QEC - Oppdatering på lisenser

QEC 24.11.2018 kl 19:50 20530

Repsol har oppdatert noen lisenser i forbindelse med overgangen til den nye loven.

Disse ligger i Drummondville RCM og 2 av dem er i deler av ressurskart området.

Det ser ut til å være en teknisk sak og har lagd oppstyr i Quebec i det siste, de som følger med har nok fått med seg Martel i Becancour også har avvist at det blir fracking. Etter min mening er loven formulert slik at Quebec nok har sitt på det tørre i reguleringene da loven ikke inneholder noe om fracking. Det kan selvsagt bli erstatning men i så fall begrenser det seg til hele eller deler av tapet slik vanlig restatningsrett krever. Dette er

“We have always been very clear about this. There is no and there will be no exploration or exploitation of shale gas in the St. Lawrence Valley. The Prime Minister has recently said that the door is closed on this issue. Citizens can sleep peacefully, “concludes Mr. Martel.

According to him, the law of September 2018 has largely closed the door to companies regarding research. Fracking is now prohibited in the St. Lawrence Valley. It is for this reason that the oil company Questerre Energy has filed against Quebec a lawsuit to declare ultra vires the regulations of the Hydrocarbons Act prohibiting fracking in shale, including in lakes and rivers. His chances of winning in court are minimal, “said Langelier.

“Ultra vires” betyr å gå utenfor sine fullmakter. All den tid dette er så betent som det er skal det mye til at det blir fracking i Utica, og det er bare Utica som er satt som begrensning. Andre steder som i New Brunswick kan en nok fracke, dette ble satt ved “shale” og kornstørrelsen i skiferen, som da også ble definert som Utica i reguleringene.

I ettertid kan en se at noe skjedde da Arcand gikk av og ny politikk kom frem i dagslyset. En gang kommer nok svaret på det, jeg holder en knapp på Trump/Trudeau var årsaken.

Shale gas: Donald Martel is reassuring

The notice stated that “Repsol Oil and Gas Canada informs you that the Petroleum Search Permits Nos. 2005PG795, 2005PG796, 2008PG971, 2008PG972 and 2008PG973, which have been issued to it under the Mining Act and which cover in part the territory of the aforementioned RCM (note: Drummond), are now deemed to be exploration licenses issued under the Hydrocarbons Act, until the end of their period of validity “.

Shale Gas: Update on Exploration Licenses

Hentet av Silver205.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
05.12.2018 kl 09:18 2867

Nei, ikke bare Devoir. 2 dager etterpå ble Legaults avvisning av skifergass i Quebec bekreftet fra et annet hold.

(Utdrag fra Le Journal de Montreal på engelsk)


Friday, 16 November 2018 05:00 AM UPDATE Friday, 16 November 2018 05:00

Prime Minister François Legault has just drawn a definitive line on the exploration or exploitation of shale gas in Quebec. The door is closed to this industry, he said clearly to the prefects of the RCMs.

(På original språket)


Vendredi, 16 novembre 2018 05:00MISE à JOUR Vendredi, 16 novembre 2018 05:00

Le premier ministre François Legault vient de tirer un trait définitif sur l’exploration ou l’exploitation du gaz de schiste au Québec. La porte est bien fermée à cette industrie, a-t-il annoncé clairement aux préfets des MRC.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2018 kl 23:20 3039

Will money flow move from tech to energy finally?

Apple iphone sales are falling as product is too expensive and mature in nature. 6S-7 models are decent fast and satisfy most people.

GOOGL, FB are at possible new regulations and mature also.
NFLX has no plans to move to China.
MSFT is still fighting to take share from others.

10Y yield dropped below 2.92.
10y/2y spread is below 11bp now.

Toll brothers new home orders plunges by 13% in volumes, by 15% in dollars.
Some people think it is temporary so and orders will come back.

From the other side - energy fundamentals are at bottoms. Prices are below a baseboard.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 17:30 3367

Noen bruker antall aksjer og noen bruker kroner omsatt ?
(Jeg bruker omsatte kroner)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 16:31 3489

Tja, vi får se i morgen om de fortsetter. Men jeg tipper de har flere aksjer som skal ut
-Lykke til!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 15:37 3595

Full Details

Premier acts to protect value of Alberta’s resources
The province is mandating a short-term reduction in oil production to defend Alberta jobs and the value of our energy resources.

Premier Notley announces action on the oil price differential to protect the value of Alberta’s resources.

Premier Rachel Notley announced the temporary measure in response to the historically high oil price differential that is costing the national economy more than $80 million per day. The price gap is caused by the federal government’s decades-long inability to build pipelines. Ottawa’s failure in this area has left Alberta’s energy producers with few options to move their products, resulting in serious risks for the energy industry and Alberta jobs.

Alberta is currently producing 190,000 raw crude oil and bitumen barrels per day more than can be shipped by pipelines, rail or other means. The amount of oil that is being diverted to storage is at record highs and storage is nearing capacity.

Under the action announced, production of raw crude oil and bitumen will be reduced by 325,000 barrels per day to address the storage glut, representing an 8.7 per cent reduction. After excess storage is drawn down, the reduction will drop to an estimated average of 95,000 barrels a day until Dec. 31, 2019 when the rules supporting this action end.

Relative to inaction, curtailment is projected to reduce volatility, narrow the differential by at least $4 per barrel relative to where it otherwise would have been and add an estimated $1.1 billion of government revenue in 2019-20 – money used to pay for roads, schools and hospitals.

“Every Albertan owns the energy resources in the ground, and we have a duty to defend those resources. But right now, they’re being sold for pennies on the dollar. We must act immediately, and we must do it together. I can’t promise the coming weeks and months will be easy, but I can promise we will never back down in our fight to protect jobs and the resources owned by all Albertans. I will never stop fighting for Alberta.”

Rachel Notley, Premier
The Alberta Energy Regulator will implement the reductions starting in January 2019. The reduction amount will be reviewed each month to make sure production is in balance with transportation and storage capacity. A 10,000 barrel per day exemption will ensure the smallest oil producers are not unduly affected.

The reduction reflects broad consensus in industry and input gathered by expert envoys appointed in November to work with oil companies on solutions to the oil price differential.

Premier Notley’s fight to get top dollar for our energy resources includes a made-in-Alberta strategy to build new pipelines, invest in new rail capacity, and add value through more upgrading of oil and gas here at home. Combined, these efforts will create thousands of new jobs and attract tens of billions of dollars in new private investment.

Quick facts
Alberta currently produces 190,000 barrels a day more than can be shipped using existing pipeline and rail capacity.
In total 35 million barrels of oil are in storage – about twice the normal levels.
The price differential for Western Canadian Select (WCS) versus West Texas Intermediate (WTI) has been around $30 to $50US recently, peaking at $52 in October.
Using methodology from Scotiabank, revised based on the wider light and heavy differentials, it’s estimated that the discount on Canadian oil caused by pipeline bottlenecks now costs the Canadian economy more than $80 million per day.
A reduction of 325,000 barrels a day, or 8.7 per cent, will reduce market volatility and is estimated to narrow the differential by at least $4 per barrel relative to where it otherwise would have been and will add an estimated $1.1 billion of Alberta government royalties in fiscal year 2019-20.
Rules supporting the reduction
Applied at the operator level.
First 10,000 barrels per day excluded.
Baseline calculated at best six months in part years.
Applies to oil sands and conventional.
General information
The Alberta Energy Regulator will administer the reduction using the existing Responsible Energy Development Act.
The initial curtailment of 325,000 barrels per day (8.7 per cent) is expected to drop over the course of 2019. The government will review the amount every month and adjust as needed, so as not to impose a steeper drop than is necessary.
The level of curtailment for each company will be based off its six months of highest level of production over the past 12 months.
Additional oil takeaway capacity is expected to be available in late 2019, in part through Alberta’s major investment in crude-by-rail transport.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
03.12.2018 kl 15:36 3601

Du er fan meg ikke helt navlet. En ledelse skal kunne lese det politiske klimaet i et land før de investere det er barnelærdom . men kan ikke forvente noe mer fra deg FLIPPER
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 15:31 3620

8-9 Mill. Omsatt totalen er nå 4,6+ Mill aksjer ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 15:28 3642

Rules supporting the reduction

Applied at the operator level.

First 10,000 barrels per day excluded.

Baseline calculated at best six months in part years.

Applies to oil sands and conventional.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 15:22 3668

Kan du bekrefte at det er fond som selger nå?

Fondene var ferdig med indeksjusteringen på morgen med 8-9 mill omsatt.

Resten av dagen så faller kursen på lavt volum.

Ikke noe stress ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 15:12 3698

Man kan også vælge at kigge positivt på tingene - der er åbenbart også mange der gerne ville købe på dette niveau :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 14:46 3765

Ser ut som om nedsalget fra div fond fortsetter som forutsatt. Det lover ikke bra for resten av uken at qec går ned på en dag som denne.

- Lykke til!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 14:43 3779

Neppe Ottawa. Den ligger i Ontario rett ved grensen til Quebec.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 14:28 5480

Sett deg inn i den politiske situasjonen i Canada. Ditt innlegg oser av ukyndighet. Det er IKKE ledelsen, MEN infrastruktur, som burde være myndighetenes ansvar å sørge for eksisterer.

Canada sitter med Liberaler og Grønne i Ottawa og ingen av dem forstår et Kvekk om energi.

Personlig tilhenger av Market Forces; MEN, det forutsetter at Myndighetene ikke setter kjepper
i julene for distribusjon. Vi har jo nå sett at situasjonen er et tap på daglige 80 mill per dag, vis a
vis priser i USA.

Nå selger Canada arvesølvet til USA til halve prisen; MEN, motions er i gang nå .....

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
03.12.2018 kl 11:00 5556

Nå må vi reise oss alle aksjonærer (10%) og å kalle inn til EOG for å finne en ny ledelse i dette selskapet. Binna har feilet og det er ikke første gang. Før han ødelegger hele selskapet er på tide med en endring. Hva har denne ledelsen med Binna skap av verdier for aksjonærene svaret er INGENTING!!!!!!!!
Han sitter trykt i Canada og skriver på TWITTER kommer til Norge for brannslukking og mer penger gjennom PAR som hauser den opp hver gang de trenger påfyll av kapital. Hvor dumme kan vi vær som blir lurt gang på gang. Det som nå må gjøre med selskapet er å omstrukturer og fjerne ledelsen som kun har et sugerør i kassen. Sparker vi selskapets ledelse så kommer vi unna nå med små penger om aksjen skulle stige litt (oppsjoner) Opprop til aksjonærene kall inn nå!!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 08:47 5787

Det bliver spændende at se hvordan markedet reagere i dag - efter den lidt besynderlige handel i slutaktionen.
Var det bare fordi de blev degraderet på den norske børs?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 00:24 6061

Kevin Bissett, The Canadian Press
Published Sunday, December 2, 2018 10:23AM EST
FREDERICTON -- New Brunswick's new premier is trying to revive the Energy East pipeline -- even though the original proponent says the project is dead.
TransCanada Corporation abandoned the $15.7-billion project more than a year ago, after the National Energy Board modified the environmental assessment process.
But Premier Blaine Higgs, along with some other premiers and federal politicians, are again pushing the proposed pipeline as a way to get more western crude to refineries in Eastern Canada and for export to foreign markets.
Ontario and Quebec have also new elected new premiers this year, and Higgs said he thinks Energy East could be viable.
"The fact that Ontario has said they're not opposed to oil coming through the province, there's a hurdle that's now gone. We know that Manitoba and Saskatchewan are fine and we know Alberta is looking for a way out," said Higgs.
"We see Alberta now taking a strong position with buying rail cars and saying we've got to get our oil to market because they're losing $80 million a day."
Higgs said he recognizes Quebec could still be a hurdle and he plans to discuss the project with Premier Francois Legault this week at a first ministers meeting in Montreal.
"We're talking about interprovincial trade. There are some key issues, and that's one for us. It's one that's important for our province. We need some wins," Higgs said.
Higgs said he discussed Energy East two weeks ago with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He said Trudeau said he'd be willing to discuss the issue again if Higgs was able to get Quebec onside.
But the biggest hurdle may be getting TransCanada interested again. The company cited the regulatory changes and "changed circumstances" as the reason for its pullout last year.
In a statement, Terry Cunha, manager of communications for TransCanada, said their position had not changed.
"We have no plans to revisit the project. We are focused on developing the more than $36 billion in commercially secured pipeline and power generation projects that we currently have underway across North America, including Keystone XL and the Coastal GasLink project in B.C.," he wrote.
Higgs said he's not surprised by the Calgary-based company's position.
"If you spend $800 million and you get jerked around politically so that decisions aren't made, instead it's procrastinated on, and ... then all of a sudden the rules change mid-stream and then you don't have any path forward," Higgs said.
"I don't blame them. I wouldn't jump on the bandwagon yet either."
However, Higgs said he believes if a holding company was formed that applied to the National Energy Board and got the process well underway, then TransCanada might be willing to get back onboard.
Federal Conservative Leader Andrew Sheer has also been a big Energy East supporter and has said that a federal Conservative government would seek to revive the project.
Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said last week restarting the project makes a lot of sense.
"Our government would be very interested of course in any effort that was geared towards another project to get our product to tidewater as well as to supply the Canadian market if we could find a way to do that more effectively," she told reporters in Ottawa.
"Quite frankly it is quite perverse that we are selling our oil in Alberta for $10 a barrel and then in eastern Canada we are importing from places like Saudi Arabia. This makes no sense."
Energy East would have seen much of the western crude going to the Irving Oil refinery in Saint John.
Higgs said he has yet to discuss reviving Energy East with Irving, where he worked for more than three decades and retired as a senior executive before entering politics.
"I know their interest would still be there because they would offset at least 100,000 barrels a day of foreign crude, maybe more. That commitment would still be there because they are still in operation and they are still buying foreign crude," he said.
But New Brunswick Green Leader David Coon said Higgs needs to switch 180 degrees -- and instead look at reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
"The World Meteorological Organization just announced a study that if we continue to follow the path we're following now we are going to blast past the Paris agreement and get into three to five degrees of warming, which is catastrophic," he said.
But a study by the Canadian Energy Research Institute -- released in January -- concluded that refineries in central and Atlantic Canada would see lower supply costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions if they bought more Canadian crude oil.
The study found that substituting Canadian oil wherever possible using space on existing pipelines, rail cars and ocean tankers would result in a 47-per-cent reduction in foreign oil imports into Eastern Canada, saving $210 million per year, and the equivalent of more than two million tonnes of carbon dioxide, or about 5.7 per cent.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 00:15 6077

WTI er opp 3% ($1.53) ved åpning!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 00:00 6106

Siste nyhetene som nå vil Kreve REDUKSJON av de største frachanrne, QUE vil få fine priser. Jernbane tank vogner skal begynne å rulle snart.

Enighet OPEC+ & Russland, + Canadisk olje obligatorisk for de store, Bedre pris .... i morgen, rett til værs
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.12.2018 kl 23:09 6198

Calgary Herald: "Trudeau simply insults our intelligence"

No, Justin Trudeau: it’s not the problem of getting Alberta crude to world markets Calgarians find too simple. Actually, it’s you.

Because if it isn’t a case of this prime minister being hopelessly out of his depth on anything other than mouthing platitudes about how Canucks should use “personkind” as part of everyday speech or dressing up his family like some over-the-top Bollywood characters, then something much more nefarious is going on in this country today.

So, unlike an ever-increasing number of Albertans, I don’t — for the moment at least — believe Trudeau and his government is deliberately trying to shaft Alberta with its insipid response to what they themselves call a crisis with the current stuck-in-neutral drive to build any form of pipeline and thus get more than pennies on the dollar for our most important export.

Not that they aren’t capable of such duplicity: politicians of all stripes certainly are when it comes to working out the percentage of votes from different constituencies when an election looms (and in their narrow minds a vote is always looming, even when the count from the last one is barely finished).

But you have to think even the Grits, who long ago gave up on this province as a prime hunting ground for electoral seats, can figure out $13 billion is a lot to lose, especially if you won’t even play in the game.

That’s the amount the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers reckons the national economy has lost this year because of the woeful price differential between the regular price of North American oil and what the Alberta variety is receiving due to the bottleneck caused by a lack of pipelines in every direction.

In a speech in Ottawa on Wednesday, Premier Rachel Notley announced that Alberta will move ahead on buying rail cars to move oil. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ADRIAN WYLD

Heavens, even Alberta Premier Rachel Notley — who couldn’t wait to grin and pose alongside the newly elected prime minister three years ago while happily promising to double down on increasing her beloved carbon tax well into some glorious future — finally figured things out. It’ll prove too late for the NDP, of course, but at least the loss of $80 million a day to those bare provincial coffers is a lesson that eventually sinks in with a vengeance.

Yet Trudeau sticks to his script, the one the grandees of the Liberal party wrote for him when he showed that having nice hair, a cool demeanour and a recognizable surname could indeed get you elected. But today the entire “I’m a feminist prime minister,” “We are so sorry,” “Canada is back,” and “This country welcomes everyone” repertoire of sound bites looks tired and shopworn.

So for this fellow to arrive in Calgary a week ago and tell folk here who have worked in the oil business their entire lives that there is no “super simple easy answer” to the pipeline capacity crisis is more than a bit rich.

If there’s one thing this city knows only too well is that hitching your economic future to the commodities wagon — whether that is oil, wheat or cattle — never provides for a secure and simple life. Heck, if we wanted that we could all go and work for the government.

So to then be lectured by this former drama teacher about the difficulties involved takes central Canadian hubris to a whole new level.

“There is a tendency out there in the world to give really simple answers to really complex questions, but the world, unfortunately, doesn’t work like that,” he told a somewhat bemused Calgary Chamber of Commerce.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers the keynote address to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce in the Imperial Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary on Thursday, November 22, 2018. Jim Wells/Postmedia

Wow. That takes some nerve, coming from a man who seems to think that accessing a Twitter feed is commensurate with the drafting of the Magna Carta.

Of course, it isn’t simple. Just like putting a stake through the Northern Gateway pipeline project shouldn’t have been simple, but Trudeau managed to do that in short order after being elected.

Really simple answers to really complex questions? Oh yes, we have heard them for many a year.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
02.12.2018 kl 22:37 6281

Sheepmann, du får kaffen galt i halsen en dag, når du indser, at du har taget grueligt fejl omkring fracking i Quebec ??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.12.2018 kl 22:17 6333

Det finnes drøssevis av diverse uttalelser på at det ikke skal tillates fracking i Lowlands. Det finnes ingen uttalelser på det motsatte.... Min konklusjon: Ligg unna qec. -Det blir ingen fracking nå.
- Lykke til!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 23:05 6986

Du kan jo starte med google søk: bill 69

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 18:23 7263

Ser en del på Twitter/Media at det er mange som er imot Bill 69.
Hva er denne omhandler?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 16:04 7464

Har fått bekreftet fra Michael Binnion at QEC ikke blir berørt av den lave prisen på «heavy crude»!
Selv om også de opplever litt lavere priser akkurat nå som resten av oljemarkedet er gass prisene høyere og kompenserer noe for litt lavere pris på olje produkter!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 15:57 7491

Beklager jeg sa 25, når det kun er 13 selskaper; men, i alla fall, QEC er ikke blandt de 25 så virkningen burde
være som beskrevet i min siste:

Note that it would only affect the top 13 companies.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 15:54 7506

Kjøpte meg nettopp inn igjen. Det viser seg at planenen om Tak på produksjon,


gjelder de 25 tørste produsenter, og IKKE, vår QEC. Det må jo bety Høyere priser for Canadian G & O; og
utslaget vil jo bli en Stor fordel for QEC ?

Her se, de 25 største som må redusere produksjon i Canada. Ikke noe Kvakk kvakk der....
This is a solid plan. Note that it would only affect the top 13 companies. Baytex is 14th.

Top 25 Oil Producers



1 Canadian Natural Resources Limited 474,223 641,475

2 Suncor Energy Inc. 555,000 615,500

3 Cenovus Energy Inc. 205,858 360,704

4 Imperial Oil Limited 364,000 355,000

5 Husky Energy Inc. 216,000 220,100

6 Crescent Point Energy Corp 134,555 135,480

7 Seven Generations Energy Ltd. 69,299 102,434

8 MEG Energy Corp. 81,245 80,774

9 Whitecap Resources Inc. 35,566 47,004

10 Tourmaline Oil Corp. 23,586 38,737

11 ARC Resources Ltd. 39,420 35,303

12 Encana Corporation 29,700 32,000

13 Athabasca Oil Corporation 9,671 31,940

14 Baytex Energy Corp. 26,267 27,533

15 Pengrowth Energy Corporation 35,084 25,200

16 Bonavista Energy Corporation 21,955 21,269

17 Raging River Exploration Inc. 16,554 21,076

18 Spartan Energy Corp. 10,792 20,314

19 Obsidian Energy Ltd. 34,809 19,623

20 TORC Oil & Gas Ltd. 16,195 18,432

21 Paramount Resources Ltd. 14,401 18,094

22 Cona Resources Ltd. 18,014 16,953

23 Cardinal Energy Ltd. 12,771 15,801

24 Birchcliff Energy Ltd. 8,008 14,475

25 Vermilion Energy Inc. 11,723 13,195

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 15:43 7543

Oljepris kan ha litt å si.
Imidlertid er det nok mange som antar at QEC kan være, og vil være den mest troverdige nyttårsraketten.
Aksjen er uansett rimelig trygg på det nivå vi er i dag, og personlig tror jeg en rolig oppgang frem mot nyår.
En liten minus vi har, er at QEC ikke er en Europeisk aksje med de fordeler vi da ville hatt på manges aksjekonti.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 15:00 7697

Måske - syntes bare ikke QEC normalt reagere ret meget på olieprisen - i hvert fald ikke når den stiger ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 14:33 7825

Nogen der ved hvorfor vi kravler op i dag? + 9%
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 14:12 7953

United Conservatives propose temporary, mandatory curtailment in response to differential crisis

EDMONTON, AB (November 28, 2018): United Conservative Leader Jason Kenney today called on the provincial government to save jobs and stop the fire sale of Alberta oil by implementing a short term, temporary reduction in oil output.

“We are facing an economic emergency described by industry leaders as a ‘five alarm fire’ and ‘a financial catastrophe.” If we do not act now, Alberta’s struggling economy may be hit by large scale job losses, business bankruptcies, a huge increase in the provincial deficit, and an ongoing giveaway of Alberta oil at record low prices,” Kenney said.

“As a free market conservative, I have been reluctant to support a mandatory cut in production. But this crisis was created by a failure of governments, not businesses, to get global access for our energy. And now only governments can stop the current giveaway of Alberta oil which could result in huge job layoffs and billions of dollars in lost revenues.”

Last week Kenney called for voluntary reductions in output to bring Alberta oil markets back into balance. While several producers have reduced production by some 200,000 barrels per day, it is clear that not all companies intend to follow suit to achieve the 400,000 cut in production that analysts say is necessary to reduce significantly the unprecedented $40 price differential between Western Canadian Select and West Texas Intermediate oil.

Market analysts suggest that these measures would likely result in an immediate increase in the price for Alberta oil, and would allow for the current 35 million barrels in storage to be cut in half over the course of several weeks. Production would then be in balance with take away capacity, particularly if Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement and additional rail shipments move an additional 500,000 barrels per day by the end of 2019, as planned.

“Industry leaders have been clear that a modest, coordinated reduction in output will not result in job losses, but that a continuation of the current $40 price differential will force layoffs. Many Alberta energy companies are burning through cash right now, and have no money available for capital spending, including winter drilling activity. But quick action to reduce the current glut in Alberta oil will increase the price, meaning that employers have cash to invest for the future, and to save jobs,” Kenney said. “On top of that, action to move the differential from $40 back to $20 a barrel would mean that Albertans would receive billions in royalty payments that are currently being lost.”

Details of the UCP proposal include:

The Legislature immediately amending Section 85 of the Mines and Minerals Act to define crude bitumen as petroleum. The Official Opposition is drafting such an amendment for introduction in the Legislature, and is willing to cooperate with the Government to ensure its adoption before the Legislature raises in December.
Cabinet using its authority under Mines and Minerals Act to make regulations reducing production of petroleum by approximately 400,000 barrels per day. The Government must make it clear to markets that it will be resolute in bringing balance back to Alberta’s energy market, and will not relent until surplus inventories are cleared, with the price differential significantly reduced.
The Alberta Energy Regulator should be given responsibility for the implementation of these regulations, with the power to levy fines for non compliance. Monitoring of compliance would occur through monthly royalty remissions.
Producers who have voluntarily reduced production should be able to include those reductions in the 400,000 quota. Producers – not the government – should decide which barrels they will be shut-in, allowing them to make the wisest commercial decision for their companies and employees.
Companies that produce less than 25,000 barrels per day of petroleum should be exempted from the production limit, recognizing the disproportionate effect it would have on them. This would limit the prorationing to some thirteen producers.
The curtailment regulations should include a sunset provision for one year after coming into force, with periodic reviews and adjustments as necessary. These regulations should not be seen as a permanent feature of Alberta’s energy markets, but as a short to mid-term measure to correct the current extreme price differential.
Kenney also called on the Government to take action to prevent manipulation of common use carrier pipeline’s like Enbridge’s Mainline. “The Government must enforce fair rules for the nomination of oil shipments on common carrier pipelines to stop the problem of ‘air barrels’ that have helped to create distressed barrels and lower prices. The principle governing such nominations should be that real barrels are nominated to their intended destination.”

“We believe that these actions will stop the current giveaway of Alberta oil, will protect jobs, and generate billions of dollars in royalty revenue for the Alberta government,” Kenney said. “But curtailment will not eliminate the price differential. That will require the completion of coastal pipelines, and reversal of federal policies like Bill C-69. That is why the United Conservative Party will make its Fight Back Strategy a key part of our platform in next spring’s election, to move Alberta from being defensive and apologetic about our resources, to using every tool at our disposal to fight for Alberta jobs and prosperity.

“To conclude: we need leadership to avoid an economic and fiscal emergency. We are calling for a short term, modest and temporary measure to save jobs and stop the giveaway of our greatest asset.”


“Albertans own their oil and gas resources, a fact enshrined in Canada’s Constitution thanks to the leadership of the late former premier Peter Lougheed. As owners, Albertans need to know they can make choices that get our oil sector back on track...The simplest and most effective action is a government-mandated production cut requiring all producers to reduce the number of barrels they sell into the market. This would raise the price of Alberta oil. Premier Lougheed did it when the last Prime Minister Trudeau was in power, and it’s time Premier Notley did the same.” (Encana founding CEO Gwyn Morgan, Financial Post, Nov. 28, 2018).

“Industry needs to take the lead and finally start working together — and if they are unwilling to take excess barrels temporarily off the market themselves, then the provincial government needs to step in and do it for them.” (Martin Pelletier, TriVest Wealth Counsel, Financial Post, Nov. 26, 2018)

“Premier Rachel Notley needs to immediately mandate a temporary production cut. Former premier Peter Lougheed did it in the 1980s to address a similar crisis…” (W. Brett Wilson, Canoe Financial, Calgary Herald, Nov. 24, 2018)

“This isn’t the airline business, where companies own the airplanes. This is the oil business where the citizens of each province own the resources. The playground called the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin belongs to the people, who are presently seeing their resources sold for cents on the dollar with no return on investment via royalties and taxes. In a public context, the government, on behalf of the citizens, is warranted if not obliged to mediate a solution.” (Peter Tertzakian, Financial Post, Nov. 27, 2018)

"We looked at everything we could possibly think of, and this is the only option I've seen that has a very high probability of success and also can be implemented very rapidly." (Cenovus CEO Alex Pourbaix, CBC News, Nov. 16, 2018)

"...fully supportive of curtailments...It's something that has worked in the past...It just makes total sense. It's the simplest, cleanest and most effective way to ensure Albertans get value for resources and end the subsidies to U.S. buyers.” (CNRL Executive Vice Chairman Steve Laut, CBC News, Nov. 14, 2018)

“To protect the interest of all Canadians, the company would be supportive of the Alberta government temporarily imposing mandatory production cuts.” (MEG Energy CEO Derek Evans, Calgary Herald, November 16, 2018)

“This is the time when the government has tools to be able to ask producers to cut back. That would have an immediate impact on differentials. The premier needs to look at this through the eyes of Albertans. She needs to look at what’s best for the people of Alberta, and not any particular company or big industry. I think if she looks through that lens, she’s going to see that Albertans are being hurt the most by the distressed barrels that are being sold — and she’s going to have to act.” (Athabasca Oil CEO Rob Broen, Calgary Herald, November 14, 2018)

“On the principle if government breaks it, government fixes it, why would we not be willing to fix in Alberta what Ottawa broke. In the private sector, the rule is if there is too much supply on a common carrier pipeline, then suppliers are apportioned. Why wouldn’t Alberta as the owner of the resource, do the same thing when there isn’t enough space for Alberta on the pipelines?” Questerre Energy CEO Michael R. Binnion, Calgary Herald, November 23, 2018)

“Who’s paying for all of this? Every single Canadian. Oil sands growth, without sufficient approved takeaway capacity, has caused the problem.” Whitecap Resources CEO Grant Fagerheim, BNN, November 14, 2018)

"Shut-in volumes would quickly alleviate the pain by freeing up export pipeline space and clearing out Alberta storage levels.” (Phil Skolnick, Eight Capital Research, CP, November 15, 2018)


For more information, contact:

Christine Myatt
Communications, UCP Caucus
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 12:04 8126

prisen på olie falder det er det der koster på kursen, vi skal tilbage til 70 dollar for olie så kommer vi over 3 igen
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:55 8216

QEC kommer som en rakett når folk forstår hvor stort Kakwa kan bli, det vil skje Q3/Q4 2019 når det "plutselig" blir koblet på stor produksjon....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:46 8245

Men det ændre da ikke på forholdene i Quebec - og heller ikke på min point?
Man kan ikke undskylde sig selv med - at det gør alle andre :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:36 8279

Like moralsk som strømmen du bruker i kontakten..
Alle tror det er 100% norsk vannkraft, men virkeligheten så kjøpes en del strøm fra utenlandske kullkraftverk.

Fortrenger sannheten.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:30 8305

Meget enig omkring Quebec - den tror jeg heller ikke meget på pt.
Det vil i hvert fald kommer som en kæmpe overraskelse og en total kurstricker.

Men når man kigger på Quebec kan man slet ikke forstå de ikke udvinder deres egen ressourcer i stedet for at hente dem til overpris.
Man vil godt bruge gas - men man vil ikke selv udvinde det - meget dobbeltmoralsk??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:27 8321

Uptrade har du linket?
Jeg har efterhånden set QEC været spået til at blive en raket mange gange over de sidste år - men det er ikke helt gået sådan endnu.
Syntes dog at tingene efterhånden begynder at pege i den rigtige retning og indtægterne bør komme stille og roligt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:17 8348

Dermed spår DN følgende raketter: Solstad Offshore, Thin Film Electronics, Asetek, Otello, Questerre, Rec Silicon, Targovax, Protector Forsikring, XXL og Monobank.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2018 kl 10:01 8396

Jeg tenker at det er for lenge til produksjonen øker (Q4 2019) og at QEC aksjonærene er utslitt av Quebec forhåpninger, blir stabilt sideleie til det blir meldt 2-3 bønnfunn til på Kakwa/Kakwa North og dato for produksjonstart på Kakwa North. ca etter sommerferien 2019.
Joker kan være melding om partner i Jordan (etter avtale med myndigheter). Ren spekulasjon fra min side og lite trolig før de har kommet enda lenger i prosjekteringen der.
Quebec er dødt, helt dødt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:51 Du må logge inn for å svare