Rec Silicon in roadshow for this week. Capital increase coming

RECSI 09.05.2023 kl 09:40 3760

All analysts indicate that Rec Silicon needs to raise capital.

Usually, companies do investor roadshows before they raise capital. Rec Silicon announced their roadshow starting on 11/5 till 15/5. Capital raise may come right after that.

In good markets, I would expect a discount of at least 10%. In these markets, discount might be much bigger. I am short Rec Silicon - hope to buy it back after the capital raise at a much cheaper price.

The short-term trading idea is supported by the oversupply in the silicon market predicted for this year. Sparebank issued a report on this last week.

I am short Rec silicon and may short even more if there is a rebound before 15/5

09.05.2023 kl 10:43 3656

Slettet bruker
09.05.2023 kl 10:50 3630

Good luck with the short :-)
09.05.2023 kl 11:04 3573

Another scary issue that might affect RECSI is the upcoming deadline ( approx 1. june) to raise the US Debt limit.

Republicans agree to raise the debt limit only if Government-spending declines substantially.
Pri one for the Republicans is to cut back on Bidens Build Back Better-plan.

For RECSI the upcoming fight between republicans and democrats on this issue will have 2 big implications.
A: General Wall-street chaos that will affect the broader market. ( In 2011 the SP500 lost 10% during av similar episode).
B: A cut-back on federal funding of solar-projects due to BBB-funding decline/collapse .

RECSI might face som tough upcoming weeks.
09.05.2023 kl 11:22 3503

rascal skrev Kilde?
Ei falsk melding om roadshow bør fjernast av admin.
09.05.2023 kl 12:58 3332

Fully agree. Challenging few weeks if they do a capital increase now, I think they will need to do it around 12-13 NOK. Significant downside from here.
09.05.2023 kl 13:49 3231

If they want to do a capital increase another issue will be what info they will allow to be shared with the broader market.

The all internal dealmaking between RECSI and Hanwha that we have seen lately is an impossible setup if they want to raise money in the stockmarket. The transparency needed to carry out such a capital raise, might also uncover details in these deals that are unfavourable
for RECSI.
09.05.2023 kl 15:45 3070

Hanwha has signed to buy Silicon from Rec amounting ca 3 billion kr a year for 10 years. Anyone believing Hanwha will risk NOT to hjelp Rec «jumpstart» Moses Lake facility?
09.05.2023 kl 16:03 3022

"There`s no such thing as a free lunch in life"

Hanwha will surely help and provide REC with the necessary funding to "jumpstart" Moses Lake ( unless Bidens BBB falls apart as a result of the debt-ceiling negotioations). The question is: "To what price?".
Expect huge cuts on margins when marketprices are good as a part of the deal. Such a setup will eliminate much of the upside-potensial.

My guess is that RECSI is going to be pretty boring stock-case when they are operational in ML. Margins will be more than less set the same, no matter how high/low the Si-prices are. RECSI will thus be more similar to a bond than to a stock.
09.05.2023 kl 16:15 2972

Jeg trodde horst tappert snakket tysk jeg. Men her går det jammen meg på gebrokkent engelsk.

Snakker om proffe gutter😂
09.05.2023 kl 17:39 2854

I believe win-win is an underrated option in regard to Rec Silicon and cooperating companies inkluding the Korean and I would advise against short.
09.05.2023 kl 17:58 2791

But if RECSI gets a deal where they are guaranteed to go break-even no matter how low the Si-price gets and the backdrop is that they get a similar cut on the other side of the equation when the Si-prices skyrockets, i would say that`s a pretty good win-win deal for both parties. It limits the upside and the downside for RECSI for the next 10 years.
09.05.2023 kl 18:57 2713

I believe you are unrealistic about the break-even-theory and that investors even in a obsessively anxious market gradually - or suddenly - will wake up and buy.
13.06.2023 kl 13:56 1933

Sparebank today:

(-) REC SILICON/WACKER: Polysilicon prices continue steep decline and has now dropped 21% over the last two weeks. Rystad Energy estimates polysilicon prices in mainland China's domestic market at CNY 105 ($14.71) per kilogram on 7 June, down by 21.3% from CNY 133.5 per kilogram reported on 24 May
13.06.2023 kl 14:06 1896

Held og lykke med dine short, pas på dine tab ikke bliver for store, RECSI har den nødvendige kapital på plads og inden årets udgang er der stor indtjening på begge fabrikker.
Heldigvis er RECSI egen analyse ,
at de ikke mangler penge, de har alt på plads.
Stigningen er ret om hjørnet.
13.06.2023 kl 14:09 1882

Må vel være vant til dette her på hegnar forum nå vel? Tråder med dårlig Engelsk for å skape frykt er ikke sjelden kost her inne. Desperate shortere ønsker at du og jeg selger aksjer.
De liker veldig dårlig at folk flest holder på sine aksjer .
Redigert 13.06.2023 kl 14:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.06.2023 kl 16:04 1434

Polysilicon prices in China below USD9/kg - potentially a negative for Yulin IPO, while offtake agreement in ML have minimum price


Polysilicon prices remain in a downward trend, with PV Insights reporting a 23% price decrease to USD8.44/kg in this week. In the near term, this is a negative for the potential sale of its 15% stake in the Yulin JV announced at the end of May. Based on the structure of the IPO, we believe it’s a chance that declining poly prices can postpone the process, which could put more uncertainty on 1) the valuation and proceeds related to the sale and 2) the funding situation for REC Silicon. REC Silicon’s offtake agreement on the polysilicon in Moses Lake with Hanwha has a minimum price of ~USD13/kg (SB1Me but also indicated by management), including a premium price. However, with continued new capacity coming in, we remain bearish on longer-term prices as well, making us believe that REC Silicon will realize prices not too far from the USD13/kg minimum price. In reality, the price indexes to determine the offtake price for REC Silicon will be a function of Chinese prices, which is also confirmed by the management.