BWE. Fremtiden er rosenrĂžd.

BWE 18.08.2023 kl 13:11 379485

Forrige trÄd ble stengt da den ble for stor. Jeg tar derfor og starter en ny. Det passer bra da BWE er inne i en ny fase. Tre produksjonsbrÞnner er boret med godt resultat i Gabon og tre gjenstÄr. KjÞp av asset i Brasil venter pÄ godkjennelse som kan komme nÄr som helst.

Og gassfeltet, Kudu, kan bli mye stĂžrre enn man trodde. Klipper inn litt fra en fersk artikkel Gunnarius la ut tidligere i dag:

« The Ministry of Mines and Energy says the country's Kudu gas reserves are expected to increase to 10 trillion cubic feet (TCF) from the current estimated 1.3 TCF.

The revised figure is due to the associated gas found within the Graff-1 well by Shell, Yonker, and TotalEnergies' enormous Venus-1 offshore discovery.

Petroleum Commissioner Maggy Shino said the discovery of light crude oil reserves has transformed the landscape of the Kudu gas field.

"We are seeing that we now have a possibility of us increasing this 1.3 TCF of natural gas to up to ten TCF of gas because of the associated gas that we are seeing within the graph, within the Yonker and within Venus," she said on Wednesday.

The revelation has the potential to reshape the energy landscape in Namibia and the wider Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. »

10 Tcf tilsvarer 1,9 milliarder boe. Her kan man med god grunn ta i bruk betegnelsen elefant hvis dette innfris.
Redigert 18.08.2023 kl 13:12 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
28.10.2024 kl 12:05 5245

Med 2-3 uker per esp bĂžr det vĂŠre 6 eller 7.

Det ville nok allerede vÊrt 6 pÄ oppdateringen, om det ikke var for at den siste av de nye esp'ene tok kvelden.
SĂ„ da valgte de Ă„ bytte den istedenfor Ă„ installere esp i en av de 3 brĂžnnene som fortsatt ikke produserer.

Om vi antar et snitt pÄ 6k fra de 5 brÞnnene som produserer pÄ konvensjonell esp, sÄ er det 30k fat/d.
Legg til 7-8 k fra Tortue sÄ er vi nok nÊr 40k.

NÄr brÞnn 6 kommer, om den ikke allerede er i gang, sÄ tenker jeg vi passerer 40, og de 2 siste blir reservekapasitet.
29.10.2024 kl 16:13 5004

SÄ blir det antakelig boring ogsÄ av Eni pÄ PEL 85 som grenser til Kudu i sÞr i desember mÄned. Da har vi det gÄende med boring pÄ naboblokkene sÞr og vest for Kudu. Den i vest er avgrensing sÄ det er den i sÞr som er mest spennende.

Eni optimistic about imminent wells in Namibia
First of two exploration wells in Block PEL 85 planned to start in December»

Redigert 29.10.2024 kl 16:14 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
31.10.2024 kl 08:19 4690

BW Energy: Final agreements signed for Niosi and Guduma Marin Exploration Blocks Offshore Gabon

BW Energy is pleased to announce its signing of production sharing contracts (PSCs) for the exploration blocks Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin (formerly named G12-13 and H12-13) with Gabon’s Petroleum Minister and Minister of Economy. BW Energy holds 37.5% working interest and is the operator of the blocks, which significantly expands the resource base for infrastructure-led exploration in Gabon.

The blocks are adjacent to BW Energy’s Dussafu Marin licence offshore southern Gabon, covering a combined area of 4,918 km2.

“Most of the Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin acreage is within tie-back distance to existing infrastructure, enabling fast-track, low-cost development of future discoveries. We have proven our ability to create significant value in the Dussafu licence, where we are close to completing the first phase of Hibiscus / Ruche to bring production to nameplate capacity of 40,000 barrels per day. These licence awards further underpin BW Energy’s commitment to Gabon and clear ambition of growing production and cash flow generation,” said Carl K. Arnet, the CEO of BW Energy.

VAALCO Energy (37.5%) and Panoro Energy (25%) are non-operating joint venture partners in the PSCs, which have an eight-year exploration period with option to extend for two additional years. The partners have committed to drilling one well on Niosi Marin during the exploration period and intend to carry out a 3D seismic acquisition campaign.

The consortium is uniquely positioned with BW Energy and Panoro Energy as joint venture partners in the Dussafu PSC, and with VAALCO Energy as the operator of the adjacent Etame PSC. Together, the partners will jointly implement safe, efficient, and cost-effective operations whilst leveraging subsurface and production learnings from Dussafu and Etame to accelerate value creation.

For further information, please contact:

Brice Morlot, CFO BW Energy, +
05.11.2024 kl 11:23 4083

10 dager igjen til kvartalsrapport, som jeg ser frem til med spenning. Oppdateringen i oktober gir en del holdepunkter.

1) Nettoproduksjonen pÄ 2,4 mill. fat olje i 3Q. Netto solgt olje i 3Q var 2,5 mill. fat, dvs. noe hÞyere.
2) OppnÄdd oljepris 82 dollar pÄ Dussafu og 81,7 dollar pÄ Golfinho, det er bra.
3) Produksjonskost 20,5 dollar pÄ Dussafu og 64,1 dollar pÄ Golfinho, meget bra pÄ Dussafu, og sÄ mÄ den kraftig ned igjen pÄ Golfinho. Men helt sentralt at stordelen av produksjonen er pÄ Dussafu.
4) Oppdateringen fra BWE og PEN for Dussafu i slutten av oktober viste at Dussafu nÊrmer seg 40 000 fat i produksjon, 3-4 uker senere har de kanskje oppnÄdd dette, eller i alle fall kommet ganske nÊr.

Og sÄ har vi alt det andre selskapet jobber med.

Redigert 05.11.2024 kl 11:24 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
05.11.2024 kl 11:32 4071

Kan vente noe info om denne brĂžnnen de borer onshore any day.
Donald Fagen
05.11.2024 kl 12:33 4006

Uansett - nede pÄ 23-tallet nÄ. Over 21% ned siste 6 mnd. Ser ikke bra ut!
05.11.2024 kl 13:32 3948

Det er elendig, men det mÄ sies at oljeprisen da var 83 dollar.

Likevel er det vel bare OKEA som har gjort det dÄrligere.
05.11.2024 kl 15:10 3896

BWE har mye Ä hente inn igjen kursmessig, ingen tvil om det, men dette er jo ogsÄ oppside. Jeg venter overskudd i BWE i de to siste kvartalene av 2024 pÄ totalt 100-120 MUSD, og at egenkapitalen vil nÊrme seg 10 milliarder. Jeg forventer ogsÄ at oljeproduksjonen nÄ vil stabilisere seg pÄ et hÞyt nivÄ.
07.11.2024 kl 12:01 3578

Nok en dÄrlig dag sÄ langt. I rÞdt pÄ en fin dag for oljeaksjene. Kun BWE og QEC som er det.

Det handler nok om eierstruktur. Er svÊrt lav omsetning med aksjer for 530 224 kr. Blir det nÄr BW ENERGY HOLDINGS LIMITED besitter 76,49 % av aksjene.

PĂ„ det operasjonelle har det vĂŠrt mange utsettelser, men selskapet tjener gode penger. Dussafu blir en pengemaskin som markedet merkelig nok overser. Jo, det har vĂŠrt store forsinkelser, men det skyldes SPE- ene som er utenom selskapets kontroll, men brĂžnnene produserer hĂžyere enn forventet ( ca 6000 bopd mot forventet 5000 bopd). I tillegg har reservene Ăžkt signifikant gjennom funn av nytt felt (Hibiscus South) samt utvidelse av et annet (Hibiscus). Totalt gir denne borekampanjen minst 35 000 bopd gross i tillegg til de ca 9000 fra Tortue. Og BWE har som kjent hele 73,5 % eierandel.

Men Maromba stÄr helt i stampe. Her har de betalt fÞrste betaling til Petrobras for flere Är siden. Da skjer det mer pÄ Kudu takket vÊre de store feltene i nÊrheten. NÄ mÄ de fÄ opp farten her. Feltet ble oppdaget i 1974. Vi venter pÄ tolkning av ny seismikk som var «lovt» for lenge siden. Det er naturlig med en avtale om utbygging med naboene, men da mÄ det jo vÊre en ide og finne ut hva potensialet for feltet er. Det bores bÄde pÄ nabolisensene i vest og syd for feltet i Þyeblikket.

Men som nevnt er det nok stĂžrste aksjonĂŠr markedet frykter.
07.11.2024 kl 15:44 3509

Interesssant. Det kan aktualisere Ä oppgradere det som er planene til BWE og myndighetene, men det finnes andre lÞsninger ogsÄ for Ä fÄ solgt gassen. Et eksempel er en flytende installasjon som behandler gassen og produsere LNG som fraktes bort med LNG-skib.

07.11.2024 kl 15:52 3682

But first we need to know what does the field hold. A combined solution for all would have the benefits of tbe scale but as the article says, it will take time.
Redigert 07.11.2024 kl 15:53 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
07.11.2024 kl 16:28 3666

De har vel snakket om letebrÞnner med oppstart tidlig 2025, men fÞrst mÄ de skaffe en rigg. De har lagt ut en anbudsrunde pÄ det.
11.11.2024 kl 22:42 3249

Har dere ikke fÄtt med dere denne?

Boring av inntil 4 brĂžnner med antatt start q3-25.

Lokasjon og endelig start fÄr vi nok etter hvert.
11.11.2024 kl 23:15 3229

He-he. SĂ„ litt kjent ut. Kanskje jeg har fortrengt det litt fordi det var jo opprinnelig snakk om langt tidligere i 2025. Jeg fĂžlger visst flere oljeselskaper enn jeg kanskje burde samtidig.

Men OK. Seismikken bÞr de kunne si noe om lenge fÞr den tid. Selv om den fortsatt studeres synes jeg de komme med noe mer konkret enn de har sagt fÞr. De har antydet at seismikken er lovende, men ikke sÄ mye mer. Bortsett fra at de pÄ Paretokonferansen i september kom med noen nye skisser av lisensen. Se side 15 her.

Ikke sÄ mye verdt kanskje nÄr man ikke vet hva han sa om det.
12.11.2024 kl 01:19 3219

Joda, Kudu kommer nok den.
Men det er mange Ă„r til vi ser produksjon derfra.

SÄ jeg fokuserer som vanlig pÄ det neste Äret, og mener bestemt at p/e nÄ er pÄ 1 tallet om vi ser pÄ inntjeningen til BWE fra 4q og til og med 3q til neste Är.

Lenge siden jeg har sett slike tall i et selskap, og aldri med en bĂžrs nĂŠr ath.

BWE burde hatt en kurs rundt 60, og jeg ville ikke synes det var dyrt.
SÄ fÄr vi se nÄr det lÞsner.
MĂ„ gjerne vente en mnd til.
12.11.2024 kl 09:20 3175

Hei Oto
I lys av det du nevner her.. Er d ikke rart at Sp1analytiker setter Bwe i nĂžytral gruppen?
Ser han ikke forbi nesetippen?
12.11.2024 kl 09:38 3156

Jo, det er rart.

Men analytikerne gjĂžr vel som de pleier.
Justerer kursmÄl etter aksjekurs, uten noen reell begrunnelse.
12.11.2024 kl 09:48 3142

Ja. Slett arbeid finnes overalt 😏
12.11.2024 kl 10:39 3112

Owning BWE is a bit of test of patience. I believe the news lately about excess gas compared to oil in the fields in Namibia is making some people fold they cards as they do not see any increase in production anytime soon anywhere after Dussafu is fully up and running. Are they wrong?
12.11.2024 kl 10:49 3102

Kursnedgangen er nÄ pÄ 35,3 % siden 19. juli. Riktignok var Brent den gang omtrent 85 dollar pr. fat. AltsÄ ned 14,7 %. Dette er oppsiktsvekkende dÄrlig, men vi fÄr bare hÄpe det gÄr etter plan der og at oljeprisen skal opp. FÞrste trigger blir kanskje resultat fra brÞnnen som bores onshore Namibia av ReconAfrika nÄ. Kan ikke vÊre lenge til den er pÄ TD, men uvisst nÄr de melder.
12.11.2024 kl 12:19 3053

Snart et Är siden Sohmen la inn bud pÄ 27 kr. aksjen her. Jeg lot meg kjÞpe ut da med det lille jeg hadde og gikk heller stort inn i BWO og utbyttene der.
NÄ begynner BWE Ä vÊre kjÞpbar igjen. Ikke fordi jeg har veldig tro pÄ oljeprisen eller at Q3-tallene skal gi noen stÞrre oppgang. Det er heller for Ä sitte her nÄr Sohmen kommer med et nytt bud, enten det blir pÄ 25 eller 27. At selskapet skal tas av bÞrs i 2025 ser jeg som ganske sikkert. Tror dessverre ikke vi fÄr se 30-tallet igjen. Han fÄr nok 90% aksept godt under det.
12.11.2024 kl 12:22 3098

Jeg kan ikke med min beste velvilje forstÄ hvorfor "excess" gas i felt i Namibia skal vÊre noe problem for BWE.
Tross akt sÄ er Kudu et gassfelt, og vil ikke bli bygget ut fÞr rÞrledning er pÄ plass og kjÞper av gassen er pÄ plass.
Tvert om sÄ er dette en kjempemulighet for BWE som kan bli en gass hub for omkringliggende felt som primÊrt skal produsere olje.

Det kommer ikke til Ä skje de fÞrste 3-4 Ärene, det er korrekt, sÄ noen produksjonsÞkning fra Kudu pÄ kort sikt skal man se langt etter. Men det er da ikke derfor man skal kjÞpe bwe.
Produksjonen er snart, om ikke allerede, nĂŠr 50k fat / d (40k Dussafu + 8-10k Golfinho).
Det gir ca 40k netto til bwe, og med oljepris pÄ 70 en revenue pÄ ca 1 mrd usd per Är.

Revenue i 2023 var 507 musd, og hittil i Ă„r 346 musd (ca 700 musd annualisert).

SÄ det blir jo en pen Þkning pÄ topplinjen, og med noenlunde stabile kostnader uavhengig av antall produserte fat, vil mesteparten gÄ pÄ bunnlinja.
1 mrd usd vs 700 musd gir 300 mill mer pÄ topplinja.
Om vi antar halvparten i skatt og noe ekstra kostnader, sÄ er det fortsatt 150 musd ekstra pÄ bunnlinja, eller 1,6 mrd nok ekstra, eller nesten 7 kr per aksje i Þkt eps.

SÄ vi kan gÄ fra 8 til 15 i eps.

Er ikke det god nok grunn til Ä kjÞpe bwe pÄ 22?

Med funn pÄ Bourdon sÄ kan de produsere 40k i Gabon i Äresvis fremover, og sÄnn sett kunne de vraket bÄde Maromba og Kudu, betalt ut 10 kr per Är i utbytter i flere Är fremover, og vi kunne levd herrens glade dager.
Redigert 12.11.2024 kl 12:23 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
12.11.2024 kl 15:44 3007

I do not disagree with you. I am just wondering if the resent news regarding Namibia could be a reason for this slide downwards
12.11.2024 kl 15:47 3015

Alle oljeaksjer er pÄ billigsalg for tiden.

Selv de som nÄ har direkteavkastning som nÊrmer seg 15%.

SÄ jeg bare venter pÄ utbyttepenger fra dno og andre sÄ kjÞper jeg mer.
Tidenes gavepakke.
12.11.2024 kl 15:49 3014

Ja hÄper det er en gavepakke.
Men det betinger vel at oljeprisen snur?
12.11.2024 kl 15:58 3129

Det virker som markedet lar seg skremme av utsiktene til oljeprisen resten av 2024 og i 2025. Den ene etter den andre har vĂŠrt ute med lite opplĂžftende prognoser.

I Ăžyeblikket er Brent opp 0,8 USD pr. fat, men ikke en eneste oljeaksje er i pluss.
12.11.2024 kl 16:05 3141

Oljeprisen er alltid et spÞrsmÄl angÄende kurs pÄ oljeaksjer.

Naturlig nok..

BWE bÞr jo vÊre et av de sikreste i sÄ mÄte.

Utrolig lav prising, selv om inntjeningen halvveres, og de kan enkelt utsette omtrent alt av capex.

Spent pÄ om de vedtar fid pÄ Maromba i Är eller ser det litt an.
Golfinho programmet er allerede utsatt.
12.11.2024 kl 17:26 3105

The Company recently completed the documentation with the Government of Gabon for the offshore Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin exploration blocks. This follows the technical provisional award announced in October 2021 granting Vaalco a 37.5% non-operating working interest in the Niosi Marin Block (previously G12-13) and the Guduma Marin Block (previously H12-13) located in shallow waters offshore Gabon, with BW Energy as operator (also holding a 37.5% working interest) and Panoro Energy as a non-operating joint owner with a 25% working interest. The Niosi and Guduma blocks cover areas of 2,974 square kilometers (“kmÂČ) and 1,927 kmÂČ, respectively. The Niosi Block is located adjacent to the Etame Marin Permit, where Vaalco operates a successful ongoing exploration and production campaign. To date, the Etame Marin partners have produced and discovered over 150 million barrels of oil, with multiple fields brought online. The area benefits from significant infrastructure investments, including processing facilities and a new FSO vessel installed by Vaalco in 2022 which is located adjacent to the Niosi Marin blocks. The blocks are also adjacent to BW Energy and Panoro Energy’s Dussafu PSC offshore Southern Gabon, which is another area of significant successful exploration and development.
14.11.2024 kl 16:52 2561

Q3 imorgen. Flott oppgang i dag i forkant. Opp 4,17 %.
14.11.2024 kl 17:01 2558

Oppgang 👍
Kursen stĂ„r i 22,5 kr đŸ€Š
14.11.2024 kl 17:15 2569

Ja, vi fÄr ta med oss den, men kursen er jo rett og slett elendig.

Spent pÄ morgendagen. Spesielt mhp. Dussafu selvsagt, men ogsÄ nÄr det gjelder begge assets i Namibia.
14.11.2024 kl 17:19 2711

Har mer tro pÄ denne lisensen en den som er onshore.

SpÞrsmÄlet blir mer hvordan BWE skal klare alt dette.

Cash flow blir veldig bra de neste kvartalene, men denne lisensen (3d seismikk i fĂžrste omgang), Maromba, Golfinho, Kudu og onshore?

Tror det ville vÊrt ok om de farmer seg ned pÄ Maromba en og etter hvert ogsÄ Kudu.
14.11.2024 kl 18:18 2677

Er det denne du tenker pÄ?

20 May 2024
BW Energy: Substantial oil discovery made on the northern flank of the Hibiscus field

BW Energy is pleased to announce a substantial oil discovery with good reservoir quality in the DHIBM-7P pilot well drilled to appraise the northern flank of the Hibiscus field. The Company plans to complete the well as a production well later in 2024.

14.11.2024 kl 18:21 2675

Jeg tenker pÄ hele utbyggingen av Hibiscus, Hibiscus South og Ruche.
15.11.2024 kl 07:32 2660



Q3 EBITDA of USD 130 million and net profit of USD 48.0 million
Q3 gross production of 2.9 mmbbls with 2.4 mmbbls net to BW Energy
Record operational cash-flow of USD 144.9 million in the quarter
Three liftings of 2.5 mmbbls (net BWE) at average realised price of USD ~82/bbl
Highest quarterly production since inception from the Dussafu licence
Currently producing over 40,000 bbls/day gross at Dussafu
On track for completing ESP change-outs in Gabon by year-end with three wells remaining, including DRM-3H
Final agreements for Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin Exploration Blocks Offshore Gabon
Maintained a strong balance sheet with cash position of USD 209 million

BW Energy, operator of the Dussafu Marin licence in Gabon and the Golfinho cluster offshore Brazil, reported EBITDA of USD 130 million for the third quarter of 2024. This was up from USD 75.9 million in the previous quarter, due to higher oil sales following record quarterly production in Gabon. The net production from operated assets was 25,570 bbls/day. This includes the Tortue, Hibiscus, and Hibiscus South fields in the Dussafu licence (73.5% working interest or “WI”) and the Golfinho field (100% WI).

“BW Energy delivers record quarterly production and cash-flow from operation in the third quarter, supporting attractive appraisal, development, and field optimisation programs across our growing asset base in Gabon, Brazil, and Namibia,” said Carl K. Arnet, the CEO of BW Energy. "We are also pleased to meet our Dussafu production target of 40,000 barrels a day gross, well before year-end, and following new low-cost, low-risk development wells and successful ESP replacements. The ongoing drilling campaign has expanded our asset and reserves base, and with further wells to complete and work-over, we are confident that we can maintain production at FPSO BW Adolo capacity for longer.”


BW Energy completed two liftings in the third quarter at an average realised price of USD 82/bbl. BW Energy’s net production was approximately 1.9 mmbbls of oil. The net sold volume, which is the basis for revenue recognition in the financial statements, was approximately 2.0 mmbbls including 195,000 bbls of DMO deliveries and 232,800 bbls of state profit oil with an under-lift position of 391,500 bbls at period-end.

Net production from the Dussafu licence averaged 20,150 bbls/day, supported by the ESPs (electrical submersible pumps) on wells producing to the MaBoMo facility. Third quarter production cost (excluding royalties) decreased to USD 20.5/bbl from USD 29/bbl in the second quarter, which was impacted by scheduled facility maintenance. Production cost was in line with the year-end target level and reflects improved operational efficiency and increased production.

In July, production started from the DHBSM-2H well on Hibiscus South, in August the DHIBM-3H workover was completed, and in early October DHIBM-7H started production, all with conventional ESPs. In late September, the DHBSM-1H ESP failed as the last of the defective generation, with change-out completed and production restarted mid-October. Workover of DHIBM-4H was completed in early November, leaving three remaining wells scheduled for conventional ESP change-out before year-end.


Net production from the Golfinho field averaged 5,400 bbls/day equivalent to a total production of 498,900 bbls in the quarter. Production was impacted by a planned maintenance shutdown on the FPSO Cidade de VitĂłria. Production availability is set to improve in the fourth quarter following maintenance completion on one gas- lift compressor.

One lifting was carried out in August of 487,000 bbls at a realised price of USD 81.7/bbl. Remaining inventory was approximately 340,700 bbls at the end of the period. Production cost (excluding royalties) averaged USD 63.3/bbl barrel. This compares with production costs of USD 48/bbl in the second quarter, primarily due to lower production.


At 30 September 2024, BW Energy had a cash balance of USD 209 million, compared to USD 244 million at end-June. The decrease reflects cash flow from operations, debt repayment and investments including acquisition of shares in Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd (ReconAfrica). The Company had a total drawn debt balance of USD 556 million including the MaBoMo lease, the Dussafu RBL, the Golfinho prepayment facility, and bond debt.

On 1 August, the Company expanded its position in Namibia through the acquisition of a 6.6% shareholding plus share purchase warrants in ReconAfrica. BW Energy also received a 20% non-operating interest in the onshore Petroleum Exploration License 73 (“PEL 73”) in Namibia.

Production guidance for 2024 is maintained at between 10 and 11 mmbbls net to BW Energy. Full-year production cost (excluding royalties) is expected to be USD 30 to 32/bbl, in the lower end of the previous range due to higher production at Dussafu. Expected net capital expenditures is unchanged at around USD 350 million.


BW Energy is in process of completing the DHIBM-5H well workover, bringing the number of Hibiscus / Ruche Phase 1 producing wells to seven. Following completing of the remaining two well workovers and ESP change-outs, the Company will appraise the Bourdon prospect, targeting potential gross recoverable reserves of ~30 million barrels in Gamba and Dentale formations.

At end-October, BW Energy signed production sharing contracts (PSCs) for the Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin (formerly named G12-13 and H12-13) exploration blocks which are adjacent to the Dussafu licence. BW Energy holds 37.5% WI in both blocks, and is the operator of the blocks, which significantly expands the resource base for infrastructure-led exploration. The PSCs have an eight-year exploration period with option to extend for two more years. The partners have committed to drilling one well on Niosi Marin and intend to carry out a 3D seismic acquisition campaign.

In Brazil, the focus is on optimising production from the Golfinho field, including stabilising FPSO performance and selected well workovers. Also in Brazil, planning of the Maromba development, targeting low-risk barrels in an oil rich area with multiple producing assets, progressed towards planned FID in early 2025. The concept is based on the sustainable re-use of an FPSO and a jack-up with drilling capacity and dry trees, providing an efficient development with short pay-back time. Initial oil production from Maromba is expected at around 50,000 bbls/day. The BW Maromba FPSO is at the COSCO yard in China in preparation for upgrades.

In Namibia, BW Energy has sanctioned the drilling of an appraisal well targeting the Kharas Prospect north-west on the Kudu formation. Long-lead items have been secured and the Company is reviewing offers for rig capacity. There is a close dialogue with other operators in the Orange Basin on exploring common use available resources. Development planning and concept selection for the Kudu gas-to-power project also continued with relevant stakeholders.

15.11.2024 kl 07:59 2665

Edibta 130mUSD... 😍😍😍

Third quarter production cost (excluding royalties) decreased to USD 20.5/bbl from USD 29/bbl in the second quarter, 😍😍😍😍

And Currently producing over 40,000 bbls/day gross at Dussafu 😍😍😍😍

Reprising?.... probably not as world is just not getting it