nonetheless,
with production set to double, BlueNord finds itself
in a fortunate position, affording it a strong base
and flexibility, supporting its future.
As the year develops, I look forward to updating
investors on further milestones as they are met and
our plans for distribution. Despite the impact of an
increasingly volatile world, I also look forward to the
future of the Company with continued confidence."
Fra ;
We entered 2024 with a strong portfolio, supported
by the near-term addition of volumes from Tyra.
This means BlueNord is now able to put in place a
distribution policy that we believe fully delivers the
value of BlueNordâs portfolio to all our
stakeholders; we will prioritise near-term
distributions during 2024 to 2026, while at the
same time maintaining a conservative balance
sheet and undertaking measured reinvestment
where attractive opportunities to do so exist.
Despite the impact of Tyra on production in the
current year and beyond, we do not envisage any
change to the Companyâs approach. Each
decision will continue to be assessed against the
most efficient use of capital and the Companyâs
ability to drive higher distributions for investors and
other stakeholders for the long term. Nonetheless,
with production set to double, BlueNord finds itself
in a fortunate position, affording it a strong base
and flexibility, supporting its future.
As the year develops, I look forward to updating
investors on further milestones as they are met and
our plans for distribution. Despite the impact of an
increasingly volatile world, I also look forward to the
future of the Company with continued confidence."
Redigert 12.04.2024 kl 09:19
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12.04.2024 kl 10:26
Denne kunne vĂŠrt klarere - jeg leser at det planlegges utbytter fra og med 2024, men at selskapet vil holde tilbake en betydelig buffer for fremtidig reinvestering.
Det rimer vel godt med det som allerede er kommunisert - at 60-70% av fri kontantstrĂžm settes av til utbytte.
Det rimer vel godt med det som allerede er kommunisert - at 60-70% av fri kontantstrĂžm settes av til utbytte.
13.04.2024 kl 10:37
Ser Pareto operere med "kun" 3,53 USD/aksje (ca 38 NOK) i utbytte fra 2027. Vet ikke hvorfor de forventer en sÄpass drastisk nedgang fra 2026, men dette er kanskje pga store avskrivninger/skatt de fÞrste driftÄrene og synkende produksjon etter dette?
Ăvrig sĂ„ har de fĂžlgende utbytte forventninger i USD/Ă„r for 2024-2027:
8.18 (ca 89 NOK)
13.81 (ca 150 NOK)
8.60 (ca 93 NOK)
3.53 (ca 38 NOK)
Ăvrig sĂ„ har de fĂžlgende utbytte forventninger i USD/Ă„r for 2024-2027:
8.18 (ca 89 NOK)
13.81 (ca 150 NOK)
8.60 (ca 93 NOK)
3.53 (ca 38 NOK)