Eastern Bank strikes deal with IDEX Biometrics
Jag har skrivit om detta några månader tidigare några skrattade att jag la in inlägget utan veta vad som pågår :-)
Jag har skrivit om detta några månader tidigare några skrattade att jag la in inlägget utan veta vad som pågår :-)
14.02.2024 kl 07:44
En dobling i 2024, burde flere selskap nyte godt av, ikke bare Idex
En dobling i 2024, burde flere selskap nyte godt av, ikke bare Idex
14.02.2024 kl 07:32
Skulle ikke en stor norsk bahk komme med dette snart.
Noen som vet noe?
Begynner å bli lei av koden min.
Noen som vet noe?
Begynner å bli lei av koden min.
14.02.2024 kl 07:14
Skulle ikke en stor norsk bahk komme med dette snart.
Noen som vet noe?
Begynner å bli lei av koden min.
Noen som vet noe?
Begynner å bli lei av koden min.
Felles er at de alle er verdens mest fattige stater uten betalingsevne, til nød billige Kina kopier, med unntak av høyteknologiske land som Japan-/ Korea som lider av en aldrede og synkende befolkning som ikke kjøper gammel utgående teknologi. Det er selvsagt lov å håpe hvis man først har puttet sparepengene sine i dette selskapet. Asia er alltid verdens største marked for investorer og spekulanter. Selv ville jeg aldri kjøpt en aksje om noen fortalte meg at dette er verdens største marked. Det blir for dumt.
Redigert 14.02.2024 kl 07:03
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14.02.2024 kl 06:04
Da vet vi at det er større ting på gang for Idex i folkerike stater som :
- Japan/Korea
- India
- Bangladesh
- Tyrkia
- Japan/Korea
- India
- Bangladesh
- Tyrkia
Det siste jeg hørte var at CEO var observert på en transatlantisk flyving på tur til USA. Rødvinsmarrinert i en Lufthansa lounge på en mellomlanding i Frankfurt. Gafflet i seg gryterett og grove scones før han skulle fly vidre på buisnessclass til Statene for å tegne nye store kontrakter. Det lyste dollars i øynene sies det. Etter det det skal han ganske sikkert til Asien og tegne enda større kontrakter. Det er klart at det er store ting på gang. Om ikke kursen stiger 30 prosent eller mye mere i morgen, så vet ikke jeg. Meldingen kommer sikkert i morgen ettermiddag norsk tid - rett rundt hjørnet . Tutt, tutt, toget går som man sier inne på dette hauseforumet. Ekstremt lite relevante oppdateringer - stort sett bare søppel og viss vass.
Redigert 14.02.2024 kl 03:47
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14.02.2024 kl 02:04
Pay. EBL customers will have the biometric metal cards in their hands by EARLY 2024.
A digital innovator bank in Bangladesh, EBL is consistently providing high-quality banking service.
Bør vel komme info om denne snart, mulig kursen gikk 30% fordi noen vet mer?
A digital innovator bank in Bangladesh, EBL is consistently providing high-quality banking service.
Bør vel komme info om denne snart, mulig kursen gikk 30% fordi noen vet mer?
Redigert 14.02.2024 kl 07:12
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13.02.2024 kl 23:07
Iom detta stämmer
These biometric cards are expected to start reaching bank consumers in the first quarter of 2024
Indien i Q1
IDEX Biometrics ASA and KL HI-TECH, a global card manufacturer and a prominent provider of secure printing products and smart cards for central and state governments, have joined forces to introduce biometric payment cards to the Indian market.
KL HI-TECH boasts an impressive annual production capacity of 36 million dual-interface payment cards and holds certifications in various ISO classes. Accredited by Visa, Mastercard, and RuPay, KL HI-TECH serves major banks across India and Asia.
These biometric cards are expected to start reaching bank consumers in the first quarter of 2024. The convergence of India’s thriving smart card market and the rapid adoption of biometrics presents a remarkable opportunity for these cutting-edge payment cards. IDEX Biometrics’ technology leadership and KL HI-TECH’s robust market positioning are poised to drive market adoption, benefiting consumers throughout India and Asia1.
These biometric cards are expected to start reaching bank consumers in the first quarter of 2024
Indien i Q1
IDEX Biometrics ASA and KL HI-TECH, a global card manufacturer and a prominent provider of secure printing products and smart cards for central and state governments, have joined forces to introduce biometric payment cards to the Indian market.
KL HI-TECH boasts an impressive annual production capacity of 36 million dual-interface payment cards and holds certifications in various ISO classes. Accredited by Visa, Mastercard, and RuPay, KL HI-TECH serves major banks across India and Asia.
These biometric cards are expected to start reaching bank consumers in the first quarter of 2024. The convergence of India’s thriving smart card market and the rapid adoption of biometrics presents a remarkable opportunity for these cutting-edge payment cards. IDEX Biometrics’ technology leadership and KL HI-TECH’s robust market positioning are poised to drive market adoption, benefiting consumers throughout India and Asia1.
Redigert 14.02.2024 kl 00:12
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01.01.2024 kl 15:06
12 Dec 2023
The Metal Payment Card competitive assessment by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research provides an in-depth, unbiased examination and ranking of ten prominent providers of Metal Payment Cards. The rankings are based on various chosen criteria, split into two overarching categories, covering implementation and innovation, including durability, design features/capabilities, security, sustainability, convergent technologies, global reach, product/service range, market share for overall and metal payment cards, and partnerships/customers. These criteria were identified as vital for the metal payment card market's continual market development and relevance. The companies evaluated and ranked are:
Market Leaders: CompoSecure, IDEMIA, and Thales
Mainstream: Giesecke+Devrient and BIOSMART
Followers: CPI Card Group, Kona I, Toppan, Thames Technology, and ICK
“Financial institutions are constantly competing to differentiate themselves from their competitors, which has placed the metal payment card as an offering in a prime position to provide a demonstrable physical and tangible value. The metal payment card has successfully carved out its own segment in the payment cards market by offering a secure and durable option for banks and their end-users, alongside the physical appeal,” explains Sam Gazeley, Digital Payment Technologies Analyst at ABI Research.
ABI Research ranked CompoSecure as the market leader in the assessment because it goes beyond metal. It combines Gorilla Glass's Lux Glass offering and Echo Mirror's mirror solution to supply banks with one-of-a-kind differentiated payment cards. This is supported by the fact that other vendors use their offerings to supply projects, ensuring a consistently strong level of business for CompoSecure.
IDEMIA ranked second on the overall scores and first in implementation through its strong presence in a wide range of countries, historically strong position in the payment card market, and its acquisition of X Core, reinforcing its range of innovative personalization options for metal payment cards.
Thales rounded out the market leaders, earning third place overall, ranking second in innovation, and third in implementation due to its strong portfolio of metal payment cards, alongside a well-established history of supplying EMV payment card projects in all regions. Thales has also made great strides in stainless steel and tungsten recycling, localized metal card production to reduce transport-linked carbon output, and recycling programs for issuer-led collection and recycling.
“It is evident that, as the metal payment card has become more commonly included in financial institutions’ payment card portfolios, vendors active in this space have had to rapidly develop compelling and attractive solutions to secure a place in this growing market segment, with the best innovators and implementers securing a wider share of the market,” Gazeley concludes.
These findings are from ABI Research’s Metal Payment Card competitive ranking report. This report is part of the company’s Digital Payment Technologies and Cybersecurity Applications research services, which include research, data, and ABI Insights. Competitive Ranking reports offer a comprehensive analysis of implementation strategies and innovation and market share analysis to offer unparalleled insight into a company’s performance and standing compared to its competitors.
Zwipe haft samarbete med CPI Card Group Inc.länge så vi få vänta hur det bli i framtiden. Nästan alla andra finns under IDEX.
sida 12
About ABI Research
The Metal Payment Card competitive assessment by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research provides an in-depth, unbiased examination and ranking of ten prominent providers of Metal Payment Cards. The rankings are based on various chosen criteria, split into two overarching categories, covering implementation and innovation, including durability, design features/capabilities, security, sustainability, convergent technologies, global reach, product/service range, market share for overall and metal payment cards, and partnerships/customers. These criteria were identified as vital for the metal payment card market's continual market development and relevance. The companies evaluated and ranked are:
Market Leaders: CompoSecure, IDEMIA, and Thales
Mainstream: Giesecke+Devrient and BIOSMART
Followers: CPI Card Group, Kona I, Toppan, Thames Technology, and ICK
“Financial institutions are constantly competing to differentiate themselves from their competitors, which has placed the metal payment card as an offering in a prime position to provide a demonstrable physical and tangible value. The metal payment card has successfully carved out its own segment in the payment cards market by offering a secure and durable option for banks and their end-users, alongside the physical appeal,” explains Sam Gazeley, Digital Payment Technologies Analyst at ABI Research.
ABI Research ranked CompoSecure as the market leader in the assessment because it goes beyond metal. It combines Gorilla Glass's Lux Glass offering and Echo Mirror's mirror solution to supply banks with one-of-a-kind differentiated payment cards. This is supported by the fact that other vendors use their offerings to supply projects, ensuring a consistently strong level of business for CompoSecure.
IDEMIA ranked second on the overall scores and first in implementation through its strong presence in a wide range of countries, historically strong position in the payment card market, and its acquisition of X Core, reinforcing its range of innovative personalization options for metal payment cards.
Thales rounded out the market leaders, earning third place overall, ranking second in innovation, and third in implementation due to its strong portfolio of metal payment cards, alongside a well-established history of supplying EMV payment card projects in all regions. Thales has also made great strides in stainless steel and tungsten recycling, localized metal card production to reduce transport-linked carbon output, and recycling programs for issuer-led collection and recycling.
“It is evident that, as the metal payment card has become more commonly included in financial institutions’ payment card portfolios, vendors active in this space have had to rapidly develop compelling and attractive solutions to secure a place in this growing market segment, with the best innovators and implementers securing a wider share of the market,” Gazeley concludes.
These findings are from ABI Research’s Metal Payment Card competitive ranking report. This report is part of the company’s Digital Payment Technologies and Cybersecurity Applications research services, which include research, data, and ABI Insights. Competitive Ranking reports offer a comprehensive analysis of implementation strategies and innovation and market share analysis to offer unparalleled insight into a company’s performance and standing compared to its competitors.
Zwipe haft samarbete med CPI Card Group Inc.länge så vi få vänta hur det bli i framtiden. Nästan alla andra finns under IDEX.
sida 12
About ABI Research
30.12.2023 kl 14:21
WEARABL er "vanlig" chip og pin i et annen formfaktor. Krever pin ved kjøp over ca 470 kroner.
Det tilbys også til premium kundene, men med en engangs-kost på 470 til 940 kroner.
Det tilbys også til premium kundene, men med en engangs-kost på 470 til 940 kroner.
Redigert 30.12.2023 kl 14:22
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30.12.2023 kl 11:17
Vem kan vara leverantör Zwipe ?
21 DEC-2023
Eastern Bank PLC. (EBL) has commercially launched its WEAREBL payment devices at a gala ceremony held at the bank’s head office in the Gulshan area of the city. EBL customers received their pre-booked WEAREBL devices during the ceremony. Earlier, in September 2023 EBL announced the introduction of the country’s first ever WEAREBL devices in collaboration with Visa and Mastercard.
WEAREBL devices in the forms of rings, phone grips, wristbands, fob sleeves are as good as credit cards but wearable by the customers in their daily lives. The setup process for WEAREBL devices is user-friendly and is seamlessly integrated with the customer’s EBL premium credit card. This contactless payment solution is designed to enhance a smooth and secure payment experience for customers.
Existing EBL Mastercard Titanium, World; Visa Platinum, Signature, and Infinite credit cardholders can book this device of choice for hassle-free transactions globally through EBL's extensive network of payment partners.
The commercial launching ceremony was attended by Ahmed Shaheen, Additional Managing Director and Head of Corporate Banking; M. Khorshed Anowar, DMD and Head of Retail and SME Banking; Zahidul Haque, Chief Technology Officer; Ahsan Ullah Chowdhury, Head of Digital Financial Services; Ziaul Karim, Head of Communications and External Affairs and Tasnim Hussain, Head of Cards from EBL among others.
Ahmed Shaheen said, “WEAREBL devices introduced by EBL signify a paradigm shift towards a hassle-free, secure, and efficient mode of conducting transactions. Crafted with precision and a commitment to seamlessly integrate into the lives of its customers, these wearable devices represent a significant advancement in the landscape of financial technology and inclusion.”
Caption: Customers with WEAREBL payment devices are seen with Ahmed Shaheen, Additional Managing Director and Head of Corporate Banking; M. Khorshed Anowar, DMD and Head of Retail and SME Banking; Zahidul Haque, Chief Technology Officer; Ahsan Ullah Chowdhury, Head of Digital Financial Services; Ziaul Karim, Head of Communications and External Affairs and Tasnim Hussain, Head of Cards from EBL.
Zwipe is selected by G+D Mobile Security to develop biometric wearable
TUE, SEP 17, 2019 09:37 CETReport this content
OSLO, NORWAY– 17 SEPTEMBER 2019 – Biometric technology company Zwipe has been selected by Giesecke + Devrient (G+D) Mobile Security, one of the world’s largest mobile and digital security providers to develop a biometric payment device with a view to pilot this technology with leading banks.
Speaking on the partnership with Zwipe, Gabrielle Bugat, Group Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Financial Services at G+D Mobile Security, said “We have selected Zwipe because of their proven ability to integrate biometrics with payment functionalities into an extremely space and energy-constrained environment,” adding “we are confident that this joint effort will help establish new opportunities in the emerging biometric payments marketplace.”
Zwipe will provide the technical design and core components for integration into a wearable device with the digital security provider integrating the payment platform and personalising the product for use as a payment solution.
Commenting on this commercial effort, André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe said “Our new customer, G+D is one of the world’s largest players in security solutions and we are excited to launch this collaboration.”
The joint development is commencing now, and the two parties plan to announce the start of any pilot when the product is ready for trials.
21 DEC-2023
Eastern Bank PLC. (EBL) has commercially launched its WEAREBL payment devices at a gala ceremony held at the bank’s head office in the Gulshan area of the city. EBL customers received their pre-booked WEAREBL devices during the ceremony. Earlier, in September 2023 EBL announced the introduction of the country’s first ever WEAREBL devices in collaboration with Visa and Mastercard.
WEAREBL devices in the forms of rings, phone grips, wristbands, fob sleeves are as good as credit cards but wearable by the customers in their daily lives. The setup process for WEAREBL devices is user-friendly and is seamlessly integrated with the customer’s EBL premium credit card. This contactless payment solution is designed to enhance a smooth and secure payment experience for customers.
Existing EBL Mastercard Titanium, World; Visa Platinum, Signature, and Infinite credit cardholders can book this device of choice for hassle-free transactions globally through EBL's extensive network of payment partners.
The commercial launching ceremony was attended by Ahmed Shaheen, Additional Managing Director and Head of Corporate Banking; M. Khorshed Anowar, DMD and Head of Retail and SME Banking; Zahidul Haque, Chief Technology Officer; Ahsan Ullah Chowdhury, Head of Digital Financial Services; Ziaul Karim, Head of Communications and External Affairs and Tasnim Hussain, Head of Cards from EBL among others.
Ahmed Shaheen said, “WEAREBL devices introduced by EBL signify a paradigm shift towards a hassle-free, secure, and efficient mode of conducting transactions. Crafted with precision and a commitment to seamlessly integrate into the lives of its customers, these wearable devices represent a significant advancement in the landscape of financial technology and inclusion.”
Caption: Customers with WEAREBL payment devices are seen with Ahmed Shaheen, Additional Managing Director and Head of Corporate Banking; M. Khorshed Anowar, DMD and Head of Retail and SME Banking; Zahidul Haque, Chief Technology Officer; Ahsan Ullah Chowdhury, Head of Digital Financial Services; Ziaul Karim, Head of Communications and External Affairs and Tasnim Hussain, Head of Cards from EBL.
Zwipe is selected by G+D Mobile Security to develop biometric wearable
TUE, SEP 17, 2019 09:37 CETReport this content
OSLO, NORWAY– 17 SEPTEMBER 2019 – Biometric technology company Zwipe has been selected by Giesecke + Devrient (G+D) Mobile Security, one of the world’s largest mobile and digital security providers to develop a biometric payment device with a view to pilot this technology with leading banks.
Speaking on the partnership with Zwipe, Gabrielle Bugat, Group Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Financial Services at G+D Mobile Security, said “We have selected Zwipe because of their proven ability to integrate biometrics with payment functionalities into an extremely space and energy-constrained environment,” adding “we are confident that this joint effort will help establish new opportunities in the emerging biometric payments marketplace.”
Zwipe will provide the technical design and core components for integration into a wearable device with the digital security provider integrating the payment platform and personalising the product for use as a payment solution.
Commenting on this commercial effort, André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe said “Our new customer, G+D is one of the world’s largest players in security solutions and we are excited to launch this collaboration.”
The joint development is commencing now, and the two parties plan to announce the start of any pilot when the product is ready for trials.
Redigert 30.12.2023 kl 11:30
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22.12.2023 kl 04:07
Det kan godt være rett at alle premium kunder får premium kort, det avhenger av markedet. I Norge tror jeg det er slik. I alle fall var det slik når jeg bodde i Norge og var PB kunde i en større bank og "premium" kortet kom i posten hvert år uten noen valg.
Der jeg bor idag er det ikke koblet på annen måte enn at man må være premium kunde for å kvalifisere for premium kort (fordi disse kortene har høy kreditt grense), men som premium kunde må du selv søke banken om premium kort og betale de 1000-5000 NOK per år kortet koster.
Bangladesh har jeg overhodet ingen innsikt i.
Der jeg bor idag er det ikke koblet på annen måte enn at man må være premium kunde for å kvalifisere for premium kort (fordi disse kortene har høy kreditt grense), men som premium kunde må du selv søke banken om premium kort og betale de 1000-5000 NOK per år kortet koster.
Bangladesh har jeg overhodet ingen innsikt i.
22.12.2023 kl 02:53
Ja, regnestykket er hvis alle Premium kundene får tilsendt biometriske kort når det gammle betalingskortet går ut på dato,
Som iTRAIDER bemerker utsender EBL Premium kort fra Visa, mastercard og Unionpay hvor dagens kortløsning foreløbig bare er godkjent av Mastercard, kortløsningen forventes Visa og Unionpay sertifisert om kort tid,
Vince forventet LOA fra Visa før jul men det ser dårlig ut.,tror derfor Idex kortløsning er ferdig EMV sertifisert innen Q1 og kortet vil da kunne gis til hele kundegruppen. Visa og Unionpay sertifiseringen utføres av tredjepart firma så vi vet ikke noe om når sertifiseringene er ferdig og LOA kan utsendes.
"Hvor stor andel av premium kundene som har premium kort har jeg ikke sett tall på"
- De tallene greier jeg ikke finne, så jeg tok meg den frihet å estimere alle premium kunder får utsendt premiumkort.
At andelen premiekunder er 15% er et røft estimat fra google hvor tallene stort sett varierer mellom 14-17%
Som iTRAIDER bemerker utsender EBL Premium kort fra Visa, mastercard og Unionpay hvor dagens kortløsning foreløbig bare er godkjent av Mastercard, kortløsningen forventes Visa og Unionpay sertifisert om kort tid,
Vince forventet LOA fra Visa før jul men det ser dårlig ut.,tror derfor Idex kortløsning er ferdig EMV sertifisert innen Q1 og kortet vil da kunne gis til hele kundegruppen. Visa og Unionpay sertifiseringen utføres av tredjepart firma så vi vet ikke noe om når sertifiseringene er ferdig og LOA kan utsendes.
"Hvor stor andel av premium kundene som har premium kort har jeg ikke sett tall på"
- De tallene greier jeg ikke finne, så jeg tok meg den frihet å estimere alle premium kunder får utsendt premiumkort.
At andelen premiekunder er 15% er et røft estimat fra google hvor tallene stort sett varierer mellom 14-17%
Redigert 22.12.2023 kl 03:44
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22.12.2023 kl 01:50
Regnestykket ditt forutsetter at alle premium-kundene får kort uten å be om det.
EBL har, som de fleste asiatiske banker, en mengde kreditt-kort alternativer med forskjellig betalings-nettverk og forskjellig profile på "fordelene". EBL tilbyr kundene 25 forskjellige kreditt-kort (16 forskjellige Visa, 6 MC, 2 Diners og 1 CUP). Ikke alle disse henvender seg til premium-kundene, noen er klare entry-level kort, men premium kundene har helt sikkert et valg mellom Visa, MC, Diners og CUP og i alle fall for Visa er det flere med "premium" profil.
Det som trekker den andre veien er at premium-kortene ofte skiftes hvert år. Hvor stor andel av premium kundene som har premium kort har jeg ikke sett tall på.
EBL har, som de fleste asiatiske banker, en mengde kreditt-kort alternativer med forskjellig betalings-nettverk og forskjellig profile på "fordelene". EBL tilbyr kundene 25 forskjellige kreditt-kort (16 forskjellige Visa, 6 MC, 2 Diners og 1 CUP). Ikke alle disse henvender seg til premium-kundene, noen er klare entry-level kort, men premium kundene har helt sikkert et valg mellom Visa, MC, Diners og CUP og i alle fall for Visa er det flere med "premium" profil.
Det som trekker den andre veien er at premium-kortene ofte skiftes hvert år. Hvor stor andel av premium kundene som har premium kort har jeg ikke sett tall på.
Redigert 22.12.2023 kl 01:54
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22.12.2023 kl 00:29
Er ikke så mye informasjon å hente, men vi kan ta et estimat
Eastern Bank PLC. er en privat forretningsbank med hovedkontor i Dhaka, Bangladesh med 85 filialer og sysselsetter rundt 3000 ansatte. Banken betjener mer enn 1 500 000 enkeltkunder
Som det skrives i børsmeldingen "EBLs premiumsegment vil være det første som drar nytte av dette nye kontaktløse kortet."
- Hvis vi googler : average Share premium customers in a bank" sier tallene at det gjelder rundt 15% av kundene.
Så kan vi estimere litt løst hvor mange biometriske premiekort banken potensielt utsender årlig
Hvis EBL utsender biometriske kort til sine premiekundene etter hvert som kortets forfallsdato går ut (3år) og l EBL’s premiekunder utgjør 15% av kundene, (225,000 kunder) vil banken årlig utsende 75 000 biometriske kort.
nå leker jeg bare litt med tallene for å prøve å tallfeste avtalen :)
- Hva metallkortene koster vet vi ikke, men vi estimerer bare en pris på "100kr" kortet, så vil dette gi Idex en årlig omsettning på 75 millioner kroner. Med gross margin 23% som opplyst i IDEX`s Q3 rapport vil dette gi Idex en årlig netto inntekt på rundt 17,5 millioner kroner +/-
Eastern Bank PLC. er en privat forretningsbank med hovedkontor i Dhaka, Bangladesh med 85 filialer og sysselsetter rundt 3000 ansatte. Banken betjener mer enn 1 500 000 enkeltkunder
Som det skrives i børsmeldingen "EBLs premiumsegment vil være det første som drar nytte av dette nye kontaktløse kortet."
- Hvis vi googler : average Share premium customers in a bank" sier tallene at det gjelder rundt 15% av kundene.
Så kan vi estimere litt løst hvor mange biometriske premiekort banken potensielt utsender årlig
Hvis EBL utsender biometriske kort til sine premiekundene etter hvert som kortets forfallsdato går ut (3år) og l EBL’s premiekunder utgjør 15% av kundene, (225,000 kunder) vil banken årlig utsende 75 000 biometriske kort.
nå leker jeg bare litt med tallene for å prøve å tallfeste avtalen :)
- Hva metallkortene koster vet vi ikke, men vi estimerer bare en pris på "100kr" kortet, så vil dette gi Idex en årlig omsettning på 75 millioner kroner. Med gross margin 23% som opplyst i IDEX`s Q3 rapport vil dette gi Idex en årlig netto inntekt på rundt 17,5 millioner kroner +/-
Redigert 22.12.2023 kl 00:53
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21.12.2023 kl 18:35
IDEX Biometrics ASA - Nøkkelinformasjon knyttet til aksjekonsolidering og endring av ISIN
21. desember 2023 08:45 ET
Det vises til ekstraordinær generalforsamling i IDEX Biometrics ASA ("IDEX" eller "Selskapet") 21. desember 2023, hvor alle forslag til vedtak ble godkjent.
Nøkkelinformasjon knyttet til den godkjente aksjekonsolideringen:
Dato da vilkårene og betingelsene for aksjekonsolideringen ble offentliggjort: 21. desember 2023;
Aksjekonsolidering: 5 gamle aksjer gir 1 ny aksje;
Siste dag inkludert høyre: 8. januar 2024;
Eks-dato: 9. januar 2024;
Registreringsdato: 10. januar 2024;
Godkjenningsdato: 21. desember 2023
I forbindelse med aksjesammenslåingen vil selskapets aksjer bli overført til en ny ISIN. Nedenfor finner du nøkkelinformasjonen for endring av ISIN:
Utsteder: IDEX Biometrics ASA
Gammel ISIN: NO0003070609
Ny ISIN: NO0013107490
Dato for ISIN endring: 9. januar 2024.
For ytterligere informasjon kontakt:
Marianne Bøe, leder for investor relations
E-post: marianne.boe@idexbiometrics.com
Tlf: + 47 9180 0186
Om IDEX Biometrics
IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX) er en global teknologileder innen fingeravtrykkbiometri, og tilbyr autentiseringsløsninger på tvers av betalinger, tilgangskontroll og digital identitet. Våre løsninger bringer bekvemmelighet, sikkerhet, trygghet og sømløse brukeropplevelser til verden. Bygget på patenterte og proprietære sensorteknologier, integrerte kretsdesign og programvare, våre biometriske løsninger retter seg mot kortbaserte applikasjoner for betalinger og digital autentisering. Som en bransjeaktør samarbeider vi med ledende kortprodusenter og teknologiselskaper for å bringe våre løsninger til markedet.
For mer informasjon, besøk www.idexbiometrics.com
Om denne kunngjøringen
Denne informasjonen er gjenstand for offentliggjøring i henhold til Euronext Oslo Børs regelverk. Innkallingen ble publisert av Erling Svela, finansdirektør, 21. desember 2023 kl. 14:45 CET på vegne av IDEX Biometrics ASA.
21. desember 2023 08:45 ET
Det vises til ekstraordinær generalforsamling i IDEX Biometrics ASA ("IDEX" eller "Selskapet") 21. desember 2023, hvor alle forslag til vedtak ble godkjent.
Nøkkelinformasjon knyttet til den godkjente aksjekonsolideringen:
Dato da vilkårene og betingelsene for aksjekonsolideringen ble offentliggjort: 21. desember 2023;
Aksjekonsolidering: 5 gamle aksjer gir 1 ny aksje;
Siste dag inkludert høyre: 8. januar 2024;
Eks-dato: 9. januar 2024;
Registreringsdato: 10. januar 2024;
Godkjenningsdato: 21. desember 2023
I forbindelse med aksjesammenslåingen vil selskapets aksjer bli overført til en ny ISIN. Nedenfor finner du nøkkelinformasjonen for endring av ISIN:
Utsteder: IDEX Biometrics ASA
Gammel ISIN: NO0003070609
Ny ISIN: NO0013107490
Dato for ISIN endring: 9. januar 2024.
For ytterligere informasjon kontakt:
Marianne Bøe, leder for investor relations
E-post: marianne.boe@idexbiometrics.com
Tlf: + 47 9180 0186
Om IDEX Biometrics
IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX) er en global teknologileder innen fingeravtrykkbiometri, og tilbyr autentiseringsløsninger på tvers av betalinger, tilgangskontroll og digital identitet. Våre løsninger bringer bekvemmelighet, sikkerhet, trygghet og sømløse brukeropplevelser til verden. Bygget på patenterte og proprietære sensorteknologier, integrerte kretsdesign og programvare, våre biometriske løsninger retter seg mot kortbaserte applikasjoner for betalinger og digital autentisering. Som en bransjeaktør samarbeider vi med ledende kortprodusenter og teknologiselskaper for å bringe våre løsninger til markedet.
For mer informasjon, besøk www.idexbiometrics.com
Om denne kunngjøringen
Denne informasjonen er gjenstand for offentliggjøring i henhold til Euronext Oslo Børs regelverk. Innkallingen ble publisert av Erling Svela, finansdirektør, 21. desember 2023 kl. 14:45 CET på vegne av IDEX Biometrics ASA.
21.12.2023 kl 18:09
Key information relating to the approved share consolidation:
Date on which the terms and conditions of the share consolidation was made
public: 21 December 2023;
Share consolidation ratio: 5 old shares give 1 new share;
Last day including right: 8 January 2024;
Ex-date: 9 January 2024;
Record date: 10 January 2024;
Date on which the terms and conditions of the share consolidation was made
public: 21 December 2023;
Share consolidation ratio: 5 old shares give 1 new share;
Last day including right: 8 January 2024;
Ex-date: 9 January 2024;
Record date: 10 January 2024;
21.12.2023 kl 11:19
Helt enig ;-)
Mulig noen venter på at finansieringen vedtas på EGF
Mulig noen venter på at finansieringen vedtas på EGF
Redigert 21.12.2023 kl 11:20
Du må logge inn for å svare
21.12.2023 kl 10:44
Nok akkumulering i intervallet 0.58-0.62. På tide å sette fart mot 0.80 kr.
20.12.2023 kl 12:59
Notice of Extraordinary General
Meeting in IDEX Biometrics ASA
(org.no. 976 846 923
The Extraordinary Meeting (the “EGM”) of IDEX
Biometrics ASA (the "Company") will take place:
21 December 2023 at 12:00 hours (CET)
At the date of the instant notice the Company’s
resolved share capital amounts to NOK
209,551,597.20 divided into 1,397,010,648
shares with par value per share of NOK 0.15.
Each share gives the right to one vote at the
EGM. At the date of the instant notice, the
Company does not beneficially own any of its own
shares. The Company’s Articles of Association,
last amended on 21 November 2023, is available
at the Company’s website,
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has
determined that the EGM will be held as an
electronic meeting, allowing the shareholders
to participate electronically by following the
EGM through a live webcast, submit
questions in writing during the EGM and
exercise voting rights through the electronic
system. See the enclosed briefing for further
information on how to participate online at the
Notice of Extraordinary General
Meeting in IDEX Biometrics ASA
(org.no. 976 846 923
The Extraordinary Meeting (the “EGM”) of IDEX
Biometrics ASA (the "Company") will take place:
21 December 2023 at 12:00 hours (CET)
At the date of the instant notice the Company’s
resolved share capital amounts to NOK
209,551,597.20 divided into 1,397,010,648
shares with par value per share of NOK 0.15.
Each share gives the right to one vote at the
EGM. At the date of the instant notice, the
Company does not beneficially own any of its own
shares. The Company’s Articles of Association,
last amended on 21 November 2023, is available
at the Company’s website,
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has
determined that the EGM will be held as an
electronic meeting, allowing the shareholders
to participate electronically by following the
EGM through a live webcast, submit
questions in writing during the EGM and
exercise voting rights through the electronic
system. See the enclosed briefing for further
information on how to participate online at the
19.12.2023 kl 16:02
Nå har shorten våknet også, og startet inndekning så smått, fint tegn
19.12.2023 kl 15:32
Codex63 skrev Du må bare tro på Julenissen 🧑🎄🧑🎄🧑🎄🤭🙈
Det er jul så det er lov å tro på nissen. Denne aksjen har et fantastisk potensiale uansett årstid. Forsøk på oppkjøp kan komme når som helst, så hvorfor ikke på fredag.
19.12.2023 kl 15:02
poki skrev Inan fredag vi når 1 Kr nästa Indien :-)
Du må bare tro på Julenissen 🧑🎄🧑🎄🧑🎄🤭🙈
19.12.2023 kl 12:18
https://www.idexbiometrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IDEX-2023-Q3-presentation-pub.pdf sida 4-5
Upcoming milestones
First bank launches with IDEX Pay-----> checked with Eastern Bank
Visa certification of IDEX Pay biometric platform soon
Market introduction of IDEX Authentication --------> checked with Authentech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQtmNml3Dfw
Biometric platform launch with ST will be launching soon -----> https://www.mcs-group.com.my/Technologies/Biometrics , https://www.mcs-group.com.my/Portals/0/MCS%20BioCheck%20Brochure%202018%20v2.pdf?ver=ms78J-vLmCweW004MDtA6w%3d%3d
Microelectronics for payment and authentication ---> Wearebl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzrX7GxusAM , https://ebl.com.bd/wearebl/ ? Kan vara Zwipe ?
Operational efficiency and excellence
spännande tider nu med India ...
Newly launched Biometric Card i m-tech sidan
https://m-techindia.com/ och https://klhitech.com/biometric.php "Multi-purpose biometric cards that can be used for a range of different use-cases such as access control, verification for highly secure work places, healthcare industry, pharmacy industry, cryptocurrency wallet access & more."
Upcoming milestones
First bank launches with IDEX Pay-----> checked with Eastern Bank
Visa certification of IDEX Pay biometric platform soon
Market introduction of IDEX Authentication --------> checked with Authentech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQtmNml3Dfw
Biometric platform launch with ST will be launching soon -----> https://www.mcs-group.com.my/Technologies/Biometrics , https://www.mcs-group.com.my/Portals/0/MCS%20BioCheck%20Brochure%202018%20v2.pdf?ver=ms78J-vLmCweW004MDtA6w%3d%3d
Microelectronics for payment and authentication ---> Wearebl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzrX7GxusAM , https://ebl.com.bd/wearebl/ ? Kan vara Zwipe ?
Operational efficiency and excellence
spännande tider nu med India ...
Newly launched Biometric Card i m-tech sidan
https://m-techindia.com/ och https://klhitech.com/biometric.php "Multi-purpose biometric cards that can be used for a range of different use-cases such as access control, verification for highly secure work places, healthcare industry, pharmacy industry, cryptocurrency wallet access & more."
Redigert 19.12.2023 kl 13:55
Du må logge inn for å svare
19.12.2023 kl 10:00
poki skrev Inan fredag vi når 1 Kr nästa Indien :-)
Satser på det...Nice...:)...det vil komme flere gode meldinger
Redigert 19.12.2023 kl 11:23
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19.12.2023 kl 09:16
Blygen skrev Vil forhåpentligvis se kursen opp mot 1nok nå....:)
Tar trolig litt tid før vi ser krona, markedet forstår ikke helt hva som ligger litt lenger frem i løypa for IDEX :-)
19.12.2023 kl 09:10
keane skrev Dette er svære greier!!
Vil forhåpentligvis se kursen opp mot 1nok nå....:)
19.12.2023 kl 08:38
Oslo, Norway and Dhaka, Bangladesh - 19 December 2023: Eastern Bank PLC. (EBL),
headquartered in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh and a market leader in
corporate, retail and SME banking, is set to launch the world's first biometric
metal card, powered by the IDEX Biometrics Mastercard certified technology, IDEX
Pay. EBL customers will have the biometric metal cards in their hands by early
headquartered in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh and a market leader in
corporate, retail and SME banking, is set to launch the world's first biometric
metal card, powered by the IDEX Biometrics Mastercard certified technology, IDEX
Pay. EBL customers will have the biometric metal cards in their hands by early
18.12.2023 kl 21:30
Dette liker vi!!!
Skulle ikke forundre meg om Catharina har flere stopp på Asia turen som poki skriver, og da lukter det fugl!
Skulle ikke forundre meg om Catharina har flere stopp på Asia turen som poki skriver, og da lukter det fugl!
18.12.2023 kl 20:57
Kommer vel melding i morgen tidlig da. Dette er svært bra! Idex blir en killer!!!
18.12.2023 kl 20:52
Kanske det bli 2 avtal i samma resa, det få vi se DoelPay :-)
IDEX Biometrics expands its presence in Asia by partnering with DoelPay, a payments solution provider, to tap into the burgeoning market for biometric cards in Bangladesh.
Working closely with three of the largest banks in Bangladesh, Doelpay expects these banks to offer biometric payment cards to their consumers by the fourth quarter of this year.
With a population of over 170 million, Bangladesh represents a significant market opportunity. Digital payments are growing at CAGR of 19%, with 33 million payment cards currently in circulation. The rapid growth is driven by contactless payments taking off and the movement from cash towards digital payments and cards.
“This strategic partnership will bring advanced biometric payment cards to the country, addressing the interest and demand for cutting-edge payment solutions,” said Khawaja Ashraful Hawak, Managing Director of DoelPay. “Bangladesh boasts a notable number of consumers in particular amongst the affluent and tech savvy, who are showing an accelerated appetite for innovative financial technologies.”
“By expanding our geographical coverage and partner network in South Asia, we are not only entering a fast-growing market but also fulfilling a market need for security, convenience, and industry-leading technology,” said Catharina Eklof, CCO of IDEX Biometrics. “Through this partnership, we will efficiently implement our solution in Bangladesh, empowering DoelPay’s bank partners to enter the market effectively.”
Previous Article
May 26, 2023
IDEX Biometrics expands its presence in Asia by partnering with DoelPay, a payments solution provider, to tap into the burgeoning market for biometric cards in Bangladesh.
Working closely with three of the largest banks in Bangladesh, Doelpay expects these banks to offer biometric payment cards to their consumers by the fourth quarter of this year.
With a population of over 170 million, Bangladesh represents a significant market opportunity. Digital payments are growing at CAGR of 19%, with 33 million payment cards currently in circulation. The rapid growth is driven by contactless payments taking off and the movement from cash towards digital payments and cards.
“This strategic partnership will bring advanced biometric payment cards to the country, addressing the interest and demand for cutting-edge payment solutions,” said Khawaja Ashraful Hawak, Managing Director of DoelPay. “Bangladesh boasts a notable number of consumers in particular amongst the affluent and tech savvy, who are showing an accelerated appetite for innovative financial technologies.”
“By expanding our geographical coverage and partner network in South Asia, we are not only entering a fast-growing market but also fulfilling a market need for security, convenience, and industry-leading technology,” said Catharina Eklof, CCO of IDEX Biometrics. “Through this partnership, we will efficiently implement our solution in Bangladesh, empowering DoelPay’s bank partners to enter the market effectively.”
Previous Article
May 26, 2023