Xplora - Norsk 100 bagger kandidat?
Er ikke analytiker...men...Xplora er et teknologi-selskap som også er et vekstselskap. De er priset til P/S under 1. Det alene bør heve øyenbrynene...
Leste boken "100 bagger stocks" (eller noe sånt) for noen år siden.
Prøvd å lete etter norske 100-bagger-kandidater i det siste. Har ikke klart å finne noen. Untill now...
Jeg tenker at Xplora lett kunne vært priset til 3x omsetning. Hvor mye omsetter de for i 2023? Ikke vet jeg, men 600 millioner eller høyere virker sansynlig.
I så fall 1.8 mrd (3 x omsetning...3 x 600 mill= 1.8 mrd). Det vil si 3-4 x høyere enn dagens børsverdi.
Men ...saken er...kjære venner........smart klokker for barn...hm...hvor mange barn finnes det i verden?..Vet ikke..........er ikke analytiker.......men tenker......det finnes ekstremt mange barn...som ikke har Xploras smartklokker....på bakgrunn av dette tenker jeg at Xplora er en norsk 100 bagger kandidat. Det betyr at Xplora potensielt........kan stige 100 ganger i verdi fra dagens børsverdi...........hehehehehe............ja i så fall blir jeg rik........men det er dette jeg tenker.........hehe.
Advarsel: jeg er ikke profesjonell analytiker. Og...heheheh.........jeg har solgt alt annet.......heheeh...jeg er nå all inn i Xplora...hehhhehe
Leste boken "100 bagger stocks" (eller noe sånt) for noen år siden.
Prøvd å lete etter norske 100-bagger-kandidater i det siste. Har ikke klart å finne noen. Untill now...
Jeg tenker at Xplora lett kunne vært priset til 3x omsetning. Hvor mye omsetter de for i 2023? Ikke vet jeg, men 600 millioner eller høyere virker sansynlig.
I så fall 1.8 mrd (3 x omsetning...3 x 600 mill= 1.8 mrd). Det vil si 3-4 x høyere enn dagens børsverdi.
Men ...saken er...kjære venner........smart klokker for barn...hm...hvor mange barn finnes det i verden?..Vet ikke..........er ikke analytiker.......men tenker......det finnes ekstremt mange barn...som ikke har Xploras smartklokker....på bakgrunn av dette tenker jeg at Xplora er en norsk 100 bagger kandidat. Det betyr at Xplora potensielt........kan stige 100 ganger i verdi fra dagens børsverdi...........hehehehehe............ja i så fall blir jeg rik........men det er dette jeg tenker.........hehe.
Advarsel: jeg er ikke profesjonell analytiker. Og...heheheh.........jeg har solgt alt annet.......heheeh...jeg er nå all inn i Xplora...hehhhehe
20.12.2024 kl 21:45
«Med denna positiva utveckling och Xploras strategiska tillväxtambitioner, kan det vara fördelaktigt att hålla aktier i Xplora. Företaget visar potential för framtida tillväxt och expansion inom sin sektor.»
21.12.2024 kl 14:25
Nå er alt i boks etter ISP har godkjent oppkjøpet! Dette er det mest geniale oppkjøpet jeg har sett på mange år. Xplora kan gå flere ganger i 2025 og veien til 100 har aldri vært kortere!
22.12.2024 kl 18:19
Hva tenker dere om morgendagen?
Er Doro oppkjøpet i boks nå?
Hva er kursen når vi går inn i 2025?
Er Doro oppkjøpet i boks nå?
Hva er kursen når vi går inn i 2025?
22.12.2024 kl 22:12
På mandag bør aksjen opp kraftig! Ellers så er det triggere i fleng her:
- Aksjen flyttes fra Euronext Growth til hovedlisten. Dette vil gjøre at langt flere fond, osv kan og må kjøpe aksjen
- Q4 kommer til å bli mega
- Selskapet kommer til å generere veldig mye cash fremover med Doro inkludert. De er asset light, så her kommer det enten flere oppkjøp, tilbakekjøp av aksjer, utbytter, etc
Et av selskapene med høyest vekst på oslo børs får man til EV/EBITDA 2025 4x!
- Aksjen flyttes fra Euronext Growth til hovedlisten. Dette vil gjøre at langt flere fond, osv kan og må kjøpe aksjen
- Q4 kommer til å bli mega
- Selskapet kommer til å generere veldig mye cash fremover med Doro inkludert. De er asset light, så her kommer det enten flere oppkjøp, tilbakekjøp av aksjer, utbytter, etc
Et av selskapene med høyest vekst på oslo børs får man til EV/EBITDA 2025 4x!
27.12.2024 kl 09:51
CEO er nominert som årets trønder! https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/finalistene-til-arets-tronder-2024-1.17144471
27.12.2024 kl 11:32
27.12.2024 kl 13:32
Juryens begrunnelse:
«Som trøndersk gründer og oppfinner av Xplora smartklokke for barn har 47 år gamle Sten Kirkbak fra Trondheim oppnådd en imponerende prestasjon med sitt børsnoterte selskap, som nå har rundt 120 ansatte i åtte land. Xplora har fått fantastisk respons og har skapt arbeidsplasser for mange, samtidig som selskapet er i stadig utvikling. Hans nytenkende tilnærming og imponerende innsats gjør ham til en person Trøndelag virkelig kan være stolte av.»
…og alt tyder på at 2025 blir et veldig, veldig bra år for Xplora!
Juryens begrunnelse:
«Som trøndersk gründer og oppfinner av Xplora smartklokke for barn har 47 år gamle Sten Kirkbak fra Trondheim oppnådd en imponerende prestasjon med sitt børsnoterte selskap, som nå har rundt 120 ansatte i åtte land. Xplora har fått fantastisk respons og har skapt arbeidsplasser for mange, samtidig som selskapet er i stadig utvikling. Hans nytenkende tilnærming og imponerende innsats gjør ham til en person Trøndelag virkelig kan være stolte av.»
…og alt tyder på at 2025 blir et veldig, veldig bra år for Xplora!
03.01.2025 kl 15:57
Julle91 skrevInnlegget er slettet
Hva snakker du om? Stemmer ikke.. Han har blitt gitt gratis opsjoner...
07.01.2025 kl 15:21
SB1 markets om siste abonnementstall for desember:
Xplora just announced its monthly subscription update, which stated that the company had reached 358k subscriptions as of December 2024, of which premium subscriptions had surpassed 75k. First of all, in addition to sale of Devices (i.e., smartwatches for kids), Xplora second revenue streams is Services, which consist of non-premium subscriptions (connectivity), premium subscriptions, revenue share and service fees. Second, as illustrated in the table below, # of subscriptions as of 3Q24 stood at 326k and our estimate for quarter-end 4Q24 is 342k and hence, Xplora surpassed our estimate for year-end 2024. All lese equal, this would increase our 2024-2026 EBIT by 2%/6%/4%. Thirdly, premium subscriptions reached 75k, which correspond to a 21% share (of premium and on-premium subscriptions) and compare to 45.3k as of 2Q24 or 17% of total subscriptions. Given our flat ARPU estimate from 3Q24 to 4Q24 (NOK248), this is an important datapoint for the company to reach our ARPU estimate, which normally experience a sequential decline from 3Q to 4Q due to high campaign activity. Finally, good progress on Services in general and non-premium subscriptions in particular is often a nice read to the development on Devices (we model 35% YoY growth in 4Q24, in line with the growth rate in 3Q24).
Xplora just announced its monthly subscription update, which stated that the company had reached 358k subscriptions as of December 2024, of which premium subscriptions had surpassed 75k. First of all, in addition to sale of Devices (i.e., smartwatches for kids), Xplora second revenue streams is Services, which consist of non-premium subscriptions (connectivity), premium subscriptions, revenue share and service fees. Second, as illustrated in the table below, # of subscriptions as of 3Q24 stood at 326k and our estimate for quarter-end 4Q24 is 342k and hence, Xplora surpassed our estimate for year-end 2024. All lese equal, this would increase our 2024-2026 EBIT by 2%/6%/4%. Thirdly, premium subscriptions reached 75k, which correspond to a 21% share (of premium and on-premium subscriptions) and compare to 45.3k as of 2Q24 or 17% of total subscriptions. Given our flat ARPU estimate from 3Q24 to 4Q24 (NOK248), this is an important datapoint for the company to reach our ARPU estimate, which normally experience a sequential decline from 3Q to 4Q due to high campaign activity. Finally, good progress on Services in general and non-premium subscriptions in particular is often a nice read to the development on Devices (we model 35% YoY growth in 4Q24, in line with the growth rate in 3Q24).
07.01.2025 kl 17:53
Det ser jo veldig bra ut. En vekst maskin på tilbud. Tenk åssen dette blir når usa begynner ta av. Man får vekst og kvalitet i samme firma her. Om ett år ser vi resultater av Doro oppkjøpet.
08.01.2025 kl 12:05
Q4 subscribers 2% above ABGSC, up 39% y-o-y
Has released its monthly subscription update for December. The total number of subscriptions at the end of Q4 was 358k, 2% above ABGSCe at 351k. This is an increase of 39% y-o-y driven by gross new additions of 61k in the quarter. The beat was driven by premium subscriptions of 75k, which was above our estimate of 67k. It is our impression that connectivity subscriptions was approximately in-line with our estimate of 258k. According to Xplora, Germany continues to be the largest gross contributor, with 6k connectivity additions in December. Churn was in-line with our estimate of 9% in the quarter.
Beat would lift '25-'26e EBITA by 6-4%
The beat vs. our estimate would in isolation lift recurring subscription revenue by NOK 5m on an annual basis. This corresponds to an increase in annual service revenue of 1.5% and would all else equal lift '25-'26e EBITA by 6-4%.
Doro acquisition: ISP has dismissed its review means there is a high likelihood of deal going through
On 20 December, Xplora announced that the the Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) had resolved to conclude its review of Xplora's proposed acquisition of Doro. As a result, there were no further regulatory requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to proceed with the proposed offer. Hence, Xplora announced that it would shorten its acceptance period to 13 January 2025. Xplora has previously announced that it has passed the 90% threshold meaning. As a result, we assess that there is a high probability that the deal will go through.
Q4 subscribers 2% above ABGSC, up 39% y-o-y
Has released its monthly subscription update for December. The total number of subscriptions at the end of Q4 was 358k, 2% above ABGSCe at 351k. This is an increase of 39% y-o-y driven by gross new additions of 61k in the quarter. The beat was driven by premium subscriptions of 75k, which was above our estimate of 67k. It is our impression that connectivity subscriptions was approximately in-line with our estimate of 258k. According to Xplora, Germany continues to be the largest gross contributor, with 6k connectivity additions in December. Churn was in-line with our estimate of 9% in the quarter.
Beat would lift '25-'26e EBITA by 6-4%
The beat vs. our estimate would in isolation lift recurring subscription revenue by NOK 5m on an annual basis. This corresponds to an increase in annual service revenue of 1.5% and would all else equal lift '25-'26e EBITA by 6-4%.
Doro acquisition: ISP has dismissed its review means there is a high likelihood of deal going through
On 20 December, Xplora announced that the the Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) had resolved to conclude its review of Xplora's proposed acquisition of Doro. As a result, there were no further regulatory requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to proceed with the proposed offer. Hence, Xplora announced that it would shorten its acceptance period to 13 January 2025. Xplora has previously announced that it has passed the 90% threshold meaning. As a result, we assess that there is a high probability that the deal will go through.
14.01.2025 kl 12:25
Flott artikkel i DN i dag! Nå begynner selskapet å få oppmerksomhet! Gründer sikret seg Doro-telefonen: – Det største steget siden vi startet
Mobilklokke-selskapet Xplora går fra 780 millioner til 1,7 milliarder kroner nå som oppkjøpet av den svenske mobilprodusenten Doro går i boks.
Mobilklokke-selskapet Xplora går fra 780 millioner til 1,7 milliarder kroner nå som oppkjøpet av den svenske mobilprodusenten Doro går i boks.
14.01.2025 kl 14:48
15.01.2025 kl 11:13
Moreover, a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation (we will revert with more on this) on revenue synergies illustrate the potential and rational of the deal. Currently, Doro sells 1.5m phones globally, which NewCo intend to gradually sell with its own mobile subscriptions. If we assume a conversion ratio of 5-10% (6-8% of all Doro phones are sold online in their own channels, which should be the lowest hanging fruits), ARPU of NOK170, gross margin of 80% and a margin dilution of 10% from customer acquisition cost (basically saying that there is 70% incremental margin on each new Doro subscription), we see that this equal a 38% to 76% uplift vs. 2026 NewCo EBITDA (we for simplicity assume full-year effect in 2026). This would 1) take 2026 NIBD/EBITDA from 2.0x to 1.3x and the implied EV/EBITA multiple from 9.5x to 5.0-5.5x. In our opinion, that would represent a successful transaction.
Moreover, a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation (we will revert with more on this) on revenue synergies illustrate the potential and rational of the deal. Currently, Doro sells 1.5m phones globally, which NewCo intend to gradually sell with its own mobile subscriptions. If we assume a conversion ratio of 5-10% (6-8% of all Doro phones are sold online in their own channels, which should be the lowest hanging fruits), ARPU of NOK170, gross margin of 80% and a margin dilution of 10% from customer acquisition cost (basically saying that there is 70% incremental margin on each new Doro subscription), we see that this equal a 38% to 76% uplift vs. 2026 NewCo EBITDA (we for simplicity assume full-year effect in 2026). This would 1) take 2026 NIBD/EBITDA from 2.0x to 1.3x and the implied EV/EBITA multiple from 9.5x to 5.0-5.5x. In our opinion, that would represent a successful transaction.
16.01.2025 kl 14:38
Kjøpet går fortsatt igjennom, ser det ut som. Et lite tilbakefall, men ingen krise
I går kl 11:33