SAGA PURE - Fortsatt på tilbud!
Kjøp aksjen med 50øre i rabatt! Obs! Tålmodighet kan måtte kreves, da selskapet stadig er på leting etter uoppdagede perler og således meddeler lite f.t.
Referanse til verdsettelse: q3 regnskapet. Balansen består stort sett av bankinnskudd og noen kortsiktige traderaksjer.
Forbehold: TS eier aksjer i selskapet
Referanse til verdsettelse: q3 regnskapet. Balansen består stort sett av bankinnskudd og noen kortsiktige traderaksjer.
Forbehold: TS eier aksjer i selskapet
Redigert 04.01.2024 kl 16:11
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23.11.2023 kl 06:37
Ser at Bjørn Simonsen, x ceo har solgt 500’. Dersom han skal helt ut kommer det 16.500.000 til..
23.11.2023 kl 07:45
Om Simonsen skal ut burde selskapet selv kjøpe den posten, og deretter brenne aksjene.
Jeg ville ikke blitt overrasket om exit-Simonsen og exit-Heimdall kunne fått litt fart på kursen. I alle fall hentet inn litt av rabatten.
Time will sjå.
Jeg ville ikke blitt overrasket om exit-Simonsen og exit-Heimdall kunne fått litt fart på kursen. I alle fall hentet inn litt av rabatten.
Time will sjå.
24.11.2023 kl 09:25
På hjemmesiden til Saga står det at Simonsen eier 11,5 mill. aksjer. Jeg er forøvrig enig med de som tar til orde for å tilbakebetale deler/hele kapitalen til aksjonærene. Selskapet selv ser ikke ut til å finne noe investeringsobjekt som er verdt å virkelig satse på, så da kan midlene like godt tilbakebetales, noe som ville gi et bra pluss i forhold til dagens kurs.
24.11.2023 kl 09:30
Han har 11 mill + 5 mill. Simonsen Invest As og Bjørn Simonsen.
Solgt 500` til. Liste oppdatert 23.11.
Solgt 500` til. Liste oppdatert 23.11.
Redigert 24.11.2023 kl 09:31
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24.11.2023 kl 09:43
kursen har falt med mer enn 150% siden jeg var inne i denne aksjen, det største problemet deres er at de aldri fikk heimdall på børs det er en pengemaskin og har prosjekter ww. spettet hadde nok rett da han sa ifjord engang at mange av de grønne prosjekter er og blir ulønnsomme fordi kostnadene med disse er p.t. alt for høye. saga burde solgt disse på et mye tidligere tidspunkt, særlig gjaldt dette BCS der de satt med en inntjening på over 20 gangern/aksje en periode
04.12.2023 kl 21:48
Så innslag på TV2 nå i kveld, med innslag av Heimdall sitt overvåkningssystem på kraftlinjene. Kunne monteres effektivt med drone og allerede på markedet i 16 land. Skulle tro at dette kan bli stort, i en anstrengt kraftsituasjon…
04.12.2023 kl 22:17
Jøss!! Den har falt mer enn 150% altså? Jøss!...... Finner du feilen?
05.12.2023 kl 16:59
Takk til Klimanytt! Dette hadde jeg ikke fått med meg.
Kontraktene til Heimdall Power kommer på løpende bånd. Senest for en uke siden. Nå kontrakt med fire aktører bare i Tyskland:
Heimdall Power welcomes its fourth customer in Germany
Another German DSO will now use Heimdall DLR to perform Dynamic Line Rating in their power grid. With this new contract Heimdall Power is strengthening its presence in Germany even further, adding another name to our growing list of German customers.
Read also: Heimdall Power and TenneT TSO GmbH expand collaboration
In total, Heimdall Power is now working with 4 German grid operators, including TenneT TSO GmbH, Statwerke München and Pfalzwerke Netz.
Read also: Heimdall Power deepens cooperation with SWM Infrastruktur GmbH
Neurons will soon be on their way to Germany, where they will enable Heimdall DLR. Heimdall DLR is our world-leading solution for Dynamic Line Rating, where the powers of state-of-the-art software and sensors are unlocking unprecedented benefits in power grids across 16 countries.
Iver Endresen, Head of Sales at Heimdall Power, commented the new company’s newest deal in the following manner:“We are very happy to welcome this very important DSO in Germany as a new Heimdall Power customer. I am confident that our Heimdall DLR will help them increase the transmission capacity by a significant margin.”
“We are very happy to welcome this very important DSO in Germany as a new Heimdall Power customer. I am confident that our Heimdall DLR will help them increase the transmission capacity in their grid significantly."
Iver Endresen, Head of Sales, Heimdall Power
Kontraktene til Heimdall Power kommer på løpende bånd. Senest for en uke siden. Nå kontrakt med fire aktører bare i Tyskland:
Heimdall Power welcomes its fourth customer in Germany
Another German DSO will now use Heimdall DLR to perform Dynamic Line Rating in their power grid. With this new contract Heimdall Power is strengthening its presence in Germany even further, adding another name to our growing list of German customers.
Read also: Heimdall Power and TenneT TSO GmbH expand collaboration
In total, Heimdall Power is now working with 4 German grid operators, including TenneT TSO GmbH, Statwerke München and Pfalzwerke Netz.
Read also: Heimdall Power deepens cooperation with SWM Infrastruktur GmbH
Neurons will soon be on their way to Germany, where they will enable Heimdall DLR. Heimdall DLR is our world-leading solution for Dynamic Line Rating, where the powers of state-of-the-art software and sensors are unlocking unprecedented benefits in power grids across 16 countries.
Iver Endresen, Head of Sales at Heimdall Power, commented the new company’s newest deal in the following manner:“We are very happy to welcome this very important DSO in Germany as a new Heimdall Power customer. I am confident that our Heimdall DLR will help them increase the transmission capacity by a significant margin.”
“We are very happy to welcome this very important DSO in Germany as a new Heimdall Power customer. I am confident that our Heimdall DLR will help them increase the transmission capacity in their grid significantly."
Iver Endresen, Head of Sales, Heimdall Power
05.12.2023 kl 17:13
Heimdal er spennende og Saga eier 22 %. Selskapet er like spennende om det på børs eller ei, men du hevder at det er en pengemaskin. Det synes jeg du skal dokumentere! Kjenner du omsetningen i 2023?
The Observer
05.12.2023 kl 20:37
Hvis Heimdall er lønnsom og lovende, burde vel Saga øke eierskapet.
07.12.2023 kl 14:27
Ny avtale for Heimdall i dag:
German TSO will use Heimdall HEALTH to perform ice monitoring.
Starting this winter, Amprion will instrument multiple lines with Neurons from Heimdall Power, enabling them to use Heimdall HEALTH to do precise ice monitoring of their overhead lines in the Western region of Germany.
Read also: Heimdall Power and TenneT TSO GmbH expands collaboration
The new contract comes on top of last week’s signing with a German DSO, which means that Heimdall Power now is working with five different grid companies in Germany.
Read also: Heimdall Power signs new contract with German DSO
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO at Heimdall Power, made the following statement upon the signing of the new contract:
“I'm thrilled to see that we are experiencing continued growth in Germany, and very happy to welcome our friends at Amprion to the Heimdall Power family. Amprion is one of the four German TSOs and a leading grid operator in Europe. We are looking forward to establish our collaboration with them in the coming months and years.”
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO Heimdall Power
German TSO will use Heimdall HEALTH to perform ice monitoring.
Starting this winter, Amprion will instrument multiple lines with Neurons from Heimdall Power, enabling them to use Heimdall HEALTH to do precise ice monitoring of their overhead lines in the Western region of Germany.
Read also: Heimdall Power and TenneT TSO GmbH expands collaboration
The new contract comes on top of last week’s signing with a German DSO, which means that Heimdall Power now is working with five different grid companies in Germany.
Read also: Heimdall Power signs new contract with German DSO
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO at Heimdall Power, made the following statement upon the signing of the new contract:
“I'm thrilled to see that we are experiencing continued growth in Germany, and very happy to welcome our friends at Amprion to the Heimdall Power family. Amprion is one of the four German TSOs and a leading grid operator in Europe. We are looking forward to establish our collaboration with them in the coming months and years.”
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO Heimdall Power
09.12.2023 kl 20:40
Hovedfokuset til saga pure siste året har vært å selge Heimdall Power (dette sier de selv).
04.01.2024 kl 16:24
Heimdal drifter vel seg selv, Saga er bare en minoritetsaksjonær i dette selskapet. Lurer på om det f.t. overhodet skjer noe i Saga. Styret, som skal være et av Norges mest kompetente, synes å ha lagt seg på feil strategi. De sitter stort sett passiv og venter på et børskrasj hvor de så kan gå inn og kjøpe "stressed assets" på billigsalg, men foreløpig synes dette krasjet et stykke unna. I mellomtiden synes pengebingen å gjøre svært lite nytte for seg, med mindreavkastning i forhold til børsutviklingen. Kanskje det er bedre, med den minimale aktiviteten selskapet har, at man legger ned og deler ut midlene til selskapets aksjonærer. Dette burde gi ca 1,90 pr aksje, inkl. Heimdal posten.
04.01.2024 kl 19:03
Heimdall power nå også i Asia. Første kontrakt i USA kom juni 2023. Klart dette er bra for Saga Pure siden suksess i Heimdall gir bedre pris ved salg av eiendelen. Var snakk om børsnotering av Heimdall i 2022, men ble islagt da. Det kan bli aktuelt igjen og ikke sikkert Saga har solgt innen dette skjer. Tiden vil vise.
Malaysian TSO Tenaga Nasional Berhad to use Heimdall DLR for Dynamic Line Rating
We at Heimdall Power are thrilled to announce our first ever trial project in Asia, as we team up with Tenaga Nasional Berhad in Malaysia for a trial project on Dynamic Line Rating. Starting later this month, Tenaga will use both Virtual and Physical Neurons from Heimdall Power to perform Heimdall DLR, our world-leading DLR service.
Read also: Heimdall Power signs contract with German TSO Amprion
A batch of Physical Neurons will soon be on their way to Asia, where they will be deployed on multiple overhead transmission lines in Malaysia.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the largest listed utility company in southeast Asia. Covering 21,000 kilometers of grid, they are responsible for safe power delivery to more than 10 million customers in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Lauban.
Read also: Heimdall Power closes first deal in Poland
This exciting, new agreement means that Heimdall Power soon will be operating in 17 countries across three continents, in a year where Heimdall Power Inc. already opened their accounts in the U.S.
Jørgen Festervoll, Heimdall Power CEO, is thrilled about the company’s newest contract:
“I am very happy to end this great year with opening yet another continent of operations for Heimdall Power. Tenaga is one of the leading utilities in Asia, and we look forward to establishing a strong collaboration with them over the coming months and years.”
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO Heimdall Power
Malaysian TSO Tenaga Nasional Berhad to use Heimdall DLR for Dynamic Line Rating
We at Heimdall Power are thrilled to announce our first ever trial project in Asia, as we team up with Tenaga Nasional Berhad in Malaysia for a trial project on Dynamic Line Rating. Starting later this month, Tenaga will use both Virtual and Physical Neurons from Heimdall Power to perform Heimdall DLR, our world-leading DLR service.
Read also: Heimdall Power signs contract with German TSO Amprion
A batch of Physical Neurons will soon be on their way to Asia, where they will be deployed on multiple overhead transmission lines in Malaysia.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the largest listed utility company in southeast Asia. Covering 21,000 kilometers of grid, they are responsible for safe power delivery to more than 10 million customers in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Lauban.
Read also: Heimdall Power closes first deal in Poland
This exciting, new agreement means that Heimdall Power soon will be operating in 17 countries across three continents, in a year where Heimdall Power Inc. already opened their accounts in the U.S.
Jørgen Festervoll, Heimdall Power CEO, is thrilled about the company’s newest contract:
“I am very happy to end this great year with opening yet another continent of operations for Heimdall Power. Tenaga is one of the leading utilities in Asia, and we look forward to establishing a strong collaboration with them over the coming months and years.”
Jørgen Festervoll, CEO Heimdall Power
04.01.2024 kl 21:35
Så hvorfor valgte Saga å skrive ned verdien av Heimdall med 35 mill i Q3?