Idex IDBA: Is 2023 The Inflection Point Year?
The biometric card industry is finally rolling out cards around the world, albeit slower than expected and we expect IDEX (NASDAQ:IDBA) to reach volumes that would make its cash flow break even in 2024 just based on the customers it already has. According to Nilson, it operates in an industry with an addressable market of 2.5 billion cards per year. The banks that have already launched with IDEX inside have a total of 16 million customers. The 12 manufacturers that are now buying from it produce 1 billion cards per year and even at a 1% penetration that it is $30-40 million in revenues to IDEX which at its goal margins makes it a highly profitable company. This does not even address the other applications which pay much higher prices such as access control and high-profile crypto wallets. The company is targeting 50% gross margins and 30% operating margins and it expects to keep operating expenses fairly flat to achieve those percentages. We expect next year's margins will be below that target as revenues ramp.
Biometrics hopes to replace the arduous multifunction authentication currently in use that takes much time and effort and includes sending codes to phones and has many steps. Biometric authentication is by definition already two-factor but it occurs instantly in a single step. Hopefully, biometrics can replace authentication in other applications. Many users are already used to using fingerprints on a laptop, and they may demand them on all other applications due to speed and simplicity. We are comfortable with fingerprint authentication on cards compared with other biometric methods as they do not require a database of fingerprints out there somewhere as the customer’s fingerprint is stored strictly on the card. Hacking and skimming are not possible with this scheme and entities (corporations or governments) cannot collect and store your biometrics.
IDEX expects 12 launches of payment cards in 2023 with six already identified. The six identified are Rocker,, fidor, First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Selma, and Accomplish Financial. The 12 are the total combined from Zwipe, banks and issuers, and via IDEMIA.
As a fabless semiconductor company with high operating leverage, it is expected to be at very high pretax margins once it ramps revenues and it deserves an enterprise value to sales valuation in line with its peers that trade at 8.4 times 2023 revenues. It currently trades at an $85 million market cap and a $69 million enterprise value. Depending on how fast the industry ramps we believe that by 2026 it still has the potential of $500 million in sales at which point it could be valued as a $3.3 billion company.
Biometrics hopes to replace the arduous multifunction authentication currently in use that takes much time and effort and includes sending codes to phones and has many steps. Biometric authentication is by definition already two-factor but it occurs instantly in a single step. Hopefully, biometrics can replace authentication in other applications. Many users are already used to using fingerprints on a laptop, and they may demand them on all other applications due to speed and simplicity. We are comfortable with fingerprint authentication on cards compared with other biometric methods as they do not require a database of fingerprints out there somewhere as the customer’s fingerprint is stored strictly on the card. Hacking and skimming are not possible with this scheme and entities (corporations or governments) cannot collect and store your biometrics.
IDEX expects 12 launches of payment cards in 2023 with six already identified. The six identified are Rocker,, fidor, First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Selma, and Accomplish Financial. The 12 are the total combined from Zwipe, banks and issuers, and via IDEMIA.
As a fabless semiconductor company with high operating leverage, it is expected to be at very high pretax margins once it ramps revenues and it deserves an enterprise value to sales valuation in line with its peers that trade at 8.4 times 2023 revenues. It currently trades at an $85 million market cap and a $69 million enterprise value. Depending on how fast the industry ramps we believe that by 2026 it still has the potential of $500 million in sales at which point it could be valued as a $3.3 billion company.
19.05.2023 kl 11:39
Hadde jo peiling men det er tidsaspektet som ikke har vært mulig å gi en dato på. Vi har ventet lenge men no ser vi at det er startet, og da kan vi forvente en relativ rask økning av inntektene til IDEX. På denne tid i -24 ser vi kansje en kurs rundt 5-10kr, alt avhenger av farten i markedet. At dette blir hyggelig for aksjonærene i IDEX er det ingen tvil om lenger, bare tiden som er mellom oss og en hyggelig fremtid.
Inget tvivel? Skulle aldrig våga påstå Idex är en totalt säker investering.
Jeg har ingen tvil om at Idex kommer til å være en av de beste investeringene du kan gjøre på Oslo Børs nå. Alle som kommer seg inn før tirsdag kommer til å tjene graps med penger. Tirsdagens tall og oppdateringer kommer til å overraske de fleste. Gleder meg.
Redigert 19.05.2023 kl 12:09
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Ja nu finns Share och FAB som rimligen innebär att intäkterna fortsätter öka. Har svårt se att volymerna från de båda räcker till att tangera dina förhoppningar, särsklit som minsta ordervärdet är känt och att vi vet hur länge korten funnits hos FAB och Share. Ska blI mycket intressant se siffrorna, de kommer ge en ganska bra bild av intresset från FAB och Shares kunder. Är kanske mer inne på att resultatet kommer överraska åt fel håll, eller åtminstone dämpa förhoppningarna. Tror inte marknaden blir intressant förens Idex turnkey lösning börjar säljas.
Ja jeg tror jo at salg går opp og utgifter ned som det ble snakket om ved Q4. Så vi får se på tirsdag.
20.05.2023 kl 08:16
Salg går sikkert opp, og kostnader ned. Men det går ikke an å forvente et stort sprang i noen av disse og marginene er fortsatt elendige.
Sunn fornuft skulle tilsi at selv om en tror på Idex på lengre sikt så var det fornuftig å stå utenfor i noen uker til Q1 og nærliggende emisjon er ferdig.
Men sunn fornuft har aldri før hatt innflytelse på Idex kursen...
Kanskje Graziani greier å snakke opp kursen slik han greide ved forrige presentasjon. Men det holder neppe å referere til "noe som vil skje i ....". Var vel temmelig tydelig at det som skulle skje i Tyrkia ikke var helt det investorer hadde håpet på/drømt om.
Sunn fornuft skulle tilsi at selv om en tror på Idex på lengre sikt så var det fornuftig å stå utenfor i noen uker til Q1 og nærliggende emisjon er ferdig.
Men sunn fornuft har aldri før hatt innflytelse på Idex kursen...
Kanskje Graziani greier å snakke opp kursen slik han greide ved forrige presentasjon. Men det holder neppe å referere til "noe som vil skje i ....". Var vel temmelig tydelig at det som skulle skje i Tyrkia ikke var helt det investorer hadde håpet på/drømt om.
Redigert 20.05.2023 kl 08:17
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Men noe skjer jo, det skjer overalt nå. Det ser du jo selv, trenger ikke VG til å si det til deg. Kursen kommer til å gå som ei kula på tirsdag. Men det er det jeg tror. Så får vi se.
Redigert 20.05.2023 kl 08:29
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