ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 137565

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21.05.2024 kl 15:41 3873

Is Zenith in a good place at this exact moment – the honest answer is no. But does the company look like it could be in a good place in the relatively newar future – in my opinion the answer is yes.

The company has a number of different revenue generating options on the table plus a number of acquisition possibilities. To deal with these in order: Kazakhstan / US Acquisitions / The Arbitrations / SMP Court Case

1. The Kazakhstan Project – This could be massive for the company. It seems like a good deal for what could be a hugely valuable license. However, there is a relatively significant cost attached to this acquisition and there are question marks as to how the company would pay this money at the moment. Given our previous expereince of when Zenith do not make announcements about projects the signs are not good. Likelihood of happening, in my opinion, 20%

2. The USA acquisitions – These are a very interesting change of direction for the company and, if done correctly, they could have a very positive impact on the company’s future by delivering an ongoing revenue stream in one of the world’s safest and most oil-friendly business environments. The only acquisition made so far is a 5% royalty in some producing wells at Eagle Ford in Texas, as announced on Jan 18th. Since no numbers were announced as to what this 5% means in bopd then we are probably safe to assume that the numbers are very very small. However, the fact that this was acquired through CYAP is a statement of intent for the company. The acquisition of CYAP itself is also a statement of intent from the company as it is a listed vehicle in the US with the ability to issue equities in the world’s biggest equity market. Although this is a stand-alone legal entiry – according to it’s website: https://cyap.info/ Zenith hold 99.87% of the issued shares.

Obviously, it is one thing owning a listed US company and another thing actually acquiring assets into it. But there would have been no point in Zenith acquiring as US listed entity if they were not going to use it to raise capital to finance acquisitions.

My thoughts are that CYAP will be used to raise money for US acquisitions and the Zenith holding in the company will ultimately be diluted but still leave the company with control of CYAP. The big question is, of course, how much US production will they acquire and for what price? But one thing that we know about Andrea is that he has always been good at deal-making (witness the acquisition of the Tunisian assets for ÂŁ250,000) AND that when he feels a deal is not right for Zenith then he walks away from it. Likelihood of happening 90%+

3. The Arbitrations – these are definitely the most significant, and potentially lucrative thing that Zenit have in the pipeline at the moment. According to the March 20th RNS- Arbitration1 is for $7.5 million / Arbitration 2 is for $85.8 million and Arbitration 3 is for $48 million, giving a total of $140 million.

Obviously, we do not know if the arbitrations are going to be successful and, if they are successful, whether Zenith will receive all the money that they are claiming. However, the simple fact is that this is a huge amount of revenue that the company could receive in pretty short order.

According to the March 20th RNS, Zenith expect that the first arbitration award will be made befor the end of 2024, the second arbitration award will be made in Q1 2025 and the third arbitration award will be made in 2027.

Imagine for one second that these were not legal arbitrations but oil wells being drilled by Zenith. How excited would we be if we were going to drill an oil well which, if successful, would be sold by Zenith for $7.5 million before the end of the year. How excited would we be if we were going to drill a second oil well in Q1 2025 which could be sold for up to $85 million with a third in 2027 that we could sell for up to $48 million. The answer is, that we would all be over the moon.

The potential with the arbitrations is huge- much much bigger than Zenith have ever had from drilling oil, and the risk is no greater than any oil drill. So we should be excited.

Even if we subscribe to the idea that Zenith do not win every arbitration, or that they do win and only get a percentage of the amounts claimed then the numbers involved are still probably at least around $50-80 million – so even a conservative success should deliver cash of at least 10 times the current market capitalisation.

4. The SMP Court Case – We also have the SMP court case in the pipeline where Zenith are claiming approximately $6 million for the failure of the drill that SMP drilled on behalf of AAOG.

I have no idea what the status of this court case is since the last announcement that the company made about it was on October 18th 2023, but if the case had been struck out then they would have to have announced that this had happened, so we can safely assume that it is ongoing.

From what I have previously read about the drill then they court case seems fairly certain that it is to be found in Zenith’s favour but it is being held in France and involving a French company so let’s give it a chance of success of approximately 50%.

If we put all of these factors together then Zenith seems like it could provide a very successful share price performance over the next 12 months. The company’s current market capitalisation is approximately $5 million USD, yet it has a court case for $6 million, arbitrations for $140 million and the potential of acquiring assets in the US that if they produce approx. 500bopd would (alongside the Italian production) more than cover the company’s expenses and provide a substantial revenue stream on top. I have not bothered to talk about Kazakhstan here as I think it is very unlikely to happen but if it did then that would also be massive for the company.

It is my contention that if any of the four events that I have mentioned were successful then the value of the Zenith share price would be many multiples of where it is now – and I think that it is inescapable that at least some of them will.

The success of the SMP court case would double the share price from current levels.
The success of the first arbitration would double the share price from current levels.
The acquisition of 500 bopd production in the US would probably quadruple the share price from current levels.
The acquisition of Kazakhstan would probably quadruple the share price from current levels.
The success of the second arbitration would send the share price up by about 15 times from current levels.
The success of the third arbitration would send the share price up by about 10 times from current levels.

This is six different events that could each individually show a massive impact on Zenith and if more than one of them came in then the share price response would be significantly magnified. I cannot believe that at least some of these possibilities ill not happen in the next 12 months and for the reason I believe that Zenith is still an excellent investment for me as a long-term holder and even more so for anybody investing now.

21.05.2024 kl 11:23 4028

Skal man satse pengene pÄ retssager er der vist en bedre case i EAM med en dato pÄ afgÞrelsen.
21.05.2024 kl 11:14 4041

Du blander veldig her, vi er ikke skyldte $150 mill, zenith har sendt inn voldgiftskrav pÄ det. Det betyr ikke at vi fÄr $150 mill.

Det blir ikke kjĂžpt noe i usa uten penger og kjĂžpe for.

Den italienske biten som faktisk genererer penger, genererer pÄ langt nÊr nok tilbod betale lÞpende forpliktelser. SÄ faktum er st vi taper penger hver mÄned.

Kazakhstan burde det vÊrt oppdatering pÄ for lenge siden ihh til tidligere melding om oppkjÞp. Tiden har vist oss at nÄr det blir stille fra firmaet sÄ er det sjeldent gode nyheter.

Du skriver at vi vil vinne $10 mill fĂžr slutten av Ă„ret som om det er faktum. Det er det ikke.

Jeg er en stÞrre aksjonÊr i firmaet og hÄper ting skal falle pÄ plass, men du mÄ slutte og legge frem synsingen din som fakta. Det er ingen tjente med.
21.05.2024 kl 11:09 4048

Er dette siste 4-5 Ă„rene med "nyheter" - nei dette er bare siste Ă„ret(bortsett fra kraftprodukjonen da..)
21.05.2024 kl 10:30 4104

Vet du hva som er status pÄ SMP? denne skulle vel ogsÄ lÞses i disse tider? fÄr vi denne og fÞrst voldgift sÄ kan vi potensielt hente inn 20M USD ganske sÄ fort.
21.05.2024 kl 10:02 4125

hvilke falske nyheter har blitt lagt ut? hva som enn skjer i selskapet mÄ de gi ut i en kunngjÞring.

faktum er at vi er det

1. skyldte over $150 millioner i voldgift

2. vi skal kjĂžpe og produsere oljeaktiva i usa

3. vi har italiensk elektrisitetsproduksjon

4. Kasakhstan kan potensielt signeres.

fÞr slutten av Äret vil vi ogsÄ vinne over $10 millioner som allerede er mer enn det dobbelte av vÄr nÄvÊrende markedsverdi.
21.05.2024 kl 09:25 4135

Lord Wincheste skrev 37,4%
Jeg tror ikke det er mange igjen av de som investerte i 2020 og utover, det er galskap at selskapet har fÄtt holde aksjonÊrene med fake news i 4 Är. Kursen sier alt, og i 2023-2024 har det vÊrt tydelig overvekt av selgere, men nÄr tapet er sÄ stort som nÄ, ser jeg ingen grunn til Ä hoppe av det synkende skipet.
20.05.2024 kl 21:57 4277

Det er klart de ikke er interessert i og gjÞre opp for seg, da hadde vel ikke Zenith behÞvd og ansette enda en mann i saken mot dem. Det at du TROR noe som helst betyr jo ingenting. Vi mÄ forholde oss til det som er meldt, og det er ikke noe som tyder pÄ noe annet heller.
20.05.2024 kl 19:50 4296

innen utgangen av 2024 betyr ikke at det ikke kan vÊre tidligere. Jeg tror de vil gjÞre opp tidligere for Ä unngÄ Ä betale ytterligere bÞter
20.05.2024 kl 18:37 4171

Det stÄr det nÞyaktig hva jeg har sagt. De forventer ett resultat i slutten av 2024.
20.05.2024 kl 17:49 4189

The Arbitral Tribunal for ICC Arbitration 1 is expected to convene during the month of April 2024. A decision, resulting in a potential award favourable to EPZ, is expected to be made by the close of 2024.

The ICC Arbitration 1 claim is in the amount of approximately US$7.5 million including accrued interest resulting from late payment.
20.05.2024 kl 09:41 4336

Forklar meg hva som er helt feil og hvor du har denne informasjonen fra?

Det siste som har blitt sagt fra zenith er at de forventer ett resultat helt i slutten av 2024, siste nytt angÄende saken er at de har engasjert en ny person til og hjelpe dem med saken.

At du *tipper* noe betyr ikke noenting som helst. SĂ„ igjen, forklar hvorfor det jeg sier er feil? Mine henvisninger er direkte utsagn fra firmaet selv.
20.05.2024 kl 09:28 4295

det er feil. det fÞrste voldgiftsresultatet forfaller nÄr som helst nÄ. de andre stÞrre voldgiftene blir senere ja. men den fÞrste avgjÞrelsen mot ETAP for manglende betaling til senit fra EPZ tunisia er nÊrt forestÄende. Jeg tipper det vil lÞse seg i lÞpet av 1-2 mÄneder.
19.05.2024 kl 23:33 4384

Kommer ikke noe resultat pÄ arbitrasjon fÞr tidligst slutten av Äret , de har jo nettopp hyret en til i forbindelse med arbitrasjonen som er mest nÊrliggende. Det hadde de ikke gjort hvis resultatet var rundt hjÞrnet. Men rettsaken mot SMP derimot bÞr vi fÄ oppdatering pÄ hvilken dag som helst nÄ.
19.05.2024 kl 21:02 4462

en oppdatering pÄ det fÞrste arbitrasjonsresultatet bÞr vÊre hvilken som helst dag nÄ. vi vil helt sikkert vinne $10 millioner, sÄ vil resten av $150 millioner komme et Är etter.
16.05.2024 kl 23:09 4879

At det er liv i denne aksjen enda synes jeg er en gÄte. Det er vel bare Ä stikke fingeren i jorden Ä si at pengene er tapt. Og fÄ 22% igjen pÄ skatten.
16.05.2024 kl 18:07 5037

Takk for svar!
Kan du poste hvor du har det fra? Ønsker Ä lese selv.
HĂ„per for guds skyld at zenith vinner frem med hel/del av dette kravet, og fĂžrste i tunisia.
16.05.2024 kl 12:11 5186

FÞr sommeren skulle det vÊre avklart, sÄ senest ila juni.

SÄ jeg forventer dom hvilken dag som helst nÄ fremover.
Redigert 16.05.2024 kl 12:12 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
16.05.2024 kl 11:41 5115

Jeg skrev vel Þkt aktivitet, ikke enorm omsetning, men nÄ har jeg sett at det har gÄtt fra ett par tusenlapper i omsetning de siste uker til plutselig opp mot 200 tusen kroner de siste dagene.
16.05.2024 kl 11:26 5111

Ja enorm omsetning, hele 217K aksjer i dag, det holder kansje til ei pĂžlse og en is i morra (:
16.05.2024 kl 11:24 5086

Har registrert noe Þkt aktivitet pÄ Þkende kurser denne uken, kan det ha noe med forventninger til rettsaken mot SMP som avsluttes i disse dager? Potensielt utfall pÄ over 100mill NOK + omkostninger i favÞr zenith her. Kursen skal da mer enn dobles momentant ved slikt resultat
Redigert 16.05.2024 kl 11:57 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
13.05.2024 kl 09:24 5546

Kommer vel en drÞss med MOU er, sÄ er kaz historie. Er vel snart 5 mnd siden kaz ble meldt og alt annet (om det var noe) ble lagt vekk for og fÄ til denne.
Meldte jo ogsÄ at det skulle borres der pÄ begynnelsen av sommeren. Typisk AC og vÊre stille nÄr det ikke gÄr veien:-(
10.05.2024 kl 22:32 4741

Kazakhstan er nok flþyet for lenge siden er jeg redd

PĂ„ tide at AC leverer noe som helst
..! (PĂ„ hĂžy tid)
Kan ikke vente pĂ„ at arbitiration’ene gĂ„r veien.
10.05.2024 kl 17:12 4837

Der var pÄ et tidspunkt at en skrev at kursen havde stÞtte pÄ omkring 25 Þre.
Jeg grinte og tÊnkte at sÄ langt ned kommer kursen ikke.
Nu er vi der snart og mÄ sÄ hÄbe at stÞtten holder.
Ren skandale dette her. Hvorfor er der sÄ stille om Kazakstan ?
Bliver det alligevel en fugl mere der flyver vĂŠk ?
Lord Wincheste
10.05.2024 kl 14:36 4831

selg i grĂžnt og kjĂžp i rĂždt. GĂ„ mot strĂžmmen. TĂ„lmodig. Lykke til :)
10.05.2024 kl 10:44 4827

Heldigt at weekenden starter i morgen, sÄ er der i det mindste 2 dage hvor kursen ikke kan krakke nedover
09.05.2024 kl 19:37 5004

Ja slik gÄr det nÄr det nÄr man handler Ä blander seg inn i rÞverstater
09.05.2024 kl 15:25 5082

Omsetning har i hovedsak over tid vÊrt pÄ mikronivÄ. Det meste av det mikronivÄet har vÊrt pÄ salgssiden med kraftig presse nedover, hvilket har fÞrt til en unaturlig lav pris. SÄ har vi hatt ett par dager med "svÊr" omsetning. Hvordan vil det slÄ ut om det fortsetter?
08.05.2024 kl 23:35 5252

har snittet ned siden vi mistet Tilapia jeg. Jevnt og trutt nedover. Har troa.
08.05.2024 kl 23:12 5222

Fikk snittet litt ned i dag.
08.05.2024 kl 19:39 5223

Won’t be long before we get our money and can purchase some big assets around the globe. Let’s start with America.
08.05.2024 kl 13:00 5400

Timing is everything her som der👍