DNO Eksporten i gang, kun dager?
20.03.2024 kl 08:57
Fordi Vår er mye tryggere med stor oppside og meget gode utbytter. Men kanskje enda viktigere uten evigvarende konflikter i ustabile områder.
20.03.2024 kl 08:02
Nei, det har vi ikke tenkt på, men du har jo tenkt!! Hva har du tenkt?
20.03.2024 kl 07:23
Fredriksen øker i Vår Energi....har dere tenkt på hvorfor ingen av de store kjøper Dno aksjer? Dno som er så bra og nå også billig men de virkelig store gutta holder seg langt unna
20.03.2024 kl 07:18
Jada, nok et møte som ender slik det pleier. Erdogan er jo handlingens mann :)) for en gjeng
20.03.2024 kl 06:50
Møte forut for Erdogan besøket…
«Senior officials from Türkiye and Iraq will meet in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss energy cooperation, as well as security and defense matters, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.»
«Senior officials from Türkiye and Iraq will meet in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss energy cooperation, as well as security and defense matters, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.»
19.03.2024 kl 09:00
Vi vet dog at kontraktene har sin ratifisering fra internasjonal rett, vi vet også at DNO er i PSC som Bagdad vil ha alle kontrakter. Vi vet også at andeler som DNO har ervervet ekstra er rene oppgjør for gjeld, og legitimt nok så det holder. For å si det sånn; resultater gjennom historien nede i Kurdistan tilsier ikke akkurat for store honorar for DNO og gjengen...
Redigert 19.03.2024 kl 09:35
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19.03.2024 kl 07:14
Ser flott ut. Det er bare en liten hake ved resonnementet. Vi vet ikke resultatet av pågående forhandlinger om hva oljeselskapene skal sitte igjen med når oljen eksporteres.
18.03.2024 kl 23:21
Q1 er i ferd med å ende med oljesalgspriser i snitt som Q4-23. Samt et daglig salg fra Tawke på rundt 80.000 gjennom hele kvartalet, i seg selv kontantstrøm til å sørge for nytt utbytte i mai. Balansen holdes da videre med samme styrke som ved Q4-23. Kommer rørledningseksport online før den tid, så er det ganske ekstrem kontantstrøm på gang sammen med 3 milliarder tilbakebetalt for tidligere fest.
18.03.2024 kl 10:20
Mon ikke forhandlingerne er tilrettelagt således, at når den store frelser - Erdogan - i næste måned besøger Iraq, så falder olieksporten på plads. Til gengæld vil Erdogan gerne have hjælp fra centrlregeringen til at bombe PKA i nordlige Kurdistan !!!! Der skal også laves en "sikkerhedskorridor" på Kurdisk jord langs med grænsen til Tyrkiet.
18.03.2024 kl 10:19
Volume skrev Hva er det du siterer? Eller er det egne ord?
Link: https://nrttv.com/detail/35152?fbclid=IwAR0sA1Inr5Vb_dWUrT_0XvliFfkXiEAlm7dqugxd6dpjflDvD8NKpUU1slQ
Assem Jihad, spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry, told NRT that all the reports have been prepared by the technical committee and there are no technical problems to resume oil through the port of Jayhan.
Oil prices rose in the markets
He added that the Turkish delegation during their visit gave full assurance that the oil pipelines to transport oil from Kirkuk to Turkey are fully prepared, but what has created problems are the oil contracts that are contrary to the constitution.
He added that the Kurdistan Region wants to sign contracts in the same way as Iraq, which is contrary to the constitution and can not share with the oil companies in the oil investment by 50%. "What the Kurdistan Region wants is to share the oil companies, which is not allowed, and we are in talks with the region to repay the debts of the oil companies on the profits of oil sales and share the profits between the region and Baghdad".
He added that all the procedures for the resumption of oil exports have been completed and what remains depends on the final report of the oil committees under the supervision of the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company-SOMO. "We are trying to resume oil exports as soon as possible," he said.
Earlier, Iraqi Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani told a news conference that the export of oil through the port of Jayhan has been a good understanding and efforts have been made to resolve all issues with the region.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has suspended oil exports from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) through the Turkish port of Ceyhan for nearly a year.
Assem Jihad, spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry, told NRT that all the reports have been prepared by the technical committee and there are no technical problems to resume oil through the port of Jayhan.
Oil prices rose in the markets
He added that the Turkish delegation during their visit gave full assurance that the oil pipelines to transport oil from Kirkuk to Turkey are fully prepared, but what has created problems are the oil contracts that are contrary to the constitution.
He added that the Kurdistan Region wants to sign contracts in the same way as Iraq, which is contrary to the constitution and can not share with the oil companies in the oil investment by 50%. "What the Kurdistan Region wants is to share the oil companies, which is not allowed, and we are in talks with the region to repay the debts of the oil companies on the profits of oil sales and share the profits between the region and Baghdad".
He added that all the procedures for the resumption of oil exports have been completed and what remains depends on the final report of the oil committees under the supervision of the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company-SOMO. "We are trying to resume oil exports as soon as possible," he said.
Earlier, Iraqi Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani told a news conference that the export of oil through the port of Jayhan has been a good understanding and efforts have been made to resolve all issues with the region.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has suspended oil exports from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) through the Turkish port of Ceyhan for nearly a year.
18.03.2024 kl 10:02
Hvordan de jobber må de si noe om evt. I det siste har det kommet ut info fra minister/myndighetshold at gjenåpning snart er klart, men så sier/sa Dno/Apikur at de ikke har avklart sin sak. Jg venter vel på den avklaringa, å få d i box slik at de vil starte opp, ellers virker d som "kun dager nå..."
18.03.2024 kl 09:51
Hmm, men si meg, jobber ikke bl.a DNO ut fra profit-sharing-contracts allerede??
18.03.2024 kl 08:21
Det er nok sånn det blir ja, Bagdad og Irak vil ha større kontroll og det er helt naturlig. Går seg til dette! For selskapene, men det kurdiske styret mister litt av makten
(Skulle ta seg ut om en fant olje i Finnmark og samene skulle ha all myndighet utenom nasjonale interesser)
(Skulle ta seg ut om en fant olje i Finnmark og samene skulle ha all myndighet utenom nasjonale interesser)
18.03.2024 kl 07:52
Volume skrev Hva er det du siterer? Eller er det egne ord?
Det her er fra nett artikkelen
Regarding oil production in the Region, Federal Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani stated that "there are negotiations with companies currently operating in the Region because they have entered into contracts with the Kurdistan Region based on partnership. However, the Iraqi Constitution prohibits partnerships in fields, and efforts are underway to change these contracts to profit-sharing rather than assets and production."
Andre ting uten kilde henvisning er ofte eget oppkok.
Regarding oil production in the Region, Federal Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani stated that "there are negotiations with companies currently operating in the Region because they have entered into contracts with the Kurdistan Region based on partnership. However, the Iraqi Constitution prohibits partnerships in fields, and efforts are underway to change these contracts to profit-sharing rather than assets and production."
Andre ting uten kilde henvisning er ofte eget oppkok.
17.03.2024 kl 03:02
Hehe er du her også...
Synes det ser lyst ut for DNO nå , på tide jeg kjøper meg inn.... starter sannsynligvis på mandag :-)
Synes det ser lyst ut for DNO nå , på tide jeg kjøper meg inn.... starter sannsynligvis på mandag :-)
16.03.2024 kl 21:34
1 år er utrolig lang tid, for hver dag som går nå er de en dag nærmere åpning, det ser vel du også?
We are in talks with the #KRG to repay the debts of the oil companies on the profits of #oil sales and share the profits between the region and #Baghdad. We are trying to resume oil exports as soon as possible.
We are in talks with the #KRG to repay the debts of the oil companies on the profits of #oil sales and share the profits between the region and #Baghdad. We are trying to resume oil exports as soon as possible.
16.03.2024 kl 21:27
We are in talks with the #KRG to repay the debts of the oil companies on the profits of #oil sales and share the profits between the region and #Baghdad. We are trying to resume oil exports as soon as possible.
16.03.2024 kl 16:38
Nok en tulle artikkel uten hold, bare prat og atter prat. 1 år siden den stengte og akkurat like langt unna en åpning
gogl mannen
16.03.2024 kl 13:22
Iraq reveals developments in resuming oil export via Turkey
15.03.2024 kl 15:24
«Nyhet fra i går 14.3. : da er det bare for Erdogan å blir storkar i slutten av april.
« Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – A source in the North Oil Company (NOC) revealed on Wednesday that repairs to the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline have been completed.
The government’s directives to restart oil exports from the Kirkuk oilfields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan determine how oil pumping operations would proceed, according to Shafaq News.
After ISIS militants destroyed the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline, the NOC finished the required work to rebuild it. In particular, the operation involved repairing the damaged parts between the governorates of Nineveh, Salah Al-Din, and Kirkuk.
The NOC worked over the past months to replace the damaged parts and complete repairing the pipeline.+++»»
AAA melder i dag:
« Senior officials from Türkiye and Iraq will meet in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss energy cooperation, as well as security and defense matters, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
Ties between the neighbors have been rocky in recent years as Ankara has ramped up cross-border operations against Kurdish PKK militants based in northern Iraq's mountainous regions. Iraq has said the operations violate its sovereignty, but Ankara says it must protect itself and has warned of a new incursion.
The two are also at odds over the resumption of oil exports from a crude oil pipeline running from Iraq through Türkiye that Ankara says is ready to operate but Baghdad has yet to resume its operations.
Speaking at a briefing in Ankara, ministry spokesman Oncu Keceli said Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Defense Minister Yasar Guler, and Ibrahim Kalin, head of Türkiye’s MIT intelligence agency, would hold talks with their counterparts in Baghdad in a "security summit".
« Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – A source in the North Oil Company (NOC) revealed on Wednesday that repairs to the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline have been completed.
The government’s directives to restart oil exports from the Kirkuk oilfields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan determine how oil pumping operations would proceed, according to Shafaq News.
After ISIS militants destroyed the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline, the NOC finished the required work to rebuild it. In particular, the operation involved repairing the damaged parts between the governorates of Nineveh, Salah Al-Din, and Kirkuk.
The NOC worked over the past months to replace the damaged parts and complete repairing the pipeline.+++»»
AAA melder i dag:
« Senior officials from Türkiye and Iraq will meet in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss energy cooperation, as well as security and defense matters, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
Ties between the neighbors have been rocky in recent years as Ankara has ramped up cross-border operations against Kurdish PKK militants based in northern Iraq's mountainous regions. Iraq has said the operations violate its sovereignty, but Ankara says it must protect itself and has warned of a new incursion.
The two are also at odds over the resumption of oil exports from a crude oil pipeline running from Iraq through Türkiye that Ankara says is ready to operate but Baghdad has yet to resume its operations.
Speaking at a briefing in Ankara, ministry spokesman Oncu Keceli said Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Defense Minister Yasar Guler, and Ibrahim Kalin, head of Türkiye’s MIT intelligence agency, would hold talks with their counterparts in Baghdad in a "security summit".
Redigert 15.03.2024 kl 15:29
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15.03.2024 kl 10:04
Spår rekyl og Dno kursmål 16, fra sparebank1
Redigert 15.03.2024 kl 10:05
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14.03.2024 kl 17:15
Lidt sladder: Min frisør " kurder" har lige været i Arbil, for at besøge sin bror der arbejder for DNO. De kører på overarbejde og har aldrig haft så travlt, så noget sker der med olien, spørgsmålet er så om de får prisen???
14.03.2024 kl 13:35
Ja hvis du tror markedet alltid er rasjonelt så burde man sett det på kursen, men alle med litt erfaring vet at markedet oppfører seg like irrasjonelt som ei lita tenåring til tider.
Redigert 14.03.2024 kl 13:37
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14.03.2024 kl 13:34
Det går til lokale raffinerier og blir deretter eksportert ut av Irak.
14.03.2024 kl 13:33
Det vil det absolutt. De har selv sagt at de får $30m i free cash flow i kvartalet fra Kurdistan med dagens ordning. Her tror jeg selv de guider konservativ og at det reelle tallet er høyere.
25øre tilsvarer med dagens dollarskurs $23m. Så har de jo i tillegg produksjon i Nordsjøen + Elfenbenkysten.
De har forresten sagt at utbytte er "sacred".
25øre tilsvarer med dagens dollarskurs $23m. Så har de jo i tillegg produksjon i Nordsjøen + Elfenbenkysten.
De har forresten sagt at utbytte er "sacred".
Redigert 14.03.2024 kl 13:38
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14.03.2024 kl 13:32
Hadde de klart seg veldig godt som du sier så burde det vel bli sett på kursen. Kursmessig så har kursen vært en tragedie i forhold til alle godordene og skyhøye kursmål siden 2005. Husk kursen var i 16,40 i 2005 da de fant olja i kurdistan
14.03.2024 kl 13:17
Jeg har ikke fulgt selskapet veldig tett, men tatt en liten posisjon for 1 måneds tid siden.
Har selskapet tidligere sagt noe om utbyttet? Vil 0.25kr i kvartalet kunne opprettholdes slik situasjonen er nå?
Har selskapet tidligere sagt noe om utbyttet? Vil 0.25kr i kvartalet kunne opprettholdes slik situasjonen er nå?
14.03.2024 kl 11:02
Nå klarer de seg veldig godt med dagens lokalsalg da. Så ser ikke helt hvorfor jeg skal selge meg ut selv om ikke eksporten åpner med det første. Over 10% utbytteyield som kan økes kraftig den tid eksporten åpner.
14.03.2024 kl 10:55
De selger lokalt til 30usd, men får pengene direkte i jakkeforet. Står en del tåkeprat i årsrapporten , men de er veldig vag med å antyde tid for åpning. Her er en del under punktet risk:
«These cases, along with other similar cases against international oil companies, are reported to be still pending. Furthermore and importantly, the KRG has issued repeated reassurances that the PSCs remain valid. There have been several rulings in Erbil courts affirming the validity of the PSCs. DNO notes from public reports that there is dialogue between the KRG and the FGI on oil related matters, including on possible amendments of the new 2023-2025 Federal Iraqi Budget Law FGI’s 2023 to 2025 Budget Law (Budget Law). It is unclear how and when the KRG and the FGI will permanently address these matters. To date, DNO continues its operations in Kurdistan, and developments are closely monitored.
Due to disagreements between the FGI and the KRG, economic conditions in Kurdistan and limited oil export channels, DNO has historically faced constraints in fully monetizing the oil it produces in Kurdistan. There is no guarantee that oil can be exported or sold locally in sufficient quantities or at prices required to sustain DNO’s operations and investment plans or that the Group will promptly receive its full entitlement payments for the oil it delivers for export. Export sales have not always followed the PSC terms and there has been uncertainty related to receipt of payments +++»
Har selv stor tro på at avtalene er klar forut for Erdogan sitt storslåtte besøk både i Baghdad og Erbil . Da snakker vi soste halvdel april( håper da 2024….;)
«These cases, along with other similar cases against international oil companies, are reported to be still pending. Furthermore and importantly, the KRG has issued repeated reassurances that the PSCs remain valid. There have been several rulings in Erbil courts affirming the validity of the PSCs. DNO notes from public reports that there is dialogue between the KRG and the FGI on oil related matters, including on possible amendments of the new 2023-2025 Federal Iraqi Budget Law FGI’s 2023 to 2025 Budget Law (Budget Law). It is unclear how and when the KRG and the FGI will permanently address these matters. To date, DNO continues its operations in Kurdistan, and developments are closely monitored.
Due to disagreements between the FGI and the KRG, economic conditions in Kurdistan and limited oil export channels, DNO has historically faced constraints in fully monetizing the oil it produces in Kurdistan. There is no guarantee that oil can be exported or sold locally in sufficient quantities or at prices required to sustain DNO’s operations and investment plans or that the Group will promptly receive its full entitlement payments for the oil it delivers for export. Export sales have not always followed the PSC terms and there has been uncertainty related to receipt of payments +++»
Har selv stor tro på at avtalene er klar forut for Erdogan sitt storslåtte besøk både i Baghdad og Erbil . Da snakker vi soste halvdel april( håper da 2024….;)
14.03.2024 kl 10:27
Helt sånt
Bare incentive å få den problem løst hvis noe.
Jeg forsatt har tro det blir løst i mars.
Ellers vurderer jeg å gå ut
Bare incentive å få den problem løst hvis noe.
Jeg forsatt har tro det blir løst i mars.
Ellers vurderer jeg å gå ut
14.03.2024 kl 09:55
Oljeprisen på det internasjonale markedet hjelper jo ikke så mye når DNO selger lokalt.
14.03.2024 kl 09:04
Otroligt oljan snart uppe på.85 dollar, lagren sjunker o DNO harvar strax över 9 kr flera kr lägre än när de inte pumpade nån olja alls.
14.03.2024 kl 09:01
Selv om vi er inne i ramadan forstår jeg det jobbes intenst med å få på plass avtalen mellom Irak og Kurdistan. Tror gode nyheter kommer som Lyn fra klar himmel. For all del Hold
14.03.2024 kl 07:45
Oljepris i ferd med å bryte over 83,50 på oversiden. Faktisk mulighet for at den kan løftes jt av konsolidering nå. Den må raskt ned mot 83,50 for å.unngå det....
13.03.2024 kl 20:38
1. røret blir åpnet når Erdogan har fått gjennom sine tre hovedpunkter . « oil exports, water, and security ». Disse komplekse forhandlingene pågår fremdeles, på høyt nivå. Husk at Erdogan «hater» de kurdere som han oppfatter som væpnede terrorister. Det pågår senest denne uken store tyrkiske militæroperasjoner i «Kurdistan» Erdogan sitt besøk er utsatt, ikke avlyst. Dvs at man nærmer seg i kamel-tempo. Erdogan skal skryte på seg stor kar , og blamere om avtalen han har klart å få i stand. Dette skjer i slutten av april husk også at Iraq pr idag ( sist mnd) produserte for mye ihht opec restriksjonene. Det blir en intern utfordrende potet Baghdad vs Erbil,
2. det er mange ville spekulasjoner opp mot fremtidig pris, også knyttet opp til % av den flytende oljeprisen. Det som trolig vil være et absolutt krav fra Dno &co vil være å få avtale som også innbefatter manglende utsatt betaling. Disse tallene vil foreligger forut for Erdogan sin signingsferd.
Forøvrig kommer årsrapporten i morgen, kanskje det kommer noen fremtidsdrypp der?
2. det er mange ville spekulasjoner opp mot fremtidig pris, også knyttet opp til % av den flytende oljeprisen. Det som trolig vil være et absolutt krav fra Dno &co vil være å få avtale som også innbefatter manglende utsatt betaling. Disse tallene vil foreligger forut for Erdogan sin signingsferd.
Forøvrig kommer årsrapporten i morgen, kanskje det kommer noen fremtidsdrypp der?
Redigert 13.03.2024 kl 20:50
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