25.06.2024 kl 18:17
Du tar feil, sjekk linken. Zenith energy O&G er ett av datterselskapene. Hvis du sjekker linken så står det svart på hvitt at Luca benedetto er direktør og at Andrea hat gått av som direktør i selskapet.
Jeg poster da ikke om feil zenith. Det er tydelig du ikke har klikket deg inn og lest linken.
Jeg poster da ikke om feil zenith. Det er tydelig du ikke har klikket deg inn og lest linken.
25.06.2024 kl 17:13
Du har linket til feil selskap. Dette gjelder Zenith Energy O&G. Det er et Londonbasert selskap.
Zenith Energy er canadisk.
Dette burde du sjekket opp før du påstod at selskapet skulle nedlegges. Stygg sak som kunne og burde ført til nær panikk blant aksjonærene.
Zenith Energy er canadisk.
Dette burde du sjekket opp før du påstod at selskapet skulle nedlegges. Stygg sak som kunne og burde ført til nær panikk blant aksjonærene.
Redigert 25.06.2024 kl 17:24
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25.06.2024 kl 16:52
har lest at når folk er redd i en aksje det er da man bør kjøpe med begge armer :-)
Snitt 80øre og synkende.
Snitt 80øre og synkende.
25.06.2024 kl 16:33
Tror heller ikke mere på at Kazkastan bliver til noget, men skal de ikke melde hvis det er lagt i skuffen ?
25.06.2024 kl 14:45
Hvilke spennende tider, ikke en eneste melding angående sakene zenith har meldt… det er tydelig at Kazakhstan ikke blir noe av. Zenith energy O&G er snart nedlagt (se link) https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/11077521-zenith-energy-o-g-ltd
Og det skrives om Andrea på flere forum ( har sett dette flere ganger) men nå tror jeg faktisk det er noe i det.
Folk får gjøre seg opp egne meninger, men etter og ha vært investert her i ca 5 år og sett alt som har blitt sagt fra zenith og videoer de har lagt ut. Så er min mening at de holder folk for narr. Soleklart tegn på dette er at de ikke svarer aksjonærer i tillegg til og ikke kunne gjennomføre noe.
Er desverre redd at hvis de vinner frem med noen av disse sakene sine så vil direktørene berike seg selv med opsjoner og stikke av med mesteparten selv…
Og det skrives om Andrea på flere forum ( har sett dette flere ganger) men nå tror jeg faktisk det er noe i det.
Folk får gjøre seg opp egne meninger, men etter og ha vært investert her i ca 5 år og sett alt som har blitt sagt fra zenith og videoer de har lagt ut. Så er min mening at de holder folk for narr. Soleklart tegn på dette er at de ikke svarer aksjonærer i tillegg til og ikke kunne gjennomføre noe.
Er desverre redd at hvis de vinner frem med noen av disse sakene sine så vil direktørene berike seg selv med opsjoner og stikke av med mesteparten selv…
Redigert 26.06.2024 kl 21:19
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25.06.2024 kl 11:59
It’s evident Kazakhstan is not going to happen. Which is neither here or there….most important thing going forward is to win the arbitration case to give the share price a lift and extra capital for the company to start buying and producing safely producing assets in the US. Then profit from the US can then be used for riskier plays such as Kazakhstan..Sudan..etc
24.06.2024 kl 16:56
Kazakhstan er bare å legge fra seg. Det gikk i vasken (pga. ett eller annet), og Devonian har enten funnet eller jakter ny kjøper.
24.06.2024 kl 16:02
Sum haw in my mind or I should say in my guts feeling , I can't quite yet give up on Kazakhstan. TLP2 . 6 months after anointment for me it was lost case, let just sum thing it didn't feel wright.But I always thought maybe its just me......Tunisian problem it cache me of guard there is no point of thinking about them. The only language they understand is in court. Still sum haw I can not rule out Kazakhstan.
Again don't take my word for it. I haw ben ,,little ¨tired, worn out after nearly 4 year ´s better I keep my mouth shut.
-Silens is the language of God.
Again don't take my word for it. I haw ben ,,little ¨tired, worn out after nearly 4 year ´s better I keep my mouth shut.
-Silens is the language of God.
Redigert 24.06.2024 kl 19:33
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20.06.2024 kl 23:56
Jeg vil godta 50 % av 150 millioner dollar. de har ansatt de beste advokatene med 90 % suksessrate.
20.06.2024 kl 12:41
Om de vinner rettsakene så kan de selge den delen av selskapet som fortsatt rulle og går i Italia og betale ut det som er igjen etter at gjelden er dekket. Kan vel fort bli et par kroner pr aksje
Lord Wincheste
20.06.2024 kl 12:17
Bullfight skrev >Snart er kursen 0.0000001 og vipps så er selskapet historie
Det er urealistsisk. De bruker en haug med penger på dyre advokater. De har en garanti for overlevelse minst et par år til. Men at denne aksjen blir kjip inntil det kommer nyheter rundt voldgift, ingen tvil. Det er ikke et verdiløst selskap, det er mye penger i god kompetanse, og det har disse adokatene, og de får garantert hentet inn minst 50% av utestående. Kazakstan er nok long gone nå. Sudan er blue sky i ACs himmel. Det er kun rettsaker igjen å håpe på
Lord Wincheste
20.06.2024 kl 11:44
Jeg er ikke tvil om at edt vil komme en del fra rettsaker, og det er velbegrunnet også. Der tror jeg AC vil gjøre en god jobb for å sikre verdier. Men når de er på plass så skal jeg ikke følge han som oljemann, det er helt sikkert.
20.06.2024 kl 09:46
Tidenes jule hilsen var i 2020 ( TP2), da gikk vi fra 0,3 til 1,8 kr. Etter det har det gått ned, og det er hentet (utvannat) 94 000 000 NOK ish fra 2021 som er forsvunnet i intet. Håper bare på en super nyhet fra AC, og rett ut for min del, for oljeselskap får han ikke til dessverre.
Lord Wincheste
19.06.2024 kl 23:37
Uansett ståa, ingen som er fornøyde med at AC legger hodet på blokka med tidenes julehilsen (KAZ), siden har ingen knapt fått livstegn på et halvt år bortsett fra noen obligasjoner. At han "stager" intervjuer og ellers gjemmer seg i motvind er et elendig signal til oss som eier aksjer her. Mulig han vil fjerne alle som en og håpe på at nye ikke husker, men jeg blir litt usikker. Exit er tøft, når tapene er store
19.06.2024 kl 21:48
Ikke enig i at USA er stabilt og har stabil økonomi, hvorfor sier du det? Gjelden er svimlende og er på vel 35 billioner dollar!! Det vil jeg ikke kalle stabilt! Hvordan kan et land med en svimlende gjeld og en svært høy styringsrente kalles stabilt? Det er en svært svært farlig spiral de er inne i. Og om ikke det er nok så har de en president som er åreforkalket, og i tillegg står det en enda gærnere presidentkanditat og venter på å bli president igjen- det betyr at USA vil bli enda mer uforutsigbart enn mange andre stabile land. De styrer verdensøkonomien, men akkurat nå går det vel ikke så bra med noen..Sveits er stabilt og er et av de rikeste landene i verden. Dagens leksjon.
19.06.2024 kl 21:35
MarketGunsling; svært bra innlegg og mye nyttig informasjon, selv om dette er kjent stoff, så var det mange fine tanker og vurderinger rundt selskapets "bommerter" siste årene.Det er jo ikke sånn at man har mistet fullstendig håpet, men det er ganske tynne tråder vi henger i for tiden.
19.06.2024 kl 19:01
the company has already recognised and acted on much of what you suggest. They moved away from gambling in countries with unstable politics and have moved their focus to the USA which is the most stable econo0my in the world and has been for the last 50 years. We have to give them time for their new strategy to pay off.
19.06.2024 kl 16:11
There seems to be a lot of arguing going on in this forum over the last week or so with strong opinions being expressed on both sides. Instead of hurling insults at each other and arguing over who is invested or not invested, why don’t we all just take stock of what we know and what we don’t know.
There is no question that the many posters who have said that the last few years of Zenith’s operations have been unsuccessful in terms of acquisitions or oil production are right. We have failed to secure Tilapia, we have failed to secure Nigeria, Benin and Yemen, and it also looks like we have failed to secure South Sudan and Kazakhstan – judging by them lack of information that has come out about them. We have also effectively lost our Tunisian assets.
But this is the nature of investing in small cap companies and losing out on quite a few of these assets may not actually be such a bad thing in the long run.
1. Tilapia was lost even after it had been promised to Zenith. This is not great, but Congo was clearly a difficult place to do business as shown by AAOG’s failure to even get the SNPC to pay for their share of the previous oil drill as well as the constant poisonous briefings against the company by members of the Ministry of Petroleum. It is worth noting that Olive Petroleum. the company that did get awarded the license has, according to their website, not made any progress towards actually drilling any well there in the last 18 months.
2. Nigeria – was always going to be an expensive project and was also offshore where Zenith have no previous expereince. When you combine these two factors then we were looking at a project that was both high-risk and high-cost which is, in my opinion, one that we did well to avoid.
3. Benin could have been a good opportunity. It is one of the most politically stable countries in West Africa and had reserves of 28 million barrels of oil and 4 billion cubic feet of gas. However, this was also offshore, albeit in shallow water and it hadn’t produced since 1998. The previous operator had also spent $100 million on it and still walked away so there were clearly some problems there.
4. Yemen, I am really conflicted about. It is clearly he best project that Zenith had ever been involved with. Production costs were only $28 per barrel, it was still producing 6,000 bopd, it had 2p of 30 million and it had previously produced 17,500 bopd. OMV also wanted to sell it to us. This would have been a game-changing deal for the company and would have propelled us well on the way to a mid-tier oil producer. However, we could do nothing about the fact that the Yemeni government did not want little Zenith to replace big OMV. Subsequently as well, the Isreali invasion of Gaza has turned an already volatile region into a full-on war-zone with the Houthis controlling the shole of the south of the country. I have not checked since we pulled out of the deal but I would be very surprised if the assets had produced even a single barrel of oil in the last 9 months. So, reluctant as I am to admit it as I was a big fan of the deal, we perhaps dodged another bullet there.
5. South Sudan is a bit of a mystery. Back in June last year the company announced that they were in discussions with the Ministry of Petroleum for the acquisition of licenses in the country, but what these actually were was never specified. The only other news we have had on South Sudan is the announcement of an MOU with the company working on providing expertise for oil storage. It is not in a particularly stable part of the world and given the deafening silence on it for the last 7 months it would it would surprise me if Zenith actually acquired any assets there. Personally, I would not cry any tears if we pulled out.
6. Kazakhstan – As I have said before about Kazakhstan, I do not think it will happen any more. The silence on it has been too long. The deal was meant to be closed by the end of November 2023 and we have not had any updates on it since that date passed. This is never a good sign where Zenith are concerned, and this is a deal that I would be disappointed about as it looked like it could have been very beneficial for the company. It had 3P reserves of 62.5 million and the licenses itself was said to be estimated to have up to 900 million barrels of oil so the potential here was/is huge. I would love it if we suddenly announced that the deal was done, especially since we could drill the wells with our own rig, but common sense tells me that it is unlikely to happen.
So out of the assets we have lost, the only one I would be really disappointed about (in retrospect) is Kazakhstan. As I said before I loved the Yemen asset and I still think that this is the best pure oil asset that the company has ever had on its radar, but the unstable situation (basically war) in the region means that I am glad we have got rid of it. The rest of them, I actually think that we should be grateful that we walked away from.
I would be interested to hear from anyone else who thinks that we actually missed out on anythign by not completing the acquisition on any of these assets.
The biggest loss to Zenith is our Tunisian assets. We acquired them for almost nothing ($300k) and they were producing almost 500 bod and should be delivering approx. $15 million per year to the company. The fact that the Tunisian government stopped paying for the oil and left us in limbo has seriously damaged the company and all our investments in it. If this income was still coming in then we could have used it to service debt and use the debt to acquire larger assets. It is this that has really cost us, even more than the loss of the cash itself. However, the plus side to this is that we stand to recover many tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars from this by way of arbitration. Of course we cannot guarantee that we will win, but we now have a very good legal team on our side and I do not think that they would be involved if we did not have a strong case.
Going forwards, if we can secure some sensible assets in the USA then the company can be put back into the same position that it was pre-Tunisia but this time with the possibility of significant cash income coming from the arbitrations. If this income can be spent on the acquisition of several larger assets in the USA then it will be money well spent and the company will be in a very good position. However, it is my feeling that, at the moment, a lot depends on a successful outcome to the first two arbitrations. If they are successful then Zenith has the funds to make significant acquisitions and move the share price up at least ten times from their current levels. However, if they are unsuccessful then it is going to be a slow road forwards of making small acquisitions in the USA and rebuilding the income that was lost when the Tunisian contract was broken.
There is no question that the many posters who have said that the last few years of Zenith’s operations have been unsuccessful in terms of acquisitions or oil production are right. We have failed to secure Tilapia, we have failed to secure Nigeria, Benin and Yemen, and it also looks like we have failed to secure South Sudan and Kazakhstan – judging by them lack of information that has come out about them. We have also effectively lost our Tunisian assets.
But this is the nature of investing in small cap companies and losing out on quite a few of these assets may not actually be such a bad thing in the long run.
1. Tilapia was lost even after it had been promised to Zenith. This is not great, but Congo was clearly a difficult place to do business as shown by AAOG’s failure to even get the SNPC to pay for their share of the previous oil drill as well as the constant poisonous briefings against the company by members of the Ministry of Petroleum. It is worth noting that Olive Petroleum. the company that did get awarded the license has, according to their website, not made any progress towards actually drilling any well there in the last 18 months.
2. Nigeria – was always going to be an expensive project and was also offshore where Zenith have no previous expereince. When you combine these two factors then we were looking at a project that was both high-risk and high-cost which is, in my opinion, one that we did well to avoid.
3. Benin could have been a good opportunity. It is one of the most politically stable countries in West Africa and had reserves of 28 million barrels of oil and 4 billion cubic feet of gas. However, this was also offshore, albeit in shallow water and it hadn’t produced since 1998. The previous operator had also spent $100 million on it and still walked away so there were clearly some problems there.
4. Yemen, I am really conflicted about. It is clearly he best project that Zenith had ever been involved with. Production costs were only $28 per barrel, it was still producing 6,000 bopd, it had 2p of 30 million and it had previously produced 17,500 bopd. OMV also wanted to sell it to us. This would have been a game-changing deal for the company and would have propelled us well on the way to a mid-tier oil producer. However, we could do nothing about the fact that the Yemeni government did not want little Zenith to replace big OMV. Subsequently as well, the Isreali invasion of Gaza has turned an already volatile region into a full-on war-zone with the Houthis controlling the shole of the south of the country. I have not checked since we pulled out of the deal but I would be very surprised if the assets had produced even a single barrel of oil in the last 9 months. So, reluctant as I am to admit it as I was a big fan of the deal, we perhaps dodged another bullet there.
5. South Sudan is a bit of a mystery. Back in June last year the company announced that they were in discussions with the Ministry of Petroleum for the acquisition of licenses in the country, but what these actually were was never specified. The only other news we have had on South Sudan is the announcement of an MOU with the company working on providing expertise for oil storage. It is not in a particularly stable part of the world and given the deafening silence on it for the last 7 months it would it would surprise me if Zenith actually acquired any assets there. Personally, I would not cry any tears if we pulled out.
6. Kazakhstan – As I have said before about Kazakhstan, I do not think it will happen any more. The silence on it has been too long. The deal was meant to be closed by the end of November 2023 and we have not had any updates on it since that date passed. This is never a good sign where Zenith are concerned, and this is a deal that I would be disappointed about as it looked like it could have been very beneficial for the company. It had 3P reserves of 62.5 million and the licenses itself was said to be estimated to have up to 900 million barrels of oil so the potential here was/is huge. I would love it if we suddenly announced that the deal was done, especially since we could drill the wells with our own rig, but common sense tells me that it is unlikely to happen.
So out of the assets we have lost, the only one I would be really disappointed about (in retrospect) is Kazakhstan. As I said before I loved the Yemen asset and I still think that this is the best pure oil asset that the company has ever had on its radar, but the unstable situation (basically war) in the region means that I am glad we have got rid of it. The rest of them, I actually think that we should be grateful that we walked away from.
I would be interested to hear from anyone else who thinks that we actually missed out on anythign by not completing the acquisition on any of these assets.
The biggest loss to Zenith is our Tunisian assets. We acquired them for almost nothing ($300k) and they were producing almost 500 bod and should be delivering approx. $15 million per year to the company. The fact that the Tunisian government stopped paying for the oil and left us in limbo has seriously damaged the company and all our investments in it. If this income was still coming in then we could have used it to service debt and use the debt to acquire larger assets. It is this that has really cost us, even more than the loss of the cash itself. However, the plus side to this is that we stand to recover many tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars from this by way of arbitration. Of course we cannot guarantee that we will win, but we now have a very good legal team on our side and I do not think that they would be involved if we did not have a strong case.
Going forwards, if we can secure some sensible assets in the USA then the company can be put back into the same position that it was pre-Tunisia but this time with the possibility of significant cash income coming from the arbitrations. If this income can be spent on the acquisition of several larger assets in the USA then it will be money well spent and the company will be in a very good position. However, it is my feeling that, at the moment, a lot depends on a successful outcome to the first two arbitrations. If they are successful then Zenith has the funds to make significant acquisitions and move the share price up at least ten times from their current levels. However, if they are unsuccessful then it is going to be a slow road forwards of making small acquisitions in the USA and rebuilding the income that was lost when the Tunisian contract was broken.
19.06.2024 kl 15:29
It is important that when we look at things we should try not to have tunnel view. I am afraid that we have that with the experience, the knowledge and the information we have or how we process in our minds. The important is that we understand that we do not have a panoramic view. of the situation .Personally I try to be more open and cautiously optimistic about the future Unfortunately, it has been a bit difficult with all different opinions without inside view and knowledge, and hawing opinions and meanings based on personal knowledge and experience that people have gained through there life.
Redigert 19.06.2024 kl 15:31
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19.06.2024 kl 14:19
the company shouldnt be delisted from the stock exchange especially now. They have not been the worlds most successful company at finding oil, but they did do a good deal in Tunisia that should be making $20+ million per year for us now. It is not the company’s fault that the Tunisian government broke their contract and stopped paying them.
Now is the last time that the company should be delisting. There are two big arbitration cases coming up in the next 12 months and the company could make more than $100 million in compensation if they are successful. If the arbitrations are unsuccessful then your suggestion may be sensible, but until that point it would be foolish to delist.
Now is the last time that the company should be delisting. There are two big arbitration cases coming up in the next 12 months and the company could make more than $100 million in compensation if they are successful. If the arbitrations are unsuccessful then your suggestion may be sensible, but until that point it would be foolish to delist.
Redigert 19.06.2024 kl 15:23
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19.06.2024 kl 13:02
Mirel? Nytt nickname- hva hadde du tidligere ? Fint om du roer deg ned, dessuten skal det ikke være utropstegn bak et spørsmål, men et spørsmålstegn- ser slik ut: ? Og hva er du redd for? Tror du det skjer noe om vi sender mailer om våre meninger til postkassen deres? Dessuten var det et aktuelt tema jeg stilte til selskapet.
19.06.2024 kl 12:03
Well your English is piss poor so to say....and who are you to send such mail to a company....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19.06.2024 kl 11:55
Denne sendte jeg akkurat til selskapet, er faktisk ganske god i engelsk fant jeg ut 😅
Hello! The company should not be on Oslo Børs, or any other stock exchange. Its to small and to easy to manipulate. The management should have removed and delisted the company until things became more positive, and maybe wait for the money from the trial was on account? The development the latest years speaks for itselves. It is not acceptable for the shareholders that the company deliver red numbers year after year, and gamble in countries with unstable politics with the shareholders money.
Hello! The company should not be on Oslo Børs, or any other stock exchange. Its to small and to easy to manipulate. The management should have removed and delisted the company until things became more positive, and maybe wait for the money from the trial was on account? The development the latest years speaks for itselves. It is not acceptable for the shareholders that the company deliver red numbers year after year, and gamble in countries with unstable politics with the shareholders money.
19.06.2024 kl 11:43
Why would they come off the stock exchange? Any ounce of good news from artbitration or production in USA will give the company more exposure and investment, particularly in the UK, Canada and in the future the USA.
18.06.2024 kl 14:51
JobPeterson skrev fordi du ikke kan vinne 10 ganger mer enn pengene dine på bingo.
Jeg mener selskapet burde vært tatt av børsen, det hadde gitt mer ro og stabilitet.I tillegg hadde man sluppet at folk drev med øretrilling dag ut og dag inn i mange år- det ser vi jo daglig at det ikke går så bra- kursen har gått ned i mer eller mindre hele selskapets levetid- hvorfor er forresten et sånt selskap notert på børsen i norge, det finnes jo ikke en ting som kan relateres til det norske aksjemarkedet? Er det ikke opprinnelig et Canadisk registrert selskap med en (merkelig nok) italiensk mann bak roret? Hvem hadde en idè om å notere et utenlands oljeselskap på børsen, bortsett fra at de har drevet med olje(eller har de det?? man kan jammen begynne å lure).
17.06.2024 kl 12:25
fordi du ikke kan vinne 10 ganger mer enn pengene dine på bingo.
17.06.2024 kl 11:57
Man kan jo spørre seg hvorfor noen setter penger i dette selskapet, ta heller en tur på bingo der ver det tross alt mulig å tjene en tusenlapp
17.06.2024 kl 11:18
Man tar ca 400,- og styrter kursen med 16%. Dette er Oslo Børs og Euronext på sitt beste..sånn er det når inntektene til børsen og meglerhusene går foran den vanlige småspareren..men dere kan vel bare kjøpe dere som snitter ned..?
Lord Wincheste
14.06.2024 kl 18:19
kloke og erfarne ord. Jeg blir med med mine 600k aksjer :) snitter litt ned for tiden
14.06.2024 kl 01:48
Correct it is very rare that a stock goes up in a straight line, it’s not ideal for the price to drop however that’s why we invest, to make money and the hustle. Eventually the stock will deliver but until then we have had to endure some bumpy roads. When the arbitration is concluded and we’re pumping oil out of the USA we will look back and wonder why there was so much drama.
13.06.2024 kl 23:20
In order to make omelette man must break some eggs, it happen that sum times we can mis the pan.It may happen that sometimes we can lose them on the floor and it is always easy to be after smart. Thet´s what usually most of the people do : They getting after smart . Always wi find the way after the one we chose it happen to be dead end road. But again Its easy to be after smart.
In other words , based on the knowledge and information we had at the time they were correct decisions made by Zenith. Its are easy to be after smart after we know the result.
One thing we shud not forget there is hundred of million dollars which can be vine in the court cases and chances are pretty god that Zenith can win all of them. Then I think every body will forget the past and all disagreements and will like to be best friends with AC.
(Ops I fogat to munched wife´s even they will love you more)
Thet´s ugliness in successes.
Beauty in struggling I have munched in one ore to posted before.
In other words , based on the knowledge and information we had at the time they were correct decisions made by Zenith. Its are easy to be after smart after we know the result.
One thing we shud not forget there is hundred of million dollars which can be vine in the court cases and chances are pretty god that Zenith can win all of them. Then I think every body will forget the past and all disagreements and will like to be best friends with AC.
(Ops I fogat to munched wife´s even they will love you more)
Thet´s ugliness in successes.
Beauty in struggling I have munched in one ore to posted before.
Redigert 14.06.2024 kl 00:45
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Lord Wincheste
13.06.2024 kl 18:32
Det er elendig håndtverk av AC. Er enig i det. En oppdatering på status, selv om det ikke er påkrevd hadde vært på sin plass. Så kan det tenkes at det er jobbet frenetisk med obligasjoner og innhenting av penger for å få det til. Sannsynligvis vanskelig jfr flere runder. Handler nok om dårlig likviditet. Det er vel grunn 1 til at selskaper og folk stikker hodet i sanda, og håper det går over, istede for å være åpen å kjempe på som en løve. alltid lurt å være åpen om utfordringer og skape tillit. AC har ikke gått den skolen
13.06.2024 kl 13:29
Avtalen er (var) slik at zenith skulle kjøpe 50% av Devonian for 5 mill usd, hvorav 200k ble betalt inn straks, 1.8 mill skulle betales ved kontrakt signering etter due diligence og myndighetene hadde godkjent. Og de resterende 3 mill skulle betales gjennom zenith sin finansiering av boring med egen rigg slik jeg har forstått det. Så skulle zenith ha opsjon på og kjøpe resterende 50% av devonian på ett senere tidspunkt med zenith aksjer. Jeg antar at prisen på Devonian hadde vært en helt annen for de resterende 50% da det ville vært etter en vellykket boring og oljen strømmet. Så om de resterende 50% ville blitt kjøpt får vi nok aldri vite da det ser ut som hele avtalen er død. Er flere måneder siden den skulle vært inngått iflg zenith selv i en børsmelding der de hadde 60 dagers frist. Den er oversteget med flere måneder og total stillhet fra zenith. Det er jo normalen når ett prosjekt ikke går gjennom. (Gjelder vel så og si alle prosjekter som har vært børsmeldt utenom Tunisia, som nå også er strandet)
13.06.2024 kl 11:19
Fordelen for DP er at hvis vi vinner begge rettsaker på 16-20M dollar så har vi cash å rutte med for å sette igang borring, så er ønskelig for dem også at vi vinner mot Tunisia og drilleselskapet.
13.06.2024 kl 11:18
Forstår det slik de kjøpte DP for 5M, 2M på forskudd og resterende av kjøpet vil gjøres i Zenith Energy aksjer. mao 3M dollar ca. og er Zena da verd 20M dollar får de 1/7 ca istedenfor halvparten av Zenith aksjene som er dagens aksjepris. Jo høyere aksjepris/market cap zenith har før kjøpet jo bedre (etter min forståelse).
13.06.2024 kl 11:14
Forstår jeg det rett, når vi overtar 100 prosent av DP og de får 50 prosent av Zen ved dagens kurs ca? Eller er jeg helt ute på vidda?