ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 122767

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20.03.2024 kl 11:26 5384

An interesting update from Zenith on the Tunisian arbitrations this morning. Here are my thoughts so far.

Arbitration 1 for $7.5 million expected to be decided this year
Arbitration 2 for $85.8 million to be decided by this time next year
Arbitration 3 for $48 million expected to be decided in 2027

On the face of it this all seems to make sense. The latest RNS has given a pretty comprehensive summary of what all of the arbitrations are about and where they sit in terms of settlement time periods.

The first arbitration is a relatively simple matter, as far as these things go. It is effectively a court case brought about by the fact that ETAP sold oil that was owned by EPZ (Zenith’s subsidiary) and did not pay Zenith their share of the money. So, as I have said for a long time now, this should be a pretty simple case to determine. If Zenith are owed the money then they need to be paid. It is also worth noting that this is the arbitration in which Zenith have already announced that they have seized $6.5 million of funds from an ETAP Swiss bank account. This means that the vast majority of the money is available for Zenith to receive as soon as the court order is made.

The second arbitration is less straightforward than the first as it has additional elements to it regarding loss of earnings based on Zenith not being able to operate their assets since the breach of contract by the Tunisians. As far as I understand the RNS this seems to relate to revenue that should have been received by Zenith from the moment of the company purchasing the CNAOG 22.5% of SLK, but that was not paid between then and the expiry date of the license in December 2022. It also relates to money lost from the Tunisian government refusing to grant Zenith the right to renew the license that CNAOG appear to have possessed in their original agreement – though it is not made clear how long this right to renew was for. This arbitration also includes a similar claim related to the KSCC 22.5% of SLK.

This arbitration is a fair bit more complex than the first one as it relates to loss of earnings and potential earnings rather than just the non-payment of a bill (as per arbitration 1) but it still does not seem too complex. In this case, the vast majority of the damages it seems to me relate to loss of earnings from the refusal to renew the 22.5% license from December 2022 for an extended term. Assuming that the CNAOG contract with the Tunisians was watertight, and based on the fact that the previous owner of CNAOG was China’s national oil company and the Tunisians would not have dared to mess them around it is probably safe to assume that it was. Then the case relates to damages for years worth of oil production that Zenith has not been able to access and this is why the numbers in this one are so big. Obviously we do not know how long the license was to be renewed for, but Zenith do and it must be for a substantial period.

In this arbitration, the court seem to being asked to rule simply:

a) Was the license entitled to be renewed for an extended period under the terms of the CNAOG contract which Zenith inherited when it bought CNAOG from the China National Petroleum Company?

b) If so then what was the amount of production that was lost by this breach of contract and therefore what is the financial value of this loss

Obviously in addition to the CNAOG losses which seem quite straightforwards there is also the losses related to the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (K.S.C.C)’s 22.5% but I feel that this could be a bit more complex because I am not sure that this deal was ever approved by the Tunisians.

The third arbitration seems to be by far the most complex of the three as it deals with issues related to the Tunisans deliberately blocking Zenith developing Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia. If this deliberate obstruction can be proved then Zenith can claim the potential for greater production that would have been achieved from both assets and therefore additional losses separate from those related to the second arbitration. But obviously there are many “ifs” and “maybes” in this one and I can see why it is going to take the longest. I do think that it is clever that Zenith have separated out the second and third arbitrations though.

I also think that the fact that Anima Dispute Resolutions have resigned from representing the Tunisians in this court case is very significant. According to their website they are a very experienced and internationally renowned law firm, so why would they stop representing the Tunisians in this case? It is not just because they think that they might lose as they would get paid for the work that they do anyway and lawyers do not walk away from high paid legal cases for no reason. To me, their resignation hints that there is something in there on the Tunisian side that is very rotten and they do not wish to be involved with – and if this is the case then it is potentially very beneficial for Zenith.

Finally, the mention of granting an extraordinary dividend to shareholders if the various arbitrations are successful is a very interesting move by the company and would be much welcomed by all of us. Obviously, I would like more information about what percentage of any award this extraordinary dividend would represent, but given that according to the 13th Feb 2024 fundraising RNS Andrea currently owns 9% of Zenith then it would obviously be in his own personal interest for any dividend to be as large as possible.
20.03.2024 kl 11:12 5301

Det e jo 2 store sÞksmÄl som skal avklares innen 2024 og 1 kvartal 2025.
20.03.2024 kl 11:04 5232

It is important not to have judgments about people or situations. every agreement or situation has its own life and different outcomes . It depends from people : In which state of mind they ar, harmony with in them self and what they reflect, project to the others. Sum times shit happened s, we shud wait and see, wait for the outcome and aloud things to happened . As stock owner we just haw to hope for the best.
20.03.2024 kl 11:03 5033

Ser ud til Zenith stÄr stÊrkt i Tunesien sagen siden modpartens advokater har trukket sig med Þjeblikkelig virkning.
DesvÊrre stÄr der nu ogsÄ 2027, men et evt forlig kan jo komme som et lyn fra klar himmel
20.03.2024 kl 10:05 5114

Hvor har du hentet denne artikkel ifra? Litt sÄnn oversatt fra engelsk til norsk? Merkelig ordlyd her og der. FÄr AC vibber av hele greia- og de vibbene er ikke bra!
18.03.2024 kl 19:06 5363

Godt skrevet👍 ForhĂ„pentligvis vil alt lĂžsne en dag.

Problemet er Ă„revis med nedturer og manglende varsling til aksjonĂŠrene som skaper manglende tiltro.
Lord Wincheste
18.03.2024 kl 17:14 5458

Den nylige kunngjÞringen av Regulatory News Service presenterer bÄde gunstige og ugunstige aspekter. Den bemerkelsesverdige ulempen er utstedelsen av ytterligere 38 millioner aksjer, noe som resulterer i en utvanning pÄ omtrent 16 %. Et positivt element kommer imidlertid frem ettersom to selskapsdirektÞrer personlig har investert en betydelig sum i denne emisjonen, mens arbeidet fortsetter med Ä fullfÞre gjeldsfinansieringen for Devonian-avtalen.

Denne innsamlingsaksjonen ser ut til Ä vÊre et proaktivt skritt for Ä mÞte kapitalbehov. I begynnelsen av dette Äret antydet Zengas nÞyaktig selskapets forestÄende mangel pÄ arbeidskapital, og dette har faktisk vist seg Ä vÊre tilfelle. Jeg hadde personlig hÄpet at obligasjonsinnhentingen ville eliminere behovet for utstedelse av aksjer, men det ser ut til at selskapet har ansett det fornuftig Ä gjennomfÞre det nylige innsamlingsinitiativet for Ä proaktivt lÞse eventuelle kontantstrÞmproblemer mellom nÄ og ferdigstillelse av obligasjonsutstedelsen.

Det er fortsatt relevant Ä erkjenne Zeniths intensjon om Ä finansiere borekampanjen i Kasakhstan gjennom gjeld, en detalj bekreftet i den nylige RNS. Selskapets jakt pÄ et obligasjonsprogram pÄ 25 millioner euro, som tidligere avslÞrt i deres halvÄrsregnskap, har pÄgÄtt en stund.

Gitt de nylige innsamlede ÂŁ1.260.000, uten umiddelbar allokering til oppkjĂžpet og utviklingen i Kasakhstan, virker det plausibelt at det gjĂžres fremskritt med obligasjonsemisjonen. Aksjeinnhentingen fungerer derfor som et midlertidig tiltak for Ă„ sikre soliditeten inntil obligasjonsemisjonen avsluttes. Mens RNS nevner Ă„ Ăžremerke noen av ÂŁ1,26 millioner for oppkjĂžp i Amerika og utvikling i Italia, virker det fornuftig Ă„ utsette slike utgifter til etter Ă„ ha sikret obligasjonsfinansieringen, og dermed bevare dagens arbeidskapital for Ă„ lette gjennomfĂžringen av avtalen.

Denne innsamlingsinnsatsen inngir tillit til Zeniths fremtidsutsikter. Det relativt beskjedne innsamlede belĂžpet, kombinert med dets manglende allokering til stĂžrre oppkjĂžp, understreker rollen som en kortsiktig likviditetslĂžsning. De personlige investeringene gjort av Andrea Cattaneo og Luca Benedetto, som utgjĂžr nesten 250 000 pund av deres egne midler, viser deres tillit til selskapets strategi. Vellykket gjennomfĂžring av obligasjonsemisjonen pĂ„ 25 millioner euro, som forutsatt, vil posisjonere selskapet med en robust kontantposisjon og gode utviklingsmuligheter, slik som Devonian-Ăžvelsene. Mitt syn pĂ„ Zenith er derfor veldig positivt, og jeg er enig i den siste linjen i RNS: Året 2024 har virkelig et betydelig potensial for verdiskaping for aksjonĂŠrene.
18.03.2024 kl 16:15 5451

Det er godt mulig du syns det blir lÞnnsomt Ä kunne skrive av pÄ skatten. Jeg deler ikke helt din tankegang.

Personlig fÄr jeg igjen over 100 000kr pÄ skatten etter Ä solgt fÞr jul.

Men jeg klarer ikke Ă„ se noe positivt av den grunn.
Skulle gjerne hatt resterende 62% 😅
Lord Wincheste
18.03.2024 kl 15:49 3080

apropo Haraball, akkurat nÄ er det Ramadan i Kazakstan. Fra 10 mars til 9 april. Pent lite som skjer i denne perioden. Kan sammenlignes med elgjakta i TrÞndelag
Lord Wincheste
18.03.2024 kl 09:21 3193

Har du solgt aksjer med tap, kan du fÄ fradrag for tapet. Skattesatsen pÄ fradrag for tap ved salg av aksjer er 37,84 prosent. En hÞy prosent i disse dager (Norge)
Det jeg finner interessant er om noen vet hvilke skattemessige fradrag Zenith eventuelt kan oppnÄ i saken i Tunisia. Er trygg pÄ forlik, eller en dom som Tunisa mÄ ete i seg. Men i worst case scenario, hva vil vÊre det skattemessige for Zenith i en slik sak?
18.03.2024 kl 09:17 3119


Se pÄ utviklingen siste Ärene. Det er vi som sitter igjen som tapere og mus.

Tenk sÄ mange aksjer du kunne ha handlet for dagens kurs kontra det vi handlet for 3-2 Är siden.
Lord Wincheste
18.03.2024 kl 08:10 3202

Det kaller jeg enormt pessimistisk. Det er verdier i selskapet som er mange ganger bÞrsverdien. Dessverre for kursutviklingen er det for mye smÄ aksjonÊrer som forstÄelig nok er utÄlmodige. Siste Äret har vÊrt veldig tungt, men verdiene er der. Tunisa har ikke sjanse til Ä slippe unna dette.
16.03.2024 kl 14:59 3636

En mann med teft har forlatt dette firmaet for 3 Är siden. Og Ikke blitt med pÄ denne utviklingen.

Det er vi som sitter igjen som mus.

Kanskje handler mennene seg inn igjen, men det blir den dagen da noe konkret er pÄ bordet.
Redigert 16.03.2024 kl 14:59 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Lord Wincheste
16.03.2024 kl 12:30 3707

FÄr ikke gjort noe med dette. Det er i perioden som kommer at vi skiller mus fra menn. God tÄlmodighet, den som takler det sitter igjen med jackpot
15.03.2024 kl 09:39 4024

Ble etterfulgt av en ordre pÄ 90000 aksjer til kr 0,31. Kan vÊre smart Ä prÞve Ä etablere ett gulv med salg av ett lite antall for kjÞp av ett stÞrre antall? Kan da bli noe Ä tjene om det gjÞres ofte nok, med rett og slett manipulasjon.
15.03.2024 kl 09:28 3961

Samme som i gÄr, da startet det rett ned til 0,305 med 500 aksjer klokken 09:00. I dag med samme antall 500 aksjer til kr 150 totalt, rett ned klokken 09:00. SÄ hva er hensikten med ett sÄ lite salg ?.
15.03.2024 kl 09:19 3691

Ret ned i Äbning pÄ en latterlig lille ordre, viser jo tydeligt Zenith ikke tages seriÞst lÊngere
14.03.2024 kl 12:57 3974

Great writing as usual. Don't forget the 9m we are awaiting that should be very close against the drilling company! maybe even we get something from congo aswell in the third case.
14.03.2024 kl 12:10 3988

Ser lysere ut enn pĂ„ lenge,det gledes til haraball & go go her og đŸ’Ș
14.03.2024 kl 11:23 4030

Once again we are waiting for news on many fronts. Obviously, we await the completion of the Kazakhstan deal which would give the company an initial 50% shareholding in an asset which is of potentially enormous value. However, unlike the Tilapia years the company has not put all its eggs in one basket and the USA production acquisitions which are to be pushed forward under CYAP/Leopard energy also look as if they could eb a key driver of growth in the future. When you add to this the fact that the company are finally moving forward on developing their Italian portfolio then things are progressing significantly and in a sensible manner to deliver ongoing cashflow at relatively insignificant development costs.

So the company has a number of different development options within the portfolio which all offer a very positive potential for the future. However, Zenith being Zenith we do actually have to close some of these deals and complete some of these developments. Obviously not all of them are going to come off, but enough of them should in order to show a good return to shareholders.

However, the most interesting thing about Zenith at the moment and certainly the one with the biggest potential to deliver huge amounts of money to shareholders are the various arbitrations against the Tunisian state and the Tunisian national oil company, ETAP.

In early 2021 Zenith acquired a number of oil and gas assets in Tunisia that produced approximately 400 bopd and if production had continued without the expected interruptions then between then and now this should have allowed Zenith to produce and sell almost half a million barrels of oil. Assuming that the average oil price over this period was between $80-100 then this would have delivered the company revenue of between $40-50 million. Of course, as we all knows only $4.5 million of this was every received and the company now has various international arbitrations in process. One is for $48 million (which is presumably for the value of the oil that was prevented from being sold) one is for $6.5 million (which is the value of oil that was sold but the revenue was never paid to Zenith) and one is for $85 million which the company is claiming in damages., The total amount of all of the arbitrations is $140 million, which is a huge amount of money for a company who’s current market cap is only about $8 million.
Obviously there is a risk with any court case, but the $6.5 million which is for the oil sold but not given to Zenith seems pretty obvious that the company will win and the loss of earnings for the oil that Zenth have been prevented from selling also seems pretty clear cut. The company have stated in their last report that the value of this is $48 million so they must be able to prove it. Assuming that they are able to win these first two cases then there will also certainly be damages – perhaps no to the level of the $85 million claimed but certainly very significant.

It is worth noting that the UK listed company Rockhopper were successful in a €190 million arbitration last year against the Italian government for a breach of rules in refusing to permit their Ombrina Mare project some years ago – and in this instance they were never even producing oil, so these arbitrations are certainly winnable. It is also very relevant to Zenith shareholders that the payment made to Rockhopper was based on the production that they missed out on for the entire lifetime of the license and so, no doubt the same rules will apply to Zenith – which means that compensation will be made not just for the missed past production but also missed future production.

Imagine what the situation would be to Zenith if they were to win even 50% of the amount claimed? This would be nearly ten times the current market cap in one lump sum, and if they were successful in all of the claims it would be almost 20 times the current market cap. That is a hell of a return on investment for those of us who hold shares in the company and are probably sitting here at a loss just now.

So despite the negativity from some on these boards, I do think that the potential for a significant return on investment here is as good as it has ever been – both from new developments and from the arbitrations. For me, for the first time in a while, I am considering quietly accumulation new shares in Zenith – not in huge tranches but certainly steadily as I do not see many other companies around that could offer the kind of returns that Zenith could if they are successful in their legal cases. In may ways, the licenses that they are looking to acquire are only the cherry on the top of the cake and not the cake itself. The real long-term value of Zenith is in the legal cases it has going on.
Lord Wincheste
14.03.2024 kl 11:18 4039

SkjÞnner ikke hva du stresser med. Det er mye oppside i selskapet bÄde med Tunisia, italia og USA. Kazakstan avtalen er fremdeles i spill. Det henger sammen med likviditet selvsagt, og AC jobber garantert rÊva av seg akkurat nÄ for Ä skaffe det som trengs. Det mÄ jobbes, men jeg har like stor tro ennÄ. Dette er en aksje med mange smÄaksjonÊrer og det er tider med mindre likviditet og tÄlmodighet. Gjenspeiler selvsagt kursen, men ingen grunn til Ä svartmale noe som helst. Penger fra nye lÄn er ventet 28 mars.
14.03.2024 kl 10:58 4068

Det er nÄ helt tydelig at ogsÄ de mest hardbarka tilhengerne til AC har vÄknet og innsett svindelen med dette "oljeselskapet", for nÄr kursen er 0,03 Þre som den EGENTLIG er og ingen benytter anledningen til Ä kaste enda mer penger ut av vinduet, da er det et faktum at nÄ tÞr endelig ingen Ä vÊre med pÄ leken lenger.
14.03.2024 kl 09:55 4133

Hvor langt ned skal vi mon i dag, kĂžber siden er fuldstĂŠngt fordampet, ingen investor tror pĂ„ fader AC’s Potemkin landsby lĂŠngere
14.03.2024 kl 01:43 4320

HvornÄr mon fader AC toner frem pÄ skÊrmen igen og med store arm bevÊgelser lover store og fantastiske vÊrdier for aktionÊrerne i Zenith? Kursen dropper som en sten og siden 20 Feb som var datoen for Kaz, ligner tavsheden det sÊdvanlige mÞnster i Zenith som jo betyder nederlag set utallige gange fÞr, hÄber jeg tager fejl.
13.03.2024 kl 17:31 4530

Har miste tiltro til aksjen Ă„ ledelsen, tror de roter det skikkelig til med Ă„ kjĂžpe seg inn i for mange prosjekter, ser ikke ut til at det blir resultater av det. Over Ă„ ut for meg.
13.03.2024 kl 17:20 4460

Ingen tiltro pÄ aksjen.
Den bare kommer med nesten dealer og viser aldri til penger tjent.
13.03.2024 kl 17:06 4376

Men hvornÄr stopper faldet ? Jeg kÞbte mere pÄ 38 Þre og mere pÄ 37 Þre og mere pÄ 34 Þre, men kursen bare falder og falder
13.03.2024 kl 16:46 4416

fin mulighet til Ä snitte ned det. Selv gjÞr jeg det. Snittet ned nÄ 21,34Þre fra toppen. SÄ stolt av meg selv :-)
13.03.2024 kl 15:24 4516

stÞrre fisk kommer, mÄ ha tÄlmodighet. Kanskje rett rundt neste sving. :-)
13.03.2024 kl 14:45 4570

Drop s of water makes the ocean. Everything's counts in positive ways.
13.03.2024 kl 10:18 4722

Intet nytt under solen er et uttrykk i Den hebraiske bibelen (Det gamle testamentet): «Det som har skjedd, skal atter skje, og det som ble gjort, skal gjÞres pÄ nytt. Intet er nytt under solen». Det har gÄtt inn i dagligtalen som et uttrykk for at det ikke er noe som forandrer seg, at alt er slik det alltid har vÊrt.

13.03.2024 kl 10:11 4740

SvĂŠrt disiplinert kjĂžperside betaler ikke for mye sĂ„ lenge underbyderne er pĂ„ banen.oms for snart 60 lĂžk👍
13.03.2024 kl 09:54 4760

Hvergang AC Ă„bner munden falder kursen.
Han mÄ komme med nogle penge
13.03.2024 kl 09:23 4819

Og som man kan se pÄ kursen er folk rimeligt ligeglade med Italien, SA var lovet allerede i 2022 af fader AC