CrayoNano - Technical progress
2016: "Industrialization of graphene/nanowires UV LEDs"
Nanowires on graphene enables critical improved internal quantum efficiency, operating lifetime, and reliability, especially for deep UV. The result is UV LEDs with 10 times higher efficiency at less than 10 % of the cost of existing deep UV LEDs. CrayoNano’s unique device structure thus leads to reduced heat loss, and in addition reduced material consumption. Nanowires enables improved internal quantum efficiency, operating lifetime, and reliability. The result is a flexible and extremely thin and lightweight epiwafer able to emit large amounts of light from a small area. This significant improvement in efficiency, reduction in energy consumption and cost advantage will radically enable new applications and improve critical applications such as water and food processing disinfection, air purification and environmental monitoring and life science measurements.
2019: "Nanowire UV LEDs on graphene"
This research project will therefore focus on solving and optimizing key material challenges in the active AlGaN nanowire UV emitters in order to reach deep UV wavelengths (<280 nm) and optimize the efficiency beyond state-of-the-art on the market today. This project will form the technical basis to develop and commercialize novel nanomaterials-based deep UV LEDs that could result in cheaper and more compact handheld devices for water and tool disinfection in especially medical applications.
I prosjektet utviklet CrayoNano forskjellige UV LED prototyper basert på posisjonert vekst av AlGaN-nanotråder på grafén. I løpet av 2020 oppnådde vi en bølgelengde på 275 nm som er den optimale bølgelengden for desinfeksjon av vann. Videre har vi laget en standard prosessert 45 mil die integrert i en hermetisk forseglet SMD pakning. I 2021 fokuserte vi på ytterligere forbedringer av ytelse og levetid for vårt første UVC LED produkt. I forberedelsene til markedsinntreden av vår UVC LED har vi jobbet gjennom ulike partnerskap og kontrakter med grafénleverandører, prosesspartnere, pakningspartnere og distributører for å definere forsyningsmengder, prisavtaler og vilkår for leverandørstyring. Vi har også implementert en målrettet kommunikasjonsplan til OEMs i vannrensemarkedet, inkludert forretningsmøter og webinarer.
Our revolutionary approach to produce UVC LEDs, based on AlGaN nanowires-on-graphene, has the potential to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional thin-film-based design. The project was focused on solving and optimizing key material challenges, to reach UVC wavelengths and to optimize the efficiency. In the project we focused on both random and positioned AlGaN nanowires and reached the target wavelength of 275 nm. The results will have important benefits for the R&D of nanotechnology-based UVC LEDs but also for enabling devices in other application areas using a similar hybrid platform of semiconductor nanowires with 2D materials. Such devices are expected to enhance the flexibility, performance, energy output and price of semiconductor products, such as solar cells, other LEDs as well as lasers, power- and nano-electronics. Once we demonstrate the superior performance of our unique UVC LEDs, they will play a crucial role in the fast-growing disinfection markets globally.
2020: "Packaged nanowire/graphene UVC LED devices for water disinfection"
The objective for the EIC Accelerator project is to optimize the pilot-production line of packaged AlGaN nanowire/graphene UVC LED chips with state-of-the-art wall plug efficiency (>12%) and price (< 50$/W). The AlGaN nanowires will be used as the UVC emitting material, whereas graphene will be used both as a substrate for the nanowire growth and a UV transparent electrode. We will validate the seamless integration of such chips into standard UVC LED SMD packaging together with at least one packaging partner at their or our facilities to finalize the UVC LED and test its function. Once those validations have proven successful, we will validate the assembly of the UVC LED into a standard water purification system together with two OEMs at their facilities. This project will form the basis for CrayoNano’s commercial production and further upscaling.
Nanowires on graphene enables critical improved internal quantum efficiency, operating lifetime, and reliability, especially for deep UV. The result is UV LEDs with 10 times higher efficiency at less than 10 % of the cost of existing deep UV LEDs. CrayoNano’s unique device structure thus leads to reduced heat loss, and in addition reduced material consumption. Nanowires enables improved internal quantum efficiency, operating lifetime, and reliability. The result is a flexible and extremely thin and lightweight epiwafer able to emit large amounts of light from a small area. This significant improvement in efficiency, reduction in energy consumption and cost advantage will radically enable new applications and improve critical applications such as water and food processing disinfection, air purification and environmental monitoring and life science measurements.
2019: "Nanowire UV LEDs on graphene"
This research project will therefore focus on solving and optimizing key material challenges in the active AlGaN nanowire UV emitters in order to reach deep UV wavelengths (<280 nm) and optimize the efficiency beyond state-of-the-art on the market today. This project will form the technical basis to develop and commercialize novel nanomaterials-based deep UV LEDs that could result in cheaper and more compact handheld devices for water and tool disinfection in especially medical applications.
I prosjektet utviklet CrayoNano forskjellige UV LED prototyper basert på posisjonert vekst av AlGaN-nanotråder på grafén. I løpet av 2020 oppnådde vi en bølgelengde på 275 nm som er den optimale bølgelengden for desinfeksjon av vann. Videre har vi laget en standard prosessert 45 mil die integrert i en hermetisk forseglet SMD pakning. I 2021 fokuserte vi på ytterligere forbedringer av ytelse og levetid for vårt første UVC LED produkt. I forberedelsene til markedsinntreden av vår UVC LED har vi jobbet gjennom ulike partnerskap og kontrakter med grafénleverandører, prosesspartnere, pakningspartnere og distributører for å definere forsyningsmengder, prisavtaler og vilkår for leverandørstyring. Vi har også implementert en målrettet kommunikasjonsplan til OEMs i vannrensemarkedet, inkludert forretningsmøter og webinarer.
Our revolutionary approach to produce UVC LEDs, based on AlGaN nanowires-on-graphene, has the potential to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional thin-film-based design. The project was focused on solving and optimizing key material challenges, to reach UVC wavelengths and to optimize the efficiency. In the project we focused on both random and positioned AlGaN nanowires and reached the target wavelength of 275 nm. The results will have important benefits for the R&D of nanotechnology-based UVC LEDs but also for enabling devices in other application areas using a similar hybrid platform of semiconductor nanowires with 2D materials. Such devices are expected to enhance the flexibility, performance, energy output and price of semiconductor products, such as solar cells, other LEDs as well as lasers, power- and nano-electronics. Once we demonstrate the superior performance of our unique UVC LEDs, they will play a crucial role in the fast-growing disinfection markets globally.
2020: "Packaged nanowire/graphene UVC LED devices for water disinfection"
The objective for the EIC Accelerator project is to optimize the pilot-production line of packaged AlGaN nanowire/graphene UVC LED chips with state-of-the-art wall plug efficiency (>12%) and price (< 50$/W). The AlGaN nanowires will be used as the UVC emitting material, whereas graphene will be used both as a substrate for the nanowire growth and a UV transparent electrode. We will validate the seamless integration of such chips into standard UVC LED SMD packaging together with at least one packaging partner at their or our facilities to finalize the UVC LED and test its function. Once those validations have proven successful, we will validate the assembly of the UVC LED into a standard water purification system together with two OEMs at their facilities. This project will form the basis for CrayoNano’s commercial production and further upscaling.