gjennombrudd innen kreft, kommer å gå enormt tipper vi kan se 100 lappen i 2023
gjennombrudd innen kreft, kommer å gå enormt tipper vi kan se 100 lappen i 2023
14.08.2023 kl 15:00
Tenk gjennombrudd på kreft gåten. Enormt dette selskapet vil bli stort.
X-43 scramjet
15.08.2023 kl 08:41
Vi har mye å se frem til, mulig de får utviklet ferdig denne vaksinen midten av 2024, de har kappløp med Big Pharma står det. Lytix har en klar fordel med akkurat denne type behandling med ikke kirurgisk inngrep for å drepe hudkreft
28.11.2023 kl 10:52
Det lukter emisjon her:
3Q 2023:
Cash and cash equivalents 46,158 mil
Loss from operations: 18,643 mil
28.11.2023 kl 11:22
Noen ganger lurer jeg på hvor mange ganger du må ha ting forklart SomSa, Rekdal gjentok sist gang på presentasjon hos Redeye den 231123 at de hadde tilstrekkelig midler til utgang 2024. Hvis du hadde sett på linken du selv la ut så har de rentefond på litt over 32 mill. og samlet likvid reserve utgjør ca. 79 mill.
Fase II er ferdig 1. halvår 2024 og da vil nye milepælsutbetalinger fra Verrica (totalt er det snakk om ca. 100 mill. USD ifm. utviklingen av LTX-315).
Skjønner at du vil ha billige aksjer, men måten du stadig legger ut meldinger om emisjon er ikke OK.
Lytix på dagens nivå er uansett på billigsalg.
Fase II er ferdig 1. halvår 2024 og da vil nye milepælsutbetalinger fra Verrica (totalt er det snakk om ca. 100 mill. USD ifm. utviklingen av LTX-315).
Skjønner at du vil ha billige aksjer, men måten du stadig legger ut meldinger om emisjon er ikke OK.
Lytix på dagens nivå er uansett på billigsalg.
28.11.2023 kl 11:30
Her er forøvrig linken til presentasjon hos Redeye (hvis du gidder å bli litt oppdatert SomSa):
28.11.2023 kl 13:47
2Q 2023:
At the end of the period, cash plus short-term financial investments were NOK 100.2 mil
3Q 2023
At the end of the period, cash plus short-term financial investments were NOK 78.8 mol
NOK 100.2 - 78.7 mil = NOK 21.5 mil ble brent opp i 3Q. De skal ikke ha 0 på kontoen før de henter penger, og hvis det får noen utbetalinger vil det ta tid.
Hva er fantastisk med dette resultatet, med 1 PR og uten CR?
"The efficacy signal is encouraging with a disease control rate of 43% and 1 patient achieving a partial response to date."
Objective Response Rate eller ORR = CR (complete respons) + PR (partial response )
Disease control rate eller DCR =ORR +SD (stable disease)
03.01.2024 kl 13:24
Det ser ut at NM AS er fornøyd med redusering av sin beholdning, og sluttet med salgspresset!
Sterkt på kjøpersiden og tynt på selgersiden.
Som du har nevn etter avklaring av videre finansieringsplaner suser aksjen nordover 😊
Sterkt på kjøpersiden og tynt på selgersiden.
Som du har nevn etter avklaring av videre finansieringsplaner suser aksjen nordover 😊
05.01.2024 kl 16:05
Toget går nå.
Oslo, 5 January 2024. Lytix Biopharma - Lytix Biopharma AS ("Lytix") (Euronext
Growth Oslo: LYTIX), a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company, today announces
that its licensing partner Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc ("Verrica") has reported
that the last patient has been dosed in Part 2 of the Company's Phase 2 trial of
LTX-315 (named VP-315 by Verrica), a potential first-in-class oncolytic peptide,
for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. Verrica has an exclusive worldwide
license agreement with Lytix to develop and commercialize VP-315 for
dermatologic oncology indications.
Øystein Rekdal, CEO of Lytix, commented on the results: "With this final patient
dosing, Verrica has successfully completed the enrollment for Part 2 of their
Phase 2 clinical trial for VP-315, a groundbreaking treatment for basal cell
carcinoma. This is a significant milestone in their commitment to advancing
innovative solutions for patients facing this prevalent form of skin cancer in
the U.S. We look forward to the publication of the comprehensive data from their
Phase 2 clinical trial later this year."
Basal cell carcinoma is a widespread skin cancer, and patients often seek
alternatives to surgery due to its associated pain, infection risks, and
scarring. Verrica's VP-315 program is strategically designed to offer a targeted
delivery system for the oncolytic peptide VP-315, which is specially engineered
to stimulate the patient's immune system and effectively eliminate cancer cells.
About the Phase 2 Trial of VP-315
The Phase 2 trial is a 2-part, open-label, multicenter, dose-escalation,
proof-of-concept study with a safety run-in designed to assess the safety,
pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of VP-315 when administered intratumorally to
adults with biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma. The study has enrolled 80 adult
subjects with a histological diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma in at least one
eligible target lesion. For additional information about this clinical trial,
please visit, identifier NCT05188729.
Under the terms of the license agreement, Lytix was entitled to receive an
upfront payment, contingent regulatory milestones based on achievement of
specified development goals, and sales milestones, with aggregate payments of up
to USD 111 million in total. In addition, Lytix is entitled to receive tiered
royalties based on worldwide annual sales.
For more information, please contact:
Gjest Breistein, CFO
Optimum Strategic Communications
Nick Bastin, Jonathan Edwards
Lytix in brief:
Based in Oslo, Norway, Lytix Biopharma is a clinical stage immuno-oncology
company developing novel cancer immunotherapies, an area within cancer therapy
that is aimed at activating the patient's immune system to fight cancer. The
Company's technology is based on pioneering research in "host defense peptides"
- nature's first line of defense towards foreign pathogens. Lytix Biopharma's
lead product, LTX-315, is a first-in-class molecule representing a new and
superior therapeutic principle to kill cancer cells and boost anti-cancer
immunity, with the potential to be the ideal combination partner with other
types of immunotherapies. LTX-315 targets cancer cells and disintegrates their
cell membranes, causing immunogenic cell death and release of a patient's tumor
specific antigens. This mode of action allows cytotoxic T cells to recognize,
infiltrate, and attack cancer cells. The Company was listed on Euronext Growth
in Oslo in June 2021, following a private placement covered by investors such as
PBM Capital, a US based, healthcare-focused investment firm.
Oslo, 5 January 2024. Lytix Biopharma - Lytix Biopharma AS ("Lytix") (Euronext
Growth Oslo: LYTIX), a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company, today announces
that its licensing partner Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc ("Verrica") has reported
that the last patient has been dosed in Part 2 of the Company's Phase 2 trial of
LTX-315 (named VP-315 by Verrica), a potential first-in-class oncolytic peptide,
for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. Verrica has an exclusive worldwide
license agreement with Lytix to develop and commercialize VP-315 for
dermatologic oncology indications.
Øystein Rekdal, CEO of Lytix, commented on the results: "With this final patient
dosing, Verrica has successfully completed the enrollment for Part 2 of their
Phase 2 clinical trial for VP-315, a groundbreaking treatment for basal cell
carcinoma. This is a significant milestone in their commitment to advancing
innovative solutions for patients facing this prevalent form of skin cancer in
the U.S. We look forward to the publication of the comprehensive data from their
Phase 2 clinical trial later this year."
Basal cell carcinoma is a widespread skin cancer, and patients often seek
alternatives to surgery due to its associated pain, infection risks, and
scarring. Verrica's VP-315 program is strategically designed to offer a targeted
delivery system for the oncolytic peptide VP-315, which is specially engineered
to stimulate the patient's immune system and effectively eliminate cancer cells.
About the Phase 2 Trial of VP-315
The Phase 2 trial is a 2-part, open-label, multicenter, dose-escalation,
proof-of-concept study with a safety run-in designed to assess the safety,
pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of VP-315 when administered intratumorally to
adults with biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma. The study has enrolled 80 adult
subjects with a histological diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma in at least one
eligible target lesion. For additional information about this clinical trial,
please visit, identifier NCT05188729.
Under the terms of the license agreement, Lytix was entitled to receive an
upfront payment, contingent regulatory milestones based on achievement of
specified development goals, and sales milestones, with aggregate payments of up
to USD 111 million in total. In addition, Lytix is entitled to receive tiered
royalties based on worldwide annual sales.
For more information, please contact:
Gjest Breistein, CFO
Optimum Strategic Communications
Nick Bastin, Jonathan Edwards
Lytix in brief:
Based in Oslo, Norway, Lytix Biopharma is a clinical stage immuno-oncology
company developing novel cancer immunotherapies, an area within cancer therapy
that is aimed at activating the patient's immune system to fight cancer. The
Company's technology is based on pioneering research in "host defense peptides"
- nature's first line of defense towards foreign pathogens. Lytix Biopharma's
lead product, LTX-315, is a first-in-class molecule representing a new and
superior therapeutic principle to kill cancer cells and boost anti-cancer
immunity, with the potential to be the ideal combination partner with other
types of immunotherapies. LTX-315 targets cancer cells and disintegrates their
cell membranes, causing immunogenic cell death and release of a patient's tumor
specific antigens. This mode of action allows cytotoxic T cells to recognize,
infiltrate, and attack cancer cells. The Company was listed on Euronext Growth
in Oslo in June 2021, following a private placement covered by investors such as
PBM Capital, a US based, healthcare-focused investment firm.
Redigert 05.01.2024 kl 16:07
Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2024 kl 17:21
Under the terms of the license agreement, Lytix was entitled to receive an upfront payment, contingent regulatory milestones based on achievement of specified development goals, and sales milestones, with aggregate payments of up to USD 111 million in total. In addition, Lytix is entitled to receive tiered royalties based on worldwide annual sales.
05.01.2024 kl 17:57
Noen av dere som har peiling på selskapet som vet om dagens melding utløser noen upfront payment til Lytix? I tilfelle hvor mye av de total 111 mill USD?
X-43 scramjet skrev Og det rallyet kommer neste uke. Meget solide nyheter dette
Det er ikke mange ukene siden kursen lå tett opp til dagens så her er vi ikke mer enn 0 stilt på dagens opptur.
06.01.2024 kl 00:02
Ikke lenge siden den ver i 10 pluss så vil tro den skal kjapt over 10 da den har falt på mikro volum
X-43 scramjet
07.01.2024 kl 13:39
Kan bli milliard butikk med ferdig utviklet hudkreft vaksine uten form av kirurgisk behandling. Men ligger i fremtiden dette. Et oppdatert kursmål kunne gledet litt nå
07.01.2024 kl 13:43
Jeg har vært i denne aksjen helt siden starten, altså helt i starten, ikke børs starten. En ting har jeg lært og det er TTT - Ting Tar Tid.
Men nå nærmer vi oss noe det er sikkert. Jeg tror dog stadigvekk ikke folk skal få alt for store forhåpninger kortsiktig. Noe sir meg dette stadig vil ta litt tid å komme helt i mål med. Jeg har ventet i 15 år ish, jeg kan vente litt til. De pengene jeg satte inn den gangen er for lengt avskrevet og glemt, så nå er alt bare bonus her.
Dette kan stadig bli stort eller blockbuster som de sir over there..... Just have to sit it out ;-)
Men nå nærmer vi oss noe det er sikkert. Jeg tror dog stadigvekk ikke folk skal få alt for store forhåpninger kortsiktig. Noe sir meg dette stadig vil ta litt tid å komme helt i mål med. Jeg har ventet i 15 år ish, jeg kan vente litt til. De pengene jeg satte inn den gangen er for lengt avskrevet og glemt, så nå er alt bare bonus her.
Dette kan stadig bli stort eller blockbuster som de sir over there..... Just have to sit it out ;-)
07.01.2024 kl 16:23
Blir nok ikke mange aksjer tilsalgs på mandag når vi vet aksjen kan mangedoble seg på sikt. Heldig er de som får den under 10.
07.01.2024 kl 16:29
All erfaring med LYTIX tilsier nedgang før mandagen er omme. Det er for mange glade selgere i aksjen, som ikke ser potensialet-
Redigert 07.01.2024 kl 16:30
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07.01.2024 kl 21:21
helloween skrev Ser meget lovende ut nå da😎
Virker som årets vinner den her ja. Tror nesten jeg må ta noe lodd dersom det virkelig er et langsiktig potensial.
08.01.2024 kl 07:52
Star skrev 30kr innen mnd
Rally kommer nå.
Bare å sitte stille å nyte oppturen.
Bare å sitte stille å nyte oppturen.
Kursen dobler seg bare du laster så enormt som du skal handle🚀
08.01.2024 kl 09:55
Dette er taktikk etter fin oppgang igår (OBS børsdagen er bare nettopp begynt)
Når aksjen har falt nok etter oppgangen i går spretter den opp igjen. Ikke helt sikkert i dag, men her teller førstemann til møllen blant de større investorene.
Kjøper mer selv når jeg tror bunnen er nådd, men det er isåfall bare flaks om en treffer.
Når aksjen har falt nok etter oppgangen i går spretter den opp igjen. Ikke helt sikkert i dag, men her teller førstemann til møllen blant de større investorene.
Kjøper mer selv når jeg tror bunnen er nådd, men det er isåfall bare flaks om en treffer.