Energy Recovery - most profitable green stock with highest upsid

ERII 03.11.2023 kl 14:44 840


- Energy Recovery (ERII) dominates the global industrial desalination industry, having a 90% global market share.

- ERII is now trying to copy its technology into a new global segment – industrial air-conditioning and refrigeration.

- Due to Kigali protocol, all greenhouse gas industrial air-conditioning and refrigeration systems need to be replaced with CO2 systems.

- Energy Recovery devices can save up to 40% of energy in the new CO2 devices. ERII has a 25-year track record and no major competition.

- Below is a summary of the Q3 call that goes into detail about the CO2 opportunity.
05.11.2023 kl 18:19 824

ERII last week was up by 20% last week. It is still 30% down in the last three months together with all green stocks - see the graph in the article.

To regain these levels ERII would go up by 50%

The stock has a very bullish outlook... due to regulatory change - all industrial greenhouse gas refrigeration and airconditioning need to be replaced. ERII has a global monopoly in one of the components
18.10.2024 kl 09:04 587

Fearnley today:

Energy Recovery (BUY, USD 16.0)
• Secures USD 12m in contracts for UAE desalination projects
Yesterday, ERII announced over USD 12m in contract awards for its PX Pressure Exchanger devices for three seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination projects in the UAE. The plants will have a combined capacity of nearly 1m cubic meters per day, with shipments expected by 4q24. These contracts align with the company's previously stated financial guidance, bringing total recognized revenue and backlog for 2024 to USD 146.5m —approaching the upper end of their USD 140-150m revenue target for the year.

The biggest event is Q3 report in two weeks and CMD in November
31.10.2024 kl 09:10 421

Fearnley today:

Fén jak z fotbalu
Prezident Petr Pavel se nedávno sešel s velvyslanci členských zemí EU v Česku. A, jak slyším od jednoho z účastníků, hodně otevřeně se před nimi pustil do kritiky současného maďarského předsednictví EU. Vytkl Budapešti, že nehájí zájmy států unie jako celku, ale zájmy Viktora Orbána. Nepřijatelný maďarský přístup se ostatně opět projevil v pondělí, kdy Orbán zaletěl do Gruzie a podpořil tamní vládu vzápětí po volbách, které provázely podvody. Pavlova řeč na výše zmíněné schůzce byla možná na diplomatické poměry nezvykle otevřená, ale správná. Jeho vystoupení vůči maďarskému velvyslanci si představuju zhruba jako v tomto videu od času 0:30.
12.12.2024 kl 10:40 297

This is a very interesting article. The top three best-performing companies this year were Vertiv, Nvidia, and Modine. Two of the three are focused on cooling data centres.

Vertiv and Modine are both in data centre cooling. Their share prices have grown by 760% and 550% year to date, respectively.

On their investment day, ERII announced they are working on other verticals. I would expect they will turn to data centre cooling. Imagine the share price of ERII on such an announcement.
17.01.2025 kl 14:29 177

$ERII Below is a link to the Energy Recovery presentation at the ATMO conference.

ERII presented with Stefaan Bostyn, CEO of Fieuw Koeltechniek, a Belgian air-conditioning and refrigeration manufacturer.

Fieuw is the first producer to have ERII air-conditioning products on the market.
They announced 13 supermarket projects last year at the conference.

The largest air-conditioning producers should be signed this quarter.

Very bullish ERII CO2 vertical