FRO - Har tankmarkedet bunnet ut? Kjør debatt!

FRO 08.09.2023 kl 15:03 2050

Flg fra TradeWinds,

3 års VLCC TCP til $55,000 Usd pr dag. Går vi 15 måneder tilbake i tid tok Sinokor i Korea 19 VLCC's spekulativt på 1-3 års TCP's til $27K - $33K pr dag fra tradere og oil majors. Det viste seg å bli en god deal. Flere av de samme traders/majors har måttet bite i det sure eplet og ta de samme skipene tilbake til høyere rater!

Nå er altså markedet $55K/dag. Det betyr at befrakterne tar et veddemål på at ratene i spot skal høyere...... (spot nå = $4000-$5000/dag på AG-Kina).

Har markedet bunnet ut? Hva mener dere andre?

‘Exciting period’: VLCC term charter market roars as Tsakos highlights deal at 15-year high

Three-year contract comes in at nearly $55,000 per day as spot rates continue to languish during annual slow period
A VLCC has been fixed for a three-year deal at a rate not seen in about 15 years, Nikolas Tsakos said.
The chief executive at New York-listed shipowner Tsakos Energy Navigation said the modern tanker, which he did not name, scored a charter for nearly $55,000 per day.

“This is the highest rate on a period that we’ve seen on a VLCC charter since 2008,” he said.

Tsakos said a major oil company was behind the deal.

Three-year charters of VLCCs have not been common in recent months, with the last deal of that length taking place in February at a rate of $49,000 per day, according to two shipping databases.

Clarksons Research estimated in its weekly report on Friday that a 310,000-dwt eco tanker without a scrubber could earn $44,750 per day, up from $41,750 a month earlier but still below the nearly $45,300 per day assessment in March.

Earlier on Thursday, Euronav said it locked away the 300,000-dwt Donoussa (built 2016) for two years at $32,900 per day, as TradeWinds reported.
Tsakos said the three-year deal comes during an “exciting period” for energy shipping, including tankers, as the supply and demand equation points to better days ahead, or at least similar strength.

“A lot of our major clients are looking to charter our ships and are chartering our ships two or three years down the road with very positive returns, plus profit sharing,” he said.

The deals emerge at a time when spot rates are anything but exciting, with Clarksons Securities estimating that average spot earnings for VLCCs stand at $35,500 per day, a 21.2% slump over the last month and a significant decline from the year-to-date average of $54,100 per day.

The Baltic Exchange assessed spot earnings in loss-making territory, at minus $4,463 per day compared to positive earnings of $10,300 per day a month ago.
“This is largely due to refineries planning their October maintenance schedules in advance, which influences chartering decisions now given the time lag between booking vessels, loading cargo and transporting cargo to end users,” Clarksons Securities analyst Frode Morkedalsaid in a daily report.

“However, there are some encouraging signs for the sector, such as strong refinery margins and an increase in Chinese crude oil prices, which now exceed both the Brent and Dubai benchmarks. As refineries prepare for the end of maintenance and begin to ramp up operations, VLCC rates are expected to rise, following the usual seasonal pattern seen in the autumn months.”
Redigert 08.09.2023 kl 15:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.09.2023 kl 14:34 1788

Veldig interessant at ratene går så høyt på treårs avtaler. Vi vet at antall nye skip i perioden er minimalt, og at de gamle blir eldre. Sannsynligvis negativ flåtevekst. Etterspørselen øker litt år for år. Ratene kan gå i taket, og jeg tør ikke spå hvor høyt. Men tank bør eies neste par-tre år. Selv foretrekker jeg Frontline som både har vlcc og produktskip, samt høy omsetning av aksjene.
09.09.2023 kl 17:06 1647

Jeg vet ikke om denne tråden var spesielt beregnet på FRO-eiere, men jeg er for første gang inne i tank etter nærmere 30 år i aksjemarkedet -- dog ikke i FRO men i HAFNIA. Primært er jeg spent på utbytter i 3q. noen som kan "forutsi " noe om hva disse kan bli?
10.09.2023 kl 10:37 1241

tankratene pleier å bunne ut når raffineriene åpner igjen