DNO Eksporten i gang, kun dager?

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DNO 02.10.2023 kl 09:51 680416

Ingen overraskelse det!
Redigert 06.10.2023 kl 10:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2024 kl 21:32 6715

Du lyver jo som det renner av deg Norse kjøpte du på 12 og solgte en del på bunn som du brukte til å kjøpe KOA på topp, jeg kjenner identiteten din og aksjehandlingen din består kun i store og mindre tap, du er en amatør som de proffe tar pengene fra. Alt er bare svada og intens hat mot de selskapene som du har tapt penger på.
18.05.2024 kl 20:49 5991

Baisser sine egne aksjer, så vill ha med seg utbytte? Jaha..-haha. Noen er mere komplisert, ( les sammenskrudd) en andre liksom. Men for all del.., velkommen etter. Potensialet er nok mere kursutvikling fremover, en størrelsen på utbytte nå nærmest. Så får vi håpe Cinet har fått tak i noen "ekte rykter" iforhold til oljeeksporten . Fasit får vi vel på tirsdag eller utover uken.
18.05.2024 kl 20:25 5882

Kan vi få en link som bekrefter dette eller er det bare løse rykter igjen.
18.05.2024 kl 20:01 5921

Jeg har Dno aksjer nå så der tar du feil ! Jeg vil ha med meg utbytte men går ut når jeg har fått det, blir penger av slikt vet du(hvis ikke kursen synker i mellomtiden). Norse er jeg nå også i pluss 😀 . Hvis kursen stiger på disse ryktene + utbytte så blir det topp men at det er en enighet om exporten har jeg null tro på.
Redigert 18.05.2024 kl 20:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2024 kl 19:56 5905

Du får kommentere Norse, SPXL, der har du i alle fall interesser. I DNO eier du intet, og har forsøkt å så tvil om utbytte de siste to årene. Det virker som DNO ikke hører så godt etter på dine antakelser og betvilelser. Det er nok også tilfellet med restart av olje-eksport. Kanskje det er en årsak til at det gikk rally i kurdistan-broren Shamaran på selveste 17. mai....??
Redigert 18.05.2024 kl 19:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2024 kl 19:44 5750

Godt da at vi har deg som tydeligvis følger DNO 24-7 og vet så mye.
18.05.2024 kl 19:27 5783

Slike meldinger har vi hørt ørten ganger det siste året, bare se på det som en ny i rekken. Blir ingen enighet på lenge enda, hvis det i heletatt blir noe.
18.05.2024 kl 18:41 5495

cinet: «Iraqi envoy to the UN: Erbil and Baghdad have reached an agreement to re-export oil.

18.05.2024 kl 18:28 5482

17.5, nasjonaldagen til DNO …???
17.5: «Iraqi envoy to the UN: Erbil and Baghdad have reached an agreement to re-export oil.

"The teams of the KRG and federal government have reached an agreement on resumption of oil exports".

Vi må vente til tirsdag før vi er i 13-14 , men i mellomtiden får vi deltaljer og stigende oljepris 😎 (En oljetanker skal ha blitt utsatt for et angrep utenfor kysten av Jemen,)

"The teams of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal government have reached an agreement on the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region," the Iraqi Permanent Mission to the United Nations said.
Redigert 18.05.2024 kl 18:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2024 kl 07:42 5827

En gang blir det riktig med kun dager.. Fra svenske børsnyheter i går; På Stockholmsbörsen rusade Shamaran, som har verksamhet i området. Omkring klockan 13.45 på fredagen var Shamaran upp omkring 10 procent medan DNO var oförändrad då Oslo Börs höll stängt med anledning av nationaldagsfirande.

Det var på en presskonferens under torsdagen som USA:s biträdande energiminister, Geoffrey Pyatt, ska ha utryckt optimism om att främja energisamarbetet mellan USA och Irak, särskilt i Kurdistanregionen. Pyatt ska även ha upprepat positiva diskussioner som han fört med Iraks premiärminister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani och hans ministrar i frågan, uppger nyhetssajten Kurdistan24.

Samtalen om att återstarta flödet av olja från Irak genom Irak-Turkiet-pipelinen (ITP) har pågått sedan april förra året, sedan pipelinen stängdes den 25 mars i fjol.

Oljetransportstoppet har påverkat bolag verksamma inom regionen, bland andra Lundinfamiljens oljebolag Shamaran samt norska DNO.
17.05.2024 kl 19:00 6368

Er det ikke kun dager vi snakker om da😀
17.05.2024 kl 17:56 6442

Shafaq News / Det amerikanske udenrigsministerium udtalte fredag, at det opretholder konstant kommunikation med embedsmænd i Bagdad, Ankara, Erbil og amerikanske virksomheder for at genoptage eksporten af ​​olie fra Kurdistan-regionen via Ceyhan Port-rørledningen i Turkiye.

Vicestatsministerens talsmand Vedant Patel sagde på en pressekonference i Washington: "At udvikle forskellige midler til at levere irakisk energi til globale markeder tjener både Iraks og USA's interesser."

Han tilføjede: "Vi er i direkte og løbende kommunikation med alle parter, der er berørt af stop i olieeksporten, vedrørende genåbningen af ​​den irakisk-tyrkiske olierørledning."

Ankara standsede strømmene den 25. marts 2023, efter at en voldgiftskendelse fandt, at det var i strid med 1973-traktaten ved at lette olieeksporten fra Kurdistan-regionen uden Bagdads føderale regerings godkendelse.

Retten pålagde Ankara at betale 1,5 milliarder dollars i erstatning til Bagdad for uautoriseret eksport mellem 2014 og 2018. Den igangværende anden voldgift dækker perioden fra 2018 og frem. To kilder, der er bekendt med sagen, sagde, at de to lande fortsat er involveret i en langvarig juridisk tvist.

I mellemtiden skylder Irak Turkiye minimale betalinger, så længe rørledningen fungerer teknisk - anslået til omkring 25 millioner dollars om måneden af ​​konsulentfirmaet Wood Mackenzie - som en del af traktaten, hvilket teoretisk giver et incitament til at genoptage strømme.
17.05.2024 kl 07:41 6771

Rudaw torsdag kveld:
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - US State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Thursday that Washington continues its direct rounds of talks with Ankara, Baghdad and Erbil over the resumption of Kurdistan Region’s oil exports.

“We continue to engage directly with officials in Baghdad, officials in Ankara, officials in Erbil as well as US companies that are affected by stoppage on reopening the ITP [Iraq-Turkey pipeline] pipeline, developing multiple rounds for Iraqi energy to flow into global markets. It is a common interest of ours,” Patel told Rudaw’s Diyar Kurda during a press briefing on Thursday.
17.05.2024 kl 07:38 6591

Apikur torsdag kveld:
Billions, indeed! $16,000,000,000+ has been lost to all stakeholders, since the halt of exports through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline in March 2023.

The pipeline is ready, the companies are ready; let’s get the oil exports flowing to benefit all of Iraq and global energy markets. #Iraq #Kurdistan #oil
16.05.2024 kl 13:51 7177

Likte godt følgende informasjon fra meldingen om Arran-transaksjoen: "Adjusting for interim cash flow from effective date 1 January 2024 to the
completion date 15 May 2024, the consideration paid upon completion was
approximately USD 60 million." Videre fra meldingen: "The contingent consideration of USD 5 million that was
payable if certain operational targets were met will not be paid".

I meldingen fra januar om kjøpet blir det oppgitt følgende: "The cash consideration is
USD 70 million plus a contingent consideration of up to USD 5 million if certain
operational targets are met." Altså totalt 75 MUSD.

Det er stor forskjell på 60 MUSD og 75 MUSD, tror dette kjøpet vil vise seg å gi god avkastning for DNO aksjonærene. DNO uttaler allerede i meldingen at " Arran is expected to have a short payback period
and the Company anticipates financial synergies between Arran and DNO's existing
position in the UK."

Arran feltet kommer til å gi gode tilskudd til overskuddene i DNO i årene fremover.
Redigert 16.05.2024 kl 13:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.05.2024 kl 12:57 7260

« US is very serious about promises made in Washington so is following up to solve problems, most important of which is oil exports.»

K24 oversatt fra arabisk:
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) - Energy expert Mohammed Hourami noted the importance of the visit of the US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Affairs Jeffrey Payet to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“The United States is pursuing the promises made in Washington to resolve problems with the Kurdistan Region, the most important of which is oil exports,” Hurami told Kurdistan24.

"Energy in general, and oil and gas in particular, are global goods, not domestic, just as other minerals have been affected by global events, prices and conditions have changed, oil and gas have also been affected," Hurami added on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

He continued: "The Kurdistan Region has taken good steps since the past years until today, and the last evidence of these steps is the international companies that competed for the Iraqi oil fields, including the companies of the region that managed to win three fields, one of which is a gas field and two oil and gas, in various governorates of Iraq, Mosul, Anbar and Maysan."

He added: "It seems that the Bayet's visit was concerned with the promises made by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani during his visit to the United States, in addition to his meeting with the foreign minister, in addition to the oil minister, and discussing the energy situation between Iraq and Washington, including the memorandums signed there."

“It is clear that the United States is very serious about the promises made in Washington, so it is continuing its implementation, to solve the problems of the Kurdistan Region, the most important of which is oil exports,” he added.«
Redigert 16.05.2024 kl 13:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.05.2024 kl 12:56 7184

Litt pussig den der børsmelding synes jeg, er jo registrert tidligere i februar. Men handelen ferdig nå 16 mai?
16.05.2024 kl 09:31 7386

Jeg er kjempefornøyd, bare 3 mnd siden jeg kjøpte aksjer til drøye 9kr. Opp nesten 2kr aksjen og har fått 0.5kr aksjen i utbytte på toppen. Kjempeavkastning så langt. Jeg tror denne har mye oppside som det er, men når de kan bli enige om denne eksporten så blir det veldig bra!

Alt er relativt, gitt inngang da. Foreløpig er det nesten 10% direkteavkastning på denne, det i seg selv er jo bra.
16.05.2024 kl 09:23 7260

Det nærmer seg en løsning, håper i løpet av juni. Ellers er vel kursen litt skuffende.
16.05.2024 kl 08:49 7337

May 15, 2024

APIKUR welcomes the visit of Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources, to Iraq as another strong signal about the imperative for governmental leaders in Baghdad and Erbil to follow-through with their stated goal of restoring oil exports through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline.

We understand that Ambassador Pyatt’s meetings with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani and Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani are a continuation of recent discussions held in Washington, DC and the Munich Security Conference.

As the Iraq Ministry of Oil recently completed two oil field licensing rounds, APIKUR notes there is already underutilized oil production and export capacity from Kurdistan Region that will help Iraq immediately achieve its short-term and long-term export goals.

APIKUR member companies reiterate that they are prepared to resume exports, contingent upon reaching agreements which provide for payment surety for past and future exports and preservation of commercial and economic terms. This resumption will benefit all Iraqi citizens and our stakeholders.

“Ambassador Pyatt’s visits to both, Baghdad and Erbil underscore the importance of immediate and cooperative action by all stakeholders to restore exports through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline,” said Myles B. Caggins III, spokesman, Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan. “APIKUR’s member companies remain eager to resolve the export impasse and would welcome an invitation to participate in the process.”
16.05.2024 kl 07:22 7649

Strålende nyheter på en 16 mai🇧🇻🥳

DNO's share of production of gas (principally) and liquids from Arran during the first four months of 2024 averaged 3,150 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), up from the 2,000-2,500 boepd projected at the transaction announcement in February. Since announcement in February, drilling of the AN-4 infill well has been completed on time and budget; the well is scheduled to commence production later this year
16.05.2024 kl 07:07 7699

SPXL skrev Kun dager !
Oslo, 16 May 2024 -- DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today announced the completion of the acquisition of a 25 percent interest in the Arran field on the UK Continental Shelf by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary DNO Exploration UK Limited from ONE-Dyas E&P Limited. The field is operated by Shell UK Limited (44.57 percent) and was brought on stream in 2021 as a subsea tie-back to the Shell-operated Shearwater A platform.

DNO's share of production of gas (principally) and liquids from Arran during the first four months of 2024 averaged 3,150 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), up from the 2,000-2,500 boepd projected at the transaction announcement in February. Since announcement in February, drilling of the AN-4 infill well has been completed on time and budget; the well is scheduled to commence production later this year.
"Together with our recently announced acquisition of interests in multiple fields in the Norne area offshore Norway, Arran brings balance to our North Sea business by adding production to complement a strong development and exploration portfolio," said Chris Spencer, DNO's Managing Director. "Combined, the two transactions add more than 12 million barrels of oil equivalent and 5,000 boepd of production net to DNO, growing to more than 7,000 boepd by 2026," he added.
15.05.2024 kl 18:32 8317

Jeg er klar lver at det er forskjellige ting, men om den var på 50dollar så ville det høyst sannsynlig gjort at verdien DNO får ihvertfall ikke er mer enn når det er 70som er salgsprisen.
15.05.2024 kl 15:01 8665

De 70 dollar har lite med hva DNO får betalt. Det er budsjettert salgspris i markedet snittmessig for Irakproduksjonen. Hva som tilfaller produsentene er kontraktsmessig betinget...
15.05.2024 kl 11:57 8554

Liker det de skriver om 70 dollar. Regner med DNO vil kunne sitte igjen med mer enn fra det lokale salget. Så får vi håpe de lager en nedbetalingsavtale på de 3mrd som staten skylder. Denne gangen vil de vel kreve forhåndsbetaling. Får krysse fingrer for at vi får bra med feriepenger fra dno i år (tenker i kursøkning ikke utbytte)
15.05.2024 kl 11:39 8563

Reaksjon opp herfra kan bli kraftig hensyntatt teknisk formasjon. Target 14 kroner-isxh.

Husk i morgen er ex-utbytte-dag. Siste dag i dag med rett til kvartalets 25 øre pr aksje.
15.05.2024 kl 11:24 8606

Går mot løsning nå. Virker som aksjen er oversolgt på dette nivået, nærmer seg ny stigningstakt
15.05.2024 kl 09:36 8355

Hyppige møter nå

KRG delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss 2024 budget
2024 Budget
KRG delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss 2024 budget
2024-05-14 21:54

Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived in Baghdad to discuss the 2024 budget.
The Kurdistan Ministry of Finance stated, "The Kurdistan Regional Government delegation arrived in Baghdad this evening, headed by Awat Janab Noori, Minister of Finance and Economy."
The statement clarified that "the visit aims to discuss amendments to the budget law tables and resolve issues and obstacles that arise during the amendment of the law regarding the Kurdistan Region's share."
Earlier today, PM Al-Sudani's media office stated that the Prime Minister directed an extraordinary council session to be held next Sunday, May 19, to discuss the federal budget for 2024.
The current budget marks Iraq's largest in history, estimated at approximately $153 billion annually, with the Kurdistan Region anticipated to receive around 12.6% of the total.
Notably, the budget carries a substantial financial deficit of roughly $48 billion annually, the nation's highest recorded deficit, prompting concerns regarding potential repercussions amid oil price fluctuations.
The budget mandates a fixed price of $70 per barrel of oil and an exchange rate of 1300 dinars per US dollar for three years.
Iraq's oil export target is set at 3.5 million bpd, including 400,000 bpd from the Kurdistan Region. However, Kurdistan's exports have been suspended since March 2023 through the Ceyhan port in Turkiye after a compensation order by the International Chamber of Commerce related to "unauthorized" oil exports by the KRG between 2014 and 2018 without Baghdad's supervision.
15.05.2024 kl 08:31 8550

Min kontakt på DNO siger, at der ikke strømmer olie, før betalingen er på plads. Arbejderne er også snart kørt træt, idet det er forbundet med ekstra arbejde i nuværende situation.
15.05.2024 kl 08:25 6654

Tirsdag var det nye møter på toppnivå….. rudaw:» President Barzani will also discuss other pressing issues between Baghdad and Erbil such as the resumption of Kurdish oil exports, the Kurdistan Region’s share in the federal budget as well as the payment of the salaries of the Region’s civil servants, according to Shahab.»
14.05.2024 kl 13:34 7222

Så snart rørledning er klar vil det strømme olje i den. Så kan de prate senere.
14.05.2024 kl 12:41 7248

Barzani er i Bagdad og har møte i dag også
14.05.2024 kl 09:34 7542

KDP: Baghdad-Erbil dialogue reaches advanced stages, solutions imminent
KDP: Baghdad-Erbil dialogue reaches advanced stages, solutions imminent
2024-05-13 12:24

Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on Monday said that the ongoing dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil has reached advanced stages, with solutions to outstanding issues becoming increasingly attainable.
KDP Lawmaker Shervan Sleimani informed Shafaq News Agency that "dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil is continuous, and the issue of salaries in the Kurdistan Region is progressing positively. There is good coordination and understanding between the two parties, which has resolved many disagreements and pending files." He stressed that "work is ongoing to overcome all differences between the two sides."
Sleimani highlighted the positive signs emerging from the recent Baghdad-Erbil dialogue, emphasizing that "the phase of deep and difficult disagreements has been surpassed, and we have reached a stage of 'easy' disagreements that can be resolved through adherence to the constitution and the fulfillment of rights, in accordance with the political agreement."
"Solutions have become possible and imminent between Baghdad and Erbil, especially in light of the commitment to the constitution and the principles of consensus, balance, and partnership."
The visit of Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani to Baghdad last April received positive acclaim from government, parliamentary, and social circles, particularly after his announcement of reaching a preliminary agreement to resolve outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil.
Upon his arrival in Baghdad on April 27, Barzani held talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, discussing the government's program, the implementation of political agreements, and resolving outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, including oil, budget, and employee salaries.
Barzani also participated in both the Coordination Framework meeting and the regular meeting of the State Administration Coalition, which continued late into the night. He reiterated the Region's serious desire to resolve outstanding issues with the federal government in accordance with the provisions of the country's permanent constitution.
Barzani also held talks with the US Ambassador and the French Ambassador in Baghdad.
Observers noted that Nechirvan Barzani's visit to Baghdad carried many "positive indicators" and generated popular optimism.