Carnegie tar opp dekning, kursmål 0,25 kr. 150% over dagens kurs

BGBIO 26.07.2023 kl 09:46 107779

23.08.2023 kl 11:40 4030

CEO nevnte vel i en bisetning ang presentasjon av den meldingen som kom i går. Hadde vel vært ok med litt mere kjøtt på beina rundt den meldingen kanskje ?
Rolig fyr da :)
23.08.2023 kl 11:27 4121

Det virker ikke som markedet er fornøyd med presentasjonen
23.08.2023 kl 11:21 4171

siste risting i treet før oppgang nå eller
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 11:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.08.2023 kl 11:17 4198

konkurransemessig meget oppløftende og et marked estimert til 4 billioner US dollar
23.08.2023 kl 11:15 4203

Veldig bra presentasjon som bekrefter at dem er på rett vei og fokus på stort partnerskap som dem er i dialog med.
23.08.2023 kl 11:04 4279

Omsatt 220 millioner i går og 76 millioner pt i dag. Det er meget bra, noen laster tungt opp. Og noen er fornøyde med gevinssikring +20%-30% gevinst på kort tid og selger. Slutter nok over 0,13 i dag. BGBIO er en av de aksjene med størst potensial denne høsten. Det bekrefter også de to siste dagers informasjon.
(NANO gikk 200% på få dager tidligere i sommer, det er slikt som kan skje i biotek-mygger)
23.08.2023 kl 10:46 4379

nei, noen som har ?
23.08.2023 kl 10:45 4368

Har du link til presentasjonen ?
23.08.2023 kl 10:37 4234

Får se etter 10:45 da hvordan utviklingen blir.
23.08.2023 kl 10:35 4241

Det er ingen tvil om at "noen" jobber for å bremse kursen (:
23.08.2023 kl 10:21 4288

Trenger kursmålet til Car x2
Pga tillit er tynnslitt etter den svært stygge emisjonen, må nok en voldsom overbevisning skje før markedet godtar større optimisme. Brent barn skyr ilden.
23.08.2023 kl 10:17 4137

et vet alle som handler i tech og bio aksjer, det prises på forventninger og måles underveis av fremgangen på utviklingen. Denne prises nå ekstremt lavt nå, vel får vente til vi har hørt hva selskapet selv sier, men tror mere på Carnegie sitt kursmål innfries meget snart.
23.08.2023 kl 10:09 4156

De kan også mislykkes. Har vært nok av biotek som har oppnådd presentasjoner fra studier, men ikke fått noe siccess videre.
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 10:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.08.2023 kl 10:01 4209

Er det godt eller dårlig tegn at det ikke er solgt noen TR i dag ?
23.08.2023 kl 09:47 4266

BGBIO ble handlet over 30 - 40 kroner (!) for kun et par tre år siden. I tillegg til nye aksjonærer kan det også være endel gamle aksjonærer som ser at skuta er i ferd med å snu og som nå kjøper og får lavere snitt.
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 09:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.08.2023 kl 09:33 4363

I dag er 43 millioner aksjer omsatt på 1/2 timen. I går ble 220 millioner aksjer omsatt. Hvem er det som hamstrer ?
23.08.2023 kl 09:26 4397

Ligger over 6 millioner aksjer åpent på 13 øre (det er nok for å hindre brå kursoppgang og at noen kan kjøpe med skulte ordre i det stille under 13 øre , ellers ville det nok lagt med skjule ordre?). Blir spennende å se om/når "sperren" på 13 øre ryker i dag?
23.08.2023 kl 09:18 4343

blir spennende å høre fra selskapet senere i dag. Er det 6mnd historikken vi nå kan se til for å se kursutviklingen fremover :-)
23.08.2023 kl 09:14 4375

Her er det et fint lite spill for galleriet, men etter presentasjonen kl. 10.45 er det ikke sikkert om en klarer å holde kursen ned under 0,13.
Mitt tips er at kursen slutter godt i pluss mellom 0,13-0,14. Dagens Q3 info var meget positiv og indikerer at denne høsten kan bli en meget lukrativ reise for alle med aksjer og tekningsrettigheter. Selv kjøpte jeg aksjer i dag på lave 0,11 tallet (har fra tidligere lastet opp i tekningsrettighetene)
23.08.2023 kl 09:13 4374

Absolutt. Noen med noen millioner aksjer for mye la press på aksjen fra start. Tenker at aksjen skal solid i pluss utover dagen, og fortsette oppturen fra i går.
23.08.2023 kl 09:08 4356

åpningen er et spill for galleriet, sikker på at dette blir siste dagen for mulighet å handle under 0,13
23.08.2023 kl 08:56 4442

X-43 scramjet skrev 5-6 måneder?
Ingen tvil om kursutvikling mot sept. for å motivere TR holdere å signere tegne sine rettigheter på 10-13 øre!
23.08.2023 kl 08:53 4456

Det ser ut som noen har lagt ut åpent en post på 5 millioner aksjer på 13 øre ved åpning for å "holde kursen nede". Skal bli spennende å se hvor raskt den posten blir slukt opp av kjøpere. Tror det blir en ny meget godt dag i BGBIO. Risk/reward har ikke vært bedre på 12,5 øre.
23.08.2023 kl 08:45 4519

Og hva er så bra med: we believe these additional datasets may expand .
Det er ikke mulig å skrive det mer utydelig:De TROR at datasettene KANSKJE øker potensialet!!!
Føre var
23.08.2023 kl 08:21 4679

Jeg likte denne setningen godt:

«Our current
activities are focused on 1L NSCLC STK11m patients; however, we believe these
additional datasets may expand the potential beyond STK11m NSCLC patients to
other hard-to-treat mutations.»
23.08.2023 kl 08:16 4701

Dette var meget solid og viser jo at Carniegie sin analyser med kursmål 25 øre gir et solid fundament.
Dataene er meget oppløftene, kursen er priset som en opsjon på noe suksess med 12,5 øre. Nok penger minst ut 2024 eller ut første halvår 2025. Potensiell oppkjøpskandidat m.m. Alt dette gjør at kursen har potensial til å løfte seg betydelig fremover til 20-30 øre. Vil ikke overraske meg om kursen går godt opp videre i dag og i ukene fremover.

Det blir spennende å høre hva selskapet selv foreteller i dag kl. 10.45
23.08.2023 kl 08:14 4716

"For the second quarter we are pleased to report the outcomes of our cost
-savings efforts and the successful closure of the Rights Issue. In combination
this will fund our planned activities into the fourth quarter of 2024 and
potentially into the second half of 2025 if all granted warrants at the Rights
Issue are exercised. Our highest priority is to progress the ongoing Phase 1b/2a
clinical trial in first-line STK11m NSCLC patients ("BGBC016") where we are
working towards enrolling the Phase 1b cohorts and initiate the Ph 2a part.
During the second quarter, we obtained a wealth of additional clinical data
which further validate the efficacy and tolerability of our lead compound
bemcentinib. The data provide us with strong confidence in our focused strategy
to study the compound's potential to treat 1L NSCLC patients harboring STK11
mutations. Further, explorative biomarker data from our BGBC008 trial (2L NSCLC)
indicate that bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab provides encouraging
survival benefits in patients harboring other hard-to-treat mutations such as
KRAS and KEAP1. During 2023, we have seen increased awareness for the need for
improved treatments for this prevalent patient population with high unmet
needs.", said Martin Olin, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio.

Clinical Development


BerGenBio's lead compound, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class, oral,
highly selective inhibitor of the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL, which is
expressed and activated in response to oxidative stress, inflammation, hypoxia
and drug treatment, resulting in several deleterious effects in cancer and
severe respiratory infections. Bemcentinib selectively inhibits AXL activation
to prevent the progression of serious diseases through the modulation of
resistance mechanisms and the adaptive immune system.

Bemcentinib is currently being developed in 1L STK11 mutated NSCLC and severe
respiratory infections. Its novel mechanisms of action and primary accumulation
in the lungs uniquely position it to address these severe lung diseases.

Oncology: NSCLC


We continue to advance our focused strategy through the conduct of BGBC016, a
global, open-label Phase 1b/2a trial designed to determine the safety,
tolerability and efficacy of bemcentinib in combination with standard of care
treatments in untreated advanced/metastatic non-squamous NSCLC patients with
STK11 mutations and no actionable mutations. Sites in the US have been
activated and enrolment is ongoing while expansion into European sites is well
underway, with regulatory approval to proceed received from regulatory
authorities in the US and several European countries.

The Phase 1b portion of the study is evaluating the safety and feasibility of
three different doses of bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab and
doublet chemotherapy in 1L advanced/metastatic non-squamous NSCLC patients,
regardless of STK11 status. The Phase 2a expansion will assess the safety and
efficacy of up to two doses of bemcentinib in the same treatment combination in
1L advanced/metastatic non-squamous NSCLC patients with STK11 mutations.

A significant subgroup comprising of up to 20 % (> 30,000 patients in US and
EU5) of 1L non-squamous NSCLC patients harbor STK11 mutations, which are
associated with immunosuppression and poor prognosis with standard 1L NSCLC
treatment. Data suggests that STK11m NSCLC patients almost universally express
AXL in tumors and/or on immune cells, resulting in the development of drug
resistance, immune evasion, and metastases.

The data from the BGBC008 (2L+ NSCLC, bemcentinib in combination with
pembrolizumab) and BGBIL005 (2L+ NSCLC, bemcentinib in combination with
docetaxel) trials provide clinical evidence of the anti-tumor effects of
bemcentinib and its ability to modulate the tumor microenvironment to enhance
the effects of immunotherapy and chemotherapy. We believe that the reversal of
the effects of AXL with bemcentinib holds the promise of providing substantial
survival benefits to NSCLC patients and specifically in patients harboring
STK11m and potentially other hard-to treat mutations such as KRAS and KEAP1.

2L+ NSCLC Trial (BGBC008)

Additional biomarker analyses of the BGBC008 data in the second quarter yielded
promising data which further support the potential for bemcentinib in our on
-going 1L STK11m NSCLC trial and may represent an opportunity to further expand
the patient population that may benefit from the addition of bemcentinib to
their treatment regimens. The Ph2 BGBC008 trial enrolled 90 evaluable 2L+ NSCLC
patients who had received at least one prior line of therapy:chemotherapy,
immunotherapy or the combination.

· An updated analysis of AXL biomarker status indicates that the presence of
AXL expression on either tumor cells and/or immune cells is predictive of
improved survival in patients treated with bemcentinib + pembrolizumab. The vast
majority (88%) of patients met the criteria for AXL presence (AXL positive
patients) and obtained clinically meaningful benefits:
· Median overall survival was highly statistically significant at p=0.001 in
AXL positive vs. AXL negative patients (14.1 mos. vs 6.5 mos).
· Median progression free survival was 6.0 mos. in AXL positive patients vs.
5.8 AXL negative patients

· Analysis of available data for patients treated in a subsequent therapies
(3L+) following treatment with bemcentinib + pembrolizumab in 2L identified a
higher than expected response rate, potentially pointing to long-lasting immune
response benefits.
· Data from the BGBC008 study also indicate that patients with PD-L1 negative
(TPS score <1) benefit from the combination treatment of bemcentinib and
· Currently the PD-L1 negative patient population is not widely treated with
immune checkpoint inhibitors potentially providing an opportunity to expand the
patient population eligible for treatment.
· The combination ofbemcentinib and pembrolizumab appeared to benefit patients
with mutations associated with pooroutcome with available therapies, including
STK11, KRAS, KEAP-1 andSMARCA4 mutations. These mutational patient populations
may represent an incremental opportunity for bemcentinib and will be further
assessed in our on-going BGBC016 study in 1L patients.

Oncology: Relapsed/Refractory AML/MDS

In the second quarter, topline results of the Phase 1b/2a BGBC003 multicenter
open-label studyofbemcentinibas a single agent and in combination with low-dose
cytarabine (LDAC) ordecitabine in patients with acute myeloid leukemia or as a
single agent in patients withmyelodysplastic syndrome.

· Two cohorts of patients in BGBC003 were treated withbemcentinibas a single
agent(monotherapy). In Cohort B1, in patients with Relapsed/Refractory (R/R)
AML, (n=11),bemcentinib provided an ORR of 18.2% and a mOS of 18 months.In
Cohort B4, in patientswith relapsed/high risk MDS,bemcentinibmonotherapy
provided an ORR of 18.8% with a mOSof 9.2months.

· Furthermore,bemcentinibin combination with the chemotherapy LDAC appeared to
provide substantial mOSbenefit to patients with R/R AML (n=27) achieving an ORR
of 18.5% and a mOS of 8months.

Oncology: Mesothelioma

In the second quarter, topline results of the investigator led BGBIL011/MiST3
mesothelioma trial were presentedon June 5, 2023, in an oral presentation at the
2023 American Society of ClinicalOncology (ASCO) meeting in an abstract
titled:Bemcentiniband pembrolizumab in patients withrelapsed mesothelioma:
MiST3, a phaseIIatrial with cellular and molecular correlates of efficacy.

Key results include:

· 26 patients with relapsed mesothelioma were enrolled inMiST3and all received
at least onedose ofbemcentiniband pembrolizumab.
· The primary endpoint of disease control rate at 12 weeks (DCR12w) was met:
46.2% (90% CI:29.2, 63.4).
· Secondary endpoints included a disease control rate at 24 weeks (DCR24w) of
38.5% (95% CI:20.2, 59.4) and an overall response rate of (ORR) of 15.4% (95%
CI: 4.4, 34.9).
· The combination ofbemcentiniband pembrolizumab was generally safe and well

In totality, the Company is very encouraged by the additional clinical data
generated with bemcentinib and reported year-to-date 2023. Our current
activities are focused on 1L NSCLC STK11m patients; however, we believe these
additional datasets may expand the potential beyond STK11m NSCLC patients to
other hard-to-treat mutations.

Severe Respiratory Infections (SRIs)

The Company believes thatbemcentinibblocks viral entry and replication,
stimulates the innateimmune system, and promotes lung tissue repair positioning
it well for the treatment of severerespiratory infections.

On April 25, 2023, the Company decided to pause the Phase2b trial
evaluatingbemcentinibin hospitalized COVID-19 patients until a potential
accelerationin hospitalizations warrant further evaluation ofbemcentinibin this

Bemcentinibis currently being evaluated in preclinical studies for SRIs causing
Acute RespiratoryDistress Syndrome (ARDS) and initial results are expected
during 2023.

Corporate Activities

Rights Offering

On June 13, 2023, the Company completed a rights issue raising gross proceeds
ofNOK 250m.The proceeds from this offering including any additional proceeds
from the exercise of warrants will be dedicated to the conduct of BGBC016 in 1L
STK11mNSCLC patients, preclinical studies in severe respiratory infections and
forgeneral corporatepurposes.

Focused organizational structure aligned with strategy

The Company has taken measures to further reduce its operational costs
includinga significant reduction in workforce and total compensation to the
executive management andthe board of directors. This includes a transition of
the CSO to a part-time consultancy position. These prudent actions will reduce
total operating expenses by at least30% compared to historic operational
expenses when fully implemented.

X-43 scramjet
23.08.2023 kl 08:04 4789

Aldri før har jeg sett en så lavt priset Biotech aksje. Vi gjør et kupp med å handle på 12 øre. BergenBio kan ha stort potensiale
23.08.2023 kl 07:57 4835

Endelig noen positive resultater og i tillegg redusert utgifter ,vi kan se nye kursmål fremover
23.08.2023 kl 07:46 4890

Er veldig spent fremover, for det nevnes at etter fortrinns emisjonen de utførte tidligere så skal det finansiere de hvertfall til fjerde kvartal 2024. De snakker verdig varmt om forskningen deres der de forteller at de ser en svært oppmuntrede overlevelses fordeler hos pasientene sine. De sier også at de har identifisert en høyere responsrate en forventet noe som de sier peker mot langvarige immunresponsfordeler. Så vi har nokk en spennende tid fremfor oss, og begynner å ser at risikoen minker seg.
23.08.2023 kl 07:41 4920

Råsterk rapport. Brukes stadig sterkere ord for å beskrive resultstene og troen på Bemcentinib.
X-43 scramjet
23.08.2023 kl 07:40 4924

På 12.5 øre en gavepakke, alt under 30 øre billig. Kan gå 10 gangeren hvis de lykkes her
23.08.2023 kl 07:22 5010

"Key results include:

· 26 patients with relapsed mesothelioma were enrolled inMiST3and all received at least onedose ofbemcentiniband pembrolizumab.
· The primary endpoint of disease control rate at 12 weeks (DCR12w) was met: 46.2% (90% CI:29.2, 63.4).
· Secondary endpoints included a disease control rate at 24 weeks (DCR24w) of 38.5% (95% CI:20.2, 59.4) and an overall response rate of (ORR) of 15.4% (95%CI: 4.4, 34.9).
· The combination ofbemcentiniband pembrolizumab was generally safe and well -tolerated.

In totality, the Company is very encouraged by the additional clinical data generated with bemcentinib and reported year-to-date 2023. Our current activities are focused on 1L NSCLC STK11m patients; however, we believe these additional datasets may expand the potential beyond STK11m NSCLC patients to other hard-to-treat mutations."

"For the second quarter we are pleased to report the outcomes of our cost -savings efforts and the successful closure of the Rights Issue. In combination this will fund our planned activities into the fourth quarter of 2024 and potentially into the second half of 2025 if all granted warrants at the Rights Issue are exercised."

Dette var meget imponerende og oppløftende resultater fra BGBIO. Med en cashbeholdning ut Q4 2024, evt H2 2025 kan dette bli en eventyrlig reise for aksjonærene. Dette kan bli meget bra, for å si det forsiktig.
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 08:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.08.2023 kl 07:21 4990

Dette er fin lesning. DNB har altså bommet på alle punkt i sin analyse.Flaut.