DNO Eksporten i gang, kun dager?

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DNO 02.10.2023 kl 09:51 662640

Ingen overraskelse det!
Redigert 06.10.2023 kl 10:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.06.2024 kl 10:21 12190

Den store utfordringen er trolig utestående betaling til ioc. Jeg lukter at disse store summene er betalt fra Baghdad, og havnet inn i jakkeforet til diverse i Erbil. Hvordan skal man hoste opp disse pengene nå.? Baghdad vil ikke betale to ganger, og Erbil vil ikke vise kontraktene…og ioc ( med DNO) har ikke gjort noe gale utover å ikke ha mottatt pengene…mandag skal budsjettet bankes……
01.06.2024 kl 10:53 12137

Betalt fra Bagdad? Hvorledes resonnerer du deg til det? Er det ikke slik at all eksport DNO har gjort er gjennom KRG og at KRG ikke har viderebetalt til DNO det selskapet har krav på?
01.06.2024 kl 11:31 12068

Bagdad har ikke hatt noe med betalingen til IOC å gjøre. Det er et forhold mellom selskapene og KRG. Og det er KRG som ikke har betalt fullt ut i henhold til kontraktene. Tror forøvrig ikke det er noe problem for KRG å la Bagdad se kontraktene. Problemet er penger.
01.06.2024 kl 15:52 11927

Nå må man ikke begynde å fantasere hehe. Pengene er en "pølse i slaktetida" som kan komme inn på flere måter ;-))
01.06.2024 kl 18:07 11785

Det er helt korrekt. KRG er blakk, men de kan og har tidligere gjort opp for seg ved å gi bort sin andel i feltene. Tawke-dealen ble okay for DNO, og så får vi se hva Baeshiqa inneholder. Der kan BMR smokke ballen i krysset. -han har gjort det før. Spenne de tider for petroholikere fremover, og DNO kan bli supersexy igjen.
01.06.2024 kl 20:31 11653

DNO-kursen er allerede kravlet en anelse op den seneste periode - i modsætning til tidligere perioder, hvor den kravlede den forkerte vej.

Måske er vi ved at få vind i sejlene og er klar til det helt store stormvejr (medvind).
01.06.2024 kl 22:08 11534

Det er ikke å la Bagdad se kontraktene som er problemet, men å å transportere dem til Bagdad.
03.06.2024 kl 08:10 10584

Det er Irak sin iolje, som har vært solgt direkte fra ioc, via Krg. Dette her vært «avregnet» med statlige overføringer fra Baghdad til Krg . Hvorfor ioc ikke har fått pengene sine , fremstår som …. Det er det Bagdad vil ha opp på bordet. IOC har ikke gjort noe feil, men mye penger har «forsvunnet «
03.06.2024 kl 08:11 10666

Ordspillet om kontraktene fortsetter , her fra lørdag :
: On May 27, our
press release said: “Should such agreements require modifications to existing contracts, APIKUR member companies are willing to consider this if agreed between the GOI, KRG and individual IOCs.”

Dette som et svar på statsministerens «påstand»
“The oil companies in the Kurdistan region are not ready to amend their contracts” Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani said in an exclusive interview with Anadolu.

Her er Bagdad sitt syn på saken :
«“The Federal Budget Law requires that the cost of producing one barrel of oil in all fields be within the national average production cost, which is about $8 per barrel, according to the Federal Ministry of Oil,” he explained, further stating that KRG calculates the production cost at about $26 per barrel “within the contracts signed with the operating oil companies.”

“We have proposed either to amend the budget law or to amend the agreements and contracts with these companies. From this perspective, the companies stopped production, not because of a ban from the federal government, but waiting for a solution,” he said.»
Redigert 03.06.2024 kl 08:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.06.2024 kl 08:24 10597

Greit å huske at den europeiske delen har en fair vaule pris på ca 11 og irakiske gir ca 1 krone i overskudd i året, slik det er nå, og den krona går rett til utbytte.
Irak blir med andre ord verdsatt til ca 0 av markedet.
Med avtale skal DNO til minst 20 kr raskt
03.06.2024 kl 08:40 10522

"Prime Minister Barzani's visit to Baghdad, predicting that all issues will be resolved in the next few days."

“Irakfewdays” = 3-500 dage 🫣🙄
03.06.2024 kl 09:47 10279

Den stiger daglig på forventinger, håper derfor det blir lenge til signatur 🤛
03.06.2024 kl 12:00 10077

Budsjettet til as iraq , skal bankes i dag . Da med eller uten olje avklaring
03.06.2024 kl 12:02 10066

K24 søndag :
« Budget deficit in Iraq due to discontinuing oil export
An energy expert “Halting the oil export from the Kurdistan Region caused a long-term damage to Iraqi government budget by $14 billion USD,”
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) - The Energy expert Govand Sherwani, in a statement to the Kurdistan 24 broadcasting, revealed Iraq’s Prime Minister al-Sudani’s seriousness in getting the issues sorted and the oil export from Kurdistan Region reopen.«
Sherwani believed there are other parties in the Iraqi Federal government aren’t willing to resolve the problem of restoring oil export and don’t want al-Sudani’s government succeed either.

“Halting the oil export from the Kurdistan Region caused a long-term damage to all sectors in Iraq, especially, to Iraqi government budget by $14 billion USD, as well as caused the budget deficit. If the oil had been exported, its revenues would have returned to the Ministry of Economy, and the deficiency in budget would have been treated,” Sherwani stated.

There is a start of talks happening between Iraqi Federal government and APIKUR member companies as well as the Kurdistan Region regarding any contract amendments, new terms and conditions or any new contracts.
Redigert 03.06.2024 kl 12:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.06.2024 kl 12:11 10067

Rudaw søndag :
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraq’s oil ministry, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), and international oil companies (IOCs) will meet this week with the goal of finally resolving all obstacles preventing the resumption of Kurdish oil exports, a member of parliament said on Saturday.

“The meeting is to get the process right. The negotiations are in this direction and it is expected to resolve this matter. The oil contracts will be reviewed and an agreement will be reached regarding the entitlements of the IOCs,” Yahya al-Issawi, a member of the Iraqi parliament’s oil and gas committee, told Rudaw.
03.06.2024 kl 12:12 10157

Nei, det er nå snakk om at alt er på stell innen 3 UKER ,altså i løpet av JUNI ( 2024…)
03.06.2024 kl 14:52 9811

Riktig. «Snakk» er det riktige ordet.
03.06.2024 kl 18:22 9405

Breaking news

Iraqi Parliament Passes the 2024 Budget Bill


This has to be a step in the right direction
03.06.2024 kl 20:04 9223

Dette er grunnlaget for hele åpningen
The Iraqi Council of Representatives approved the 2024 budget bill on Monday through a majority vote.

Btw .. opec avtalen gir økt olje fra iraq
« Iraq will be able to increase its oil production monthly to 4.22 million barrels per day by the end of 2025, according to a new agreement between OPEC Plus oil producers.»
« Iraq's share of oil production, according to OPEC Plus agreements, is currently 4 million barrels per day, but after Sunday (2-6-2024) decided to end the reduction of 2.2 million barrels of oil from October this year (decided in 2023). ), allowing Iraq to increase its capacity to produce and market oil.»
Redigert 03.06.2024 kl 20:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.06.2024 kl 07:41 8589

Rundaw ( innen juni-24……)

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - After recent meetings between Kurdish and Iraqi officials, relations between Baghdad and Erbil have improved, a Sunni politician told Rudaw on Monday.

“For the first time, I feel that Baghdad, Erbil, and the [Kurdistan] Region’s leadership are adamant about solving the outstanding issues,” Iraqi Sunni politician Mashan al-Jabouri told Rudaw’s Sangar Abdulrahman.

“And I believe that both sides are ready to make concessions on matters they previously rejected,” he added.

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani visited Baghdad on Thursday and met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani and other senior officials to discuss a range of topics, including pending Erbil-Baghdad issues.

Jabouri said that the recent visit from Prime Minister Barzani showed that everyone in Baghdad and Erbil are working in a positive atmosphere towards a solution, adding that Sudani and his government contributed to this improvement in ties.

“The prime minister [Sudani] holds respect and affection for the leadership of the Kurdistan Region and has no hostile intentions or targeting of the Kurdistan Region. This has helped the brothers in the Region to take significant and important steps that were previously seen as concessions,” he said.

Baghdad and Erbil have been at loggerheads on several issues, including the Kurdistan Region’s share in the federal budget, the salaries of civil servants, and the export of Kurdish oil through the Iraq-Turkey pipeline.
04.06.2024 kl 07:59 8581

Kun dager 😂 oljeprisen har falt mye siste døgnet så får vel en reaksjon ned tipper jeg.
Redigert 04.06.2024 kl 08:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.06.2024 kl 08:14 8605

Takk for et informativ innlegg, dette kan du🥵
04.06.2024 kl 08:20 8574

Takk. Har jo fulgt Dno siden 2005 så noe erfaring har man jo fått rundt selskapet.
04.06.2024 kl 09:20 8413

Oljeprisen har lite å si, opp mor det som kommer om "noen dager" Slik er det bare :-)
04.06.2024 kl 09:31 8356

Må være syk i hodet ditt du etter å ha snakka dritt om dno i 19 år. Det fins en plass der di sperrer sånne som deg inne mulig han forsvinner snart.

04.06.2024 kl 09:33 8361

SPXL, du som har fulgt DNO så voldsomt. Hva tenker du er smart rent kjøpsmessig i forhold til aksjen nå når det er litt støy i markedet?
04.06.2024 kl 15:33 8002

Jeg ser ikke de store volumsalgene i DNO akkurat.
Noen som mener at teknikerne nå har fått sin HS i brent-chartet og at mulig ny produksjon har fått seg en liten omatt-tenkning på marginfokus....
Kjøper meg tilbake noen slanter DNO mot slutt i dag, og kanskje i morgen, på trade nok en gang:)
Redigert 04.06.2024 kl 15:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
gogl mannen
04.06.2024 kl 17:43 7787

Shafaq News / Vian Sabri, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc in the Iraqi Parliament, stated on Tuesday that the federal government has included the costs of producing and transporting crude oil from the Kurdistan Region in the draft of the general budget law for 2024.
Sabri said that the entitlements of the oil companies are included in the investment budget, explaining that “oil extraction in the Kurdistan Region requires higher costs, which have been accounted for in the general budget.”

04.06.2024 kl 18:43 7670

Strålende, da blir det singnatur kanskje innen juni
04.06.2024 kl 20:57 7392

Føre var
05.06.2024 kl 13:30 6623

Ett eller annet må det vel bety.


"KDP bloc: Baghdad included Kurdistan oil production and transport costs in 2024 Budget"
Føre var
05.06.2024 kl 14:19 6484

Gulan Media
June 1, 2024


"Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al-Sudani has warned that the ongoing halt of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region is detrimental to Iraq as a whole. In a statement reported by Turkey's Anadolu Agency, Al-Sudani emphasized that the revenue generated from these exports could be pivotal in fostering development within Kurdistan's provinces and boosting the national economy.

The Prime Minister highlighted that the federal government is actively pursuing solutions to resume oil exports from Kurdistan. "We have taken initiatives to find the appropriate solution to resume the export of Kurdistan's oil," he stated, though he noted that legal commitments complicate the issue.

This development comes as the Federal Ministry of Oil has called for an urgent meeting with the Kurdistan Region's Ministry of Natural Resources and the oil companies operating there. The aim is to expedite the resumption of oil production and its export through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

Al-Sudani stressed that resolving the Kurdistan oil issue must be beneficial for all Iraqis, reflecting a nationwide interest in a swift resolution."
Redigert 05.06.2024 kl 14:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Føre var
05.06.2024 kl 14:57 6378

Her brukes både "expedite", "actively pursuing" å "swift resolution", det må vel bli bra:)

Raskere ord enn før.
Redigert 05.06.2024 kl 14:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.06.2024 kl 16:40 6176

Ingenting som tilsier åpning av røret, hva de seier er en ting, handling noe helt annet. Jeg tror ikke røret vil åpne dette året.
05.06.2024 kl 16:41 6177

Blir veldig bra. Kjekt å våkne opp en dag til en krone take-off.😉
05.06.2024 kl 19:29 5879

Neste uke avtale , og så åpning i løpet av juni :)
Azoom News : «A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and international oil companies will visit Baghdad next week at Iraqi government's invitation. Discussions will focus on overcoming obstacles to resume oil exports from the Region - KRG statement«
05.06.2024 kl 21:24 5725


ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) negotiating delegation on Wednesday met with companies that deal with the transportation and production of oil and gas within the region.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the region, and Erbil-Baghdad disputes on the budget and oil, as well as highlighting KRG steps in the framework of defending the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region.

At the meeting, the KRG negotiating delegation expressed its desire to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region shortly.
05.06.2024 kl 22:01 5743

Blir vel som vanlig ingenting ut av dette møtet.