☝️$$$PGS$$$ 🎉TraderFesjå. "the 300" vil ha den til 7,7✨️

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
01.06.2024 kl 08:24
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Slettet bruker
PGS 23.11.2023 kl 14:58 529838

Hvor mange handelstimer tar det?
Redigert 11.01.2024 kl 10:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.03.2024 kl 08:02 11204

Hvordan blir vi kompensert for utbyttene tro? Endret "vekslingskurs"?
26.03.2024 kl 08:10 11165

Kontant vederlag ved konventering
26.03.2024 kl 08:59 11120

UBS passerer 10% i PGS

We would like to inform you that UBS Group AG has crossed above 10%


26.03.2024 kl 09:24 11080

Det er korrekt.
Ser for meg at det blir utbetaling av både Q4 2023 og Q1 2024 på tilnærmet samme tid i begynnelsen av juni (for de som har sittet med PGS aksjer gjennom perioden etter ekstraordinær GF i begynnelsen av des. 2023). Blir hyggelige feriepenger det :)
Så er jeg jo spent på hva utbytteutbetalingene blir fremover i det nye selskapet. Det ble vel nevnt at man ønsket å intensivere tilbakekjøp, og det kan nok påvirke utbytteutbetalingene noe. Vi får se.
26.03.2024 kl 10:14 10879

Litt feriepenger fra utbytte etter konvertering av Peggy,s til Teggys Newborn er flott. Håper at det blir tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer i Newborn AS For å få opp verdiene i aksjen 😊🚢🚢⛴⛴🦅🦅🌬🌬☃️☃️🐣🐣
26.03.2024 kl 17:08 10368

En halv børsdag har Peggy på seg til å stige Nordover over 8 …….. før Påske 🐣
26.03.2024 kl 17:15 10351

Ift omregningsfaktoren så ligger det em grei oppside i PGS nå. Sannsynligheten for at konkurransetilsynet ikke godkjenner en fusjon må vel sies å være liten. Neste børsuke er vi i april, just saying.. Selv har jeg nå solgt halvparten i TGS og gått inn med dette i PGS grunnet differansen.
26.03.2024 kl 21:18 10106

Ja det er mest lønnsomt å eie Peggys nå. Har kun hatt Peggys. Med rabatten som kommer med konverteringen over til TGS Newco så er det medt lønnsomt nå. Så har bare økt i PGS.
26.03.2024 kl 23:06 10008

Du solgte først pgs for å kjøpe tgs og nå er du tilbake. Smart du
27.03.2024 kl 09:41 9521

Åtte får sitte på potte ……….. 😊 Nu e det Påske 🐣 Go Påske 🐣🐣🐣🚢🚢🚢⛴⛴⛴🦅🦅🦅☃️☃️☃️🌬🌬🌬
27.03.2024 kl 11:26 9328

Det må letes, letes og letes igjen
Supersyklus, Yes!

27.03.2024 11:12:16
BREAKINGVIEWS-Liquid gas angst seeps from consumers to producers
(The authors are Reuters Breakingviews columnists. The opinions expressed are their own. Refiles to add hyperlinks throughout.)

By Yawen Chen and George Hay
LONDON, March 27 (Reuters Breakingviews) - A few years
ago, it was much better to sell liquefied natural gas than to
buy it. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022
caused the price of European gas to spike to over 300 euros per
megawatt hour (MWh), 15 times its long-term level before 2021.
As gas producers crank up supply, the second half of the decade
is likely to see a better time for consumers – and an edgier
period for companies extracting the fossil fuel.
The world currently consumes 2.9 billion metric tons (4 trillion cubic metres) of natural gas a year. Of that about 400 million metric tons, or 14%, gets turned into liquefied natural gas (LNG). The process involves cooling natural gas in special liquefaction facilities to minus 162 degrees Celsius, thereby condensing its volume by 600 times. The resulting liquid is portable enough to ship around the world to an importing country, where it is returned to its gaseous state and used to fuel factories and heat homes.

In the gas industry, LNG is where the growth is. Shell , the world's largest trader of the stuff, expects global supply to grow at a 3.6% compound annual rate until 2040, while gas delivered by pipeline will shrink by 0.2% a year. After the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, LNG’s share of European gas supply jumped from 19% to 33% as countries shifted away from Russian pipelines.

Producers are responding to rising demand and higher prices. Qatar and the United States, which along with Australia produced nearly two-thirds of the world’s LNG last year, are leading the charge. Shell thinks that overall supply could spike from 400 million metric tons to 600 million metric tons by 2030. Goldman Sachs analysts reckon capacity could increase by 45 million metric tons a year between 2025 and 2028, more than three times the average annual increase over the last four years. The United States and Qatar will account for nearly 70% of this, Jefferies estimates, with the emirate’s output likely to jump by 85% to over 140 million metric tons by the end of decade. That’s even after factoring in U.S. President Joe Biden’s January decision to pause pending and future export applications to study the fuel’s environmental impact, which could delay new U.S. projects.

To be sustainable, a massive surge in supply requires a similar increase in demand. Conveniently, Shell’s outlook sees global consumption of LNG rising to around 600 million metric tons a year by 2030, in line with its expectations for increased supply. U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil sees natural gas demand rising 25% by 2050. Much of that could come from Asia: Jefferies analysts reckon growing Asian economies will account for 70% of the increase in demand for LNG between 2022 and 2030.

Yet this lust for LNG is far from assured. According to Goldman, Asian consumption of the fossil fuel has grown by an annual average of just 18 million metric tons in recent years, even after excluding unusually low demand during the pandemic years of 2020 and 2022. That’s less than half the expected annual growth in supply after 2025. Jefferies analysts think global LNG demand by 2030 may be nearer 550 million metric tons — implying scope for a significant oversupply.

The fight against climate change may also intervene. If the world is to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the International Energy Agency reckons LNG consumption can only be around 300 million metric tons by 2050. If demand fails to keep up with supply, prices could tumble. Gas for immediate delivery in Europe currently costs 27 euros per MWh, but in the aftermath of the 2009 global financial crisis the price dipped to just 7 euros per MWh. During the pandemic in 2020 it fell to 3 euros per MWh. A slump would hurt Europe’s large oil and gas producers. Every decline in the gas price of 3 euros per MWh knocks around 1% to 1.5% off their 2025 cash flow from operations, Morgan Stanley calculates. For Norway’s Equinor the hit is 2%. French giant TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanné, meanwhile, requires prices around 25 euros per MWh to earn an acceptable 15% internal rate of return on his LNG projects.

Gas suppliers have some protection from the market’s gyrations. According to Shell, around two-thirds of LNG contracts are set over longer periods, rather than based on the spot price. That insulates suppliers. Qatar’s contracts tend to be harder for consumers to wriggle out of. They are also often pegged to the price of oil, which is currently high.

That protection only goes so far, though. The single biggest chunk of new LNG capacity coming onto the market is from the United States. U.S. suppliers are generally more exposed to spot prices, and Morgan Stanley analysts note that many of their contracts allow customers to cancel cargoes. Meanwhile, over 50% of the gas Qatar intends to supply from 2030 onwards is uncontracted, according to the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. Saad al-Kaabi, CEO of Qatar’s national gas group QatarEnergy, may be willing to take that risk. His production costs are lower than those of his rivals. He can therefore afford to add an extra 16 million metric tons to global supply, as he did at the end of February, in the knowledge that Qatar should still make money even if gas prices hit the deck.

A price slump could also prompt big price-sensitive Asian buyers like India and China to produce electricity with LNG, rather than coal. To fully displace coal in those two giant economies, global supplies of LNG would need to jump to 1.1 billion metric tons per year by 2050, Thunder Said Energy has calculated.

Yet even if demand disappoints, customers should benefit. Lower gas prices could lower energy costs for European companies and households by 2 trillion euros by 2028 compared to 2022, Goldman analysts reckon. By then, consumers’ LNG angst of the early 2020s will seem a distant memory.

27.03.2024 kl 13:10 9102

Noen jakter litt volum

11:34:00 7,747 600 000 OffBook On Exchange
27.03.2024 kl 22:31 8573

Blir det utbytter umiddelbart etter fusjonen? Første Q etter?
27.03.2024 kl 23:33 8464

Eni announced yesterday company had made a discovery on its Murene 1x exploration well offshore Côte d’Ivoire. The well encountered light oil, gas and condensates. Preliminary assessments indicate potential resources ranging between 1-1.5bn barrels of oil equivalent. We view news as positive for PGS which has several multiclient surveys offshore Côte d’Ivoire. The discovery was made in block CI-205 where water depth is around 2,200 meters. Well is approx. 45 kilometers off the coast.

28.03.2024 kl 13:36 8298

50% oppside her ennå, så vil det nye, NewCo sette kursen videre etterhvert, mot 250 kroner og supre utbytter pr. kvartal


Oljen dytter på oppover

01.04.2024 kl 09:54 7229

Wow!!! Shearwater har lagt inn bud på PGS til 23 kr pr aksje. Dette er helt vilt….

01.04.2024 kl 10:28 7158

Synd det var idag.
01.04.2024 kl 11:06 7139

Glæd dig til i morgen.
01.04.2024 kl 11:26 7164

stemmer dette ?
01.04.2024 kl 11:35 7194

Kommer ofte ‘for godt til å være sant tilbud’ på denne dagen.
01.04.2024 kl 11:43 7251

hufff, ble lurt noen minutter
01.04.2024 kl 14:52 6950

He he ja det hadde jo vært interessant. Hadde blitt en børsverdi underkant av 22 milliarder.
Uansett vil ting tilspisse seg utover og Pgs er fortsatt i spill. Kan kjøpes men da bør man være raskt ute før fusjon blir en realitet.
Med den flåteverdien, fremtige inntekter med det fremførbare underskuddet som kan utnyttes så kan alt skje.
PS. Tar også imot bud på 17 kr
01.04.2024 kl 18:54 6601

Ser nå at Ramform Tethys er i bevegelse igjen,vi får håpe at den skal i gang med en jobb igjen?
Bare en uke til forhånds tallene kommer nå. 9 April.
La oss håpe de overgår forventningene..🙏🤞🤞

Redigert 01.04.2024 kl 19:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.04.2024 kl 19:32 6546

01.04.2024 kl 22:04 6351

Auda, han snur igjen.
01.04.2024 kl 23:08 6162

"Sea trials" så ikke så veldig rart...
01.04.2024 kl 23:31 6138

antok det.
02.04.2024 kl 09:28 5625

Shorted holder fast, nå taper de penger.
02.04.2024 kl 10:15 5445

Hyggelig utvikling, ikke uventet

Fint og se at det også er flere kjøpsanbefalinger med OVERVEKT

More to come
02.04.2024 kl 12:12 5074

0 problem, Bmwx1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03.04.2024 kl 06:46 4224

Hentet fra DN.no i dag :

«Tro på gode tider sender oljeprisen opp
Oljeprisen er på det høyeste siden i fjor høst. Analytiker mener prisene er drevet av et stramt marked med fallende oljelagre og høy etterspørsel, ikke krig og uro.»

Det må letes fremover ….. Seismikk og ikke minst fortrinn å ha oppgradert flåte …, TGS Newco AS. Får en meget god posisjon dersom fusjon (som jeg tror går fint) hvis ikke er PGS uansett en kommende gullkalv.
Energisikkerhet og økende behov 🚢🚢⛴️⛴️
03.04.2024 kl 07:07 4179

PGS Commences MultiClient 3D Survey to Unlock Hydrocarbon and Carbon Storage Potential in Penyu Basin, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia
April 3, 2024, Oslo, Norway: PGS, a fully integrated marine geophysical company,
together with its joint venture consortium partners, TGS and SLB have
successfully commenced a MultiClient 3D seismic project located in the Penyu
Basin, offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

The Ramform Sovereign vessel was mobilized to the acquisition area in March
2024 and the area coverage is approximately 7,800 square kilometers. Acquisition
completion is anticipated in July 2024, and processing completion is projected
for June 2025.

In partnership with Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), PETRONAS, the custodian
of petroleum resources in Malaysia, this project aims to provide insights on the
exploration opportunities in a broader play fairway and to assess the carbon
storage potential across Penyu Basin area. The acquisition of this new seismic
data will enable clients to effectively conduct evaluation on the exploration
and carbon storage potential for the upcoming Malaysia Bid Round.

"We are very pleased on the commencement of the Penyu basin MultiClient 3D
seismic program together with our JV partners, extending the acquisition
campaign for the Ramform Sovereign into the second half of the year. This survey
marks a change in how clients use newly acquired MultiClient seismic data. In
addition to the traditional oil and gas exploration activities, this data will
be used to facilitate assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) potential.
By acquiring MultiClient seismic data with our Ramform vessels and GeoStreamer
technology we will provide high quality regional scale seismic data that will
improve regional understanding of the subsurface," says Rune Olav Pedersen,
President & CEO in PGS.

"The Penyu Basin is one of Southeast Asia's most exciting yet underexplored
frontier exploration hotspots, with the potential of uncovering new exploration
plays and CCS opportunities. We are pleased to be able to collaborate with MPM
and our JV partners to spearhead exploration in this region through a state-of
the-art GeoStreamer MultiClient 3D acquisition program. We continue to increase
our footprint across Malaysia as it develops into a key part of our MultiClient
seismic data library, and together with our partners, we look forward to
delivering high-quality seismic data across Malaysia and the Penyu Basin," says
Kristian Johansen, CEO in TGS.

((This project was not included in the PGS Q4 2023 order book of $366 million,
but it was included in the booked positions as of mid-February. PGS announces
contract awards and MultiClient projects as stock exchange releases if the
contract has a value of $10 million or more, MultiClient projects with a
duration of 2 months or more and strategically important contracts.))
