Over 900% oppside.

ZENA 16.01.2024 kl 03:01 5250

Double bottom bekreftet på weekly chart.
Pålitelig reversal pattern - treffsikkerhet på 80%.

Kurs: 0.42
Target1: 0.49 (13% oppside)
Target2: 0.66 (51.25% oppside)
Target3: 3600 (961% oppside).

Ikke fib-levels, men pattern.

Merk: ren teknisk analyse, ingen fundamentale verdier er tatt med.

Prtscreen 3H: https://i.postimg.cc/VL008x67/IMG-1260.png
Prtscreen weekly: https://i.postimg.cc/L6DFQXkL/IMG-1255.png
Redigert 17.01.2024 kl 00:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.01.2024 kl 08:36 5123

På weekly chart???
16.01.2024 kl 10:14 4998

men kursen fortsætter ned for 2. dag og snart er den tilbage under 40 øre
16.01.2024 kl 11:31 4893

Hvor har du dette fra?

Kilde eller link, takk.
16.01.2024 kl 12:08 4823

Det er ingen tvil om at casen kan gå dit, kanskje mye mer også - men det mangler fremdeles bekreftelse for markedet på at voldssaken mot Tunisia blir vunnet, og at borringen i Kazhakstan blir vellykket.

Tunisia-saken vet vi ikke hvor langt frem i tid ligger før vi får et endelig svar. Et søksmål på verdi 1500% av dagens børsverdi!

Og Kazhakstan borringen burde gi svar før høsten 2024.

Så har vi selvfølgelig masse andre mindre triggere.

Redigert 16.01.2024 kl 12:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.01.2024 kl 23:35 4531

Er det bare 900% oppside?
16.01.2024 kl 23:58 4470

På weekly ja.
Redigert 17.01.2024 kl 00:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.01.2024 kl 00:26 4426

Hva får deg til å ha de meningene? Jeg forstår ikke tankegangen over bildene og grunnlaget for å si 3,6kr.
17.01.2024 kl 08:49 4249

Cyber Apps World Inc. (OTC PINK:CYAP) ("CYAP" or the "Company") (website: https://www.cyap.info) is pleased to announce that the Company's subsidiary, CYAP Oil, LLC, has successfully bid at auction for a 5% royalty interest in a package of seven (7) producing oil wells located in the Eagle Ford Shale, Lavaca County, Texas (the "Acquisition").

This is the Company's first transaction in the U.S. energy production and development sector and constitutes a shift in the Company's focus away from software development to identifying and acquiring opportunities in the U.S. energy production and development sector. The Acquisition is expected to close on or about January 17, 2024.

Budrunde avsluttes allerede i dag.
Redigert 17.01.2024 kl 09:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.01.2024 kl 00:50 3937

The Acquisition is expected to close on or about January 17, 2024.

Datoen har bikket 18. Januar og ingen nytt.
18.01.2024 kl 10:13 3748

Vary good news , starting small and steady ,vary realistic to, that it can be achieved for the time being and build sum thing bigger after the will for Cyber.
AC is more like hitting hard and heavy and fast to. In 2017 ore 2018 can't remember now I thot I miss the train, ( sum times man haw to be like that in order to make big / crucial changer for the better ) but it has takken more time then vi thought. this time I feel content because I haw the ticket, experiencing sum delay but it will com soner ore later.
Redigert 18.01.2024 kl 11:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.01.2024 kl 15:31 3537

Her kan det komme mer!!!

Derisk av aksjen og vips så var løpende inntekter tilbake. Sjelero og stor tro på fremtiden.

Update on United States portfolio

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA ; OTCQB: ZENAF), the listed international
energy production and development company with a focus on opportunities in
Central Asia and the US, is pleased to provide an update regarding the
development of Cyber Apps World Inc. ("CYAP"), a U.S. listed company of which
Zenith acquired majority control by way of a Securities Purchase Agreement in
August 2023, and the Company's previously announced business development
activities in the US.

First Acquisition in the US onshore oil and gas space completed by CYAP

On January 16, 2024, CYAP announced that its subsidiary, CYAP Oil, LLC, had
successfully bid at auction for a 5% royalty interest in a package of seven (7)
producing wells located in the Eagle Ford Shale, Lavaca County, Texas.

This represents CYAP's first transaction in the US energy production and
development sector and is, in line with Zenith's strategy for CYAP, a shift away
from software development towards identifying and acquiring opportunities in the
US energy and production development sector.

CYAP has confirmed that further acquisitions of this kind, specifically
royalties in non-operated oil and gas production leases, are planned.

Change of name to Leopard Energy, Inc.

In view of the change in strategic direction away from software development,
CYAP has elected to change its name to Leopard Energy, Inc.

It is expected that the name change will become effective once all the necessary
regulatory formalities are completed.

Update on US acquisitions announced by Zenith during 2023

The Company confirms that, following the acquisition of CYAP in August 2023, it
has discontinued and terminated the three separate transactions announced to the
market on June 2, 2023, July 5, 2023, and August 3, 2023, respectively.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"We are pleased that CYAP has now completed its first acquisition in the US oil
and gas space. The acquisition of a non-operated oil and gas production royalty
delivers immediate monthly cashflow and will enable an attractive payback of the
initial investment.

It our intention that CYAP's first acquisition be followed by various other
similar acquisitions in an incremental manner, following geological, financial,
and legal due diligence, to achieve 'critical mass' and build a balanced,
revenue generating and profitable portfolio.

We believe CYAP will attract financial support from US capital markets as the
benefits of implementing an accretive growth strategy centred on purchasing
interests in non-operated oil and gas production leases, during a period of
favourable energy prices, becomes increasingly apparent."

Further Information:

Zenith Energy Ltd
22.01.2024 kl 17:59 3218

Latest Development:
January 19, 2024 - The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 2 concerning transparency and confidentiality matters.

Oppdatering på Tunisia-saken.
24.01.2024 kl 08:17 2950

Mer informasjon om Procedural Order No.2 og generell prosess rundt ICSID Arbitration:
01.02.2024 kl 13:47 2562

Etter de siste ukene med høye utskiftninger av nye investorer har det nå blitt stille på forumene. Kursen holder seg stabil, og lite panikksalg med store variasjoner av kursen.

Forhåpentligvis et sunnhetstegn der vi har fått litt mer pengesterke investorer som ikke selger aksjer for små tusenlapper som skal dekke brød og smør.
06.02.2024 kl 18:13 2045

Vi får nok vite mer om ikke lenge. Det er stille fra selskapet noe som kan tyde på att det kommer nyheter som ikke bør lekkes. Historien her pleier å være stillhet over tid er godt nytt. Masse småmeldinger vil si att de kjøper tid uten å ha noe helt stort på gang.
07.02.2024 kl 09:30 1821

Debatten er helt død og kursen under 40 øre ........
Lord Wincheste
07.02.2024 kl 23:27 1626

Det jobbes hardt i kulissene og helt ok om AC får arbeidsro. I slutten av februar kommer flere svar på Kaz. Voldgiftsaker kan det jo komme litt nyheter om her og der, men sikkert ikke før til våren at det er større utvikling.
08.02.2024 kl 10:21 1442

Hva er status for rettssaken mot SMP i Paris?
08.02.2024 kl 11:01 1393


Latest Development:
January 19, 2024 - The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 2 concerning transparency and confidentiality matters.
08.02.2024 kl 11:39 1345

Ikke den saken.