ZENA 11.01.2024 kl 11:14 91073

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I går kl 18:44 433

When is question about acquisitions of Zenith sparsely I'm thinking about Kazak..Even the thinks like it seems its going in the same pattern as before its not exactly true.I think is just delay and nothing else. Universe newer don't repeat the same BS twice in the same pattern ore way ( I´m thinking about TP2 and Kazak.). It's just delay. Don't forget that AC and LB bout sum million of shares in march if I´m not mistaken. According to investment rulles thous who have inside information about company futer development which will influence share price in any way : it means up ore down they can't bye ore sale in this case bye. It haw to go at least 3 months from the day AC and LB bout the shares and the investors news about Kazakhstan
I dag kl 09:49 242

Just a reminder we have several arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia and ETAP (Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières), focusing on disputes over contractual obligations and damages related to their oil production and development activities in Tunisia.

ICSID Arbitration: Zenith Energy and its subsidiaries have filed a claim under the ICSID Convention rules, seeking at least $48 million in damages. The claim alleges that Tunisia engaged in unreasonable obstructions affecting their Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia concessions. The arbitration process is ongoing, with significant steps taken, including procedural orders issued earlier in 2024​​.

ICC Arbitration (ETAP): This arbitration involves a claim of approximately $7.5 million, initiated due to ETAP's failure to comply with payment obligations for oil produced and sold by Zenith’s subsidiary. The Arbitral Tribunal has rejected ETAP’s request to include Tunisia as a co-defendant and has ordered ETAP to pay legal costs. A decision is expected by the end of 2024​​.

ICC Arbitration (SLK Concession): Zenith's claim here amounts to $85.8 million, covering damages from lost production revenue due to obstructions by Tunisian authorities. This arbitration is also ongoing, and Zenith has appointed renowned legal counsel to support their case​​.

The outcomes of these arbitrations are anticipated to be either a favorable award to Zenith or an amicable settlement, as per the company's assessments and legal advice received​. I personally believe zenith will retrieved half of the $150m owed and with the first arbitration proceed to fund the Kazakhstan and USA assets which will start bringing value to the company.
I dag kl 09:59 225

Hva skjer om Tunisia blir dømt, men lar være å betale? Det virker jo som at de gir fullstendig F i internasjonale regler.
I dag kl 10:09 208

Velkommen tilbake Aqua. Kos deg med øl, Tuborg regner jeg med :)
I dag kl 15:49 85

That’s impossible, the Tunisians have already been fined for not adhering to schedules in the court case. My guess is this will be settled out of court or the Tunisians will have to pay a very hefty legal bill. Also the top 3 legal firm would not take this case on unless there was a big financial reward for them.