ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 137499

Dette er en fortsettelse av forrige chat-forum.
28.05.2024 kl 15:11 3230

Smp is not the congolese state company, smp is the french drilling contractor that was hired to drill for cnaaog (that zenith bought) and is now sued by zenith. Full name is SMP Energies.

Snpc is the state company (Société nationale des pétroles du Congo)
28.05.2024 kl 15:09 3222

What did I say that wasn’t fact? You’re claiming that AC hasn’t gone after the money owed by the Congolese and the Tunisian government, I am stating he is as written in the RNS announcements. The money owed in total is over $150 million, feel free to correct me where I am talking without fact. In fact the last rns stated

“ The Arbitral Tribunal for ICC Arbitration 1 is expected to convene during the month of April 2024. A decision, resulting in a potential award favourable to EPZ, is expected to be made by the close of 2024.

The ICC Arbitration 1 claim is in the amount of approximately US$7.5 million including accrued interest resulting from late payment. “

What you write is gibberish what I am posting is in fact….fact
28.05.2024 kl 15:05 3228

It is quite clear i read and understand the rns much better than you. You just wriite about your own feelings NOT the factual state of the rns etc…
28.05.2024 kl 14:30 3267

Maybe you should bother reading he rns that the company announced instead of moaning and saying you’ve been invested for a decade. Arbitrations take time and will be concluded when the court cases are done with.
Redigert 28.05.2024 kl 14:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2024 kl 14:29 3264

You have to appreciate that compensation via the legal route takes time. I am sure that the company in general and AC in particular would love for the legal process to go quicker, just like us investors do, but the fact is that it is a slow process.

We know that AC is going after compensation from the SNC via the French courts and for compensation from Tunisia via the international arbitration courts and we just have to sit tight and wait to see how these court cases play out. You cannot criticise AC for the amount of time that these cases are taking as that is just the nature of the legal system.

The one place where we could do with more clarity is about what is happening with the SMP (Congolese state oil company) money that is owed. However, it would not surprise me if the company were awaiting success in the other two court cases before they pursue this. I would definitely be surprised if it were totally forgotten.
28.05.2024 kl 14:16 3276

Please tell me more of all the compensation we have gotten after the tilapia disaster and the money owed from the congolese state oil company, since appareantly ac have ruthlessly got after the compensation 😂
Redigert 28.05.2024 kl 14:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2024 kl 13:10 3311

Selv etter en firedobling er de fleste aksjonærer i minus, fullstendig uinteressant. Personlig tror jeg vi alle hadde vært tjent med å fjerne aksjen fra børsen, eller sette opp igjen det gamle børssystemet med minimumsposter. Smarte investorer...vel de er vel posisjonert i andre verdipapirer enn Zenith
28.05.2024 kl 10:32 3409

And he’s quite ruthless, he makes sure he gets compensation for any breach of contract and will chase the financial penalty against them regardless who they are.
27.05.2024 kl 19:24 3550

One thing is for sure that AC does not engage in trickery. There have been many opportunities for him to withdraw and live us in the cold, but he has not done so. Optimist Yes, but sometimes we are required to achieve miracles and miracles can be achieved only thru optimism and believe ..
27.05.2024 kl 19:10 3548

We must never forget the Congolese national oil company, and the 5 million there is at least a small punch for the Congo.We shall forgive in order to move one but not forget .Forgiveness is for us not for them.
Redigert 27.05.2024 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.05.2024 kl 14:47 3662

smarte investorer vil kjøpe til bunnprisen. de. vente på at de utålmodige skal selge seg ut, og ta aksjene deres billig. til slutt vil prisen firedobles med relativ letthet.
24.05.2024 kl 19:46 4099

AC doesn't care about the short term price. He like most investors are looking long term. Yes the price is pretty poor right now but if any of the expected news announcements come through the price will be multiples of where it is now with relative ease. Money is currently being transferred from the impatient to the patient.
24.05.2024 kl 19:21 4069

Nå må vi huske at det var AC og styret som kjøpte og brukte penger i siste emisjon… Hvorfor i all verden skulle de gå inn med mer penger? De er da helt sikkert mer oppegående enn oss småsparer med at kursen var dalende.
Redigert 24.05.2024 kl 19:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.05.2024 kl 12:06 4212

Futureistoday if you have no belief in the company why are you still invested and moaning after so many years as you put it? seems bit odd to me.
24.05.2024 kl 11:31 4267

Det er ingen garanti for at man vinner denne og det skjer vel tidligst mot slutten av 2025. Første saken er snakk om 7,5m$ og om de skulle vinne den så bør kunne de kanskje startet med å betale obligasjonslånene som har en heftig rente. Vet ikke hvor store disse lånene er, men 15% rente er i alle fall mye
Redigert 24.05.2024 kl 11:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
Lord Wincheste
24.05.2024 kl 11:28 4189

Det er et godt poeng. Sette inn 10% av portefølgen her kan gi bra gevinst. Men det er jo selvsagt ikke helt risikofritt
24.05.2024 kl 10:36 4243

muligheten er å kjøpe nå på det nåværende bunnnivået. med voldgiftsseieren vil prisen være opp 10-15 ganger høyere.
24.05.2024 kl 10:33 4247

Probably getting RNS on bonds today, quoting RNS from 22 april:
"Settlement of the Exchange Offer is expected to take place on or before May 24, 2024."
Lord Wincheste
24.05.2024 kl 10:32 4245

Zenith er et to-hodet troll. På en måte er aksjonærer som har vært med en tid "fanger" av AC optimisme og må ta store tap ved å gå ut. Lite informasjon skaper selvsagt stor misnøye og man spekulerer innimellom på om det hele er ren svindel. Men så ville det jo ha vært en enorm svindel, som er helt umulig. Selv om tankene av og til dukker opp.
På motsatt side, oppsiden er stor. AC har nok bestemt seg for å holde kortene tettere til brystet etter fadesen i Tunisia og enormt med kritikk. Vi får en del svar i juli senest, håper for alle at det går rette vegen.
24.05.2024 kl 10:27 4251

So you admit that Allenby did not say that they were NOT Zenith advisers on May 7th 2024 and therefore the sum total of your investigative scandal is that:

Zenith have either forgotten to update one of their 8 advisers on the company website or they are awaiting for a new adviser to be appointed before they do this.

This seems a lot of fuss about a minor administrative error about a completely unimportant appointment. Personally, I simply don’t care whether Allenby are advising Zenith or not.
24.05.2024 kl 10:22 4062

Med volumet som er i Zenith er det ikke mange kronestykker man kan tjene selv om man kunne få 20% på hver handel. Alt hadde forsvunnet i kurtasje
24.05.2024 kl 10:09 4080

Per dags dato er det robotene som styrer kjøp/salg på Zenit. Ledelsen er fraværende, og det samme er inntektene. Aksjen svinger fra 10-20% noe som gir gode muligheter om en klarer å slå robotene. Jeg snitter ned sakte men sikkert, men det krever litt innsats. Volum og tilgjengelighet på salgssiden er veldig lavt, så om det kommer en virkelig god nyhet så eksploderer den. Det er eneste grunnen til jeg er inne. Skulle den plutselig vekke oppmerksomhet og folk begynte å kjøpe ville vi hatt vår egen lille Gamestop. Skulle noen ønske å kjøpe for 200k i dag, ville bare det sendt opp akjsen min 30%.
23.05.2024 kl 18:45 4244

They ARE claiming that Allenby is their advicer , it still says so in zeniths web site.

Allenby was surprised that they still was there and said they are going to contact zenith to get it removed.
They did not want to comment on if they were advicers the 7 of May .

It seems like you are a bit fresh to zenith, i have been around for years and nothing have ever changed. Its all big words and lies, how long have zenith been around now? 17 years or so? And after all that time how many barrels of oil do they produce? Maybe 20? Do you call that a success or a utter failure? What kind of company wont answer the shareholders? Not a good one if you ask me…
23.05.2024 kl 17:14 4314

Obviously Allenby were still working with Zenith on 7th May as they would not have been allowed say it in the news release otherwise. If you are claiming that Allenby told you that this is not the case then this is a more serious issue but you have not actually said this. Is it the case?

If your post is simply saying that Allenby were the company’s advisors and now they are not then what is the fuss about? There is nothing negative about the news that they have got rid of an adviser, it happens with companies all the time but you seem to be trying to turn it into a conspiracy. Some people like to take any opportunity to troll Zenith for no reason whatsoever. Unless the company were claiming that Allenby were an adviser when they were not then there is simply nothing to see here.
23.05.2024 kl 16:00 4286

Han er på ferie, men allenby capital har ikke noe noe med zenith og gjøre lenger. Har snakket med dem som jeg skrev i forrige melding. Skjønner ikke poenget med linken?
23.05.2024 kl 14:37 3072

Ja en kan undre seg over hva som skjer, idag ringte jeg til allenby capital som skal være zenith’s finansielle rådgiver. Som de til og med lister opp som det i siste børsmelding 7 mai.

Var veldig rart da de beklaget men de hadde ikke noe med zenith energy og gjøre lenger….

Så prøvde jeg flere av de andre som står listet på siden til zenith uten hell.

Så vi står igjen med ett firma som ikke besvarer sine aksjonærer (tro meg jeg har prøvd!!) hverken på tlf eller Mail som er listet på hjemmesiden. Ingen av de som står listet opp som *advisers* kunne hjelpe på noen måte, enten fordi di ikke hadde noe med zenith og gjøre (selv om de står oppført på hjemmeside og i børsmeldinger) eller fordi di ikke forstod selv hvorfor de stod oppført på hjemmesiden da de ikke kunne snakke om zenith til noen?? F.eks DNB som står listet som rådgiver.

Lukter muffins eller?
23.05.2024 kl 13:19 3126

Og hvor er det blitt av den fantastiske satsingen i USA? En skulle jo gå over til å orientere seg mot «ikkejallaland».
23.05.2024 kl 12:46 3127

Man trenger ikke vere rakettforsker for å skjønne det. Zenith er dessverre blitt kjent for gjentakende bommer på "mulige" prosjekt som AC skryter av i forkant, deretter blir alt stille til det kommer noe negativt. Vi har ennå ikke sett eller hørt noe konkret fra selskapet på mange måneder(år). Konkret = håndfast realitet
23.05.2024 kl 10:08 3188

Barneskiren how do you know Kazakhstan is not happening? Unless an rns has been released it’s just assumptions.
22.05.2024 kl 22:13 3343

We shall forget both the owed $ from the congolese goverment and positive news from kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan is not happening, and AC should update the market (but silence from zenith after due date = broken negotiations).
22.05.2024 kl 17:06 3405

If you ask me the South Sudan project will be another one that will fade away, but you never know with Zenith. THe court case against the drilling company is the SMP one that I referred to in my post.

One thing I did forget about was thee facts that the Congolese national oil company do still owe AAOG $5 million - it would be good to get an update from the co,pnay as to whether they think that this is recoverable or not.
22.05.2024 kl 12:21 3545

"We learned it from a book" (Manuel fra Fawlty Towers) :)
22.05.2024 kl 12:03 3470

Det var da voldsomt så in det var å skrive på engelsk i denne tråden (:
22.05.2024 kl 11:25 3504

My sentiments exactly, all it will take is one of the latter to come to fruition for the share price to multibag. Yes patience is required but eventually it will happen.
Lord Wincheste
22.05.2024 kl 09:46 3560

Lots of us in the same boat. Just have to survive and stay strong. Nothing is for free, at least in Zenith energy.
21.05.2024 kl 21:03 3772

Hope something positive will come soon that will raise the share price to new highs.
Went in some years ago when Talipia was just around the corner and hoped for quick exit.
Now I am here with paper loss of 82 % .
21.05.2024 kl 20:42 3739

Great point, what about MoU for S SUdan and the court case against the drilling company for 9M? that court case should be very close, no?