høyere utilisation og høyere utbytte

NORAM 28.11.2023 kl 13:34 3098

Jeg tror at noram rapporterer høyere utbytte og høyere utilisationneste uke.
Bra kjøpsmulighet rundt 40 kr.
09.01.2024 kl 17:38 877

Fine saker i kveldens melding Utbytte også denne måneden

NorAm Drilling AS – Monthly rig update and key information relating to increased cash distribution for January 2024
Oslo, Norway, January 9, 2024

Commercial update:

In December 2023, the Company’s 11 drilling rigs achieved an average operating day rate of approximately USD 26,500 and rig utilization was 87%.

As of January 9, 2024, approximately 87% of available rig days in January are contracted at an average operating day rate of approximately USD 26,400. The contracted backlog beyond January is approximately USD 11.9 million with an average daily operating rate of approximately USD 26,500.

Currently 10 of 11 rigs are contracted and working. We will keep the remaining idle rig warm stacked and expect activity to pick up going forward.

Cash distribution:

The Board of Directors approved today an increased monthly cash distribution of approximately USD 2.2 million for January 2024. The distribution will be made from the Company's Contributed Surplus account which consists of previously paid in share premium transferred from the Company's Share Premium account.

Key information:

Distribution amount: USD 0.05 per share

Declared currency: US$. Payment to shares registered with Euronext VPS will be distributed in NOK

Date of approval: January 9, 2024

Last day including right: January 15, 2024

Ex-date: January 16, 2024

Record date: January 17, 2024

Payment date: On or about January 22, 2024

For further queries, please contact:
Marius Furuly, Director of IR and Strategy
Tel: +47 90626191
05.01.2024 kl 11:20 1170

og lagrene faller videre

USA: Oljelagrene falt sist uke
De amerikanske råoljelagrene falt med 5,5 millioner fat i forrige uke til 431,1 millioner fat.

Det viser statistikk fra Det amerikanske energidepartementets statistikkfløy, EIA, torsdag.

På forhånd var det ventet at lagrene skulle være ned 3,7 millioner fat, ifølge Trading Economics.

Tallene fra API onsdag kveld viste en nedgang i råoljelagrene på 7,4 millioner fat forrige uke.

05.01.2024 kl 10:20 1233

NORAM har i dag 3 kjøpsanbefalinger

1 med KJØP og 2 med OVERVEKT

snitt kursmål er 60 kroner

NorAm betaler utbytte hver måned, alt skal ut til aksjonærene, sier Freddy

Spennende for 2024
04.01.2024 kl 11:48 1445

10 av 11 rigger i arbeid i desember
spennende om nr 11 er på vei inn, det tror jeg skjer anytime

og utbytte skal justeres oppover igjen,
det samme skal aksjekursen, som jo var rundt 65 kroner tidlig i 2023
02.01.2024 kl 07:16 1684

Det nærmer seg ny rapport om utilisation og utbytte.
Guiding: 88%utilisation og 26500$ i rate
08.12.2023 kl 09:09 2080

Oslo, Norway, December 7, 2023

Commercial update:

In November 2023, the Company’s 11 drilling rigs achieved an average operating day rate of approximately USD 26,800 and rig utilization was 77%.

As of December 7, 2023, approximately 88% of available rig days in December are contracted at an average operating day rate of approximately USD 26,500. The contracted backlog beyond December is approximately USD 13.9 million with an average daily operating rate of approximately USD 26,500.

Currently 9 of 11 rigs are contracted and working. One rig will begin mobilizing under a new contract in mid-December. We will keep the remaining idle rig warm stacked and expect activity to pick up in early 2024.

Cash distribution:

The Board of Directors approved today a monthly cash distribution of USD 1.7 million or USD $0.04 per share for December 2023. The distribution will be made from the Company’s Contributed Surplus account which consists of previously paid in share premium transferred from the Company’s Share Premium account.

Key information:

Distribution amount: USD $0.04 per share

Declared currency: US$. Payment to shares registered with Euronext VPS will be distributed in NOK
06.12.2023 kl 14:08 2389

Da er kursen under 40. Hvor langt sør før den snur? Kan den se lavt 30-tall i løpet av 2024?
05.12.2023 kl 09:12 2561

NorAm Drilling - Investorpresentasjon (Q2 2023)
NorAm Drilling - Q&A (Q2 2023)
28.11.2023 kl 15:25 3005

Når rig count synker øker antallet ledige rigger. Det legger press på ratene. Hvorfor ser du for deg at roam skal rapportere høyere util og høyere utbytte?