$$$PGS$$$ (✅️) K for Kontrakt✨️

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
22.09.2023 kl 11:40
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Slettet bruker
PGS 31.08.2023 kl 23:43 331378



Spent på denna, må bli avklaring idag eller mandag
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 11:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.09.2023 kl 14:16 3706

Jeg vet dette er en partytråd, noe som selvfølgelig skal respekteres, med prøver meg alikevell med denne handelen fra tidligere idag, som kan ha litt relevans og substans:

Idag kl 12:20pm, avtalt handel, 1M aksjer til kurs NOK 6. Det kan bli interessant å lese aksjonæroversikten til uka på hvem som står bak denne handelen?
15.09.2023 kl 14:21 3669

Government confirms first wave of 21 North Sea carbon storage licenses

15 September 2023

Government confirms first wave of 21 North Sea carbon storage licenses
North Sea Transition Authority reveals that 14 companies have accepted licenses awarded through the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round
The UK's plans to capture and store millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from industrial and power plants took a major step forward today with the confirmation that 14 companies have been awarded 21 licenses that will allow them to use depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline aquifers under the North Sea to store captured carbon.

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) confirmed the companies - which include oil majors such as Shell, BP, and Eni, as well as smaller oil companies and carbon capture and storage (CCS) specialists - have accepted the licences following successful bids in UK's first-ever carbon storage licensing round.

The new licenses cover around 12,000sq km - an area equivalent to the size of Yorkshire which could store up to 30 million tonnes of CO2 a year by 2030.

Shell, Perenco and ENI have all been awarded licences off the coast of Norfolk in sites that could form part of the Bacton Energy Hub, which aims to combine carbon storage, hydrogen, and offshore wind projects. Other locations to secure licenses include sites off the coasts of Aberdeen, Teesside, and Liverpool.

"Carbon storage will play a crucial role in the energy transition, storing carbon dioxide deep under the seabed and playing a key role in hydrogen production and energy hubs," said Stuart Payne, chief executive at the NSTA. "It is exciting to award these licences and our teams will support the licensees to bring about first injection of carbon dioxide as soon as possible. We will also continue to work with industry and government to enable further licensing activity and back the UK's drive to net zero emissions."

The NSTA said the new licenses could provide sufficient storage capacity to cover approximately 10 per cent of the UK's current annual emissions. But it estimated that as many as 100 storage licences will be needed to meet the requirements for reaching net zero emissions. As such, further license rounds are expected as plans advance for four CCS industrial hubs across the UK.

Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, hailed the license awards as a major step forward for the government's plans to establish the UK as a "world leader" in CCS technologies.

"The UK has one of the largest potential carbon dioxide storage capacities in Europe, putting us in prime position to be world leaders in carbon capture - which is why we've committed an unprecedented £20bn to develop the early stage development of carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS).

"These new licences confirmed today will be vital to realising our CCUS potential, playing a key role in the energy transition to help boost our energy security and achieve our net zero targets, while also bringing in private investment and supporting thousands of jobs."

The news was also welcomed by Ruth Herbert, chief executive at the Carbon Capture and Storage Association, who said: "The CCSA welcomes the acceptance of carbon storage licences, a significant step towards achieving net zero. These licences mark a substantial milestone towards widespread deployment of CCS.

"With the potential to store almost 10 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions in these new locations, starting to develop these sites paves the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future. The next step is a carbon capture deployment plan to enable us to fully exploit our future CO2 storage capacity."

The government has confirmed it will provide £20bn of funding over the next 20 years in support of plans for two initial Zero Carbon Industrial Hubs in the form of the Hynet and East Coast Cluster projects, which are set to be followed by the Acorn and Viking CCS projects.

The support has been welcomed by industry, but insiders have warned £1bn a year of funding is unlikely to be sufficient to deliver the large scale projects that will be needed to decarbonise the UK's industrial hubs. A significant pipeline of CCUS and hydrogen projects has been established in recent years, but developers have repeatedly warned that in order to move forward with new projects the government needs to finalise the policy and subsidy environment in which they are expected to operate.

Meanwhile, CCS remains controversial in some quarters, with environmental campaigners questioning the ability of the nascent industry to deliver on its emission reduction promises and drive down costs. Critics remain fearful that the CCS technologies that are still yet to be deployed at scale in the UK are being used to justify continued investment in fossil fuel production that could breach emissions targets.

But supporters of the sector maintain that there is ample evidence from projects around the world that CCS projects can work at scale and insist that it will be virtually impossible to meet long term climate goals without using CCS to tackle emissions from industrial facilities and back-up power plants.
15.09.2023 kl 14:22 3648

Following the UK's first-ever carbon storage licensing process, the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) on Friday released the list of firms that had accepted licenses.

A total of 14 companies have been awarded 21 licences in depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline aquifers which cover around 12,000sq km – an area equivalent to the size of Yorkshire.

The locations could store up to 30 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030, approximately 10% of UK annual emissions which were 341.5 million tonnes in 2021.

Shell, Perenco, and ENI have all been awarded licenses off the coast of Norfolk in sites that could form part of the Bacton Energy Hub – a carbon storage, hydrogen and offshore wind project, which could provide low-carbon energy for London and the South East for decades to come and help in the drive to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Other locations include sites off the coasts of Aberdeen, Teesside, and Liverpool.

Stuart Payne, NSTA Chief Executive, said: “Carbon storage will play a crucial role in the energy transition, storing carbon dioxide deep under the seabed and playing a key role in hydrogen production and energy hubs. It is exciting to award these licences and our teams will support the licensees to bring about first injection of carbon dioxide as soon as possible. We will also continue to work with industry and government to enable further licensing activity and back the UK’s drive to net zero emissions.”

It is estimated that as many as 100 storage licenses will be needed to meet the requirements for reaching net zero and the volume of applications received for the first round demonstrated the industry’s desire for further opportunities, the NSTA said.

The NSTA will assess the response and the quality of opportunities in locations across the UK before deciding when to run a second round.

Six licences have already been granted by the NSTA and the Government recently announced £20bn funding for the progression of these existing projects. Two locations, Hynet and the East Coast Cluster, have been selected as Track 1, while Acorn and Viking CCS projects have been chosen as the Track 2 clusters.

The cluster sequencing process was set up to give the industry the certainty it requires to deploy carbon storage at pace.

Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, said: "The UK has one of the largest potential carbon dioxide storage capacities in Europe, putting us in prime position to be world leaders in carbon capture – which is why we’ve committed an unprecedented £20 billion to develop the early stage development of carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS)."

OEUK Sustainability and Policy Director Mike Tholen said:

“Carbon capture and storage will be a major tool in the fight against climate change and will drive economic growth. With the potential to store up to 78 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide underneath the UK's oceans, the UK can lead the way.

“We have an oil and gas industry with the right expertise, skills, and people needed to make this a British success story, and these licenses are another step towards achieving that goal.

“If we get this right, it could not only significantly reduce the UK’s carbon footprint, but position us as world leaders in the low carbon space – creating opportunities for UK people and businesses and playing on our industrial strengths.

“We will need 100 such sites or more to reach net zero, so we mustn’t stop here. The companies investing in nascent opportunities like carbon storage will require the cash flow from a stable and predictable oil and gas business to fund these technologies.

“That is why we need continued support from government across the whole energy landscape, and long-term, competitive energy policies that attract the investment and innovation we will need to make sure these solutions are being built in the UK, for the UK.”
Slettet bruker
15.09.2023 kl 14:27 3600

Et lite innlegg til de av dere som ikke er daytradere, og som kanskje har god erfaring med å sitte looong og se at pengene vokser gradvis.

Trålet igjennom ABG Olaisen sin nylige seismikk oppdatering (54 sider), og deler her noen få momenter som forklarer oppgangen vi har sett, og som vi nok kommer til å se i kursen fremover.

Det er forbedringer i alle segmenter - kontrakt, MC og LS skal være OK i H2-23

Hvorfor ser vi denne forbedringen?

Jo, perioden 2014-2021 ble det totale seismikkmarkedet red. med ca 75% målt i USD, antall ansatt ble redusert med 60%, antall båter med streamere ble redusert med 70% og antall MC investeringer gikk ned 70%

PGS har sterk forbedring i alle segmenter, der kontraktsprisene er kraftig opp, antall båter på vannet tydelig forbedret, og MC
PGS har gått fra å være et selskap som har vært tynget av gjeld i lang tid, til nå og ha stålkontroll på finansene, og emisjonsspøkelset ble avlivet ved sist Q

Til slutt to fine sitater av Olaisen:
"PGS er "underanalysed and under-owned!»
«Blive it or not, PGS is becoming a cash machine"

God helg.
15.09.2023 kl 14:29 3595

Takk for finfin opppdatering! Må man være ABG kunde for å se på denne rapporten?
15.09.2023 kl 14:30 3592

The government has confirmed it will provide £20bn of funding over the next 20 years in support of plans for two initial Zero Carbon Industrial Hubs in the form of the Hynet and East Coast Cluster projects, which are set to be followed by the Acorn and Viking CCS projects.

The support has been welcomed by industry, but insiders have warned £1bn a year of funding is unlikely to be sufficient to deliver the large scale projects that will be needed to decarbonise the UK's industrial hubs. A significant pipeline of CCUS and hydrogen projects has been established in recent years, but developers have repeatedly warned that in order to move forward with new projects the government needs to finalise the policy and subsidy environment in which they are expected to operate.

Satan for noen summer. Det blir veldig spennende med CCS i miksen her, vi får håpe på noen store kontrakter inn i 2024.
15.09.2023 kl 14:33 3565

Han er jo i alle fall konsekvent i mønsteret, og er jo ute fordi han faktisk tror på, eller håper på kotsiktig nedgang.
Han tok feil da den fløy til 13, men det var for så vidt bedre å selge på (8? ish) i februar og sitte ute, enn å bli med opp til 13 og så ned til 5. I alle fall om man gjør dumme trades på veien... (av egen smertelig erfaring)
15.09.2023 kl 14:40 3513

PGS er fremtiden!✍💰
15.09.2023 kl 14:42 3540

Hva betyr det å spruuuute cash?
15.09.2023 kl 14:47 3554

Det finner du ut hvis du sitter på toget i noen år til 😊
15.09.2023 kl 15:13 3346

Det må vi spørre onkel
15.09.2023 kl 15:18 3315

Ikke det? Såvidt jeg vet har ikke selskapet hatt så mange skip i aktivitet på mange, mange år som de har i Q3. Og ratene er trolig betydelig bedre enn de var gjennom første halvår. Samtidig er der en viss usikkerhet knyttet opp mot tekniske nivåer på vei opp. Men det er rimelig klart for meg at mange følger med PGS med argusøyer og mange er nok overbevist om at Q3 blir et godt kvartal og trolig såpass godt at man bør befinne seg på innsiden når det blir presentert tall i begynnelsen av oktober. Samtidig er det jo ønskelig med så billig inngang som mulig.
Joda, her kan nok FOMO effekten komme til å gjøre gi store positive utslag i dagene og ukene som kommer.
15.09.2023 kl 15:24 3262

Håper ikke det blir sell-off før helga..
15.09.2023 kl 15:25 3321

Går nok litt i minus (tror jeg) - men uka har vært bra. God følelse for neste uke
15.09.2023 kl 15:25 3329

Kort innpå mellom bønnemøter og halleluja stemning - begynner det så smått å sige inn at kursen virker å sige ned igjen - altså at den igjen snudde ned kremt som forespeilet kremt nærmest klokkerent ved motstand 8,6 eller er ikke det intradag faktum en del av menighetens virkelighet - spør av ren nysgjerrighet ...;)
15.09.2023 kl 15:27 3311

Å ja nå åpner usa da må vi få ned olje prisen litt slik at de stakkars amerikanerne får litt billigere olje inntil det smeller opp igjen pga etterspørselen,
15.09.2023 kl 15:29 3354

SL raid.
Sluttkurs nærmere 9 enn 8.
15.09.2023 kl 15:30 3429

Sånn kommer du å kommentere og tro du har rett til enhver tid. Vi andre evner faktisk til noe vi også. Vi forstår motstand men vi bruker ikke dette verktøyet MOT hverandre slik som du gjør!
15.09.2023 kl 15:33 3372

Mini Gap lukket og oljen på vei opp igjen:).
15.09.2023 kl 15:33 3381

Short redusert bittelitt.
Slettet bruker
15.09.2023 kl 15:34 3393

Shortgjengen jobber på nu 😊
15.09.2023 kl 15:37 3386

Kun info - det er ikke jeg som er mot dere - det er dere mot deres egen fornektelse - forstå den forskjellen så bli alt så mye bedre skal du se ...;)

Btw, jeg kjenner duften av ostekake - god helg!
15.09.2023 kl 15:38 3379

Noen som tør å sitte over helga?
15.09.2023 kl 15:41 3394

Sitter over hver helg (inne altså 😜)
Redigert 15.09.2023 kl 15:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.09.2023 kl 15:43 3394

Så du viste at oljen kom til å stupe mot slutten av dagen? Ta på deg klovnenesen din, dette blir 5 strake dagen hvor PGS ender i pluss denne uken.
15.09.2023 kl 15:43 3405

Tok den med hjem, skylder deg et stykke......
Du får siifra er du oppi her.
Den er knallgod.
Bommet litt på utgangen nå, så jeg blir sittende.
Tror jeg.....

15.09.2023 kl 15:44 3418

Men hva er det med antall skip i Q3, og spekulasjonen i ratene, som har endret seg såpass drastisk den siste tiden at "de som venter" ikke kjøpte seg inn for 1,3 kroner siden for 2,5 uke siden? Eller 3 kroner lavere for 2 måneder siden. Ingen-tinge-ling.

Hva er det som i etterkant har endret seg så drastisk at "de som venter" kommer til å kjøpe seg inn rett før Q3

Hvis de ikke har kjøpt seg opp, så er det jo fordi de ikke er overbevist.
15.09.2023 kl 15:47 3489

Snudde på 8.6 som du sa Ris, credit should be given where due!!! nyt ostekaken også håper vi du ser 9 tallet og ikke 7 i dine TA-spådommer snart ;-)
Slettet bruker
15.09.2023 kl 15:51 3448

Noen som har oversikt over vwap i dag?
15.09.2023 kl 15:53 3450

Bra timet - da er de kommet under meldegrensen på 5% og kan uforstyrret pøse ut aksjer ...

15.09.2023 kl 15:53 3455

M&G Plc controls voting rights in 38,182,262 shares of PGS, which estimates to a 4.20% holding, 6,419,720 shares out on loan (right of recall), which estimates to 0.70%, and therefore total interest is 44,601,982 shares, which estimates to a 4.90% holding as of 14th September 2023 based on the total number of shares/voting rights of 909,549,714.

The trigger for this notification is due to the selling of 2,675,896 shares on 14th September 2023, leading to our total holding for PGS ASA moving below 5%. The table below shows the split between lent and normal shares.

Slettet bruker
15.09.2023 kl 15:59 3380

Takk til deg 👍 kom ut 8,55! God helg 🍻
15.09.2023 kl 16:11 3203

Short prøver så godt de kan.
Snakkes på 9 tallet om ikke så lenge 🥳✌🏼
15.09.2023 kl 16:13 3176

Hahaha hva slags trollekonto

Antall innlegg: 3
15.09.2023 kl 16:14 3168

07.09.2023 kl 18:19
Alt solgt på 7,846kr. Får vel en liten smell på fredags morgen her kan det tenkes.

God helg.
15.09.2023 kl 16:20 3099

S for sluttauksjon!
15.09.2023 kl 16:23 3106

Og FOR en sluttauksjon!