PHILLY SHIPYARD - Årets julekule og nyttårs rakett?

PHLY 16.11.2023 kl 10:06 15891

Noe er på gang her nå.

Hanwha Ocean interessert i potensielt oppkjøp av verftet. Større omsetning av aksjer enn normalt, stor aksjonær som har solgt ved en hver oppgang er nå ute av aksjen.
18.11.2023 kl 17:38 8392

Hele artikkelen oversatt gir et bedre bilde, man skjønner at her skjer det noe snarlig. Denne artikkelen gjør at markedet bedre forstår hvorfor Hanwha Ocean nettopp har valgt seg ut Philly Shipyard.

«Hanwha Ocean, which has secured 1.4 yuan, takes a quick step toward new business investment

Hanwha Ocean succeeded in raising funds through paid-in capital increase worth close to 1.5 trillion won, giving a boost to its new defense and offshore wind power businesses.

Hanwha Ocean recently raised a total of KRW 1.4971 trillion through paid-in capital increase through the employee stock ownership association, existing shareholders, and general public offering. The subscription rate for paid-in capital increase was approximately 135%. Hanwha Ocean initially planned a paid-in capital increase worth 2 trillion won, but as the stock price fell, the amount of public offering funds decreased.

Hanwha Ocean carried out paid-in capital increase in trillions twice this year. Previously, in May, Hanwha Group's affiliates infused 2 trillion won in funds to improve Hanwha Ocean's financial structure. While the previous bequest focused on improving the financial structure, this bequest is aimed at raising investment funds for new businesses. Paid-in capital increases, in which stock value is diluted by increasing the number of new stocks, usually raise doubts about the stock price or company management. Moreover, 89,485,500 new shares are newly issued through this bequest. This corresponds to 41% of Hanwha Ocean's existing listed stocks. Because of this atmosphere, some raised the possibility that the bequest would fail, but Hanwha Ocean succeeded in its second paid-in capital increase this year. It appears that the market has supported Hanwha Ocean’s changes.

Hanwha Ocean, which received an infusion of funds, has completed preparations for new business expansion. Hanwha Ocean plans to spend 570 billion won of the money it has secured this time on facility investment. It also plans to spend 207.1 billion won in operating funds and 720 billion won in funds to acquire securities of other corporations. In addition to automation and digitalization of the existing shipbuilding business, emphasis was placed on overseas expansion of special ship and offshore wind power businesses.

So far, sales of shipbuilders have been concentrated in the merchant ship sector. The proportion is around 90%. Hanwha Ocean is trying to break this structure and diversify its portfolio. The idea is to break away from Korea and compete in the global market in the field of special ships such as submarines and ships. Due to the increase in the defense budget due to the geopolitical crisis, the global ship market size is expected to reach approximately $986 billion (approximately KRW 1,320 trillion) on a cumulative basis over the next 10 years.

It is also entering the energy business, focusing on offshore wind power generation. The plan is to install offshore wind power generators, supply electricity, and produce green hydrogen (hydrogen produced from renewable energy) produced using wind energy. The amount of equity investment to expand the offshore wind power business recently increased from the original 200 billion won to 300 billion won.

We are looking for an overseas business location to acquire for a new business. Hanwha Ocean said, "We plan to use the entire amount of the acquisition of securities of other corporations to advance into overseas business, such as through M&A (corporate mergers and acquisitions)." The company is considering acquiring a local shipyard to enter the overseas defense and offshore wind power markets. Philly Shipyard, which has a yard in Philadelphia, USA, is a strong candidate.

Hanwha Ocean plans to increase the proportion of new businesses such as offshore wind power and special ship business to 41% of sales by 2040.»
18.11.2023 kl 11:51 8552

Hvis det er hold i dette så skal det vises på kursen allerede kommende uke, forutsatt at Apollo har solgt ferdig.
17.11.2023 kl 22:08 8801

Jeg har kjøpt meg opp i Philly, men jeg stiller spørsmål om at Aker har økt sin beholdning?
De vet jo noe vi andre ikke vet. De burde eller har ikke lov å kjøpe aksjer viss noe er avgjort , men ikke er kommunisert til børsen !!?
17.11.2023 kl 21:02 8852

Det er ingen røk uten ild, det gjelder i denne saken også.
Det må ha foregått flere kontakter/ samtaler mellom Hanwa og Aker allerede, da er prisen på verftet viktigste punkt å samtale om. Kan ikke se at det er noen ulempe for noen om Aker (Philly) innformerer at de har interessenter som vurderer å legge in et bud på verftet. Da kan markedet ta tak i dette prise aksjen i forhold til en fornuftig salgsverdi som er langt over 43 kr.
Tror ikke det kommer til å bli meldt om noe bud på Philly for Aker er enig og har akseptert beløpet (enten budet kommer fra Hanwa eller noen andre).
17.11.2023 kl 20:21 8880

"We are looking for an overseas business location to acquire for a new business. Hanwha Ocean said, "We plan to use the entire amount of the acquisition of securities of other corporations to advance into overseas business, such as through M&A (corporate mergers and acquisitions)." The company is considering acquiring a local shipyard to enter the overseas defense and offshore wind power markets. Philly Shipyard, which has a yard in Philadelphia, USA, is a strong candidate."

17.11.2023 kl 11:47 9059

Hanwha Ocean skal etablere et datterselskap i USA, som en del av strategien om å ekspandere inn i den nordamerikanske forsvarsindustrien.

Den amerikanske enheten forventes å fungere som et fotfeste for Hanwha Ocean for å sikre utenlandske verft og eierandeler i selskaper relatert til forsvar.

I følge sin kvartalsrapport som ble utgitt torsdag, godkjente styret i Hanwha Ocean etableringen av datterselskapet Hanwha Ocean U.S. Holding Company.

Beslutningen blir sett på som et konkret skritt mot å realisere sin visjon om å øke andelen spesielle skipsprosjekter, som krigsskip, ved å sikre utenlandske produksjonsbaser.

I august avduket Hanwha Ocean sin plan for å øke salget fra sin spesielle skipsvirksomhetsenhet fra 850 milliarder won (654,8 millioner dollar) til 2,9 billioner won. For det formål vurderer selskapet å sikre utenlandske verft eller foreta aksjeinvesteringer i forsvarsrelaterte utenlandske selskaper, og det har nylig vært rapporter om jakten på å kjøpe det amerikanske Philly Shipyard.
17.11.2023 kl 11:25 9092

Hanwha Ocean fortsetter etablering i US.

«According to its quarterly report released on Thursday, the board of directors of Hanwha Ocean approved the establishment of the subsidiary, Hanwha Ocean U.S. Holding Company.»

«Toward that end, the company is considering securing foreign shipyards or making equity investments in defense-related foreign companies, and there have been recent reports about its pursuit of acquiring U.S.-based Philly Shipyard.»
17.11.2023 kl 08:17 9194

Fire stjerner General på besøk hos Philly Shipyard.

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Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost is the commander of U.S. Transportation Command, one of 11 Combatant Commands in the Department of Defense. USTRANSCOM's mission is to project and sustain military power globally in order to assure our friends and allies, deter potential adversaries, and if necessary respond to win decisively.