MEPS next-generation biometric cards with Zwipe and Mastercard

ZWIPE 20.06.2023 kl 08:19 11250

Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) announces the launch of next-generation biometric cards from Zwipe in partnership with Mastercard

MEPS eies av 10 regionale banker i midtøsten.

Dette bør være starten på global utrulling for ZWIPE
Redigert 20.06.2023 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
X-43 scramjet
29.09.2023 kl 13:32 2342

Skulle gått opp idag. Nå ser Zwipe bedre ut. De trenger en stor kontrakt nå, for en reprising dette kan bli. Blir julekulen i 2023 tipper jeg
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 13:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.09.2023 kl 12:58 2365

Finner ikke presentasjonen til Sintesi - LEAN THINKING
Noen som har en link ?
29.09.2023 kl 12:43 2319

Og markedet svarer med å sende Zwipe ned med 8%. Skal si det tærer på tålmodigheten, men herregud for en reise det vil bli med Zwipe fremover. Så sent som i mars i år hentet selskapet ca kr 69mill til en kurs på kr 4,80. Etter dette er det meldt om flere partnere og at de vil redusere lostnadsbasen med 35 mill årlig. Men tillitten til ledelsen er tynnslitt så her har de virkelig en jobb å gjøre. Men det må jo snart meldes om litt større kontrakter. Det er vel det eneste som kan ta kursen nordover.
29.09.2023 kl 10:09 2369

September 29, 2023
CAMPOSAMPIERO (PD), ITALY AND OSLO, NORWAY - 29 September 2023 - SINTESIS.R.L., a leading provider of physical identity, time and attendance and access technology, has partnered with biometric cards pioneer Zwipe to offer an integrated solution to its large customer base in Italy, spanning a variety of vertical markets they serve.

The Italian based developer, manufacturer and integrator of solutions for access control and time and attendance, is presenting at its annual event "LEAN THINKING" on the 29thof September 2023, a completely integrated access control solution using Zwipe biometriccards to validate the user's identity both for physical and logical secureaccess control.
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 10:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.09.2023 kl 15:42 2436

Ja det var hyggelig å se en sjef som seff hadde tro på kraftig økt salg fremover og som mer eller mindre var sikker på at biometriske kort ville eksplodere oppover de kommende årene og de har allerede sett dette i form av bestillinger. Jeg har Zwipe og Idex i min portefølje og kjøpte akkurat 100k til i Idex
28.09.2023 kl 14:34 2453

Redeye-økten kort oppsummert:

- lyttere fikk avklart at kortet kan aktiveres ved å benytte mobilen
- aktiverings-appen er klar og ligger ute på Applestore/Android
- 2023: 6 kommersielle lanseringer globalt hvorav 2 av de er av Zwipe (øvrige er Idemia og Thales)
- fremdeles liv i T1-piloten som har pågått siden 2022

Vi trenger en ordre med trøkk i slik som NEXT tidligere i år
28.09.2023 kl 11:27 2476

I dag:
Redeye Investor Forum is a live broadcast where different companies will show a 12-minute presentation followed by an 8-minute Q&A moderated by our analysts.

You can ask your question directly to the companies during the live broadcast in the question form.
14.00 Zwipe – Robert Puskaric, CEO
28.09.2023 kl 11:17 2486

Penser Access: Vi räknar med att omsättningen tar fart under H2 - Zwipe
30.8.2023 11:00 • MFN •
Kopier link
Access pipeline fortsätter accelerera…
Zwipe har 10 pågående så kallade Proof of Concept (PoC), eller koncepttest, och har ytterligare ett tiotal i pipeline för H2. Intresset för biometriska accesskort är mycket stort och accelererande, särskilt i flygplatsvertikalen men även i andra vertikaler där säkerhetsmedvetenheten är mycket hög. Vi har inte sett några intäkter från Access än, men räknar med kommersiella ordrar under H2.

…medan betalkorten inte har tagit fart än, även om flera milstolpar har mötts under H1

Biometriska betalkort har tagit längre tid att ta fart än väntat, men ett flertal viktiga milstolpar har nåtts under Q2. Vi har sett två kommersiella lanseringar och ett antal samarbeten. Lanseringarna skedde sent under kvartalet och vi räknar med att intäkterna tar fart gradvis under H2. Vi ser en ökande efterfrågan för biometriska kort från korttillverkarna, särskilt i Asien.
13.09.2023 kl 09:11 2629

BULL-presentasjon fra Erik Penser Bank:

Equity analyst Markus Almerud discusses Zwipe following the initiation. He discusses the product portfolio, where they are in the value chain, the status of and the progress of the access card market, the payment card market, why it should be successful and the potential threat from mobile wallets. Finally he discusses valuation and especially why there is plenty of upside in the value despite having enough cushion on the valuation metrics.

Find the presentation on Erik Penser Bank's YouTube-channel Penser Play:
11.09.2023 kl 13:10 2672

Interview with Zwipe - Erik Penser Bank - Sep 8th 2023
Analyst Markus Almerud interviews Zwipe's CEO Robert Puskaric. On Pay they discuss why he thinks the company's technology is at a breaking point, why takeoff takes longer, the pipeline, what the two recent commercial launches by Middle East banks could mean and why it should take less time to reach mass market than the eight years it took for contactless cards. On Access they discuss where the market is, the pipeline, how proof-of-concepts (POCs) should lead to revenues and the status of the POC at Richmond Airport.
11.09.2023 kl 13:03 2662

Zwipe AS - changes in management team
OSLO, NORWAY - 11 September 2023 - Zwipe announces today that Eric Mercer, COO
of Zwipe AS and CEO of Zwipe America, will leave the company as a result of the
June streamlining announcement and closure of the Zwipe America subsidiary. He
has accepted a new position as Director of Finance with a US-based company.
X-43 scramjet
09.09.2023 kl 08:37 2773

Litt ustabil aksje nå Zwipe. De trenger fortsatt penger
08.09.2023 kl 19:31 2871

Innside SALG:

Zwipe AS - notification of trade by primary insider
OSLO, NORWAY - 8 September 2023 - Eric Mercer, COO of Zwipe AS, has today sold a
total of 25,500 shares in Zwipe AS. After this transaction, Eric Mercer holds no
remaining shares in Zwipe AS.

Meldingen er stygg. Aksjene har så lav verdi at beløpet er ikke noe Mr. Mercer gjør noe stor nytte av. Har han fått sparken? I så fall står det dårlig til i selskapet.
Redigert 08.09.2023 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
X-43 scramjet
31.08.2023 kl 19:39 3040

Er det vinteren Zwipe endelig slår igjennom med store kontrakter? Venter stort potensial i Asia markedet fremover
31.08.2023 kl 15:54 3121

Heller et spørsmål:
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Civix, a leading public sector software and services firm, announced today that it has sold its Critical Infrastructure division to Modaxo Inc. ("Modaxo"), a global technology organization focused on moving the world's people.

NEW ORLEANS, May 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Civix, in partnership with Zwipe, is performing a new biometric technology Proof-of-Concept (POC) initiative at Richmond International Airport (RIC), a TSA-approved Airport Innovation Forum member in the United States.

Øverste melding - bra eller dårlig for Zwipe?
X-43 scramjet
31.08.2023 kl 14:32 3166

Juniper: Biometrics Will Enable $3 Trillion in Payments by 2025

Juniper Research is predicting that the use of biometrics in the payments industry will skyrocket in the next few years. Biometric modalities were used to authorize $404 billion worth of payments in 2020, but that number will jump an astonishing 650 percent to $3 trillion by 2025.

Juniper: Biometrics Will Enable $3 Trillion in Payments by 2025
The firm attributed much of that growth to the rising popularity of mobile payment apps, and in particular to apps like Apple Pay and Samsung Pay that come directly from equipment manufacturers. Those apps are designed to take advantage of the face and fingerprint authentication features built into modern smartphones, and can also leverage other modalities like iris and voice biometrics that have become more common in recent years.

With that in mind, Juniper argues that payment apps without biometric authentication will eventually lose ground to those that do, since the technology enables a more convenient user experience. However, stakeholders will need to find ways to make people more comfortable with the technology. While 95 percent of smartphones will have biometric capabilities by 2025, only 35 percent of those phones will be used to make a biometric transaction. That creates a significant market opportunity for apps that successfully convert a large number of customers.

The growing demand for contactless payment options will be another major driver of biometric payments. The number of contactless payments authorized with biometrics will go up 520 percent in the same forecast window, while mobile payment apps can be used to make both in-store and online eCommerce transactions.

“While biometrics are now an established part of the ecosystem, payments and eCommerce apps have not kept pace with the rate of innovation,” said research co-author Susan Morrow. “Merchants must adopt biometric capabilities rapidly and educate users to best secure the increasingly massive eCommerce market
X-43 scramjet
31.08.2023 kl 12:49 3240

Sperre på 3 kr. Komme over den, så skal Zwipe fort opp til 4 kr. Kan bli milliard inntekter hvis de lykkes her
31.08.2023 kl 12:34 3242

Ja om Zwipe er verdt kr 11, hva er Idex verdt da? kr 110? Sitter i begge og har stor tro på segmentet
X-43 scramjet
31.08.2023 kl 12:11 3273

Dette går den rette veien, opp 37%
X-43 scramjet
31.08.2023 kl 09:57 3314

Har troen på Zwipe igjen etter IDEX fikk Mastercard godkjenning, dette lover godt, opp 21%
30.08.2023 kl 15:43 3381

Zwipe – 29 augusti 2023 Erik Penser Bank:

Vi värderar Zwipe till nästan NOK 11 per aktie i vår SOTP...:med potentiell uppsida till över NOK 30 om
båda teknologierna når massmarknad

Redigert 30.08.2023 kl 15:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.08.2023 kl 15:03 3556

Gratulerer til alle som IKKE har kjøpt siste 2 årene.

Her har vi eksisterende aksjonærer brent oss stygt.
Med mindre det dukker opp en kjempeordre fra den pågående T-1 piloten ila av H2-2023 vil selskapet ha behov for kapital.

100M NOK til 2 NOK = 50M nye aksjer = ny total 105M aksjer
Kanskje 2 NOK er for optimistisk?

3x ant aksjer i forhold til 2021 (37M)

24.08.2023 kl 12:07 3597

Zwipe Access
In total, more than ten PoCs are underway
and progressing and approximately ten
more PoCs are also already in the pipeline
for the second half of this year, to be conducted alongside our distribution partners.
The fact that Zwipe is able to so rapidly set
up PoCs and the significant progress seen
therein makes us confident that we will see
commercial orders for Zwipe Access in H2

Det er nok adgangskort som er muligheten nå før bankkort markedet slipper seg løs.
X-43 scramjet
24.08.2023 kl 10:51 3625

1.82 kr nå, fortsetter fallet
X-43 scramjet
24.08.2023 kl 10:43 3645

I Sverige faller Zwipe 26% nå
X-43 scramjet
24.08.2023 kl 10:13 3670

Da er kursmålet på 11 kr utelukket. Denne kan gå videre ned til 1.50 kr nå
24.08.2023 kl 09:31 3711

Zwipe Q2 2023: No sales and elevated cash burn - Redeye
Redeye thinks the Q2 report from Zwipe was significantly weaker than our estimates with zero revenues and an elevated cash burn. While the cash burn is set to decrease in the coming quarters we now believe equity investors must be prepared for another equity issue within the next twelve months to fund the continued development of the group. The bright spots in the report were the first commercial launch for Zwipe Pay and that the first commercial volumes for Zwipe Access is likely to come in the second half of 2023.
23.08.2023 kl 22:08 3804

Hvor mye cash har Zwipe igjen? Det er spørsmålet om noen timer.
18.08.2023 kl 15:48 3968

Oioi, melding fra ZWIPE:

Zwipe AS - invitation to presentation of H1 2023 financial report
OSLO, NORWAY - 18 August 2023 - Zwipe AS will publish its H1 2023 financial
report on 24 August 2023 at 08:00 CET. On the same day at 10:00 CET, the
Company will host a webcast to present the update. After the presentation, the
webcast will be opened up for questions from the audience.

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit their questions prior to the
webcast on the registration page below or by sending questions to
Participants will be required to register to listen to the webcast and
participate in the Q&A.

Webcast details

Date: 24 August 2023

Time: 10:00 CET

Format: Webcast and Q&A

Language: English

X-43 scramjet
18.08.2023 kl 10:16 4039

2.40 kr nå Zwipe. 2 kr mest sannsynlig neste
16.08.2023 kl 09:07 4118

08-16-2023 07:41
Airport Security Market Size to Expand from USD 13.44 Billion to USD 22.50 Billion by 2029, with 7.64% CAGR

Who are Airport Security Market Key Players:

American Science and Engineering Inc.
Axis Communication AB
FLIR Systems
Hitachi Limited
Honeywell International Inc.
L3Harris Technologies Inc.
Raytheon Technologies
Robert Bosch GmbH
Siemens AG
Smiths Detection Inc.
Thales Group
Westminister Group Plc.
Ceia USA, Ltd.
Cobalt Light Systems
Garrett Electronics Inc.
L3Harris Security & Detection Systems
Rapiscan Systems
IRT ScanMaster Systems, Inc.
Unival group GmbH
Redigert 16.08.2023 kl 09:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.08.2023 kl 19:12 4300

TOTAL informasjonstørke i Zwipe. Det er ferie tid. Det ser en på Trengs en araber flikkflakk (ref Kuwait Iternasjonal Bank , KIB).
Så får en se hvor mye flikkflakken utgjorde.
Inntill videere: Stay away. Oppsiden long term: Enorm.
01.08.2023 kl 15:32 4426

Børsverdien ned nesten 13 millioner på aksje omsetning 18 tusen kroner.

Kanskje like greit å holde seg unna. Forrige emisjon på 4,80 ble kalt en dumping emisjon. Hvor greier de å hente cash neste gang og til hvilken kurs? Kursen er jo på 2 tallet nå.

2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q2) 24. aug. Det vil bli en stygg dato.
X-43 scramjet
24.07.2023 kl 18:51 4631

11 kr i kursmål. Vi har fått samarbeid med Oloid. Rett før 5 kr kommer. Trengs en ny melding sikkert
X-43 scramjet
20.07.2023 kl 16:45 4845

Setter nok fart opp på neste gode børsmelding. Ventes en turnaround 2.halvår. 3 kr er billig nå for Zwipe
20.07.2023 kl 15:28 4894

Zwipe omsettes både i Oslo og Stokkholm.
Handelsbildet er likedan.

Stokkholm til salgs SEK 3,30 165k aksjer
Oslo til salgs NOK 3,30 132k aksjer

Begge postene flyttes samtidig nedover.
Det er greit.

Mer enn tilfeldig er det at samme antall selges på samme tid:
13:31:31 pris 3,225 antall 4 729
13:31:36 3,180 712 + 13:31:36 3,200 4 017 = antall 4 729