Circio Holding, stadig nære et gjennombrudd kreftvaksine

X-43 scramjet
CRNA 11.06.2023 kl 14:03 43149

Utløst oppgang av artikkel finans avisen "Vi kunne vært verdt 100 ganger mer"

Skal det komme noe godt ut av gamle Targovax? Virker som denne er glemt i det siste. Nå kan gjennombruddet komme med ny vaksine.

Nå halvert seg siden emisjonen på 2.50 kr. Kan det fortsatt være noe igjen i Circio?

Oppdatert 24.oktober:

"Circio selected to present its circVec circular RNA expression platform at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual meeting in Rome 22-25 October; a prestigious and widely attended international gene therapy conference Circio presented new circVec protein expression data showing statistically
significant advantage vs. conventional mRNA-based vector expression both in vitro and in vivo The circVec 2.1 generation shows 15x increase in protein expression in vivo,
and has the potential to substantially improve on the performance of current gold-standard gene therapy approaches

Oslo, Norway 24 October 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces the publication of new, strong and statistically significant circVec circular RNA in vivo expression proof-of-concept data, presented both in the form of a poster and oral presentation by CTO, Dr. Thomas B Hansen, at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual
meeting 2024.

"Circio continues to build momentum with the unique and powerful circVec platform. We selected the prestigious ESGCT meeting to present our latest results as it provided a great opportunity to showcase our technology to a broad life science industry and academic audience," said Dr. Thomas B. Hansen, CTO of
Circio. "circVec significantly outperforms mRNA-based expression both in vitro and in vivo and has the potential to offer substantial enhancement over current gold-standard gene therapy approaches."

In the ESGCT presentation, Circio showed the evolution and improvements of the circVec platform from the initial circVec 1.0 design to the current generation 2.1. Long-term in vivo experiments have now demonstrated that circVec 2.1 robustly outperforms classical mRNA-based expression over time, offering enhanced durability that reaches up to 15-fold higher reporter signals in mouse models. Additionally, a machine-learning approach to codon optimization has generated a novel circVec 2.2 design, delivering a further 2-4-fold increase in protein yield.

Circio is currently testing the performance of circVec 2.1 and 2.2 in both viral and DNA vector systems in multiple tissues and disease settings in vivo. These data will guide future development and partnering strategy for the circVec platform"

Oslo, Norway 19 November 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces that it has entered a collaboration with Certest Biotec, S.L. for formulation of circVec into lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for tissue specific delivery of DNA-vectors to address genetic disease.

"Circio´s powerful circVec-DNA technology achieves more than six months durability in mouse models on a single intra-muscular injection, with up to 15-fold increase in payload expression levels vs. standard mRNA-based vector systems" said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of Circio. "Based on these promising findings in vivo, we are now looking for targeted delivery technology that can enable therapeutic application of circVec in specific tissues and diseases of
high unmet medical need. We selected Certest as a preferred partner for circVec-LNP formulation due to the impressive tissue specificity demonstrated for their proprietary nanoparticles."

"The library of ionizable lipids developed by our team is engineered for a wide range of nucleic acid payloads, exhibiting a great delivery capacity in preclinical studies and allows the production of thermostable LNPs." explained Dr. Juan Martínez Oliván, CSO of Certest Pharma, specialized unit in nucleic acids delivery systems at Certest Biotec. "Our capability to passively target different tissues unlocks the possibility to treat organ-specific diseases. We
are very enthusiastic about the joint formulation of Circio's new approach to circular RNA vector technology with our versatile ionizable lipids, creating a unique LNP-strategy for gene therapy treatment."

Under the collaboration, Certest has successfully performed packaging and in vitro validation of circVec-LNP formulations targeted for delivery to lung, liver and spleen, with positive technical results. Circio will now test these circVec-LNP formulations in vivo during the next 3-6 months to assess delivery efficiency, expression level and durability. If successful, these experiments can pave the way to development of multiple circVec therapeutic candidates in
the field of genetic diseases for both in-house development and partnering"

Oslo, Norway 5 March 2025 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology
company developing powerful circular RNA technology for next generation nucleic
acid medicine, today announces that CEO Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund and CSO Dr.
Victor Levitsky are presenting updated data demonstrating the significant
advantages of Circio's circular RNA circVec platform compared to current mRNA
-based vector technology. The data further strengthens the in vitro and in vivo
validation of Circio's platform. The presentations are being delivered at two
major biopharma industry conferences in Basel, Switzerland, and Stockholm,

The presentations detail the advantages and potential of the circVec 3.0
generation to improve on current mRNA-based technology for a range of
therapeutic applications. In vivo expression data has shown an estimated circRNA
half-life of over 600 hours vs. under 10 hours for linear mRNA, which translates
to over 70 times prolonged RNA durability and 15 times enhanced protein

Novel systemic LNP-delivery data demonstrates robust and durable circVec
expression in spleen, far outperforming equivalent mRNA-vectors. This important
finding has the potential to open up attractive therapeutic opportunities for
the circVec technology in several areas, such as cell therapy. Further
experimental work is currently ongoing to validate and characterize these

"The recent results showing efficient and specific circVec delivery to spleen
are very promising and hints at novel opportunities for our circular RNA
platform in cell and immune therapies," said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of
Circio. "A broad set of experiments to further investigate this observation, as
well as in vivo testing of the novel circVec 3.0 generation, will read out over
the next 6-12 weeks. The performance of circVec 3.0-AAV constructs is of
particular interest, which we believe has the potential to transform current
gold-standard AAV gene therapy and generate substantial partnering interest."

Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 17:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.12.2024 kl 09:23 4367

Oversikt for CRNA (CIRCIO HOLDING ASA ). Oppdatert VPS 9.12.2024

01 CITIBANK, N.A. 13.18% 5 184.6k 6 894k ++++++5 892k
02 DANSKE BANK A/S 3.78% 1 487.8k 1 978k ++++++32 900
03 HØSE AS 3.57% 1 406.3k 1 870k
04 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 2.07% 814.11k 1 083k -371.4k
05 NORDNET BANK AB 1.96% 772.65k 1 027k -795.7k
06 NCS ENERGY CONSULTANTS AS 1.72% 676.8k 900k
07 FAGERLUND OLAV AANES 1.70% 670.36k 891.4k +++++141.4k
08 HUSEBØ OVE 1.48% 581.46k 773.2k -86 785
10 BÆKKELAGET HOLDING AS 1.15% 453.81k 603.5k
11 SKOTHEIM OLE ANDRE 1.15% 451.2k 600k -32 000
12 STORKÅS TOR ARNE 1.11% 436.16k 580k
13 ROSENG LARS ERIC 1.01% 398.56k 530k
14 LUNDE KJELL OLAV 0.96% 376k 500k -100k
15 TARANGER VIDAR ANFINN 0.96% 376k 500k
16 OH HYUN JIN 0.81% 317.66k 422.4k ++++45 000
17 THORSEN ALFRED LEANDER 0.69% 270.42k 359.6k +++96 624
18 HAGAVEI HÅVARD 0.67% 263.2k 350k +++50 000
19 LIE DAN-RUNE 0.61% 240.64k 320k ++++120k
20 HELLESTØ ARNE FREDRIK 0.59% 233.12k 310k
21 HELLAND KARSTEN ANDRE 0.57% 225.6k 300k ++++INN
22 ARNE HELLESTØ AS 0.57% 225.6k 300k
23 FARSTAD OVE STEINAR 0.57% 225.6k 300k ++++150k
24 VAKTMESTERGRUPPEN AS 0.57% 225.6k 300k -29 554
25 FJELD THOMAS 0.52% 203.79k 271k
26 JOHANSEN KAI FREDRIK 0.49% 194.49k 258.6k
27 KRISTIANSEN ERIK 0.48% 189.52k 252k
28 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 0.45% 178.24k 237k ++++27 412
29 SKIPPERUD ARILD STAXWOLD 0.44% 172.96k 230k
30 VALAAS HANS OLE FÆVELEN 0.43% 170.09k 226.2k
31 NORDBY RUNE 0.43% 168.45k 224k
32 SCHRØDER RUNE 0.40% 157.84k 209.9k -120.1k
33 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE 0.39% 154.04k 204.8k
34 FOLLESTAD KENNETH 0.38% 150.4k 200k
35 NIRA AS 0.38% 150.4k 200k
36 HAUGE JANNE KRISTIN WIGENE 0.38% 148.32k 197.2k ++++34 600
37 BERGH-NILSEN HERLEIF 0.36% 142.88k 190k
38 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 0.34% 134.33k 178.6k
39 MOHAMADI ASEF 0.33% 130k 172.9k +++INN
40 DOBROWOLSKI BARTOSZ MIKOLAJ 0.32% 124.82k 166k ++++INN
41 THORUD SIMEN FOSSEN 0.31% 123.33k 164k
42 BNP PARIBAS 0.30% 119.49k 158.9k
43 KVARSNES STIG ØYDNA 0.30% 116.56k 155k
44 ZWILGMEYER PETER KENNETH 0.30% 116.56k 155k
45 KRÅGTORP TROND ARNE 0.29% 114k 151.6k ++++INN
46 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. - EQUITY 0.29% 113.75k 151.3k
47 BASIC I AS 0.29% 112.8k 150k INN
48 MARTINSEN ALF HERMAN 0.29% 112.8k 150k -135.8k
49 MØLLER ULRICH 0.29% 112.8k 150k
50 RØRLEGGER EVENSEN AS 0.29% 112.8k 150k

Føre var
09.12.2024 kl 12:23 4258

Har vi bunna ut?
09.12.2024 kl 13:34 4175

Slettet bruker skrev Innlegget er slettet
Hva er det med nr.7 på lista? Er du bipolare ? 🤣🙈 Du er så rar. Hva med nr.12 🚀
10.12.2024 kl 08:57 4009

Oversikt for CRNA (CIRCIO HOLDING ASA ). Oppdatert VPS 10.12.2024 - Top 50 øker med 213.5k aksjer.

01 CITIBANK, N.A. 13.18% 5 226k 6 894k
02 DANSKE BANK A/S 3.78% 1 499.7k 1 978k
03 HØSE AS 3.57% 1 417.5k 1 870k
04 NORDNET BANK AB 3.25% 1 290.5k 1 702k +++675k
05 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 2.05% 811.55k 1 071k -11 938
06 NCS ENERGY CONSULTANTS AS 1.72% 682.2k 900k
07 HUSEBØ OVE 1.71% 677.06k 893.2k +++120k
08 FAGERLUND OLAV AANES 1.70% 675.7k 891.4k
09 SKOTHEIM OLE ANDRE 1.15% 455.41k 600.8k ++800
10 STORKÅS TOR ARNE 1.11% 439.64k 580k
11 LUNDE KJELL OLAV 1.04% 412.61k 544.3k +++44 338
12 ROSENG LARS ERIC 1.01% 401.74k 530k
13 TARANGER VIDAR ANFINN 0.96% 379k 500k
14 OH HYUN JIN 0.90% 358.1k 472.4k ++++50 000
15 LIE DAN-RUNE 0.82% 325.94k 430k ++++110k
16 THORSEN ALFRED LEANDER 0.69% 272.58k 359.6k
17 BÆKKELAGET HOLDING AS 0.68% 267.93k 353.5k -250k
18 HAGAVEI HÅVARD 0.67% 265.3k 350k
19 HELLESTØ ARNE FREDRIK 0.59% 234.98k 310k
20 ARNE HELLESTØ AS 0.57% 227.4k 300k
21 FARSTAD OVE STEINAR 0.57% 227.4k 300k
22 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 0.52% 207.86k 274.2k ++++37 202
23 FJELD THOMAS 0.52% 205.42k 271k
24 JOHANSEN KAI FREDRIK 0.49% 196.04k 258.6k
25 KRISTIANSEN ERIK 0.48% 191.03k 252k
26 MELKERAAEN RICHARD 0.46% 181.92k 240k +++INN
27 SKIPPERUD ARILD STAXWOLD 0.44% 174.34k 230k
28 VALAAS HANS OLE FÆVELEN 0.43% 171.45k 226.2k
29 NORDBY RUNE 0.43% 169.79k 224k
30 SCHRØDER RUNE 0.40% 159.1k 209.9k
31 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE 0.39% 155.27k 204.8k
32 HAUGE JANNE KRISTIN WIGENE 0.39% 153.9k 203k +++5 800
33 FOLLESTAD KENNETH 0.38% 151.6k 200k
34 NIRA AS 0.38% 151.6k 200k
35 ØGLÆND JAN 0.38% 151.6k 200k
36 BERGH-NILSEN HERLEIF 0.36% 144.02k 190k
37 MOHAMADI ASEF 0.36% 142.4k 187.9k +++15 000
38 GILHOFF RUNE 0.36% 141.01k 186k
39 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV 0.34% 135.4k 178.6k
40 SKAARER STEIN OLA 0.33% 132.65k 175k
41 HANSEN TERJE 0.32% 126k 166.2k +++INN
43 THORUD SIMEN FOSSEN 0.31% 124.31k 164k
44 BNP PARIBAS 0.30% 120.42k 158.9k -23
45 KVARSNES STIG ØYDNA 0.30% 117.49k 155k
46 ZWILGMEYER PETER KENNETH 0.30% 117.49k 155k
47 BASIC I AS 0.29% 113.7k 150k
48 MØLLER ULRICH 0.29% 113.7k 150k
49 RØRLEGGER EVENSEN AS 0.29% 113.7k 150k
50 STØYLEN ØYVIND 0.29% 113.7k 150k
51 Other investors 47.41% 18.8m 24.8m -213.5k
17.12.2024 kl 12:34 3760

da er det snart på tide med en oppdatert Top 50. I dag går det faktisk unna på aksjene. Siste mulighet under 0.70 / 0.80
23.12.2024 kl 09:46 3453

Her kommer det et voldsomt byks snart. følg med på kjøp og salgssiden
06.01.2025 kl 08:50 3169

Det er ikke lenge til vi ser kronestykker nå.🌞
Slettet bruker
13.01.2025 kl 23:00 2965

Spennende økning av star kapital som mer en dobler beholdningen sin. Samtidig slukes det 3.000.000 millioner aksjer fra cirico holdings.
Redigert 13.01.2025 kl 23:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.01.2025 kl 23:52 2899

Nydelig. Nå JPMORGAN medical igang
The Observer
14.01.2025 kl 09:26 2727

Presseomtale i høyt rangerte tidsskrifter vil kunne skape bredere interesse for selskapet:

CRNA: Circio publishes wide-ranging review on potential of circular RNA therapeutics in Nature Reviews Genetics

14.01.2025 kl 10:10 2676

Om selskapet mot normalt skulle begynne å tjene penger ! vil det skape bredere interesse for selskapet !
15.01.2025 kl 14:18 2518

Hvor blir det av nyhetene som skulle sende aksjen til himmels?
CEO meldte at det ville bli en pause på 2-3 mnd fra salget til Atlas. Hvordan har det gått?
15.01.2025 kl 21:41 2417

Det har ikke ceo sagt. Det som ble meddelt var at det ville gå ca 3 mnd før det eventuelt ble behov for mer Atlas finansiering. Circio kan ikke bestemme om og hvordan Atlas konverterer bonds og selger aksjer. Det er bra Atlas tømmer seg så får en håpe det ordner seg med finasiering på annen måte fremover.
Redigert 15.01.2025 kl 21:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2025 kl 00:31 2147

Gullhaugen, Hvor er nyhetene du har laget utallige tråder om?

21.01.2025 kl 08:04 2042

En av de kom for kort tid siden.....
21.01.2025 kl 08:08 2028

Gullet er happy med første partnerskap. Han tro det kommer enda flere. Dette blir en av årets beste aksjer i 2025. Teknologiene er HOT og vi vet fra CEO at over 100 beilere har banket på døra. Denne fortjener en ny tråd nå
Redigert 21.01.2025 kl 08:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2025 kl 15:21 1818

Markedet er ikke fornøyd og Atlas tømmer videre, mens pengene renner ut hos CRNA. Hva tror dere vil skje om 2-3 mnd når CRNA er tomme for penger igjen?

24.01.2025 kl 11:28 1514

Har fulgt med volum de siste dager som har vært meget lavt. Kan hende ikke Atlas får solgt alle aksjene før neste påfyll av penger da kassa er tom igjen for selskapet.
Nyhetene som enkelte har hausset i ukesvis uteblir og markedet har ikke troen på selskapet som mangler tillitt.
24.01.2025 kl 11:43 1492

T+2 aksjonærliste. Atlas har 8 781 700 aksjer de kan selge. På siste liste, dvs tirsdag solgte de 364 500 aksjer. Stor sannsynlighet de har solgt ons, tors og fortsetter i dag.
24.01.2025 kl 14:33 1403

Kan være 30-40 børsdager før Atlas er tomme, og muligens tom kasse i CRNA og som da ikke lenge etter trenger påfyll av penger.

19.02.2025 kl 13:28 786

CRNA ønsker seg bort fra Atlas. Blir det emisjon 20 øre og 500 000 000 nye aksjer?
Ny egenkapital 100 mil..
Så en aksjespleis?

Hvordan ellers skal CRNA få inn kapital?
05.03.2025 kl 11:07 456

Sjekk meldingen nå kl. 11. Dette er solid.
05.03.2025 kl 19:12 254

Er det derfor aksjen i dag ble omsatt på forholdsvis høyt volum og til laveste kurs noen gang.

05.03.2025 kl 20:38 205

Tydeligvis. Er nok usikkerhet vedr fremtidig finansiering som tynger aksjen. Blir litt som i IDEX.