ARGEO - INVITERER ARGEO 12.02.24 kl 1300 se link
avlyst og ny dato er 12.februar.
Trond kunne ikke pga reiseplaner som kræsjer. Det er vel mye aktivitet i Argeo om dagen. Jeg tror det er mye aktivitet i andre selskaper som har med Argeo å gjøre og ,-))
Vi har gleden av å ha med oss Trond Crantz, CEO hos Argeo. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, er du velkommen til å besøke Investorweb-profilen vår på Der kan du sende inn dine spørsmål i Q&A-delen.
Trond kunne ikke pga reiseplaner som kræsjer. Det er vel mye aktivitet i Argeo om dagen. Jeg tror det er mye aktivitet i andre selskaper som har med Argeo å gjøre og ,-))
Vi har gleden av å ha med oss Trond Crantz, CEO hos Argeo. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, er du velkommen til å besøke Investorweb-profilen vår på Der kan du sende inn dine spørsmål i Q&A-delen.
Redigert 31.01.2024 kl 10:08
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Ingen nyheter. Argeo vil mest sannsynlig fortsetter å korrigere videre nedover idag. Hvorfor? Zoom ut og se på den massive kursstigningen - her har nok kursen steget for mye på kort tid sett i lys av at vi ikke vet noen sikkert om kontraktensomfanget, i tillegg drøyer dette ut i tid ift lovnad om 1 uke kanskje noe lengre.
16.10.2023 kl 08:53
Ja, kan godt hende det, men ikke alle er her short term så det har ikke så stor betydning i det store bildet.
16.10.2023 kl 09:15
Jaja en som la ut over 100k til salg på 7. men han trakk seg når vi begynte spise på den. Sett dette lenge at noen prøver å få kursen ned, men vi er snart over 10 samme hva de gjør, go børsuke.
16.10.2023 kl 09:23
Jonny solgte lavt og vil ha ny inngang. Slitsomt å løpe etter 😅
Han tapte jo minst 30-40% i forhold til å prøve å time i forhold til hva han kunne solgt for noen dager senere. Når kursen nå går litt ned naturlig nok, så kommer han fram igjen. Ikke mye troverdig.
Han tapte jo minst 30-40% i forhold til å prøve å time i forhold til hva han kunne solgt for noen dager senere. Når kursen nå går litt ned naturlig nok, så kommer han fram igjen. Ikke mye troverdig.
16.10.2023 kl 10:04
Er litt samme bildet som har vært en stund, jeg filosoferer litt over at den kan være et oppkjøp på gang. Trond informerer om selskapet for å få kursen opp og når ting roer seg er det noen som legger et lokk på kursen....
16.10.2023 kl 10:14
Er vel nærmere nedsalg enn oppkjøp kan det virke som. Enorm gevinst i siste perioden som sikres, aldri feil det.
16.10.2023 kl 11:54
Sitt på aksjene ett år eller to eller tre. Jo flere kontrakter med påfølgende gode inntekter som kommer, jo mer stabilt vil kursen stå. På et stadig høyere nivå. Helt naturlig med volatiliteten som rir Argeo nå, men 7kr pluss minus vil om noe tid høyst sannsynlig være en svært god inngang.
16.10.2023 kl 13:39
Alltid noen som vet mer enn andre. Deres desidert beste kontrakt…
16.10.2023 kl 13:43
Det trenger heller ikke være mer enn 2-3 uker til oppdatering renewable kontrakt for skipet som er under ombygging
16.10.2023 kl 14:02
Det er vel ikke sagt ar Searcher skal på den jobben, de skal vel på den første. Tidligere så har de gjort vindmølle jobber med en USV.
16.10.2023 kl 14:49
Shearwater-fartøyet skal jo også tilpasses, så det er det som skal brukes.
Atle Tisk
16.10.2023 kl 15:08
Har det ikke kommet noen kursmål her enda? Tipper det ligger klart, men de skal laste opp med aksjer selv først.
Detaljer om kontrakten kommer vel i løpet av uka.
Vurderer å gå inn i Argeo igjen. Er ikke lett å stå på utsiden her kjenner jeg:/
Detaljer om kontrakten kommer vel i løpet av uka.
Vurderer å gå inn i Argeo igjen. Er ikke lett å stå på utsiden her kjenner jeg:/
16.10.2023 kl 16:29
moneymachine skrev Shearwater-fartøyet skal jo også tilpasses, så det er det som skal brukes.
Redigert 17.10.2023 kl 08:02
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16.10.2023 kl 19:16
Newbe75 skrev ???.
Additionally, Argeo are in principle expected to agree a Greenfield Exploration project with a client. The project is scheduled to commence in late Q4 2023 with a duration of 4-months. Argeo's newly acquired vessel from Shearwater will be utilized for this project. Final award announcement expected in November.
17.10.2023 kl 07:22
Beklager, jeg missforstod innlegget ditt, når du skreiv skipet som inne til ombygging nå virket det som du mente Searcher.
Searcher som er på oppgradering nå skal på Olje jobben og den nye på Greenfield exploration, den siste skulle vel komme svar på innen medio Nov.
Ang første kontrakten så er de i siste forhandlinger om betalingsbetingelser nå.
Searcher som er på oppgradering nå skal på Olje jobben og den nye på Greenfield exploration, den siste skulle vel komme svar på innen medio Nov.
Ang første kontrakten så er de i siste forhandlinger om betalingsbetingelser nå.
Redigert 17.10.2023 kl 07:27
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17.10.2023 kl 07:39
Høres bra ut ,gikk noen store poster høyt i går ,,tror/mener noe er på gang her veldig snart ....10 Nok 😉
Atle Tisk
17.10.2023 kl 08:41
Utelukker ikke tosifret kurs i løpet av de neste dagene. Kontrakten tar litt tid, men det ser jeg på som positivt. SOW har utvidet seg sa Trond. Jeg kjøpte litt i går, og fortsetter i dag.
17.10.2023 kl 08:51
Stockflow skrev Synd jeg ikke fikk med meg duppen i går😫
Blir vel samme patetiske forsøk idag. Riste treet i håp om utløste stoploss
19.10.2023 kl 00:21
Igjen ser vi at 7 holder meget godt, tross lenger ventetid på allerede annonsert gigakontrakt! Det viser at basen i selskapet er solid og optimismen høy.
19.10.2023 kl 01:13
Eg personlig trur vi får en veldig god melding idag, eller i morgen, rykter ute å går, Pareto er helt stille om det.
19.10.2023 kl 07:21
God Torsdag ,ja er Dere klare for en 15% minst oppgang i dag? 😉😉😉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻♥️♥️♥️
Atle Tisk
19.10.2023 kl 09:12
Meldingen lar vente på seg. SOW har utvidet seg. Ser på det som utelukkende positivt at det tar litt tid. Jeg tror ikke 15% holder den dagen meldingen kommer. Pareto venter også på meldingen før de kommer med analyse og kursmål.
En fin mulighet til å plukke litt ekstra aksjer rundt 7 før det går til tosifret om kort tid.
Husk IPO på 8,20 og kursmål 18 fra sparebanken. Selskapet har levert mye nå, og kursen skal kraftig opp!
En fin mulighet til å plukke litt ekstra aksjer rundt 7 før det går til tosifret om kort tid.
Husk IPO på 8,20 og kursmål 18 fra sparebanken. Selskapet har levert mye nå, og kursen skal kraftig opp!
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 09:13
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19.10.2023 kl 11:44
Tok kontakt med CEO og etterlyste informasjon vedr. forsinkelsen. Fikk dette til svar:
"Takk for mail, en liten forsinkelse som kun dreier seg om forhandlinger relatert til utvidelse og betalingsbetingelser.
Det virker med andre ord som at det er riktig at forsinkelsen i bunn og grunn er positiv og et resultat av en utvidelse av den initielle planen.
"Takk for mail, en liten forsinkelse som kun dreier seg om forhandlinger relatert til utvidelse og betalingsbetingelser.
Det virker med andre ord som at det er riktig at forsinkelsen i bunn og grunn er positiv og et resultat av en utvidelse av den initielle planen.
Atle Tisk
19.10.2023 kl 11:55
Ja det er bare positivt med denne lille forsinkelsen. Da får vi plukket litt mer før det smeller opp🚀
Jeg er overbevist om at markedet kommer til å like meldingen når den kommer. Kan komme når som helst. Tror Trond lett sender ut en melding i åpningstiden også. Spennende!
Jeg er overbevist om at markedet kommer til å like meldingen når den kommer. Kan komme når som helst. Tror Trond lett sender ut en melding i åpningstiden også. Spennende!
19.10.2023 kl 16:36
Asker, 19 October 2023. Argeo AS ("Argeo" or the "Company") has engaged Pareto
Securities AS Sole Global Coordinator and Bookrunner (the "Manager") to advise
on and effect a contemplated private placement of new shares (the "Offer
Shares") in the Company (the "Private Placement"), at a fixed price of NOK 3.20
per Offer Share (the "Offer Price"), to raise gross proceeds of NOK 250 million
(the "Offering Size").
New strategic alliance with Shearwater
The contemplated Private Placement is partly carried out in conjunction with the
new strategic alliance with Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS ("Shearwater") to
innovate and pioneer new technology and products across the subsea and marine
seismic markets (the "Strategic Alliance"), as previously announced on 27
September 2023. The shared ambition is to jointly develop projects and clients
specifically within carbon capture, marine minerals and offshore renewables
(among others).
In connection with the Strategic Alliance, the Company will purchase the seismic
vessel SW Bell (Ulstein SX124 X-BOW) from Shearwater for USD 12 million (the
"Vessel Acquisition"). USD 6 million will be paid in cash (part of the use of
proceeds in the Private Placement as described below) and the remaining purchase
amount will be settled with 20,123,625 new shares in the Company ("Consideration
Shares"). SW Bell will, subsequent to the Vessel Acquisition, be converted from
a towed streamer seismic vessel to a full subsea Inspection, Maintenance and
Repair (IMR) vessel.
As part of the Strategic Alliance, it will be proposed that the EGM (as defined
below) approves the election of a Shearwater appointed representative at the
Use of proceeds
The net proceeds to the Company from the Private Placement, together with an
expected USD 10 million in new loan financing and USD 2 million credit facility,
will be used to fund the (i) cash element of the Vessel Acquisition (USD 6
million), (ii) reactivation and upgrade CAPEX relating to the Vessel Acquisition
(approx. NOK 139 million), (iii) upgrade CAPEX relating to the vessel Argeo
Searcher (approx. NOK 11 million), (iv) down-payment on a leasing facility for 2
AUVs (USD 2 million), (v) various equipment CAPEX (approx. NOK 16 million), (vi)
repayment of debt from Innovasjon Norge (up to NOK 23.5 million), as well as for
(vii) working capital and general corporate purposes.
Kistefos AS, the largest shareholder in the Company with approx. 21% of the
shares outstanding (adjusted for the Consideration Shares), has pre-committed to
subscribe for, and will be allocated, NOK 52 million in the Private Placement.
The Company, current members of the Company's management and board of directors
(the "Board") , Kistefos AS and Shearwater, will enter into customary lock-up
arrangements with the Manager that will restrict, subject to certain exceptions,
their ability to issue, sell or dispose of shares, as applicable for a period of
six months from the date hereof without the prior written consent of the Manager
(not to be unreasonably withheld).
Application period
The application period in the Private Placement will commence today, 19 October
2023 at 16:30 CEST (after close of markets) and is expected to close on 20
October 2023 at 08:00 CEST (before opening of markets) (the "Application
Period"). The Company may, however, in consultation with the Manager, at any
time resolve to shorten or extend the Application Period on short or without
notice. If the Application Period is shortened or extended, any other dates
referred to herein may be amended accordingly.
Offering structure
The Private Placement will be divided into two tranches.
The first tranche ("Tranche 1") will consist of up to 18,002,309 Offer Shares,
which equals the maximum number of shares the Board may issue pursuant to the
authorization granted by the annual general meeting in the Company on 15 June
2023 (the "Board Authorization") and a second tranche with 60,122,691 Offer
Shares ("Tranche 2"), to be issued by an extraordinary general meeting in the
Company expected to be held on or about 3 November 2023 (the "EGM") which will
be summoned shortly after notification of allocation in the Private Placement.
Allocation of Offer Shares will be determined at the end of the Application
Period by the Board, at its sole discretion (in consultation with the Manager).
The Company may focus on allocation criteria such as (but not limited to)
pre-commitments, indications from the wall-crossing phase of the Private
Placement, existing ownership in the Company, timeliness of the application,
relative order size, sector knowledge, perceived investor quality and investment
horizon. The Board may, at its sole discretion, reject and/or reduce any
applications. There is no guarantee that any applicant will be allocated Offer
Notification of allocations are expected to be issued to the applicants on or
around 20 October 2023 (before trading commences on Euronext Growth Oslo)
through a notification to be issued by the Manager.
Applicants will receive a pro rata portion of Offer Shares in Tranche 1 and
Tranche 2 based on their overall allocation in the Private Placement except for
Kistefos AS mentioned above which will receive its entire allocation of Offer
Shares in Tranche 2. The Company will seek to accommodate applicants who request
to be allocated Offer Shares in Tranche 2 (implying that other investors may
receive a larger portion of their initial allocation in Tranche 1).
Offer Shares in Tranche 1 are expected to be settled on a delivery versus
payment ("DvP") basis on T+2 (T = notification of allocation date) expected on
or about 24 October 2023, subject to the conditions for Tranche 1 having been
met. The Offer Shares in Tranche 1 are not tradable on Euronext Growth Oslo
before the share capital increase pertaining to the issuance of the Offer Shares
in Trance 1 has been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business
Enterprises ("NRBE"). The Company will announce when such registration has taken
place, and the Company expects that the Offer Shares in Trance 1 will commence
trading on Euronext Growth Oslo on or about 23 October 2023 after the mentioned
Offer Shares in Tranche 2 are expected to be settled on a DvP basis on X+3 (X =
EGM date) expected on or about 8 November 2023, subject to the conditions for
Tranche 2 having been met. The Offer Shares in Tranche 2 are not tradable on
Euronext Growth Oslo before the share capital increase pertaining to the
issuance of the Offer Shares in Trance 2 has been registered with the NRBE. The
Company will announce when such registration has taken place, and the Company
expects that the Offer Shares in Trance 2 will commence trading on Euronext
Growth Oslo on or about 7 November 2023 after the mentioned announcement.
To facilitate swift settlement in both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2, a customary
pre-payment agreement has been entered into between the Company and the Manager
(the "Pre-Payment Agreement").
Settlement in Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 is subject to the conditions for
completion set out below.
Conditions for completion
The completion of Tranche 1 is subject to a resolution by the Board to issue the
Offer Shares in Tranche 1 pursuant to the Board Authorization. The completion of
Tranche 2 is subject to the completion of Tranche 1 and a resolution by the EGM
to issue the Offer Shares in Tranche 2 as well as the Consideration Shares.
Further to this, completion of both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 in the Private
Placement is subject to the Board resolving to consummate the Private Placement
and allocate the Offer Shares as well as the Pre-Payment Agreement being in full
force and effect.
Completion of Tranche 1 is not conditional upon completion of Tranche 2. The
settlement of Offer Shares under Tranche 1 will remain final and binding and
cannot be revoked, cancelled or terminated by the respective applicants if
Tranche 2 is not completed. Completion of Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 is not
conditional upon completion of the Vessel Acquisition.
The Company reserves the right to cancel and/or modify the terms of the Private
Placement at any time and for any reason prior to notification of allocation.
The applicants also acknowledge that the Private Placement as a whole (including
Tranche 1), or just Tranche 2, will be cancelled if the relevant conditions are
not fulfilled. Neither the Manager nor the Company, or any of its directors,
officers, employees, representatives or advisors, will be liable for any losses
if the Private Placement as a whole (including Tranche 1), or just Tranche 2, is
cancelled and/or modified, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation or
Potential uplisting
The intention of the Board is to pursue an uplisting to a regulated marketplace
operated by the Oslo Stock Exchange within 12 months post completion of the
Private Placement (always subject to favourable market conditions and the
satisfaction of applicable listing requirements).
Dilutive instruments
The Company has the following outstanding financial instruments:
- Options outstanding: 695,000 options, which can be exercised at various
intervals, with a strike price of NOK 8.20.
- Warrants outstanding: 346,097 warrants, which can be exercised at various
intervals, with a volume weighted average strike price of NOK 2.41. 1,875,000
warrants, which can be exercised only given a demonstrated market price per
share in the Company of NOK 24.60 wi
Asker, 19 October 2023. Argeo AS ("Argeo" or the "Company") has engaged Pareto
Securities AS Sole Global Coordinator and Bookrunner (the "Manager") to advise
on and effect a contemplated private placement of new shares (the "Offer
Shares") in the Company (the "Private Placement"), at a fixed price of NOK 3.20
per Offer Share (the "Offer Price"), to raise gross proceeds of NOK 250 million
(the "Offering Size").
New strategic alliance with Shearwater
The contemplated Private Placement is partly carried out in conjunction with the
new strategic alliance with Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS ("Shearwater") to
innovate and pioneer new technology and products across the subsea and marine
seismic markets (the "Strategic Alliance"), as previously announced on 27
September 2023. The shared ambition is to jointly develop projects and clients
specifically within carbon capture, marine minerals and offshore renewables
(among others).
In connection with the Strategic Alliance, the Company will purchase the seismic
vessel SW Bell (Ulstein SX124 X-BOW) from Shearwater for USD 12 million (the
"Vessel Acquisition"). USD 6 million will be paid in cash (part of the use of
proceeds in the Private Placement as described below) and the remaining purchase
amount will be settled with 20,123,625 new shares in the Company ("Consideration
Shares"). SW Bell will, subsequent to the Vessel Acquisition, be converted from
a towed streamer seismic vessel to a full subsea Inspection, Maintenance and
Repair (IMR) vessel.
As part of the Strategic Alliance, it will be proposed that the EGM (as defined
below) approves the election of a Shearwater appointed representative at the
Use of proceeds
The net proceeds to the Company from the Private Placement, together with an
expected USD 10 million in new loan financing and USD 2 million credit facility,
will be used to fund the (i) cash element of the Vessel Acquisition (USD 6
million), (ii) reactivation and upgrade CAPEX relating to the Vessel Acquisition
(approx. NOK 139 million), (iii) upgrade CAPEX relating to the vessel Argeo
Searcher (approx. NOK 11 million), (iv) down-payment on a leasing facility for 2
AUVs (USD 2 million), (v) various equipment CAPEX (approx. NOK 16 million), (vi)
repayment of debt from Innovasjon Norge (up to NOK 23.5 million), as well as for
(vii) working capital and general corporate purposes.
Kistefos AS, the largest shareholder in the Company with approx. 21% of the
shares outstanding (adjusted for the Consideration Shares), has pre-committed to
subscribe for, and will be allocated, NOK 52 million in the Private Placement.
The Company, current members of the Company's management and board of directors
(the "Board") , Kistefos AS and Shearwater, will enter into customary lock-up
arrangements with the Manager that will restrict, subject to certain exceptions,
their ability to issue, sell or dispose of shares, as applicable for a period of
six months from the date hereof without the prior written consent of the Manager
(not to be unreasonably withheld).
Application period
The application period in the Private Placement will commence today, 19 October
2023 at 16:30 CEST (after close of markets) and is expected to close on 20
October 2023 at 08:00 CEST (before opening of markets) (the "Application
Period"). The Company may, however, in consultation with the Manager, at any
time resolve to shorten or extend the Application Period on short or without
notice. If the Application Period is shortened or extended, any other dates
referred to herein may be amended accordingly.
Offering structure
The Private Placement will be divided into two tranches.
The first tranche ("Tranche 1") will consist of up to 18,002,309 Offer Shares,
which equals the maximum number of shares the Board may issue pursuant to the
authorization granted by the annual general meeting in the Company on 15 June
2023 (the "Board Authorization") and a second tranche with 60,122,691 Offer
Shares ("Tranche 2"), to be issued by an extraordinary general meeting in the
Company expected to be held on or about 3 November 2023 (the "EGM") which will
be summoned shortly after notification of allocation in the Private Placement.
Allocation of Offer Shares will be determined at the end of the Application
Period by the Board, at its sole discretion (in consultation with the Manager).
The Company may focus on allocation criteria such as (but not limited to)
pre-commitments, indications from the wall-crossing phase of the Private
Placement, existing ownership in the Company, timeliness of the application,
relative order size, sector knowledge, perceived investor quality and investment
horizon. The Board may, at its sole discretion, reject and/or reduce any
applications. There is no guarantee that any applicant will be allocated Offer
Notification of allocations are expected to be issued to the applicants on or
around 20 October 2023 (before trading commences on Euronext Growth Oslo)
through a notification to be issued by the Manager.
Applicants will receive a pro rata portion of Offer Shares in Tranche 1 and
Tranche 2 based on their overall allocation in the Private Placement except for
Kistefos AS mentioned above which will receive its entire allocation of Offer
Shares in Tranche 2. The Company will seek to accommodate applicants who request
to be allocated Offer Shares in Tranche 2 (implying that other investors may
receive a larger portion of their initial allocation in Tranche 1).
Offer Shares in Tranche 1 are expected to be settled on a delivery versus
payment ("DvP") basis on T+2 (T = notification of allocation date) expected on
or about 24 October 2023, subject to the conditions for Tranche 1 having been
met. The Offer Shares in Tranche 1 are not tradable on Euronext Growth Oslo
before the share capital increase pertaining to the issuance of the Offer Shares
in Trance 1 has been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business
Enterprises ("NRBE"). The Company will announce when such registration has taken
place, and the Company expects that the Offer Shares in Trance 1 will commence
trading on Euronext Growth Oslo on or about 23 October 2023 after the mentioned
Offer Shares in Tranche 2 are expected to be settled on a DvP basis on X+3 (X =
EGM date) expected on or about 8 November 2023, subject to the conditions for
Tranche 2 having been met. The Offer Shares in Tranche 2 are not tradable on
Euronext Growth Oslo before the share capital increase pertaining to the
issuance of the Offer Shares in Trance 2 has been registered with the NRBE. The
Company will announce when such registration has taken place, and the Company
expects that the Offer Shares in Trance 2 will commence trading on Euronext
Growth Oslo on or about 7 November 2023 after the mentioned announcement.
To facilitate swift settlement in both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2, a customary
pre-payment agreement has been entered into between the Company and the Manager
(the "Pre-Payment Agreement").
Settlement in Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 is subject to the conditions for
completion set out below.
Conditions for completion
The completion of Tranche 1 is subject to a resolution by the Board to issue the
Offer Shares in Tranche 1 pursuant to the Board Authorization. The completion of
Tranche 2 is subject to the completion of Tranche 1 and a resolution by the EGM
to issue the Offer Shares in Tranche 2 as well as the Consideration Shares.
Further to this, completion of both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 in the Private
Placement is subject to the Board resolving to consummate the Private Placement
and allocate the Offer Shares as well as the Pre-Payment Agreement being in full
force and effect.
Completion of Tranche 1 is not conditional upon completion of Tranche 2. The
settlement of Offer Shares under Tranche 1 will remain final and binding and
cannot be revoked, cancelled or terminated by the respective applicants if
Tranche 2 is not completed. Completion of Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 is not
conditional upon completion of the Vessel Acquisition.
The Company reserves the right to cancel and/or modify the terms of the Private
Placement at any time and for any reason prior to notification of allocation.
The applicants also acknowledge that the Private Placement as a whole (including
Tranche 1), or just Tranche 2, will be cancelled if the relevant conditions are
not fulfilled. Neither the Manager nor the Company, or any of its directors,
officers, employees, representatives or advisors, will be liable for any losses
if the Private Placement as a whole (including Tranche 1), or just Tranche 2, is
cancelled and/or modified, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation or
Potential uplisting
The intention of the Board is to pursue an uplisting to a regulated marketplace
operated by the Oslo Stock Exchange within 12 months post completion of the
Private Placement (always subject to favourable market conditions and the
satisfaction of applicable listing requirements).
Dilutive instruments
The Company has the following outstanding financial instruments:
- Options outstanding: 695,000 options, which can be exercised at various
intervals, with a strike price of NOK 8.20.
- Warrants outstanding: 346,097 warrants, which can be exercised at various
intervals, with a volume weighted average strike price of NOK 2.41. 1,875,000
warrants, which can be exercised only given a demonstrated market price per
share in the Company of NOK 24.60 wi
19.10.2023 kl 16:40
Uff.Emisjon er sjelden gode nyheter,men ser ut som de vil tjene penger framover.
19.10.2023 kl 16:42
Krelva skrev Kjempebra ,de tolmodige vinner
Skal alle få rabatt?
19.10.2023 kl 16:42
Herregud for en elendig emisjonkurs. Kr 3.20?
Har selskapet så liten tro på egne evner til å skape aksjonærverdier at det i emisjonen måtte gis så stor rabatt?
at a fixed price of NOK 3.20 per Offer Share (the "Offer Price"), to raise gross proceeds of NOK 250 million (the "Offering Size").
Har selskapet så liten tro på egne evner til å skape aksjonærverdier at det i emisjonen måtte gis så stor rabatt?
at a fixed price of NOK 3.20 per Offer Share (the "Offer Price"), to raise gross proceeds of NOK 250 million (the "Offering Size").
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 16:43
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19.10.2023 kl 16:53
Ja-ja, en rabatt på over 55% fra dagens sluttkurs - det var jo en imponerende salgsbragd av en heller sleskete bruktbilselger i disse supersyklus tider som for bare kort tid siden hausset om 5 ganger'n i studioet til den syvende far i huset - det skal nok investeres i flere krabbeteiner ....;)
19.10.2023 kl 16:55
Codiak73 skrev Får vi som har aksjer tilbud om å kjøpe til denne prisen?
Fordelen når det kjøres baconemi er at kursen lagger under innen 3 dager.
19.10.2023 kl 16:58
19.10.2023 kl 17:22
Hadde bra pluss her,men ser ut som den fortjenesten forsvinner i morgen..Aksjekursen raser vel ned ved emisjon..Emisjon er som en ondartet svulst i aksjeverden :(
19.10.2023 kl 17:22
sprlk skrev Faktisk ganske utrolig prestasjon.
Etter å ha lest og fulgt med ble jeg fristet til å investere i dette selskapet. Gikk inn med 750k med snitt på 7,5 for en uke siden. Flott lesning nå og innser vel nå at den kortsiktige planen gikk i dass. Da blir det å sitte det ut til godt ut i 2024 😅🥳
19.10.2023 kl 17:23
sprlk skrev Faktisk ganske utrolig prestasjon.
Hva tror Du kursen bli i morgen?
19.10.2023 kl 17:25
Vil kursen falle i morgen eller fortsette mot 5 dobling som ble sagt for en stund siden?