Quebec's søken etter Energi
Hydro-quebec som er eid av Quebec søker etter enrgikilder.
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10 år? Snart 20 år gutten min.
12.05.2024 kl 18:31
I går kl 15:45
Operating & Financial
At Kakwa Central, the last of three wells spud this month and, subject to completions and tie-ins, will likely be on
stream for the fourth quarter. Until then, we expect our production volumes to decline naturally. Reflecting this
decline, our production volumes for the quarter decreased by under 10% over the same period last year and
averaged approximately 1,700 boe/d.
Lower commodity prices and production contributed to lower revenue and adjusted funds flow from operations
in the period. We generated $3 million in adjusted funds flow from operations compared to $4.3 million last year.
Net of capital investment of $2.6 million, we nominally increased our working capital surplus of mainly cash to
just over $30 million.
Quarterly Financial Information
Mar 31 Dec 31 Sept 30 June 30
($ thousands, except as noted) 2024 2023 2023 2023
Production (boe/d) 1,664 1,794 1,830 1,978
Average Realized Price ($/boe) 59.43 59.04 63.71 59.46
Petroleum and Natural Gas Revenue 8,998 9,743 10,725 10,702
Adjusted Funds Flow from Operations 2,973 3,209 3,034 5,335
Net Income (Loss) (175) (26,003) (337) 1,692
Basic and Diluted ($/share) – (0.06) – –
Capital Expenditures, net of acquisitions and dispositions 2,630 3,588 845 2,469
Working Capital Surplus 30,211 29,866 30,191 28,013
Total Assets 172,968 172,346 197,716 201,213
Shareholders' Equity 144,148 143,667 169,636 169,444
Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding
Basic (thousands) 428,516 428,516 428,516 428,516
Diluted (thousands) 428,516 428,516 428,516 431,100
I går kl 15:45
Operating & Financial
At Kakwa Central, the last of three wells spud this month and, subject to completions and tie-ins, will likely be on
stream for the fourth quarter. Until then, we expect our production volumes to decline naturally. Reflecting this
decline, our production volumes for the quarter decreased by under 10% over the same period last year and
averaged approximately 1,700 boe/d.
Lower commodity prices and production contributed to lower revenue and adjusted funds flow from operations
in the period. We generated $3 million in adjusted funds flow from operations compared to $4.3 million last year.
Net of capital investment of $2.6 million, we nominally increased our working capital surplus of mainly cash to
just over $30 million.
Quarterly Financial Information
Mar 31 Dec 31 Sept 30 June 30
($ thousands, except as noted) 2024 2023 2023 2023
Production (boe/d) 1,664 1,794 1,830 1,978
Average Realized Price ($/boe) 59.43 59.04 63.71 59.46
Petroleum and Natural Gas Revenue 8,998 9,743 10,725 10,702
Adjusted Funds Flow from Operations 2,973 3,209 3,034 5,335
Net Income (Loss) (175) (26,003) (337) 1,692
Basic and Diluted ($/share) – (0.06) – –
Capital Expenditures, net of acquisitions and dispositions 2,630 3,588 845 2,469
Working Capital Surplus 30,211 29,866 30,191 28,013
Total Assets 172,968 172,346 197,716 201,213
Shareholders' Equity 144,148 143,667 169,636 169,444
Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding
Basic (thousands) 428,516 428,516 428,516 428,516
Diluted (thousands) 428,516 428,516 428,516 431,100
Redigert 12.05.2024 kl 18:32
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Stemmer det Med minus 175.000 CAD som resultat så blir det fort trangt i døra i morgen. Vi får håpe på det beste men jeg frykter det verste.
Redigert 12.05.2024 kl 19:51
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Du bliver slemt skuffet, når dit ultra lave kursmål igen slår fejl, men i bund og grund er det vel ligegyldigt for dig, når du alligevel ikke ejer aktier i QEC.
.........kom nu frisk, ejer du aktier eller ejer du ikke aktier i QEC, eller er du bare sortseeren, som elsker at komme med negative kommentarer i alle tråde?
.........kom nu frisk, ejer du aktier eller ejer du ikke aktier i QEC, eller er du bare sortseeren, som elsker at komme med negative kommentarer i alle tråde?
Hvorfor spørger du egentlig, når du kender svaret?
Ja, det ser netop godt ud, når de nye wells kommer i produktion!!
Redigert 12.05.2024 kl 20:07
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12.05.2024 kl 20:09
Er det must å være tynn for å være idiot?😊
Redigert 12.05.2024 kl 20:09
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Men når man har 250.000.000 i banken fra før, så er det liten grunn til panikk. Det vesle underskuddet i Q1 er utgifter til inntekts erverv. Altså til å spudde tre nye brønner. Enhver med noenlunde økonomisk forståelse vil kunne forstå det. Altså vil det ikke være noe katastrofalt fall i kursen i morra. Synes det er trist at masse feilinformasjon får lov til å florere.
Jeg er helt enig med tynnidioten at kursen vil bevege seg smått nedover i løpet av uka. Men tøvet ditt med 1,20 - og katastrofevarsler for en ubetydelig kvartalsunderskudd, som attpåtil skyldes investering i høyere driftsinntekter, blir rett og slett for dumt.
Jeg er helt enig med tynnidioten at kursen vil bevege seg smått nedover i løpet av uka. Men tøvet ditt med 1,20 - og katastrofevarsler for en ubetydelig kvartalsunderskudd, som attpåtil skyldes investering i høyere driftsinntekter, blir rett og slett for dumt.
12.05.2024 kl 20:45
For noe tull, vi driter vel i disse resultatene i disse mnd. Er ikke dette vi er ute etter. Om det vil være slike tullinger som du som selger om du har 20 000 aksjer så får du gjøre det. For mye skriving her inne som folk egentlig ikke er interessert i!
meskar skrev Er det must å være tynn for å være idiot?😊
Tynn har sin bakgrunn i at jeg var (og er) langsiktig (25 år) aksjonær iThinfilm.
12.05.2024 kl 21:32
Jaja. Da forstår jeg. Du har mye penger og håper å leve lenge eller kanskje du tilogmed er veldig ung?
12.05.2024 kl 21:54
meskar skrev Er det must å være tynn for å være idiot?😊
Redigert 12.05.2024 kl 21:58
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12.05.2024 kl 22:00
25 år som aksjonær i ThinFilm har vel vært en særdeles vellykket investering......
Har du tellingen på alle emisjoner i løpet av de siste 25 år?
Har du tellingen på alle emisjoner i løpet av de siste 25 år?
Nei, men aksjen har falt 99,97%.
Noen sier at man skal være langsiktig/tålmodig.
Noen sier at man skal være langsiktig/tålmodig.
13.05.2024 kl 00:29
Hvorfor skal kursen ned når det bare kansje er dager til vi får en bekreftelse på at energipolitikken i Qubec og Canada skal endres til å inkludere naturgass? Vi har en av de største triggerene rett forann nesen så mener dere kursen skal ned?Mange her inne med dags perspektiv på qec skjønner jeg.
QEC (Neutral, tp NOK 2.4) – Q1 24 as expected, positive pipeline opening, Quebec upside still alive
Q1 financials as expected: After market close on Friday, Questerre reported Q1 24 EBITDA and recurring net income of CAD 2.4m and CAD -0.2. That was roughly in line with our forecast of CAD 2.2m and CAD -0.5m. Average realised price was above our forecast (driven by gas price realisations), partially offset by 7% higher production unit costs that we had modelled. Net cash of CAD 35.9m was above our estimate of USD 34.4m due lower capex and marginally higher EBITDA than we had modelled. Overall, we view Questerre’s Q1 24 financials as a neutral data point.
Share price reflects value of production, not net cash and future opportunities: Along with its effort to pursue compensation for its gas discovery in Quebec, the company has over the past few quarters increased its focus on CCS business opportunities. CEO Mike Binnion wrote Carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) is also important to our plans to build assets outside Quebec. We are exploring opportunities to develop zero-emissions projects using carbon storage with First Nations in Alberta”. In the short to medium term, we believe the key upside potential for the Questerre investment case a potential compensation for the loss of licence and/or lost NPV for its Lowlands project in Quebec. The current share price discounts the value of the conventional assets but does not assign any value to net cash, potential compensation and CCS opportunities.
Trans Mountain pipeline commences commercial operations, spreads likely to narrow: Following the receipt of relevant permits, the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion started commercial operations in early May. The pipeline runs from Edmonton in Alberta to the West Coast. The expansion will increase the pipeline’s capacity by 590 kboe/d (up to 890 kboe/d) and probably narrow the spread between local Canadian benchmark prices and international crude prices as it improves Canadian oil producers’ access to export markets. While the commencement of commercial operations is positive, we also observe that some industry sources indicate infrastructure constraint at the port of Vancouver, which suggest the initial exports may be lower than the pipeline’s maximum capacity. Nevertheless, a lower discount to Canadian oil prices is likely over the next few months and quarters. That should, in our view, benefit the entire oil industry in Alberta.
Challenging to assess outcome of Quebec compensation: Questerre has previously reported that it is working on a damage report for the lowlands project in Quebec, where the company will require compensation for historical costs (CAD 160m, or NOK 2.9/sh unrisked and undiscounted) and loss of NPV. Regarding the latter, peer Utica Resources has filed a two-digit billion dollar claim to the Government in Quebec for the same reason. We have included the assets in Quebec at conservatively risked amount of NOK 1.0/share (historical cost of NOK 0.58/share and risked upside NPV loss of NOK 0.40/share). In a blue-sky scenario where the company gets compensated for historical costs and a USD 1/boe lost NPV, we estimate a total compensation of 10-11/share, illustrating the massive upside potential vs. the current share price of below NOK 2/share. At the current stage, we think it is difficult to have any conviction on the outcome of the judicial process, but we expect that the recent news may motivate some retail trading.
Q1 financials as expected: After market close on Friday, Questerre reported Q1 24 EBITDA and recurring net income of CAD 2.4m and CAD -0.2. That was roughly in line with our forecast of CAD 2.2m and CAD -0.5m. Average realised price was above our forecast (driven by gas price realisations), partially offset by 7% higher production unit costs that we had modelled. Net cash of CAD 35.9m was above our estimate of USD 34.4m due lower capex and marginally higher EBITDA than we had modelled. Overall, we view Questerre’s Q1 24 financials as a neutral data point.
Share price reflects value of production, not net cash and future opportunities: Along with its effort to pursue compensation for its gas discovery in Quebec, the company has over the past few quarters increased its focus on CCS business opportunities. CEO Mike Binnion wrote Carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) is also important to our plans to build assets outside Quebec. We are exploring opportunities to develop zero-emissions projects using carbon storage with First Nations in Alberta”. In the short to medium term, we believe the key upside potential for the Questerre investment case a potential compensation for the loss of licence and/or lost NPV for its Lowlands project in Quebec. The current share price discounts the value of the conventional assets but does not assign any value to net cash, potential compensation and CCS opportunities.
Trans Mountain pipeline commences commercial operations, spreads likely to narrow: Following the receipt of relevant permits, the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion started commercial operations in early May. The pipeline runs from Edmonton in Alberta to the West Coast. The expansion will increase the pipeline’s capacity by 590 kboe/d (up to 890 kboe/d) and probably narrow the spread between local Canadian benchmark prices and international crude prices as it improves Canadian oil producers’ access to export markets. While the commencement of commercial operations is positive, we also observe that some industry sources indicate infrastructure constraint at the port of Vancouver, which suggest the initial exports may be lower than the pipeline’s maximum capacity. Nevertheless, a lower discount to Canadian oil prices is likely over the next few months and quarters. That should, in our view, benefit the entire oil industry in Alberta.
Challenging to assess outcome of Quebec compensation: Questerre has previously reported that it is working on a damage report for the lowlands project in Quebec, where the company will require compensation for historical costs (CAD 160m, or NOK 2.9/sh unrisked and undiscounted) and loss of NPV. Regarding the latter, peer Utica Resources has filed a two-digit billion dollar claim to the Government in Quebec for the same reason. We have included the assets in Quebec at conservatively risked amount of NOK 1.0/share (historical cost of NOK 0.58/share and risked upside NPV loss of NOK 0.40/share). In a blue-sky scenario where the company gets compensated for historical costs and a USD 1/boe lost NPV, we estimate a total compensation of 10-11/share, illustrating the massive upside potential vs. the current share price of below NOK 2/share. At the current stage, we think it is difficult to have any conviction on the outcome of the judicial process, but we expect that the recent news may motivate some retail trading.
Tynde, du får sgu "credit" for at sende et positivt indlæg omkring QEC for en gangs skyld.
Det er kun et meglerhus som har noe med QEC å gjøre.
Det er kun et meglerhus som har noe med QEC å gjøre.
Hvorfor ?
Nå fikk du uansett bekreftet at kursen skulle ned. Tradisjonen tro.
Nå fikk du uansett bekreftet at kursen skulle ned. Tradisjonen tro.
The Observer
13.05.2024 kl 09:31
First quarter 2024 earnings released
First quarter 2024 results:
• Revenue: CA$7.95m (down 10% from 1Q 2023).
• Net loss: CA$175.0k (down 119% from profit in 1Q 2023).
Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 21% per year but the company’s share price has increased by 13% per year, which means it is well ahead of earnings.
First quarter 2024 results:
• Revenue: CA$7.95m (down 10% from 1Q 2023).
• Net loss: CA$175.0k (down 119% from profit in 1Q 2023).
Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 21% per year but the company’s share price has increased by 13% per year, which means it is well ahead of earnings.
Redigert 13.05.2024 kl 09:32
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13.05.2024 kl 09:43
Denne aksjen stinker, noen prøver desperat og skremme folk ut! Null omsetning og 2 skremmeposter på salg. Hvor dumme tror de egentlig folk er? Kjøper man for knapt en million så er plutselig aksjen med positivt fortegn. Her er det bare å sitte for det er tydelig ut ifra handelsmønsteret at noen ønsker seg inn.
Muligens skremmeposter...?
Eventuelt noen som sier nok er nok, dette gidder jeg ikke mere, life is too short!
Eventuelt noen som sier nok er nok, dette gidder jeg ikke mere, life is too short!
13.05.2024 kl 10:00
Og der var de to skremmepostene vekke… rart med det! Klassisk stoploss ran, der de prøvde på å trigge stoploss til folk med å dumpe en stor post for å så sette samtlige skremmeposter på salg, men det er åpenlyst så lite interesse for denne aksjen at de kom ingen vei med det… patetisk!
Redigert 13.05.2024 kl 10:00
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Pussig at ingen kjøper disse postene - hvis det er slik du sier.
Spirrevippen skriver jo at det er åpenlyst ingen interesse for aksjen...
Svært interessant det de sier her:
Share price reflects value of production, not net cash and future opportunities: Along with its effort to pursue compensation for its gas discovery in Quebec, the company has over the past few quarters increased its focus on CCS business opportunities. CEO Mike Binnion wrote Carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) is also important to our plans to build assets outside Quebec. We are exploring opportunities to develop zero-emissions projects using carbon storage with First Nations in Alberta”. In the short to medium term, we believe the key upside potential for the Questerre investment case a potential compensation for the loss of licence and/or lost NPV for its Lowlands project in Quebec. The current share price discounts the value of the conventional assets but does not assign any value to net cash, potential compensation and CCS opportunities.
Altså er analysen gjort UTEN å ta hensyn til netto kontanter (i størrelsesorden 250 mill) eller fremtidige inntekter i Quebec.
Share price reflects value of production, not net cash and future opportunities: Along with its effort to pursue compensation for its gas discovery in Quebec, the company has over the past few quarters increased its focus on CCS business opportunities. CEO Mike Binnion wrote Carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) is also important to our plans to build assets outside Quebec. We are exploring opportunities to develop zero-emissions projects using carbon storage with First Nations in Alberta”. In the short to medium term, we believe the key upside potential for the Questerre investment case a potential compensation for the loss of licence and/or lost NPV for its Lowlands project in Quebec. The current share price discounts the value of the conventional assets but does not assign any value to net cash, potential compensation and CCS opportunities.
Altså er analysen gjort UTEN å ta hensyn til netto kontanter (i størrelsesorden 250 mill) eller fremtidige inntekter i Quebec.
Klarer ikke å se 1,20 som noen spådde... Derimot ned 0,045 kr.
13.05.2024 kl 10:17
Slettet brukerskrev Cash is king imorgen, tipper ned mot 1,60.
Ender vi i plus idag?
13.05.2024 kl 10:22
Fikk en post på 25k til 1,68. Håper på mer.
Synd at de store salgspostene forduftet.
Synd at de store salgspostene forduftet.
13.05.2024 kl 11:23
Slettet brukerskrev Spirrevippen skriver jo at det er åpenlyst ingen interesse for aksjen...
Nu er det vist en diskussion på ord.
Jeg ved og mange andre sikkert også, hvad spirrevippen mener, når der skrives ingen interesse (salgs)
Jeg ved og mange andre sikkert også, hvad spirrevippen mener, når der skrives ingen interesse (salgs)
Slettet brukerskrev Njet, krystallkulen sier nå at vi slutter på 1,68.
Heldigvis er det et lavt volum - som normalt i aksjen. Ville blitt bekymra om omsetningen var i størrelsesorden 10 millioner. Husk at omsetninga rett etter 26/1 var på rundt 100 millioner. Og da i pluss. Oppgang på stort volum. Fall på lavt volum er i alle bøker positivt for aksjen på sikt.
Redigert 13.05.2024 kl 12:26
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13.05.2024 kl 13:20
Takk for du deler👍 Kred også fra meg, endelig et innlegg med god info om QEC, ikke minst også et positivt sådan👏
Takk for info.
13.05.2024 kl 14:18
Da var det tydeligvis ikke så dum strategi å selge på 1,8+ for så å kjøpe tilbake billigere. Selv om jeg ikke har mer enn 60k aksjer ;-)
Tænk at nogen overhovedet bruger tid på at købe og sælge for pebernødder, hvor det hele næsten bliver ædt op af kurtage!!
13.05.2024 kl 16:49
Ja, her blev rigtignok “trangt i døra”. Der blev handlet næsten to promille af selskabets aktier, og vi er nede med 2,78 %.
13.05.2024 kl 16:55
Sad også forgæves og ventede på 1.68 som der blev spået.
Ingen med indsigt i, hvad der kan komme, sælger nu.
Ingen med indsigt i, hvad der kan komme, sælger nu.
13.05.2024 kl 17:03
👍 jeg har flere aktier . End der er omsat idag
Dommedagsprofeterne må da kunne gøre det bedre. Så vi kan få flere og helst billige aktier
Dommedagsprofeterne må da kunne gøre det bedre. Så vi kan få flere og helst billige aktier
Redigert 13.05.2024 kl 17:22
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13.05.2024 kl 17:48
Er nok du, SPXL / Omo som er mest sur i dag siden QEC på syltynt volum knapt falt noe som helst. Resultatet var for de fleste som forventet og no big deal, alle venter på det som skal skje fremover, ny energilov juni og avklaring i løpet av året tror vel de fleste om QEC får pilot eller går all inn for erstatning. Ingen med litt aksjer som selger ned nå rett før en slik avgjørelse der mange også har sitter i 5-10 år.
Redigert 13.05.2024 kl 17:49
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Man tar det lille man får og putter i dåsa.blir penger av sånt.