16.12.2024 kl 07:38
Aldara skrev Tony... Don't you think we have just started??
I am afraid of drop back and have too many shares! Again --> it's risk management.
15.12.2024 kl 19:37
Piltingsrud skrevInnlegget er slettet
I'll try to sell some of my shares tomorrow. The rise for the last month is already quite substantial. Just risk management!
Redigert 15.12.2024 kl 21:15
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X-43 scramjet
15.12.2024 kl 12:53
Godt utfall rettssaken eller en vennlig løsning varslet de tidligere. Så et forlik er sannsynlig. Men at det er nå totalt 5 milliarder total erstatning da vil en ikke sitte på perrongen å se at lyntoget går unna
15.12.2024 kl 11:43
Jo lengre opp vi kommer før News jo bedre. Blir meget spennende å se hvor mange kr den hoppper til ved positivt svar på første sak. Det blir nok en indikator på hva som skjer videre.. ytterst spennende tider i Zenith!!
15.12.2024 kl 09:26
Jotun71 skrev må jo det. Tenke positive tanker :-)
32,8% gain siste mnd er positivt eller hur?Virker som det kommer mer fremover,time will tell,vinn eller forsvinn👍
tsu for all
14.12.2024 kl 23:17
X-43 scramjet skrev Tar seg bra opp Zena 25 øre nå
hva ser me i neste uke på forventninger 0,40 ? etter Dom 0,50 ?
dom kommer nok før Jul = i neste uke
dom kommer nok før Jul = i neste uke
14.12.2024 kl 16:30
Aldara skrev Jotun...Håp om å få igjen pengene innen et halvt år?
må jo det. Tenke positive tanker :-)
13.12.2024 kl 18:22
X-43 scramjet skrev Aksjen som kan gå fra ører til kroner med pen sum erstatning
28 kr:-) He he
13.12.2024 kl 13:51
X-43 scramjet skrev Tar seg bra opp Zena 25 øre nå
spent om den siste blokka paa 600k aksjer ryker, da er 0,30 neste i skrivende stund
13.12.2024 kl 13:00
Sia skrev 0,239
NOK 0.249
Last traded price
13/12/2024 - 12:43 CET
Since Open
+0.017 (+7.33%)
Since Previous Close
Last traded price
13/12/2024 - 12:43 CET
Since Open
+0.017 (+7.33%)
Since Previous Close
13.12.2024 kl 09:32
Hva er real time kurs nå? Kan ikke selv følge med siden det er hektisk møteaktivitet nå før jul(som alltids)
På forhånd takk:-D
På forhånd takk:-D
13.12.2024 kl 09:28
Vanskelig å si, men tror du en twitterbruker på 600 følgere kan styre en aksje som har gått ned fra 1 kr til 17 øre, og nå opp til 25 øre? tror det er forventinger likeså. stor boks på 0,25 nå. spent om noen vil jafse.
13.12.2024 kl 09:27
Mtp kursutviklingen.... Kan vi kalle det en saaaaakte form for FOMO ?
13.12.2024 kl 08:59
This is clear gibberish --> propositions "the decision was finalized" and "the officials have been summoned to provide explanations" clearly contradict each over! The Lady is spreading lies!
tsu for all
13.12.2024 kl 08:46
Avgjørelsen fra ICC ble sluttført i slutten av forrige måned. I tillegg har tjenestemenn knyttet til lisensene blitt innkalt for å gi forklaringer til regjeringen. Venter på dokument for levering av endelig resultat
* dette kan jo ikke være sant ? fake news
* dette kan jo ikke være sant ? fake news
13.12.2024 kl 08:04
Hva kan dette være årsaken til?:
"officials connected to the licenses have been summoned to provide explanations to the government"
Håp om fortsettelse for å operere lisensene?
"officials connected to the licenses have been summoned to provide explanations to the government"
Håp om fortsettelse for å operere lisensene?
12.12.2024 kl 20:38
jeg har vært i aksjen helt siden november 2020. Still going. 63øre. 106øre på topp.
12.12.2024 kl 20:18
Litt over 20 øre. Gikk ut for mange år siden og kom inn igjen for ikke lenge siden
Men husker tiden da kursen var det mangedobbelte av ruinene vi ser idag!
Men husker tiden da kursen var det mangedobbelte av ruinene vi ser idag!
12.12.2024 kl 16:37
Ja alt for lille volume hvis der er hold i rygter. Så ville omsætning være meget højere. Ja tak til kurs 1,5 - 2
12.12.2024 kl 16:01
Det er da svært lavt volum hvis det er rykter i markedet, eller?? 0.50 øre i kurs er tross alt småpenger da det er 5 øre gammel kurs. Tror flesteparten av de større aktørene har et langt høyere snitt. Kursen må nok opp mot kr 1,5 - 2 kr for at dette er noe å skryte av
12.12.2024 kl 15:33
Billyjojimbob skrev 120k så er den din👍
If this motors towards 0.3 I would expect the price to even break 0.5 on a successful first arbitration win.
12.12.2024 kl 14:40
Last traded price
12/12/2024 - 14:32 CET
Since Open
+0.028 (+13.59%)
Since Previous Close
+0.027 (+13.04%)
Looks like buying pressure, news soon?
Last traded price
12/12/2024 - 14:32 CET
Since Open
+0.028 (+13.59%)
Since Previous Close
+0.027 (+13.04%)
Looks like buying pressure, news soon?
12.12.2024 kl 14:34
futureistoday skrev Approved by the Court as to its form = administrative approval ….
0,235 er neste å ta ut. spent hva neste støtte ville vært om vi bryter det. den store 500k blokka var 0,24, så virker ivrig på å selge.
12.12.2024 kl 13:42
Approved by the Court as to its form = administrative approval ….
12.12.2024 kl 12:49
there is not a word on "administrative approval" in ICC rules. Instead there is a "court approval". Check out art 34 of the rules -->
"Before signing any award, the arbitral tribunal shall submit it in draft form to the Court. The Court may lay down modifications as to the form of the award and, without affecting the arbitral tribunal’s liberty of decision, may also draw its attention to points of substance. No award shall be rendered by the arbitral tribunal until it has been approved by the Court as to its form."
"Before signing any award, the arbitral tribunal shall submit it in draft form to the Court. The Court may lay down modifications as to the form of the award and, without affecting the arbitral tribunal’s liberty of decision, may also draw its attention to points of substance. No award shall be rendered by the arbitral tribunal until it has been approved by the Court as to its form."
12.12.2024 kl 12:30
Last traded price
12/12/2024 - 11:33 CET
Since Open
+0.016 (+7.77%)
Last traded price
12/12/2024 - 11:33 CET
Since Open
+0.016 (+7.77%)
12.12.2024 kl 12:25
In the context of an ICC arbitration case, "administrator approval" typically refers to the requirement that certain actions, decisions, or procedural steps must be approved by an administrator or an official from the institution handling the arbitration — in this case, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
ICC arbitration involves the resolution of disputes through arbitration under the ICC's arbitration rules. The term "administrator approval" could refer to a few different scenarios:
Appointment of Arbitrators: The ICC may require administrator approval for the appointment of arbitrators, especially if the parties cannot agree on who should serve as the arbitrator(s). The ICC Court, which administers the arbitration process, may approve or appoint arbitrators to ensure the process follows its rules and standards.
Procedural Steps: The ICC’s administrative body may need to approve certain procedural steps in the arbitration, such as deadlines for submissions, changes to the procedural timetable, or requests for extensions of time.
Settlement or Award: In some cases, the ICC may require administrator approval before a settlement agreement or final award is recognized or enforced. This could ensure that the settlement aligns with the rules of the arbitration process.
Cost Approvals: Administrator approval might also be needed for certain cost-related aspects of the arbitration, such as the allocation of arbitrator fees or administrative costs.
Essentially, "administrator approval" in ICC arbitration refers to the requirement for ICC officers or relevant authority figures to review and approve certain aspects of the arbitration process to ensure compliance with ICC rules, fairness, and procedural integrity. The exact nature of this approval depends on the specific rules of the ICC arbitration and the details of the case.
ICC arbitration involves the resolution of disputes through arbitration under the ICC's arbitration rules. The term "administrator approval" could refer to a few different scenarios:
Appointment of Arbitrators: The ICC may require administrator approval for the appointment of arbitrators, especially if the parties cannot agree on who should serve as the arbitrator(s). The ICC Court, which administers the arbitration process, may approve or appoint arbitrators to ensure the process follows its rules and standards.
Procedural Steps: The ICC’s administrative body may need to approve certain procedural steps in the arbitration, such as deadlines for submissions, changes to the procedural timetable, or requests for extensions of time.
Settlement or Award: In some cases, the ICC may require administrator approval before a settlement agreement or final award is recognized or enforced. This could ensure that the settlement aligns with the rules of the arbitration process.
Cost Approvals: Administrator approval might also be needed for certain cost-related aspects of the arbitration, such as the allocation of arbitrator fees or administrative costs.
Essentially, "administrator approval" in ICC arbitration refers to the requirement for ICC officers or relevant authority figures to review and approve certain aspects of the arbitration process to ensure compliance with ICC rules, fairness, and procedural integrity. The exact nature of this approval depends on the specific rules of the ICC arbitration and the details of the case.
Redigert 12.12.2024 kl 12:26
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12.12.2024 kl 11:57
There is no such thing as "administrative approval" referred to by the Lady on X!
12.12.2024 kl 11:49
apparently the rumours have it the decision has already been made but they are awaiting administrative formalities, I guess we will find out eventually.