ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 122677

Dette er en fortsettelse av forrige chat-forum.
30.01.2024 kl 10:04 4751

BMU every possible bad news has been digested by the market and barely any of the good news has yet to be priced in. There is 3 weeks left until the Kazakhstan deal will be fully completed and then I suspect the price to finally rise after 2 years of drawback. If I had any spare money I would be throwing everything now at this current price. The arbitration will be sorted by autumn too which will also multiply the market cap.
29.01.2024 kl 23:47 4911

,Its silence before the storm``. In this case after following Zena forums for many years ,,it´is to silent``I guess Big storm is coming.Let's hope that the wind blows at our backs and not in our faces.
And the song of Bob Segar ,, Against the wind´´it will bee and stay just an old memory forgiven but not forgotten.
Redigert 30.01.2024 kl 00:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 17:13 5252

It was wary kind of you to gother such a crucial information and get more insight about Kazakistan so vi can see positive potential for Zenith in that region.
26.01.2024 kl 15:47 5324

Kazakhstan’s decision to concentrate attention and resources on domestic oil and gas capacity fits within a larger pattern, as the fall-out from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has led to a rethink of energy policy in Astana.

Export plans

Most oil exports today travel via the CPC pipeline through Russia, or Russia’s national pipeline system, Transneft, to Novorossiysk and on to the Black Sea. This route however has suffered a number of weather-related outages and, more recently, Ukrainian attacks on Russian warships, tankers and refineries.

In response, Kazakhstan launched a new export grade to distinguish its crude from sanctioned Russian oil, and has begun buying tankers to shuttle exports across the Caspian Sea to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline.

Exports to China could rise from just 1 million tonnes this year (about 20,000 bpd) to 130,000 bpd. Along with the expansion of Shymkent, that would be enough to handle most of the increased output by 2027.

These initiatives make Kazakhstan one of relatively few countries in the world able to attract strong investment interest both from international oil companies and local players.

To maintain that attractiveness, improving environmental performance is imperative, and the government has worked with industry to make the necessary adjustments. Levels of gas flaring have dropped sharply from 3.8 billion cubic metres in 2014 to 1 bcm last year.

At the just-concluded COP28 climate conference in Dubai, KMG was one of 30 national oil companies to sign up to the Oil and Gas Decarbonisation Charter (OGDC), which commits them to reach net-zero operational emissions by 2050, and eliminate routine flaring and nearly all methane emissions by 2030.

Two Kazakh companies, KMG and the aforementioned Kazpetrol, have endorsed the World Bank’s initiative for zero routine flaring by 2030. Kazpetrol already uses 97-98% of its associated gas, according to technical director Talgat Abibullaev.

Technical talk

Realising this vision also means confronting Kazakhstan’s many technical challenges. These include deep, ultra-sour reservoirs, environmentally sensitive shallow waters of the Caspian, complex sub-salt imaging, heavy oil, and mature fields.

Kazpetrol, which is enjoying rapid growth in the region, has chosen to pioneer the smart-field concept in Kazakhstan, drawing inspiration from Shell and Chevron. All of its 120 wells will be equipped with sensors. Digitalisation is expected to save about 15% of operating costs, reserves have increased 7% and gas usage dropped 10%.

The company thinks such innovations could double reserves at many fields. If such a dramatic increase could be replicated more widely, digitalisation could be a crucial boost to Kazakhstan’s 2027 ambition.

As the country prepares to undergo a historic expansion, aligning technology, investment and environmental principles will further boost its profile on a global scale and within the OPEC+ alliance – helpful as a reshuffling of quotas looms.

26.01.2024 kl 15:45 5321

Repost from LSE:

Kazakhstan, the second-largest active member of the Opec+ group after Russia, has just announced an ambitious five-year expansion plan for its petroleum sector.

The Central Asian nation’s strategy has the potential to raise its prominence in the exporters’ group and strengthen its domestic energy security, all while challenging other producers to meet new standards of excellence.

To succeed, key players within the industry, including both oil majors and mid-sized regional companies, must bolster investment in advanced technologies, with a determined focus on maximising existing resources and mitigating environmental impacts.

Kazakhstan sits at the nexus of global oil and gas pipelines, including tanker routes that unite the region – north and west through Russia, across the Caspian Sea to Europe, and east to China. On balance, it has an unusually diverse petroleum sector, which features a large state-owned oil company, KazMunayGas (KMG). There are also numerous smaller private Kazakh companies such as Kazpetrol Group, an innovative enterprise owned by Yerkin Tatishev. Foreign international corporations are also well represented, notably Shell, Eni, Chevron, ExxonMobil, CNPC, Lukoil and others.

The new strategy, unveiled on December 6, aims to further transform the country’s position in the energy landscape, and calls for $37.3 billion in spending to cover 20 major projects in oil and gas production, refining and petrochemicals.

Under the plan, the three leading fields, Kashagan, Tengiz and Karachaganak, operated by international consortia featuring KMG and others, will be expanded. This is expected to take national production from 1.769 million bpd in 2022 and a projected 1.85mn bpd this year to 105.5 million tonnes in 2027 (about 2.11mn bpd).

Refinery capacity is also expected to increase by about a quarter, or 120,000 bpd, with the enlargement of the Shymkent facility. Moreover, the important Kenkiyak-Atyrau and Kenkiyak-Kumkol oil pipelines will be expanded, helping to supply oil from western Kazakhstan to domestic refineries and via pipeline to China.

However, without new discoveries, Kazakh production is projected to peak around 2030. Therefore, the strategy places significant emphasis on new developments and exploration. Most notably, the Lukoil-operated Kalamkas More and Khazar fields in the Caspian Sea will be further developed.

Exploration will be intensified, including in deep subsalt formations in the Caspian and South Turgai basins. Added to that, the latest auctions for new fields in October and December 2023 attracted strong interest from local players. Within this, the increasing maturity of older Soviet-era fields, such as the Mangistau and Kyzylorda regions, demand improved recovery rates and reduced operating costs, which can be best achieved through the efforts of focused, smaller companies.
25.01.2024 kl 12:04 5603

Sannsynlig ikke 1,5 mrd, men hvis de får kun 1/4 av kravet mener jeg dette er meget bra for veien videre.
25.01.2024 kl 10:24 5710

På høy tid at vi etablerer oss over 50 øre nå.
25.01.2024 kl 10:08 5691

Ganske så høye renter på bonds her. De spiller høyt og trenger penger fra rettsakene for å få betalt ned lånene som nå har nesten 15% rente. Zenith er høy risk nå, så får folk selv gjette hva sannsynligheten er for å vinne rettsaker og hvor mye de eventuelt får. Det kan bli alt fra 0 - 1,5 mrd
25.01.2024 kl 09:08 35367

Lord Wincheste skrev 60 dager fra melding
Det vil vel si innen 20 feb.?

24.01.2024 kl 11:32 35821

Zenith er nå forberedt på å endelig få aksjekursen til å stige. AC vil endelig levere spesielt etter at Kasakhstan er signert. spennende tider i vente. du har også rett angående bonds
23.01.2024 kl 18:10 36087

Imorgen er dagen da bondsobligasjoner lå til forfall, det er veldig gledelig at det ikke har blitt noe emisjon i forkant av dette, det ser ut som at obligasjonene som lå til forfall har blitt fornyet inn i det nye obligasjonsprogrammet slik jeg klarer lese det som ligger på hjemmesiden til zenith. Hvis dette stemmer så ser det ut som zenith er godt rustet fremover uten noe umiddelbar fare for likviditet skvis😃
23.01.2024 kl 08:16 36306

Her har man funnet gull. Håper virkelig dette blir noe av. Tror veldig på det
22.01.2024 kl 17:05 36647

Ja man kan fort komme til den konklusjonen. Samtidig så er det ikke helt umulig at de endret strategi da de fikk kjøpt CYAP... Men litt mer klarhet i det hadde vært bra for aksjonærer..
22.01.2024 kl 13:00 36824

Typisk AC. Fuglene på taget bliver ved med at flyve væk og kursen kommer ikke op.
Nu venter vi bare på at KAZ også bliver annulleret
22.01.2024 kl 12:39 36871

Da fikk vi vel bekreftelse på disse 3 MOU ene i usa bare var fake news, for kurs pleie:

The Company confirms that, following the acquisition of CYAP in August 2023, it has discontinued and terminated the three separate transactions announced to the market on June 2, 2023, July 5, 2023, and August 3, 2023, respectively.
22.01.2024 kl 11:10 36979

Hvilke nyheter?
Vi venter på borring som er estimert rundt sommeren.
19.01.2024 kl 12:50 37531


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Update on United States portfolio

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA; OTCQB: ZENAF), the listed international energy production and development company with a focus on opportunities in Central Asia and the US, is pleased to provide an update regarding the development of Cyber Apps World Inc. ("CYAP"), a U.S. listed company of which Zenith acquired majority control by way of a Securities Purchase Agreement in August 2023, and the Company's previously announced business development activities in the US.

First Acquisition in the US onshore oil and gas space completed by CYAP

On January 16, 2024, CYAP announced that its subsidiary, CYAP Oil, LLC, had successfully bid at auction for a 5% royalty interest in a package of seven (7) producing wells located in the Eagle Ford Shale, Lavaca County, Texas.

This represents CYAP's first transaction in the US energy production and development sector and is, in line with Zenith's strategy for CYAP, a shift away from software development towards identifying and acquiring opportunities in the US energy and production development sector.

CYAP has confirmed that further acquisitions of this kind, specifically royalties in non-operated oil and gas production leases, are planned.

Change of name to Leopard Energy, Inc.

In view of the change in strategic direction away from software development, CYAP has elected to change its name to Leopard Energy, Inc.

It is expected that the name change will become effective once all the necessary regulatory formalities are completed.

Update on US acquisitions announced by Zenith during 2023

The Company confirms that, following the acquisition of CYAP in August 2023, it has discontinued and terminated the three separate transactions announced to the market on June 2, 2023, July 5, 2023, and August 3, 2023, respectively.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"We are pleased that CYAP has now completed its first acquisition in the US oil and gas space. The acquisition of a non-operated oil and gas production royalty delivers immediate monthly cashflow and will enable an attractive payback of the initial investment.

It our intention that CYAP's first acquisition be followed by various other similar acquisitions in an incremental manner, following geological, financial, and legal due diligence, to achieve 'critical mass' and build a balanced, revenue generating and profitable portfolio.

We believe CYAP will attract financial support from US capital markets as the benefits of implementing an accretive growth strategy centred on purchasing interests in non-operated oil and gas production leases, during a period of favourable energy prices, becomes increasingly apparent."
15.01.2024 kl 19:25 38406

Tunisia er ikke en helt glemt sak. En liten produksjon fortsetter der og det kan tenkes det kommer en slags enighet om noen penger og videre produksjon i landet. Time will show.. uansett så hadde der vert fint med noen hundre mill på konto
15.01.2024 kl 19:07 38439

I absolutely a gre with you. But because of dam bureaucracy for what ever recent ´s we lost possibility to create sum thing beyond just dollar´s and cents.
Redigert 15.01.2024 kl 19:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.01.2024 kl 17:58 38519

BMU I don’t think Tunisia was a mistake, especially if we get a big portion of that $150 million arbitration payout. I would have preferred that in a lump sum than working in Tunisia with full production.
15.01.2024 kl 12:17 38759

Most of the development's I was expected that could go in both ways when is question about African country's. One ot them have coght me off guard.That is Tunisia. I was taken it for grounded and had high expectations.
- Everybody makes bad choices . Everybody makes mistakes on the life journey ore on the road to destinations,.Life is journey. It's better to admit mistakes and walk the road to success, then to walk with regret ´s on the road to failure.
- If you don’t play you don’t gain, if you don’t risk you don’t win ( p.s. this last one don't do at home ).
Redigert 15.01.2024 kl 12:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.01.2024 kl 11:02 38861

Guillit, that seems to be a pretty accurate summation of where Zenith is just now. A lot of potential for a stellar year in 2024.
14.01.2024 kl 15:33 39228

Men her er litt info om Kazakhstan
Grunn nok til å satse en del av porteføljen her…:

Zenith Energy Ltd., det internasjonale energiproduksjons- og utviklingsselskapet, har tatt et gigantisk skritt fremover ved å kunngjøre et betinget oppkjøp av 50% av Devonian Petroleum Limited, en betydelig aktør i oljeindustrien. Dette oppkjøpet, verdsatt til ca. 5 millioner USD, ble kunngjort i en detaljert børsmelding og markerer en milepæl i Zenith Energys strategiske utvidelse.
Som angitt i børsmeldingen, innebærer oppkjøpet ikke bare en økning i Zeniths reservebase, men også en betydelig utvidelse av deres operasjonelle rekkevidde. Devonian Petroleum, med sine rettigheter til Akkudukski-blokken i Kasakhstan, besitter omfattende hydrokarbonressurser. Denne blokken, med sine estimerte P50-ressurser på 520 millioner fat olje (120 millioner fat over saltet og 400 millioner fat under saltet), representerer en betydelig utvidelse av Zenith Energys portefølje.

Andrea Cattaneo, CEO i Zenith Energy, uttalte i børsmeldingen: «Med dette oppkjøpet har vi sikret en kritisk komponent i vår langsiktige vekststrategi. Akkudukski-blokken gir oss en robust plattform for videre utvikling og produksjon. Vi planlegger å starte boreoperasjoner i blokken før sommeren 2024, noe som vil akselerere vår produksjon og styrke vår markedsposisjon.»

Zeniths oppkjøp kommer i en tid med økende global etterspørsel etter energi, og posisjonerer selskapet for å dra fordel av de voksende markedene i Sentral-Asia. Denne regionen er raskt blitt en nøkkeldestinasjon for energiselskaper som søker å diversifisere sine operasjoner og reservoarer.

Detaljene i børsmeldingen avslører også Zeniths planer om å transportere sin egen boreplattform, ZEN-260, til regionen. Dette viser selskapets forpliktelse til å utnytte sine ressurser og evnen til å mobilisere betydelige operasjonelle kapasiteter på kort tid.

Markedet har reagert positivt på nyheten, men mange ser nå på Zenith Energy som en undervurdert aksje gitt de potensielle vekstmulighetene som oppkjøpet representerer. Med en kombinasjon av aggressive utvidelsesstrategier og en sterk fokus på å maksimere verdi fra sine ressurser, ser Zenith Energy ut til å være godt posisjonert for å kapitalisere på det dynamiske energimarkedet.

For investorer som søker etter solide vekstmuligheter, representerer Zenith Energy en unik mulighet i energisektoren. Med sitt nyoppkjøpte fotavtrykk i Kasakhstan og planer om økt produksjon, står Zenith Energy på terskelen til en ny æra av ekspansjon og lønnsomhet.

12.01.2024 kl 15:35 39625

I have noticed this too, we call this a creeper, someone acquiring stock whilst is quiet so they don’t have to buy at a premium with others buying same time making the price go higher.
12.01.2024 kl 14:18 39707

this is the case where we can say: ,,There is no shame in turning around´´. I guess we can say that the luck was on our side. Knowledge an experience is important , but mann needs a good portion of luck in order to succeed .
Redigert 12.01.2024 kl 14:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.01.2024 kl 12:11 39806

Trakk seg ut. Er veldig glad for at det ikke ble noe i både Yemen og Benin.
12.01.2024 kl 10:48 39886

Hva skjedde med Jemen planene til Zenith? Angrepet i dag viser at dette ville vært høyrisiko.
12.01.2024 kl 10:44 39845

Yeah I wonder if someone is buying in scilence. the forum has been very quiet, but the volume in norway has been significantly higher and the price has gone up for two weeks now. nothing crazy. but steady.
12.01.2024 kl 10:29 39876

Birol, you are absolutely right. Those three bonds totalling $25 million are now on the website so I guess progress has been made since the report. I guess that this now means that they are authorised for release. Hopefully we get some news soon that they have been successfully sold.
12.01.2024 kl 10:26 39848

It was a 50% joint venture with the Chinese company so it has always been unclear about how much they would get back (whether $2 or $4 million). According to the half yearly report they have about $1 million in cash, but that is all we know for sure.
12.01.2024 kl 00:24 40051

For once in my life I'm going aloud my self to write like in Vikings post's,,,(before he gave up hope): YES it will happen. We ware never so close before.
Never give up, never surrender.,,😊😊😊.
11.01.2024 kl 21:56 40093

Hvor mye har de igjen fra pengene de betalte for det potensielle oppkjøpet i Jemen. Var det 4 milioner $ de fikk tilbake??
11.01.2024 kl 20:26 40182

MG thanks very much- I keep my stock in the lsafe box- looks like maybe top up with 100 K more before the weekend