Circio Holding, stadig nære et gjennombrudd kreftvaksine
Utløst oppgang av artikkel finans avisen "Vi kunne vært verdt 100 ganger mer"
Skal det komme noe godt ut av gamle Targovax? Virker som denne er glemt i det siste. Nå kan gjennombruddet komme med ny vaksine.
Nå halvert seg siden emisjonen på 2.50 kr. Kan det fortsatt være noe igjen i Circio?
Oppdatert 24.oktober:
"Circio selected to present its circVec circular RNA expression platform at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual meeting in Rome 22-25 October; a prestigious and widely attended international gene therapy conference Circio presented new circVec protein expression data showing statistically
significant advantage vs. conventional mRNA-based vector expression both in vitro and in vivo The circVec 2.1 generation shows 15x increase in protein expression in vivo,
and has the potential to substantially improve on the performance of current gold-standard gene therapy approaches
Oslo, Norway 24 October 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces the publication of new, strong and statistically significant circVec circular RNA in vivo expression proof-of-concept data, presented both in the form of a poster and oral presentation by CTO, Dr. Thomas B Hansen, at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual
meeting 2024.
"Circio continues to build momentum with the unique and powerful circVec platform. We selected the prestigious ESGCT meeting to present our latest results as it provided a great opportunity to showcase our technology to a broad life science industry and academic audience," said Dr. Thomas B. Hansen, CTO of
Circio. "circVec significantly outperforms mRNA-based expression both in vitro and in vivo and has the potential to offer substantial enhancement over current gold-standard gene therapy approaches."
In the ESGCT presentation, Circio showed the evolution and improvements of the circVec platform from the initial circVec 1.0 design to the current generation 2.1. Long-term in vivo experiments have now demonstrated that circVec 2.1 robustly outperforms classical mRNA-based expression over time, offering enhanced durability that reaches up to 15-fold higher reporter signals in mouse models. Additionally, a machine-learning approach to codon optimization has generated a novel circVec 2.2 design, delivering a further 2-4-fold increase in protein yield.
Circio is currently testing the performance of circVec 2.1 and 2.2 in both viral and DNA vector systems in multiple tissues and disease settings in vivo. These data will guide future development and partnering strategy for the circVec platform"
Oslo, Norway 19 November 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces that it has entered a collaboration with Certest Biotec, S.L. for formulation of circVec into lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for tissue specific delivery of DNA-vectors to address genetic disease.
"Circio´s powerful circVec-DNA technology achieves more than six months durability in mouse models on a single intra-muscular injection, with up to 15-fold increase in payload expression levels vs. standard mRNA-based vector systems" said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of Circio. "Based on these promising findings in vivo, we are now looking for targeted delivery technology that can enable therapeutic application of circVec in specific tissues and diseases of
high unmet medical need. We selected Certest as a preferred partner for circVec-LNP formulation due to the impressive tissue specificity demonstrated for their proprietary nanoparticles."
"The library of ionizable lipids developed by our team is engineered for a wide range of nucleic acid payloads, exhibiting a great delivery capacity in preclinical studies and allows the production of thermostable LNPs." explained Dr. Juan Martínez Oliván, CSO of Certest Pharma, specialized unit in nucleic acids delivery systems at Certest Biotec. "Our capability to passively target different tissues unlocks the possibility to treat organ-specific diseases. We
are very enthusiastic about the joint formulation of Circio's new approach to circular RNA vector technology with our versatile ionizable lipids, creating a unique LNP-strategy for gene therapy treatment."
Under the collaboration, Certest has successfully performed packaging and in vitro validation of circVec-LNP formulations targeted for delivery to lung, liver and spleen, with positive technical results. Circio will now test these circVec-LNP formulations in vivo during the next 3-6 months to assess delivery efficiency, expression level and durability. If successful, these experiments can pave the way to development of multiple circVec therapeutic candidates in
the field of genetic diseases for both in-house development and partnering"
Oslo, Norway 5 March 2025 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology
company developing powerful circular RNA technology for next generation nucleic
acid medicine, today announces that CEO Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund and CSO Dr.
Victor Levitsky are presenting updated data demonstrating the significant
advantages of Circio's circular RNA circVec platform compared to current mRNA
-based vector technology. The data further strengthens the in vitro and in vivo
validation of Circio's platform. The presentations are being delivered at two
major biopharma industry conferences in Basel, Switzerland, and Stockholm,
The presentations detail the advantages and potential of the circVec 3.0
generation to improve on current mRNA-based technology for a range of
therapeutic applications. In vivo expression data has shown an estimated circRNA
half-life of over 600 hours vs. under 10 hours for linear mRNA, which translates
to over 70 times prolonged RNA durability and 15 times enhanced protein
Novel systemic LNP-delivery data demonstrates robust and durable circVec
expression in spleen, far outperforming equivalent mRNA-vectors. This important
finding has the potential to open up attractive therapeutic opportunities for
the circVec technology in several areas, such as cell therapy. Further
experimental work is currently ongoing to validate and characterize these
"The recent results showing efficient and specific circVec delivery to spleen
are very promising and hints at novel opportunities for our circular RNA
platform in cell and immune therapies," said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of
Circio. "A broad set of experiments to further investigate this observation, as
well as in vivo testing of the novel circVec 3.0 generation, will read out over
the next 6-12 weeks. The performance of circVec 3.0-AAV constructs is of
particular interest, which we believe has the potential to transform current
gold-standard AAV gene therapy and generate substantial partnering interest."
Skal det komme noe godt ut av gamle Targovax? Virker som denne er glemt i det siste. Nå kan gjennombruddet komme med ny vaksine.
Nå halvert seg siden emisjonen på 2.50 kr. Kan det fortsatt være noe igjen i Circio?
Oppdatert 24.oktober:
"Circio selected to present its circVec circular RNA expression platform at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual meeting in Rome 22-25 October; a prestigious and widely attended international gene therapy conference Circio presented new circVec protein expression data showing statistically
significant advantage vs. conventional mRNA-based vector expression both in vitro and in vivo The circVec 2.1 generation shows 15x increase in protein expression in vivo,
and has the potential to substantially improve on the performance of current gold-standard gene therapy approaches
Oslo, Norway 24 October 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces the publication of new, strong and statistically significant circVec circular RNA in vivo expression proof-of-concept data, presented both in the form of a poster and oral presentation by CTO, Dr. Thomas B Hansen, at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT) annual
meeting 2024.
"Circio continues to build momentum with the unique and powerful circVec platform. We selected the prestigious ESGCT meeting to present our latest results as it provided a great opportunity to showcase our technology to a broad life science industry and academic audience," said Dr. Thomas B. Hansen, CTO of
Circio. "circVec significantly outperforms mRNA-based expression both in vitro and in vivo and has the potential to offer substantial enhancement over current gold-standard gene therapy approaches."
In the ESGCT presentation, Circio showed the evolution and improvements of the circVec platform from the initial circVec 1.0 design to the current generation 2.1. Long-term in vivo experiments have now demonstrated that circVec 2.1 robustly outperforms classical mRNA-based expression over time, offering enhanced durability that reaches up to 15-fold higher reporter signals in mouse models. Additionally, a machine-learning approach to codon optimization has generated a novel circVec 2.2 design, delivering a further 2-4-fold increase in protein yield.
Circio is currently testing the performance of circVec 2.1 and 2.2 in both viral and DNA vector systems in multiple tissues and disease settings in vivo. These data will guide future development and partnering strategy for the circVec platform"
Oslo, Norway 19 November 2024 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology company developing next generation circular RNA vector technology for gene therapy, today announces that it has entered a collaboration with Certest Biotec, S.L. for formulation of circVec into lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for tissue specific delivery of DNA-vectors to address genetic disease.
"Circio´s powerful circVec-DNA technology achieves more than six months durability in mouse models on a single intra-muscular injection, with up to 15-fold increase in payload expression levels vs. standard mRNA-based vector systems" said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of Circio. "Based on these promising findings in vivo, we are now looking for targeted delivery technology that can enable therapeutic application of circVec in specific tissues and diseases of
high unmet medical need. We selected Certest as a preferred partner for circVec-LNP formulation due to the impressive tissue specificity demonstrated for their proprietary nanoparticles."
"The library of ionizable lipids developed by our team is engineered for a wide range of nucleic acid payloads, exhibiting a great delivery capacity in preclinical studies and allows the production of thermostable LNPs." explained Dr. Juan Martínez Oliván, CSO of Certest Pharma, specialized unit in nucleic acids delivery systems at Certest Biotec. "Our capability to passively target different tissues unlocks the possibility to treat organ-specific diseases. We
are very enthusiastic about the joint formulation of Circio's new approach to circular RNA vector technology with our versatile ionizable lipids, creating a unique LNP-strategy for gene therapy treatment."
Under the collaboration, Certest has successfully performed packaging and in vitro validation of circVec-LNP formulations targeted for delivery to lung, liver and spleen, with positive technical results. Circio will now test these circVec-LNP formulations in vivo during the next 3-6 months to assess delivery efficiency, expression level and durability. If successful, these experiments can pave the way to development of multiple circVec therapeutic candidates in
the field of genetic diseases for both in-house development and partnering"
Oslo, Norway 5 March 2025 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA), a biotechnology
company developing powerful circular RNA technology for next generation nucleic
acid medicine, today announces that CEO Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund and CSO Dr.
Victor Levitsky are presenting updated data demonstrating the significant
advantages of Circio's circular RNA circVec platform compared to current mRNA
-based vector technology. The data further strengthens the in vitro and in vivo
validation of Circio's platform. The presentations are being delivered at two
major biopharma industry conferences in Basel, Switzerland, and Stockholm,
The presentations detail the advantages and potential of the circVec 3.0
generation to improve on current mRNA-based technology for a range of
therapeutic applications. In vivo expression data has shown an estimated circRNA
half-life of over 600 hours vs. under 10 hours for linear mRNA, which translates
to over 70 times prolonged RNA durability and 15 times enhanced protein
Novel systemic LNP-delivery data demonstrates robust and durable circVec
expression in spleen, far outperforming equivalent mRNA-vectors. This important
finding has the potential to open up attractive therapeutic opportunities for
the circVec technology in several areas, such as cell therapy. Further
experimental work is currently ongoing to validate and characterize these
"The recent results showing efficient and specific circVec delivery to spleen
are very promising and hints at novel opportunities for our circular RNA
platform in cell and immune therapies," said Dr. Victor Levitsky, CSO of
Circio. "A broad set of experiments to further investigate this observation, as
well as in vivo testing of the novel circVec 3.0 generation, will read out over
the next 6-12 weeks. The performance of circVec 3.0-AAV constructs is of
particular interest, which we believe has the potential to transform current
gold-standard AAV gene therapy and generate substantial partnering interest."
Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 17:23
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24.03.2025 kl 19:50
Spennende å se frem til den 26 mars
Circio inviterer til bedriftsoppdatering webcast 26. mars 2025
· Administrerende direktør Dr. Erik D Wiklund vil gi en generell selskapsoppdatering og presentere de nyeste circVec eksperimentelle dataene og FoU-strategien · Finansdirektør Dr. Lubor Gaal vil presentere de økonomiske resultatene for 2024 (urevidert) og gi en oppdatering om Circios bedriftsutviklingsaktiviteter Oslo, Norge 19. mars 2025 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA som utvikler medisinkjerneteknologisk RNA) inviterer til en direktesendt webcast klokken 10:00 CET onsdag 26. mars 2025. I webcasten vil Circio-ledelsen gi en bedriftsoppdatering og presentere den siste utviklingen for circVec-plattformteknologien. Webcasten vil inkludere en oversikt over pågående testing med den nye circVec 3.0-generasjonen, utvikling av AAV og ikke-viral genterapivektor, og vevsspesifikke circVec-ekspresjonsdata in vivo, samt et syn på eksperimentelle planer og milepæler. Bedriftsseksjonen vil dekke Circios økonomiske resultater for 2024 (urevidert) og gi en oppdatering om finansierings- og forretningsutviklingsaktiviteter for 2025. Forelesere: CEO Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund CFO Dr. Lubor Gaal Tid: 10:00 CET 26. mars 2025 klikk her for å få tilgang til Teams webcast ( -join/19%3ameeting_ZmVlODI4ZTktZDFmMC00MjliLWFmNDItMDA5NTJkZjdlMGQ1%40thread.v2/0 ?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2266b0661a-3ec3-a96a -5b0cce82b3fe%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223f5f84b0-5521-4c04-bd8a-e185546abe04%22%7d) Møte-ID: 392 868 593 190 Deltakelseskode: q7S2 +M7S2 +M7S2+telefon 21402155 Telefonkonferanse-ID: 394 288 903# Spørsmål kan sendes på forhånd via e-post til Erik D Wiklund: eller direkte i den direktesendte webcasten Et opptak av webcasten vil bli gjort tilgjengelig på Circio-nettsiden ( For ytterligere informasjon, vennligst kontakt: Erik Digman Wiklund: +3 4 CEO: Erik Digman Wiklund: +7 536 E-post: Lubor Gaal, CFO Telefon: +34 683 343 811 E-post: Om Circio Bygger neste generasjons RNA-teknologi for nukleinsyremedisin Circio Holding ASA er et bioteknologiselskap som utvikler kraftig sirkulær RNA vektorsyreekspresjonsteknologi for neste generasjons nukleinsyremedisin. Circio har etablert en unik sirkulær RNA (circRNA) vektorekspresjonsplattform for ny DNA, RNA og viral terapeutikk. Den proprietære circVec-teknologien er basert på et modulært genetisk kassettdesign for effektiv biogenese av multifunksjonelt circRNA inne i celler, som kan brukes i flere terapeutiske omgivelser, inkludert genetisk medisin, celleterapi og kronisk sykdom. CirVec-plattformen har demonstrert opptil 15 ganger forbedret og mer betydelig mer holdbar proteinekspresjon sammenlignet med klassiske mRNA-vektorsystemer og har potensial til å bli en ny gullstandard plattformteknologi for nukleinsyre- og viral terapi i fremtiden. circRNA FoU-aktivitetene utføres av det heleide datterselskapet Circio AB med base ved Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm, Sverige. I tillegg utvikler Circio en pan-RAS kreftvaksine, TG01, rettet mot KRAS-drivermutasjoner. TG01 testes for tiden i to kliniske studier: RAS-mutert bukspyttkjertel- og lungekreft i USA og myelomatose i Norge. Disse studiene drives gjennom akademiske og industrisamarbeidende nettverk, støttet av prestisjetunge forskningsstipend fra Innovasjon Norge og Norges Forskningsråd, og skaper opplesninger og fremtidig valgmuligheter for programmet til lave kostnader for Circio
Circio inviterer til bedriftsoppdatering webcast 26. mars 2025
· Administrerende direktør Dr. Erik D Wiklund vil gi en generell selskapsoppdatering og presentere de nyeste circVec eksperimentelle dataene og FoU-strategien · Finansdirektør Dr. Lubor Gaal vil presentere de økonomiske resultatene for 2024 (urevidert) og gi en oppdatering om Circios bedriftsutviklingsaktiviteter Oslo, Norge 19. mars 2025 - Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA som utvikler medisinkjerneteknologisk RNA) inviterer til en direktesendt webcast klokken 10:00 CET onsdag 26. mars 2025. I webcasten vil Circio-ledelsen gi en bedriftsoppdatering og presentere den siste utviklingen for circVec-plattformteknologien. Webcasten vil inkludere en oversikt over pågående testing med den nye circVec 3.0-generasjonen, utvikling av AAV og ikke-viral genterapivektor, og vevsspesifikke circVec-ekspresjonsdata in vivo, samt et syn på eksperimentelle planer og milepæler. Bedriftsseksjonen vil dekke Circios økonomiske resultater for 2024 (urevidert) og gi en oppdatering om finansierings- og forretningsutviklingsaktiviteter for 2025. Forelesere: CEO Dr. Erik Digman Wiklund CFO Dr. Lubor Gaal Tid: 10:00 CET 26. mars 2025 klikk her for å få tilgang til Teams webcast ( -join/19%3ameeting_ZmVlODI4ZTktZDFmMC00MjliLWFmNDItMDA5NTJkZjdlMGQ1%40thread.v2/0 ?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2266b0661a-3ec3-a96a -5b0cce82b3fe%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223f5f84b0-5521-4c04-bd8a-e185546abe04%22%7d) Møte-ID: 392 868 593 190 Deltakelseskode: q7S2 +M7S2 +M7S2+telefon 21402155 Telefonkonferanse-ID: 394 288 903# Spørsmål kan sendes på forhånd via e-post til Erik D Wiklund: eller direkte i den direktesendte webcasten Et opptak av webcasten vil bli gjort tilgjengelig på Circio-nettsiden ( For ytterligere informasjon, vennligst kontakt: Erik Digman Wiklund: +3 4 CEO: Erik Digman Wiklund: +7 536 E-post: Lubor Gaal, CFO Telefon: +34 683 343 811 E-post: Om Circio Bygger neste generasjons RNA-teknologi for nukleinsyremedisin Circio Holding ASA er et bioteknologiselskap som utvikler kraftig sirkulær RNA vektorsyreekspresjonsteknologi for neste generasjons nukleinsyremedisin. Circio har etablert en unik sirkulær RNA (circRNA) vektorekspresjonsplattform for ny DNA, RNA og viral terapeutikk. Den proprietære circVec-teknologien er basert på et modulært genetisk kassettdesign for effektiv biogenese av multifunksjonelt circRNA inne i celler, som kan brukes i flere terapeutiske omgivelser, inkludert genetisk medisin, celleterapi og kronisk sykdom. CirVec-plattformen har demonstrert opptil 15 ganger forbedret og mer betydelig mer holdbar proteinekspresjon sammenlignet med klassiske mRNA-vektorsystemer og har potensial til å bli en ny gullstandard plattformteknologi for nukleinsyre- og viral terapi i fremtiden. circRNA FoU-aktivitetene utføres av det heleide datterselskapet Circio AB med base ved Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm, Sverige. I tillegg utvikler Circio en pan-RAS kreftvaksine, TG01, rettet mot KRAS-drivermutasjoner. TG01 testes for tiden i to kliniske studier: RAS-mutert bukspyttkjertel- og lungekreft i USA og myelomatose i Norge. Disse studiene drives gjennom akademiske og industrisamarbeidende nettverk, støttet av prestisjetunge forskningsstipend fra Innovasjon Norge og Norges Forskningsråd, og skaper opplesninger og fremtidig valgmuligheter for programmet til lave kostnader for Circio
I går kl 10:42
Nok en gang blir aksjonærene holdt for narr.
Ledelsen meldte tidligere at partner og finansiering på plass 1Q, nok en gang tomprat.
I dag kl 07:24
Her er teksten fra Company Presentation fra 4 desember 2024:
Enter first strategic partnership, technology or target deal → mid-2025
Rar aktivitet dette at noen hopper rundt på diskusjonstråder og bare sprer "møkk",
Enter first strategic partnership, technology or target deal → mid-2025
Rar aktivitet dette at noen hopper rundt på diskusjonstråder og bare sprer "møkk",
I dag kl 08:54
Atlas skal snart konvertere neste transje, de selger aggressivt iflg aksjonærlista, og er derfor med på grusing av kursen, så konverteringskursen blir lavest mulig.
Redigert i dag kl 08:55
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