BWE. Fremtiden er rosenrød.
Forrige tråd ble stengt da den ble for stor. Jeg tar derfor og starter en ny. Det passer bra da BWE er inne i en ny fase. Tre produksjonsbrønner er boret med godt resultat i Gabon og tre gjenstår. Kjøp av asset i Brasil venter på godkjennelse som kan komme når som helst.
Og gassfeltet, Kudu, kan bli mye større enn man trodde. Klipper inn litt fra en fersk artikkel Gunnarius la ut tidligere i dag:
« The Ministry of Mines and Energy says the country's Kudu gas reserves are expected to increase to 10 trillion cubic feet (TCF) from the current estimated 1.3 TCF.
The revised figure is due to the associated gas found within the Graff-1 well by Shell, Yonker, and TotalEnergies' enormous Venus-1 offshore discovery.
Petroleum Commissioner Maggy Shino said the discovery of light crude oil reserves has transformed the landscape of the Kudu gas field.
"We are seeing that we now have a possibility of us increasing this 1.3 TCF of natural gas to up to ten TCF of gas because of the associated gas that we are seeing within the graph, within the Yonker and within Venus," she said on Wednesday.
The revelation has the potential to reshape the energy landscape in Namibia and the wider Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. »
10 Tcf tilsvarer 1,9 milliarder boe. Her kan man med god grunn ta i bruk betegnelsen elefant hvis dette innfris.
Og gassfeltet, Kudu, kan bli mye større enn man trodde. Klipper inn litt fra en fersk artikkel Gunnarius la ut tidligere i dag:
« The Ministry of Mines and Energy says the country's Kudu gas reserves are expected to increase to 10 trillion cubic feet (TCF) from the current estimated 1.3 TCF.
The revised figure is due to the associated gas found within the Graff-1 well by Shell, Yonker, and TotalEnergies' enormous Venus-1 offshore discovery.
Petroleum Commissioner Maggy Shino said the discovery of light crude oil reserves has transformed the landscape of the Kudu gas field.
"We are seeing that we now have a possibility of us increasing this 1.3 TCF of natural gas to up to ten TCF of gas because of the associated gas that we are seeing within the graph, within the Yonker and within Venus," she said on Wednesday.
The revelation has the potential to reshape the energy landscape in Namibia and the wider Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. »
10 Tcf tilsvarer 1,9 milliarder boe. Her kan man med god grunn ta i bruk betegnelsen elefant hvis dette innfris.
Redigert 18.08.2023 kl 13:12
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14.03.2025 kl 13:16
Er helt enig med deg, tror de har fått ordnet det slik at de får boret sidesteget nå, og da er det vel bare uker til oppdatering av informasjon. Positivt, både fordi BWE får beregnet funnet, og fordi de slipper dyr innleie av rigg for å bore sidesteget på et senere tidspunkt.
17.03.2025 kl 17:33
14.mars stod denne kryptiske meldingen på X
Hvis det skulle være i nærheten , blir det 🍾
« GABON: BW Energy Uncovers Major 30M-Barrel Oil Field in Gabon»
Hvis det skulle være i nærheten , blir det 🍾
« GABON: BW Energy Uncovers Major 30M-Barrel Oil Field in Gabon»
17.03.2025 kl 23:18
Er denne gått helt under radaren??? Blir fid maromba ganske så snart….
« BW Energy has issued 10 million shares to raise funds for their upcoming ventures» ( 14.3.)
« BW Energy has issued 10 million shares to raise funds for their upcoming ventures» ( 14.3.)
17.03.2025 kl 23:25
De opplyste om det i q4- presentasjonen.
«Maromba FID planned for Q1 2025»
«Maromba FID planned for Q1 2025»
20.03.2025 kl 10:02
20. mars allerede, og BWE er høyst sannsynlig godt i gang med å bore 2. sidesteg på Bourdon. I år er påska sein, godt ut i april, vil ikke forundre meg om resultatet kommer rundt påske.
Har sett få anslag på hva størrelsen på funnet kan være gitt den informasjonen BWE/PEN ga den 7. mars. Et aktuelt spørsmål er hvor stort funnet bør være gitt at det skal svare seg med en ny utbygging, slik BWE nevner kan være aktuelt?
Har sett få anslag på hva størrelsen på funnet kan være gitt den informasjonen BWE/PEN ga den 7. mars. Et aktuelt spørsmål er hvor stort funnet bør være gitt at det skal svare seg med en ny utbygging, slik BWE nevner kan være aktuelt?
Redigert 20.03.2025 kl 10:06
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20.03.2025 kl 12:29
Jeg har lagt hodet på blokka og tippet i størrelse med Hibiscus som vel er på omtrent 47 mmbbl. Det er betydelig mer enn pre-drill estimatet på 29 mmbbl.
20.03.2025 kl 14:03
Jeg tror det blir det største oljefunnet på Dussafu feltet hittil. Altså større enn Hibiscus.
20.03.2025 kl 14:09
FF skal ha skryt for å være den eneste som tør å legge ut ett eksakt tall 😁
Bare så vi unngår misforståelser når en eventuell seierherre skal kåres ; vi snakker om antall utvinnbare tønner brutto, right?
Bare så vi unngår misforståelser når en eventuell seierherre skal kåres ; vi snakker om antall utvinnbare tønner brutto, right?
20.03.2025 kl 20:58
Her har du ikke helt fulgt med.
BWE har 20 % eierandel her.
« BW Energy completes farm-in and acquisition of securities of Reconnaissance Energy
01 August 2024»
BWE har 20 % eierandel her.
« BW Energy completes farm-in and acquisition of securities of Reconnaissance Energy
01 August 2024»
21.03.2025 kl 16:40
God aktivitet i sluttauksjonen i dag, noe som dro omsetningen opp i 200 000 aksjer og kursen steg med 4 prosent.
21.03.2025 kl 16:48
Med Andreas Sohmen-Pao som eier 76,4% av aksjene samt mange banker som eier en andel er det lite aksjer til salgs, når det er en eller flere som skal kjøpe seg inn i selskapet. Det kan jo også være en BWE aksjonær som ønsker flere aksjer.
Kursen går mye opp ref. slutt aksjonen i dag.
Kursen går mye opp ref. slutt aksjonen i dag.
21.03.2025 kl 19:25
Tredje fredagen i mars, så sannsynligvis bare effekten av triple witching.
21.03.2025 kl 19:53
Aldri hørt om det begrepet før 😂😁
Men kjøper ikke helt argumentet selv om jeg brukte 12 sekunder på å lese meg opp.
Men kjøper ikke helt argumentet selv om jeg brukte 12 sekunder på å lese meg opp.
21.03.2025 kl 19:59
Ikke mange dagene nå før FID som var guidet til Q1. Er de i tvil grunnet oljeprisen? Det er jo en rabatt på denne tungoljen i forhold til Brent.
21.03.2025 kl 20:05
Her definisjonen. Måtte google sel.
The triple witching hour is the last sixty minutes of the trading day on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December, when contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, and stock options, expire simultaneously.
The triple witching hour is the last sixty minutes of the trading day on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December, when contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, and stock options, expire simultaneously.
21.03.2025 kl 20:35
BWE har mye på gang. De bør ta en farm down på Maromba og Kudu feltet.
Equinor burde være en perfekt partner med mye erfaring fra Brasil og de vil inn i Nambia og kan ta over operatørskapet ved et stort oljefunn der.
Equinor burde være en perfekt partner med mye erfaring fra Brasil og de vil inn i Nambia og kan ta over operatørskapet ved et stort oljefunn der.
24.03.2025 kl 17:17
Nærmer seg slutten på q1 nå. Lukter det utsettelse av fid melding eller slipper de melding helt på tampen?
24.03.2025 kl 22:24
BW Energy plans to drill at the Kharas prospect within the Kudu license, a key area that has shown promise for both oil and gas.
Shino shared an optimistic outlook on the Kudu license, stating that BW Energy has “identified new targets with upside potential – not only for gas, but also for oil within the main area,” and confirmed that two wells are planned by the end of the year.
BW Energy plans to drill at the Kharas prospect within the Kudu license, a key area that has shown promise for both oil and gas.
Shino shared an optimistic outlook on the Kudu license, stating that BW Energy has “identified new targets with upside potential – not only for gas, but also for oil within the main area,” and confirmed that two wells are planned by the end of the year.
25.03.2025 kl 09:47
Dette gir en grei pekepinn på verdier for BWE/PEN
Dette gir en grei pekepinn på verdier for BWE/PEN
25.03.2025 kl 10:02
BWE og Panoro er veldig lavt priset i forhold til hva Tullow fikk for Gabon eiendelene sine.
25.03.2025 kl 10:02
Indikerer en prising på BWE sine ressurser i Gabon til 725musd og PEN 170musd, uten Bourdon som fort tilfører 250-350musd verdi for lisensen. Tullow prises til 8.33$ pr fat, men Dussafu ville nok blitt priset en plass mellom 10-15$ uten problem. Dvs 870-1300musd Bwe og 200-300musd PEN. Legg til 300musd for Bourdon og tallet er 1100-1600musd BWE og 250-375musd PEN.
25.03.2025 kl 11:27
Tullow starter en borekampanje på 6 brønner utenfor Ghana til 171mill USD i mai i år. Pengene fra oppgjøret av salget går også til å nedbetale og refinansiere lån.
25.03.2025 kl 19:43
While BW Energy intends to drill the Kharas prospect within the Kudu license, Rhino Resources is awaiting results from two high-impact wells in PEL 85. Shino underlined that BW Energy “identified new targets with upside potential – not only for gas, but also for oil within the main area,” with two wells planned by year-end.
I går kl 06:51
Fra Pareto: 35% upside from Tullow sale & Maromba FID shortly
Tullow’s asset sale in Gabon indicates 35% upside to the current valuation of BW
Energy, which trades at P/NAV 0.65x. We find this excessive, with the NAV likely
to move higher upon FID of Maromba expected shortly and >3x upside potential
over the next three years if the development is successful. No dividends and
investments in long-term growth with execution risks are clearly not what most
investors prefer today, but BW Energy’s contrarian strategy provides high upside
for faithful long-term investors. We make no estimate changes but increased
confidence in asset values should lift pricing of the stock. TP up to NOK 45 (40) on
the recent Bourbon discovery. BUY reiterated.
~35% share price upside indicated by read-through valuation of Tullow sale
Tullow Oil sold its Gabon assets, 36 mill bbl of 2P reserves and ~10,000 bbl/day of
production, to the state-owned Gabon Oil Company for USD 300m plus capital gain
taxes. This likely implies a pricing of around USD 10/bbl of 2P reserves after tax
adjustments (USD 50-60m) which is equivalent to a 12% discount to our USD 11.3/bbl
valuation on the Dussafu block (Brent USD 70/bbl and 15% WACC). If applied to our
risked valuation of BW Energy of NOK 45/share, this implies a share price of NOK 40 –
35% above the current share price. However, it’s possible to argue that the transaction
is done at a premium to valuation as Price/2P fails to adjust for where the fields are in
their lifecycle. Dussafu just reached plateau, when Price/2P peaks, while Tullow is
selling a more mature portfolio. As an example, our value per bbl of remaining reserves
declines by ~30% if we move our DCF Dussafu valuation forward to when the asset
enters natural decline. In addition, it may have impacted the valuation that Tullow is a
distressed seller. Anyway, the pricing is highly supportive for BW Energy.
Maromba FID shortly – Execution risk and vast upside potential
The cash flow from production will be used to financing further growth with FID of the
Maromba development expected shortly. The last piece of the puzzle is securing
Chinese financing for the FPSO refurbishment. First oil is expected to follow 36 months
after FID with Phase 1 production of 50 kbd of oil from six wells. Subsurface risk should
be lowered by nine wells drilled into the reservoir, but the project requires reuse of an
existing FPSO to be sufficiently robust (>150 kbd of production likely required to justify
investment in new FPSO for previous owner Petrobras). Hence, the heritage from BW
Offshore similarly to the early stage at Dussafu puts BW Energy in a unique position to
act on the opportunity - although still carrying high execution risk in our view. If
successful, the upside potential is large with an unrisked potential of >NOK 30/share
discounted to today (>NOK 50/share at the time of first oil). Hence, our high risking
discount of 85% has a large impact on our current NAV of BW Energy – which will
increase upon sanctioning of the project.
High upside potential for long-term investors - BUY/TP NOK 45 (40)
We estimate BW Energy’s NAV at NOK 45/share based on Brent USD 75/70 per bbl in
2025/long-term and 15% WACC. This is up from NOK 42/share as the value impact of
the recent Bourdon discovery more than offset a weaker USD/NOK. With ~50% upside
to current pricing, this is far of current market perception, which prefers everything BW
Energy is not: high near-term FCF/dividends and limited investments in production that
is more than 1-2 years away. The price divergence likely also reflects limited details of
the planned execution at Maromba, which we believe will be addressed post FID, and
lower the perceived execution risk associated with the development. In this regard, we
think it’s worth nothing that despite the 2023-24 ramp-up challenges, Dussafu has been
a significant success for investors who took on the risk at the time of FID (acquired
almost for free and now valued at > USD 1bn). Notably, Maromba has a much larger
resource potential than Dussafu (>5x). In terms of upside, we believe the unrisked
potential is >3x over the next three years before attaching value to the Namibian upside
(appraisal/exploration drilling later this year). In addition, BW Energy has a strong main
owner in BW Holdings (Andreas Sohmen-Pao) that in January 2024 increased its
ownership to 74% by acquiring shares at NOK 32 - 7% above current pricing. BUY/TP
up to NOK 45 (40).
Tullow’s asset sale in Gabon indicates 35% upside to the current valuation of BW
Energy, which trades at P/NAV 0.65x. We find this excessive, with the NAV likely
to move higher upon FID of Maromba expected shortly and >3x upside potential
over the next three years if the development is successful. No dividends and
investments in long-term growth with execution risks are clearly not what most
investors prefer today, but BW Energy’s contrarian strategy provides high upside
for faithful long-term investors. We make no estimate changes but increased
confidence in asset values should lift pricing of the stock. TP up to NOK 45 (40) on
the recent Bourbon discovery. BUY reiterated.
~35% share price upside indicated by read-through valuation of Tullow sale
Tullow Oil sold its Gabon assets, 36 mill bbl of 2P reserves and ~10,000 bbl/day of
production, to the state-owned Gabon Oil Company for USD 300m plus capital gain
taxes. This likely implies a pricing of around USD 10/bbl of 2P reserves after tax
adjustments (USD 50-60m) which is equivalent to a 12% discount to our USD 11.3/bbl
valuation on the Dussafu block (Brent USD 70/bbl and 15% WACC). If applied to our
risked valuation of BW Energy of NOK 45/share, this implies a share price of NOK 40 –
35% above the current share price. However, it’s possible to argue that the transaction
is done at a premium to valuation as Price/2P fails to adjust for where the fields are in
their lifecycle. Dussafu just reached plateau, when Price/2P peaks, while Tullow is
selling a more mature portfolio. As an example, our value per bbl of remaining reserves
declines by ~30% if we move our DCF Dussafu valuation forward to when the asset
enters natural decline. In addition, it may have impacted the valuation that Tullow is a
distressed seller. Anyway, the pricing is highly supportive for BW Energy.
Maromba FID shortly – Execution risk and vast upside potential
The cash flow from production will be used to financing further growth with FID of the
Maromba development expected shortly. The last piece of the puzzle is securing
Chinese financing for the FPSO refurbishment. First oil is expected to follow 36 months
after FID with Phase 1 production of 50 kbd of oil from six wells. Subsurface risk should
be lowered by nine wells drilled into the reservoir, but the project requires reuse of an
existing FPSO to be sufficiently robust (>150 kbd of production likely required to justify
investment in new FPSO for previous owner Petrobras). Hence, the heritage from BW
Offshore similarly to the early stage at Dussafu puts BW Energy in a unique position to
act on the opportunity - although still carrying high execution risk in our view. If
successful, the upside potential is large with an unrisked potential of >NOK 30/share
discounted to today (>NOK 50/share at the time of first oil). Hence, our high risking
discount of 85% has a large impact on our current NAV of BW Energy – which will
increase upon sanctioning of the project.
High upside potential for long-term investors - BUY/TP NOK 45 (40)
We estimate BW Energy’s NAV at NOK 45/share based on Brent USD 75/70 per bbl in
2025/long-term and 15% WACC. This is up from NOK 42/share as the value impact of
the recent Bourdon discovery more than offset a weaker USD/NOK. With ~50% upside
to current pricing, this is far of current market perception, which prefers everything BW
Energy is not: high near-term FCF/dividends and limited investments in production that
is more than 1-2 years away. The price divergence likely also reflects limited details of
the planned execution at Maromba, which we believe will be addressed post FID, and
lower the perceived execution risk associated with the development. In this regard, we
think it’s worth nothing that despite the 2023-24 ramp-up challenges, Dussafu has been
a significant success for investors who took on the risk at the time of FID (acquired
almost for free and now valued at > USD 1bn). Notably, Maromba has a much larger
resource potential than Dussafu (>5x). In terms of upside, we believe the unrisked
potential is >3x over the next three years before attaching value to the Namibian upside
(appraisal/exploration drilling later this year). In addition, BW Energy has a strong main
owner in BW Holdings (Andreas Sohmen-Pao) that in January 2024 increased its
ownership to 74% by acquiring shares at NOK 32 - 7% above current pricing. BUY/TP
up to NOK 45 (40).