DNO Eksporten i gang, kun dager?
05.11.2024 kl 19:49
Costs of production and transportation for each field to be individually calculated by a specialized international technical consulting body and then reconciled against the interim level of $16 per barrel.
Costs of production and transportation for each field to be individually calculated by a specialized international technical consulting body and then reconciled against the interim level of $16 per barrel.
Stokk Dum
05.11.2024 kl 20:15
Jeg vet ikke helt hvor stødig du er i arabisk Smasparer7, men jeg mistenker din oversettelse ikke er helt 100%.
Selv skriver og snakker jeg arabisk 110% og tolker innholdet i artikkelen noe annerledes.
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Selv skriver og snakker jeg arabisk 110% og tolker innholdet i artikkelen noe annerledes.
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Redigert 05.11.2024 kl 20:54
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05.11.2024 kl 20:18
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05.11.2024 kl 20:34
'UPDATE 1 – Iraq orders Kurdish region to transfer oil output to state – run oil firm immediately
5 November 2024 18:18
(Adds details)
BAGHDAD, Nov 5 (Reuters) – Iraq's cabinet said on Tuesday it had ordered the semi-autonomous Kurdish region to immediately transfer its oil output to the country's state-run firm SOMO.
Iraq's cabinet also approved a budget measure to compensate the Kurdish government for production and transport costs, and set a $16 per barrel rate for foreign oil companies operating in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Oil flows through the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) pipeline were halted by Turkey in March last year after the International Chamber of Commerce ordered Ankara to pay Baghdad damages of $1.5 billion for unauthorised exports by the KRG between 2014 and 2018.
An arbitration ruling found Turkey had violated provisions of a 1973 treaty by facilitating oil exports from the region without the consent of the Iraqi federal government in Baghdad.
Negotiations to restart the pipeline have faltered as the KRG, foreign oil companies and the federal government have made conflicting demands.
Iraq's ministry of oil, in coordination with the regional ministry of natural resources, will appoint an international technical consultant to "calculate the fair estimated costs of production and transportation for each field within 60 days of the law’s enactment", the statement said.
If no agreement is reached within this period, the Iraqi cabinet will select an international consultancy party without returning to the Kurdish authorities, the statement added.
Iraq had blamed foreign companies, alongside the Iraqi Kurdish authorities, for the delay in restarting crude exports because they had so far not submitted their contracts to the federal oil ministry for revisions and also demanded higher production cost that Iraqi government rejected.
It was not clear in the cabinet statement if the Kurdish regional authorities and the foreign firms have accepted the provision to the oil ministry of their contracts.
(Reporting by Jaidaa Taha, Yomna Ehab, Adam Makary and Ahmed Rasheed Editing by Gareth Jones and Angus MacSwan) ((Jaidaa.Ahmad@thomsonreuters.com;)
No Opinion
RE: Sounds Promising -$6 to $16Today 18:28
The wording here says:
"Production and transportation costs for each field will be estimated fairly by an internationally specialized consulting entity, as agreed upon by the Federal Ministry of Oil and the KRG’s Ministry of Natural Resources, within 60 days of the law’s enactment. If no agreement is reached within this period, the Federal Council of Ministers will determine the consulting entity.”
And then...
"The Federal Ministry of Finance will provide an advance payment of $16 per barrel to cover production and transportation costs, with ***final settlement occurring retroactively after the consulting entity’s review is completed***,"
I read this as meaning: an independent consultant is going to determine the costs of *Production and transportation*, which will be covered by the "Federal Ministry of Finance will compensate the KRG from sovereign expenditures for the production and transportation".
The $16, according to this wording, is simply an up-front/holding payment with the actual production and transportation costs being determined after delivery/third-party audit.
This sounds a lot like the kind of news I have been waiting for.
Is this an ICG capitulation?
5 November 2024 18:18
(Adds details)
BAGHDAD, Nov 5 (Reuters) – Iraq's cabinet said on Tuesday it had ordered the semi-autonomous Kurdish region to immediately transfer its oil output to the country's state-run firm SOMO.
Iraq's cabinet also approved a budget measure to compensate the Kurdish government for production and transport costs, and set a $16 per barrel rate for foreign oil companies operating in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Oil flows through the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) pipeline were halted by Turkey in March last year after the International Chamber of Commerce ordered Ankara to pay Baghdad damages of $1.5 billion for unauthorised exports by the KRG between 2014 and 2018.
An arbitration ruling found Turkey had violated provisions of a 1973 treaty by facilitating oil exports from the region without the consent of the Iraqi federal government in Baghdad.
Negotiations to restart the pipeline have faltered as the KRG, foreign oil companies and the federal government have made conflicting demands.
Iraq's ministry of oil, in coordination with the regional ministry of natural resources, will appoint an international technical consultant to "calculate the fair estimated costs of production and transportation for each field within 60 days of the law’s enactment", the statement said.
If no agreement is reached within this period, the Iraqi cabinet will select an international consultancy party without returning to the Kurdish authorities, the statement added.
Iraq had blamed foreign companies, alongside the Iraqi Kurdish authorities, for the delay in restarting crude exports because they had so far not submitted their contracts to the federal oil ministry for revisions and also demanded higher production cost that Iraqi government rejected.
It was not clear in the cabinet statement if the Kurdish regional authorities and the foreign firms have accepted the provision to the oil ministry of their contracts.
(Reporting by Jaidaa Taha, Yomna Ehab, Adam Makary and Ahmed Rasheed Editing by Gareth Jones and Angus MacSwan) ((Jaidaa.Ahmad@thomsonreuters.com;)
No Opinion
RE: Sounds Promising -$6 to $16Today 18:28
The wording here says:
"Production and transportation costs for each field will be estimated fairly by an internationally specialized consulting entity, as agreed upon by the Federal Ministry of Oil and the KRG’s Ministry of Natural Resources, within 60 days of the law’s enactment. If no agreement is reached within this period, the Federal Council of Ministers will determine the consulting entity.”
And then...
"The Federal Ministry of Finance will provide an advance payment of $16 per barrel to cover production and transportation costs, with ***final settlement occurring retroactively after the consulting entity’s review is completed***,"
I read this as meaning: an independent consultant is going to determine the costs of *Production and transportation*, which will be covered by the "Federal Ministry of Finance will compensate the KRG from sovereign expenditures for the production and transportation".
The $16, according to this wording, is simply an up-front/holding payment with the actual production and transportation costs being determined after delivery/third-party audit.
This sounds a lot like the kind of news I have been waiting for.
Is this an ICG capitulation?
Redigert 05.11.2024 kl 20:37
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05.11.2024 kl 22:46
Anywhere skrev Tja, det ser ut som det er litt mer enn ulv som ropes...
Skulle tro det er sterke nok ulverop til å skape litt oppgang iallefall :)
06.11.2024 kl 05:03
Du kan overse det meste her i verden men nå er de jo bare en dag til resultatet kommer så har sikkert DNO noe de kan si om den siste utviklingen angående eksporten. Du forstår jo ikke noe av dette allikevel vi andre ser vel på dette som en prosess som må gjennom alle problemer før en kan komme til en løsning.
06.11.2024 kl 08:43
SPXL, du har jo oversett muligheten for å hente et lass av tradingmuligheter og en rekke med utbytter i DNO, men heller brukt tiden på å ødelegge kapital i f.eks Norse.
Det er på tide du kommer deg ombord og får ta del i en traust verden der kapitalen ikke tapes, men der det er halt ombord i alle fall 20% siste par år bare i utbytter på dagens aksjekursnivå..
Så vet du med stor frykt at en dag vil det komme noe godt ut av Kurdistan igjen, og da blir det nye friske prosenter å hente!
Det er på tide du kommer deg ombord og får ta del i en traust verden der kapitalen ikke tapes, men der det er halt ombord i alle fall 20% siste par år bare i utbytter på dagens aksjekursnivå..
Så vet du med stor frykt at en dag vil det komme noe godt ut av Kurdistan igjen, og da blir det nye friske prosenter å hente!
06.11.2024 kl 10:08
Regner med at du ikke har kommet deg inn i DNO, SPXL selv om du er nøded til det.
Nå sprenger omsetningen på i DNO med tildels voldsom omsetningsøkning så langt i dag. DNO er høyst alive!
Dollar er også så sterk at det er fullt mulig å gjøre utbyttet nå i november høyere - av den grunn - hvis ikke vil opprettholdelse av samme utbytte som etter Q2 nå være en god del mindre cashkrevende...
Nå sprenger omsetningen på i DNO med tildels voldsom omsetningsøkning så langt i dag. DNO er høyst alive!
Dollar er også så sterk at det er fullt mulig å gjøre utbyttet nå i november høyere - av den grunn - hvis ikke vil opprettholdelse av samme utbytte som etter Q2 nå være en god del mindre cashkrevende...
Redigert 06.11.2024 kl 10:10
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Harry Klein
06.11.2024 kl 20:10
I går kl 05:27
Lurer på når kursmålet til Evjen på 15kr kommer jeg...han burde senke det til 11kr så er han heldig så får han det innfridd....men 15kr come on.
I går kl 07:49
I går kl 07:51
DNO økte inntektene med 24 prosent
Olje- og gassoperatøren DNO omsatte for 170 millioner dollar i tredje kvartal. Det tilsvarer en oppgang på 24 prosent i omsetningen mot samme kvartal i fjor.
I går kl 17:13
Inte mycket kommentarer på rapporten Varför var inkomsterna mycket lägre än förväntat tex
I går kl 19:22
Oljepris tikker oppover mot 76 dolls. Sikkert ikke helt ønskelig for kjøpere av DNO, som jeg i de stille tider mistenker kan sirkle omkring...Bijan er vel klar for å forlate eierskapet....??😉
I går kl 23:10
Åssen blir det med rørledningen, kommer den noen gang i drift ? Irak er vel fornøyd med nedstenkt, sånn at de holder kvotene uten kutte andre steder...
I går kl 23:25
Hvilken verdier ser du for deg vil komme frem og hvor mye tenkes det at kursen påvirkes ved eventuelt salg? :)
Redigert i går kl 23:26
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