ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 131639

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05.07.2024 kl 13:04 4888

Quite honestly I couldn’t care less about production or any asset if the company adds $75m to the market cap. That’s over ten times the current market cap, I would sell out and enjoy my profits. I am not emotionally attached to any stock and this stock has a huge upside in the future if you take out emotion out of the equation.
05.07.2024 kl 13:57 4941

Derfor vil vi også drive ørkenvandring og tap av aksjeverdi i flere år fram i tid. De $75m er det flere år frem i tid til vi får noe svar om.

Kan godt være vi er konkurs før den tid.
05.07.2024 kl 14:56 4980

Har vi sett tidenes laveste kurs idag? En milepæl med andre ord HA-HA !
05.07.2024 kl 14:58 4976

Niks. 0,252 kr er laveste.
05.07.2024 kl 16:07 4938

Incorrect we have one result end of this year, from what I recall one mid 2025, and the last one probably 2 years. I’m happy to hold for 2 years and make 10 times my money from where it is now.
05.07.2024 kl 16:19 4968

hei, da er det ferie her. Hadde vært moro og vist hvor mange av oss som sitter og hvor mange aksjer hver enkelt av oss har . Nesten som en presentasjon av aksjeeiere. Frivillig selvfølgelig. Meg selv: Mann 52, Møre og Romsdal, 400000 aksjer. Snitt så vidt under 80øre.
God helg.Og god sommerferie til alle Zena folk.
06.07.2024 kl 09:06 4904

1 150 000 stk aksjer her.
06.07.2024 kl 09:07 4975

Snitt 1 kr ish
06.07.2024 kl 16:33 4888

618 000 aksjer til verdi 166 000kr.
I tidene jeg begynte å kjøpe var så mange aksjer ville vært verdt 890 000kr.

Det sier vel mye om utviklingen i aksjen.
06.07.2024 kl 18:31 4846

Har 800.000 til snit på 1,10 nok så lidt stort papirtab.
Kommer jeg nogensinde i + ? Tror det næppe, men håber at nogle penge kommer fra retssager. Der kan dog gå lang tid.
Tror KAZ er død siden vi intet hører. Når melding endelig kommer at det intet bliver til noger kommer vi under 20 øre.
07.07.2024 kl 13:39 4683

This is an ideology or a goal that the company is working towards, so there is nothing wrong with it. Everything you have written, it is good to have a goal for the future. But this will take time, we have learned that. Whether we believe it or not is up to each of us individually. Experience for running international working company ,I don't doubt them. If they can or not implement that, again is individual thing haw vi believe.
07.07.2024 kl 13:47 4688

Over 3 mill. average about 1.20 ,You can think whether it is smart or not, the most important thing is what I believe
07.07.2024 kl 14:02 4681

And never sold one single share for nearly 4 years.

07.07.2024 kl 22:19 4557

450.000 gav 1.0
07.07.2024 kl 22:33 4545

1800.000 gav 0.6 etter realisert.(skatt) snitt ned fra 0.9
08.07.2024 kl 20:41 4371

mer tålmodighet kreves, men jeg kan se en stor regnbue for penger i enden av tunnelen.
08.07.2024 kl 20:57 4423

👍 not exactly that was primarily why I hung one to Zenith , I was thinking more about building an Empire and be a part of it. But it looks like universe haw different planes.I did not give up the hope, more like I surrender to the flow of events.
Redigert 08.07.2024 kl 21:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.07.2024 kl 08:58 4321

Får håpe det snart begynne å interessere større investorer.
Skal ikke mye cash til for å gjøre stort innhugg i en stor eierandel.

For en million kroner kan du nært bli eier av 2%
Redigert 09.07.2024 kl 09:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.07.2024 kl 10:40 4184

Har de noe å dra opp fra hatten på Q4-kvartalsrapporten og årsrapporten den 31. juli.

Men av erfaring fra tidligere kommer det vel melding om utsettelse om ikke lenge.
Redigert 10.07.2024 kl 10:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.07.2024 kl 12:10 4171

From what I gather the first arbitration result for Zenith Energy against the Republic of Tunisia is expected in late-2024. Zenith Energy has initiated multiple arbitration proceedings, including an ICSID arbitration in Washington DC and an ICC arbitration in Paris, primarily related to contractual disputes and unpaid invoices for oil production. The ICSID case involves claims of at least $48 million due to various breaches of bilateral trade agreements and obstructions in oil sale processing by Tunisian authorities​.

So I guess that’s only several months away before we get our first big uplift in the share price. Not long to wait.
10.07.2024 kl 15:52 4120

Vi er snart på sjuke kr. 0,20 ,-
17.07.2024 kl 16:15 3493

1,2 millioner aksjer har blitt omsatt hittil idag, er ikke det mye for å være Zenith, og det endatil i ferien? Har svinget 0,02 ører fra topp til bunn idag, ikke akkurat noe å skrive hjem om. Blir nok slik framover i ferien, men interessant at volumet er større enn normalt.
17.07.2024 kl 20:20 3429

Vi nærmer oss rapport 31. Juli.
Kan ha med den å gjøre.
tsu for all
17.07.2024 kl 23:21 3366

NAV betaler pensjon 19 juli, blir trangt i døren :)
tsu for all
18.07.2024 kl 12:58 3223

takk, fikk litt til billig :) Regnskapet vil jo være underskudd pga liten produksjon av gass/olje, kun goe strøm inntekter fra Italia
Kostnader er som vanlig ADM med reiseutgifter mm og renter på lån
18.07.2024 kl 14:53 3189

Zenith Energy's profit from its Italian assets comes primarily from its electricity production activities, particularly at the Torrente Cigno concession. Here, the company produces around 900 MWh of electricity per month using low-grade natural gas. This electricity is sold at an average price of approximately EUR 110 per MWh, generating net revenues of about EUR 110,000 per month. After accounting for production costs of about EUR 35,000 per month, the net profit from this operation is around EUR 75,000 per month​ compared ​.

Over the course of a year, this amounts to an estimated annual profit of approximately EUR 900,000 from the Torrente Cigno concession alone. Zenith also has interests in other natural gas and electricity production assets in Italy, which may contribute additional profit​
23.07.2024 kl 14:11 2939

Forhåpentligvis får vi noe mer svar på tall vedrørende US og kanskje noe nærmere om utvidelsen som skulle skje i Italia nå ved årsrapporten og Q2 om få dager.
23.07.2024 kl 16:22 2901

Jeg tror nyhetsstrømmen vil starte fra september hvor aksjekursen endelig vil bevege seg opp
23.07.2024 kl 19:45 2834

July 23, 2024


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Successful Conclusion of Bond Exchange Offer

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN

Kanskje ballen begynner å rulle nå?
24.07.2024 kl 12:01 2566

The bonds repaid on time everything on track.
25.07.2024 kl 09:39 2368

On time? Da følger du ikke med i timen. De skulle vært betalt i januar, altså for over ett halvt år siden, og nå har de egentlig ikke blitt betalt, de har blitt fornyet med en skyhøy rente. Så zenith har fremdeles like mye gjeld, bare til enda høyere rente. Og de har fremdeles ikke noe mer inntekter til og betale nevnte gjeld som de ikke klarte og betale i utgangspunktet og måtte refinansiere obligasjonene til dårligere vilkår for zenith. Hvertfall 88% av dem. De har ikke betalt de resterende prosentene ennå. Så den posten din er bare helt feil.
Redigert 25.07.2024 kl 09:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2024 kl 13:59 2265

Futureistoday – as always you take the most deeply negative spin on any Zenith news that you can. Of course this is good news. The company have issued new bonds that do not need to be paid until 2026, by which time they will probably have a number of producing US assets and also a significant cash injection from the results of the arbitrations with Tunisia which will make the payment of the bonds easier and the additional interest will be irrelevant.

It makes total business sense for Zenith to do this and it is not a big deal. Companies refinance debt all of the time dependent on where in their development cycle they actually are.

No doubt, you will argue from your relentlessly negative point of view that there could be no wins from any of the arbitrations and there could be now new assets acquired. Yes this is possible, but let’s face it, it is also extremely unlikely and very difficult to take seriously. After all, you could apply the same “whatabout” logic to negatively talk down the prospects of any company on the planet.

As I have mentioned on a number of occasions in the past, the first arbitration is pretty much guaranteed to be won by Zenith. The simple facts of the matter is that Zenith produced the oil, submitted it for sale and it was sold. Etap took the money from the sale and simply did not pay Zenith. It is clear breach of contract and basically amounts to theft. It is easily proveable and as close as you can get to a guaranteed win in a legal case. When interest and damages are added onto the top of the original $6.5 million that was stolen I fully expect Zenith to receive around $10 million this September.

Once the first arbitration is completed then the company will have a significant amount of money to invest into new producing acquisitions, presumably in the US, making this debt relatively easy to service.

Of course if they lose all of the arbitrations and do not acquire any other assets by 2026 then the company is done. It doesn’t take an investment genius to tell us that. However, if you go to the other extreme and assume that they win the full amount from all of the arbitrations and acquire a number of new US assets then you get a very different result. A company with $80+ million in the bank and a continuous monthly revenue of further millions of dollars. In this circumstance the additional interest they are paying on the bond refinancing is totally irrelevant.

Of course, the reality is likely to be somewhere in the middle. Zenith will not get everything they are after in the arbitrations but they will get a good chunk of it. They will fund some of this into Leopard and raise more money in the US and go out and acquire a number of significant producing assets. In this circumstance the bonds will still be easy to pay and the refinancing will still have been a clever business decision.
Given the current position of the company it is hard to work out how this bond refinancing could possibly be considered bad news. It is not game-changing news that is going to send the share-price rocketing upwards but is a sensible business decision that has helped put the company on a much more solid footing going forwards as we move into the resolution period of the first two arbitrations. There is only two months to go before we get the results of the first arbitration and only 8 months to go before we get the results of the first big one. I simply fail to see any justification for treating this as bad news.
25.07.2024 kl 14:16 2289

Du bør lese hva jeg svarte på, og ikke tillegge meg noe annet enn det. Han skrev at obligasjonene ble betalt på tide. Det er jo så langt fra sannheten du kommer, og de ble heller ikke betalte, de ble refinansierte til dårligere vilkår for zenith. Så at du kommer med en lang tirade av hva jeg mener eller ikke får du holde for deg selv. Jeg korrigerte feilen som ble sagt og la frem fakta
25.07.2024 kl 14:26 2282

Technically you’re right, but the renegotiations delayed it and it’s good news. Simple as that.
25.07.2024 kl 15:31 2230

Like to add two thing

1: didnt they have oil in reserves for about 15-20M ? about 200k barrells+

2: The fact they renewed debt means the debt owners think they will win, if not the wouldnt renew cause they would lose their money. getting 15% a year in return a year is a big risk if they risk losing lots more if Zenith loses the court cases.
25.07.2024 kl 21:56 2103

1. I know that they should have some oil in reserve because it has continued to be produced and they still own the license, but from a quick look I have not been able to find any company figures about how much this should be. I will probably be able to work it out from old production numbers but will not be able to do this until next week, so if you can find the data before then it would be much appreciated. An extra $15 million would certainly be a very welcome addition to the company bank accounts, but I suspect that this money will most likely be recovered in the third arbitration.

2. I think that everybody thinks that Zenith are going to win the court case. You just have to look at the legal expertise they have now got on their team.
26.07.2024 kl 08:16 1979

Oljen som er produsert og som er på lager, er det som zenith har voldgiftskravet på mot etap. Her har det blitt tatt beslag i penger fra etap i en sveitsisk bankkonto holdt av etap for og sikre pengene frem til voldgiftskravet er avgjort.

Pr dags dato så produserer ikke selskapet olje, dette mener jeg de har skrevet i en av børsmeldingene. De produserte en skvett i robbana frem til lagringsmuligheter gikk tom. (Forstod det var meget begrenset lagring) da de ikke får solgt oljen fra robbana.

Etter det første voldgiftskravet (ICSID) ble sendt inn så meldte de at de fortsatt produserte, men det ble full stopp litt senere da de ble fratatt alt i Tunisia utenom el bibane og robbana. Dette skal stå i meldinger fra firmaet for de av dere som gidder lese selv. OG NEI, jeg sitter ikke og blar igjennom for dere som ikke gidder lete selv.
27.07.2024 kl 16:51 1776

Det har INTET med spin at gøre MG, det er meget faktuelt, men man kan uden tvivl konstatere at du er forelsket i aktien, hvilket er yderst farligt.

AC hiver 1 million kr hver eneste måned i gage, og han levere ikke i nærheden af at forsvaren den betaling.

ALLE bliver fattigere, med undtagelse af 2 personer, AC og Luca, det er også faktuelt.

De indtægter der er i Italien, dækker kun de faktuelle udgifter, og eneste grund til at tallene i en kort periode blev udsendt via RNS, var for at forsvare den inkompetence det hele reelt dækker over.

Nu vil jeg igen nyde solen og en kold øl.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 27.07.2024 kl 16:52 Du må logge inn for å svare