BRW - Brunswick Exploration - En kommende kjempe innen litium

BRW 09.08.2023 kl 09:29 2336

Dere bør se på BRW hvis dere er ute etter litium eller batterimetall-play. Selskapet er i drilling season straks og det ruller inn assays fremover i høst og vinter.. De har claims med utrolig potente pegmatitter. Tenker dette er en bra kortsiktig trade frem mot drillingstart i september på Mirage. For min del er dette et langsiktig bet. Min tese er at de tar en PMET, Patriot Battery Metal. Sjekk utviklingen på PMET siste to år.

PMET har 1 eiendom, Corvette-feltet, som er funnet ved et "uhell" og visste seg å være et utrolig bra felt. De har drillet der en stund og det er avdekket gode Li2O grades og det er høy verdi på hele eiendommen. BRW er første selskap som prospekterer og leter aktivt etter hard rock litium. De har mange claims over hele Canada, også nært Corvette , helt på grensen faktisk. Har såvidt begynne å skrape i overflaten på sine claims. De skal drille 3-4 høyt potente områder fra Q3 2023 og utover. Her kommer det resultater hele høsten og vinteren. De store bilprodusentene trenger litium til batteriene sine og har begynt å posisjonere seg innen mining. Ledelsen og nærstående eier 30-40% av selskapet. Blir spennende!

Selskapet har $16 mill i cash. Ingen emisjonsfare her.

Aksjen diskuteres her. Mye info å hente:

Siste intervju med CEO.

Redigert 09.08.2023 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.08.2023 kl 13:06 2299

Verdt å se hele youtube-videoen. Men se spesielt fra 26:00 til 28:00
"huge pegmatite boulders the size of small houses containing nearly 100% lithium……”
"bonanza grades over meters and meters"

Assays skal vurderes og nøyaktig grades fastsettes. Men dette er hint om hva som kommer ;)

Min spådom er at aksjen tar 3 til 5 gangeren i løpet av vinteren.
Redigert 09.08.2023 kl 13:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.08.2023 kl 12:32 2224

Blir Mirage estimert til å være et drivverdig og økonomisk funn skal BRW reprises ganske kraftig. 2x- 3x. i løpet av 2023.
Dette kan skje allerede i oktober når første maiden results tikker inn. Når/ hvis dette blir et monster deposit blir dette en multibagger. 10x
Så har du alle de andre høyt potente prosjektene på toppen: Saskatchewan, Plex, Hearst, Mythril osv.
De jobber med å mobilisere drillrigger på disse prosjektene også i høst/vinter.

Det fine med BRW med den store porteføljen prosjekter er at det er som 13-15 junior miners i ett selskap. Oddsene er meget gode!
Redigert 10.08.2023 kl 13:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.08.2023 kl 12:02 2094

The bullish projections for 2030 lithium demand stem from automakers like GM, Mercedes, and Tesla aiming for 100% EV sales by 2030-2035. They also factor in EV sales penetration increasing to 82.5% globally, accelerated by policies like the EU and China prohibiting new ICE sales. To satisfy potential 2030 requirements, lithium supply would need to expand nearly 6x from today's levels. Even if all current projects come online, an additional 1.8 million tonnes of new production capacity would be required.
21.08.2023 kl 13:57 2014

Der kom oppdatering på Mirage! Dette er bull !

Mr. Killian Charles, President and CEO of BRW, commented: “Today’s announcement is an important milestone for Brunswick Exploration as the rapid discovery of several spodumene-bearing dykes in outcrops and a lengthy mineralized boulder trend highlights the excellent potential for a hard-rock lithium deposit. We expect to receive drill permits imminently and will begin a minimum 4,000 metres drill campaign in September. Furthermore, there remains multiple highly prospective areas across the Mirage Project which will be explored shortly.”
21.08.2023 kl 15:47 1988

opp 25% :)
Redigert 22.08.2023 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.08.2023 kl 08:11 1878

Fortsetter opp 9% 1,08 i Canada i går

Over 12km of untested strike potential at Mirage.
Starting drilling first 2 weeks September with 2 drill rigs.
More than 100 Boulders.
Multiple sources found, largest is over 80m.
"A world class asset".
"One of the biggest discoveries in the last decade."
30.08.2023 kl 10:06 1775

2 drill-rigger straks i gang på Mirage + at drilling starter desember/januar på Anatacau Main.
De starter drilling i neste uke. Bare å ta plass her folkens ;)
Dette blir et nytt CV5. Kanskje mye større basert på hva de har funnet på overflaten.

How does Mirage compare to CV-5 so far? So far it aint drilled so its only speculation. But, higher outcrops grade, way higher, bigger width (to everyone : 80m was conservative since the outcrop is covered with soil.) And as for depth, with the angle the dykes are showing, it is not a question the depth is immense. So, CV5 could be eclipsed by Mirage.
Redigert 30.08.2023 kl 14:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.09.2023 kl 08:46 1686

Positivt for lithium-sektoren og BRW dette.

Liontown Resources signals it will accept increased $6.6bn offer from Albemarle

The world’s largest lithium producer and owner of the huge Greenbushes mine in Western Australia, Albemarle, is now on track to take control of its target, emerging lithium player Liontown Resources (ASX: LTR) after raising its bid for the Australian company.
Having rejected an earlier offer, Liontown now reports it has received a revised $3.00 per share cash offer.
07.09.2023 kl 15:41 1636

Melding nå:

Dette blir enormt. Potensiale til å overgå CV5

- Brunswick Exploration has begun a 5,000-meter drill program at the Mirage Project in Quebec.
- The program will test the continuity and widths of the six widest spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes discovered on the property.
- Additional spodumene-bearing outcrops have been identified approximately 4.5 kilometers northeast of the existing dyke field.
- The lithium-bearing outcrops now extend across six kilometers, with the main dyke field covering an area of approximately 2,700 by 850 meters.
- The company anticipates exciting developments for shareholders in the coming months.

“In total, lithium mineralization on the Mirage Project has been observed over a total distance of 8.7 kilometres”

09.10.2023 kl 13:54 1353

Bygges permanent camp ved Mirage og de planlegger en større operasjon med 5+ drillrigger for 2024. Første assays ventes inn slutten av oktober.

Store ting på gang ;) Intervju med CEO her. Mirage-potensialet omtales spesielt fra 08:00

Redigert 09.10.2023 kl 13:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.10.2023 kl 22:27 1185

1,09 i kveld 📈 Assays er rett rundt hjørnet. Midten eller slutten av oktober er det som er sagt fra ledelsen. Vi er straks på overtid
Redigert 27.10.2023 kl 23:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.11.2023 kl 08:27 1057

Ferskt intervju med CEO i BRW.

‘A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on the lithium side’ - Brunswick Exploration’s Killian Charles
Redigert 15.11.2023 kl 08:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2023 kl 08:47 938

Brunswick Exploration Intersects Significant Spodumene Mineralization in Dyke Swarm at Mirage
MONTREAL, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brunswick Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: BRW, OTCQB: BRWXF; “BRW” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce inaugural drilling results from the Mirage Lithium Project, located in the Eeyou Istchee-James Bay region of Quebec. The initial 5,000 meters drilling campaign outlined four major spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes where significant intervals of continuous lithium mineralization were drilled. All pegmatite dykes drilled to date start at surface, are open in all directions, and are located within an area of approximately two by two kilometers. Several other outcropping dykes and promising targets have yet to be drilled, including the sizeable boulder train to the southwest of the dyke swarm.

Highlights include:

Bonanza grades of 2.57% over 25.8 meters in drill hole MR-23-02, including 14.2 meters at 3.08% Li2O at a vertical depth of 28 meters from Dyke MR-1 in the North Zone.
Thick intercept of 50.6 m at 1.06% Li2O in drill hole MR-23-07 from Dyke MR-3 in the Central Zone at a shallow vertical depth of 22 meters.
Another bonanza intercept in drill hole MR-23-14: 16.2 m at 2.75% Li2O including 9.5 meters at 3.30% Li2O at a vertical depth of 40 meters in Dyke MR-4 from the South Zone.
To date, spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes have been traced by drilling over a combined strike extent of at least 1,500 meters and remain open in all directions.
Only 60% of the pegmatite outcrops have been drilled, presenting further drill targets which will be tested in winter 2024.
Assays are pending for a further 23 drill holes completed during the fall 2023 program.
Mr. Killian Charles, President and CEO of BRW, commented: “We are rapidly starting to outline a major discovery in the Eeyou Istchee-James Bay. This true grassroot discovery was first identified in August with drilling beginning less than six weeks later. Already several large mineralized dykes have been intercepted in shallow drilling with significant bonanza style grade reported in this first set of assays. Importantly, these pegmatite dykes remain open in all directions. With the recently completed $5.7M financing, we are well positioned to substantially expand the discovery at Mirage with a winter 2024 drill program.”

Mr. Robert Wares, Founder and Executive Chairman, also commented: “I am very pleased with these initial drill results. Mirage already demonstrates potential for a large lithium-rich dyke field with some of the highest-grade intercepts reported in Eeyou Istchee-James Bay. Furthermore, I believe the distribution of the first four mineralized dykes at Mirage does not explain the three-kilometer long trend of rich spodumene-bearing boulders that occurs to the southwest. With more outcropping spodumene-bearing dykes located another 3 kilometers to the northeast, we have considerable exploration work and drilling to do to unlock the full potential of this promising property”.

Bonanza grades allerede i første batch! Fortsatt ventes assays fra mange hull og de skal drille 15.000 m i Q1 2024!!