SoftX estimated market size is NOK18bn.fair value of NOK 0.69

SOFTX 21.01.2024 kl 15:26 11752

OFTX: COMMISSIONED RESEARCH REPORT - Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding
Sparebanken 1 Markets, commissioned research report.

Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding

SoftOx Inhalations Solutions aims to replace the use antibiotics with hypochlorous acid (HOCI) in the treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP). VAP is a respiratory infection that occurs during the intubation of patients by circumventing natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. An estimated 130,000 patients in Europe and the US contract VAP yearly and there is currently no effective treatment on the market as resistant bacteria and biofilms limit the effect of antibiotics. SoftOx has managed to develop medical-grade stabilized HOCI that has showed strong antibiofilm activity against pathogens found in VAP. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability. Phase 1 was completed in 2022 and proved the solution to be safe to inhale for humans. Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of-concept in humans and could commence early 2025. However, the company requires funding of NOK50m to take the project through phase 2, and an additional NOK130m for phase 3. In Europe and the US, the estimated market size is NOK18bn. The company targets capturing a 10% market share within the initial 3 years of market approval, with additional growth opportunities stemming from high mortality rates and potential cost savings.

Our analysis
• There is currently limited effective treatments for VAP as antimicrobial resistance and biofilms limits the effects of antibiotics. Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern, causing 1.2 million deaths in 2019 and listed by WHO as one of the top 10 global health threats. Patients contract VAP during ventilator intubation as it circumvents natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. VAP raises mortality rates in ICUs and, according to SoftOx, intubated patients face a 10-30% risk of developing VAP and increases mortality rates of up to 50%. Studies show that in Europe and the US there is an estimated 70,000 and 60,000 cases each year, respectively, and leads to extra hospital costs of USD47k per patient in the US and USD30k per patient in the EU.

• SoftOx has achieved medical-grade stabilized hypochlorous acid within the therapeutic window. Due to the inherent instability and high reactivity of chlorine-based solutions, most solutions today are unable to maintain a therapeutic level over time. SoftOx Inhalation Solution’s HOCI strikes a balance between unacceptable toxicity and insufficient efficacy, with degradation being less than 5% over 2 years. SIS has proven to be effective against bacterial biofilms and respiratory pathogens. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability with relatively low study costs. Phase 1 showed the solutions to be safe to inhale for humans, and Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of concepts in humans. SIS is protected by over 90 patents ensuring patent protection for +15 years on vital applications, shielding them from competitors seeking approval for similar products. Should SIS reach market approval, the pathway is well defined. Since VAP is an infection contracted at hospital, the hospital is liable to cover the associated treatment costs without any reimbursement process. VAP comprises a large market with a cost reduction potential of NOK54bn.

• Valuation thoughts: Assuming the company receives sufficient funding and reaches market approval, we estimate NOK1.8bn in revenues and NOK722m in net income by 2030, based a 10% market share and a 40% net income margin. Based on a Price-to-Earnings ratio of 12.5x discounted back to 2024 and equity issuances post-phase 2 of NOK230m in the range NOK0.5-1.5/share, this translates to a fair value of NOK0.53-0.69/share.
Redigert 08.05.2024 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2024 kl 17:19 10347

21.01.2024 kl 18:38 10290

🏁start skudd i morgen.
21.01.2024 kl 22:01 10206

MARKEDSVERDI er nå nede på
21,7 mill 🔥

21.01.2024 kl 22:27 10180

Artikkelen "Star" viser til er fra JANUAR 2023.
ALTSÅ: En ren bløff!
Redigert 21.01.2024 kl 22:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2024 kl 23:56 10124

Det er ikke en bløff. SOFTOX er bevilget totalt nesten 100 millioner fra European Defense Fund (EDF)

Pengene blir utbetalt i transjer.
Redigert 22.01.2024 kl 06:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.01.2024 kl 00:41 10095

Så bra👍🏁 etapper.

22.01.2024 kl 07:32 10002

Oversikt for SOFTX (SOFTOX SOLUTIONS ). Oppdatert VPS 22.01.2024 - TOP 50 øker beholdningen sin.

01 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 12.68% 2 856.2k 1 360k -3 325
02 HERMOD FARMS AS 6.90% 1 554.5k 740.3k
03 DINGE INVEST AS 6.68% 1 505k 716.7k
04 PRO AS 3.41% 767.13k 365.3k
05 GH HOLDING AS 2.89% 650.31k 309.7k
06 ALMHAUG BOLIG AS 2.85% 642k 305.7k
07 GEMALLO AS 2.56% 576.63k 274.6k
08 ALMÅS KRISTIAN 2.41% 543.9k 259k
09 SKOGBRYNET EIENDOM AS 2.40% 539.91k 257.1k
11 OLSEN OTTAR 1.93% 435.04k 207.2k ++1 125
12 HERNESS BJØRN 1.83% 413.29k 196.8k
13 CS-HOLDING AS 1.83% 412.4k 196.4k
14 DANSKE BANK A/S 1.76% 397.43k 189.3k
15 NORDNET BANK AB 1.15% 259.66k 123.6k ++5 893
16 WL-01 HOLDING AS 1.09% 245.7k 117k
17 FALCK FRÅS AS 0.96% 216.33k 103k
18 HAREFRØKEN INVEST AS 0.96% 216.01k 102.9k
19 ROCHA INVEST AS 0.84% 189k 90 000
20 HOVIND SVENN IDAR FORBERGSKOG 0.72% 163.07k 77 653 ++20 000
21 ROCHA ANDERS MARCEL DA 0.69% 155.4k 74 000
22 JUVEN INGRID 0.65% 147k 70 000
24 AUBERT INVEST AS 0.60% 134.4k 64 000
25 HOLTA & CO. AS 0.60% 134.4k 64 000
26 WENNBERG IVAN 0.56% 126.42k 60 198
27 LUNDBY IRENE 0.53% 119.04k 56 687
28 WL-02 HOLDING AS 0.53% 118.53k 56 444
29 NAVUS AS 0.51% 115.5k 55 000
30 SOLVIDA AS 0.48% 108.73k 51 775
31 SONJA OG EMIL AUBERTS LEGAT 0.48% 107.1k 51 000
32 LITLESKARE KENNETH 0.47% 106.4k 50 667
33 DFL HOLDING AS 0.44% 99 559 47 409
34 NILSEN SIMEN NESTOR 0.42% 94 500 45 000
35 JOMAAS RUNE 0.41% 92 612 44 101
36 BØRSELIEN MARIUS 0.41% 92 400 44 000
37 IHLEN HELENE KRISTINE 0.39% 88 200 42 000
38 LINDVARD INVEST AS 0.39% 88 200 42 000
39 RAVI INVESTERING AS 0.37% 84 000 40 000
40 KOMMODE HOLDING AS 0.37% 83 685 39 850
41 INNSELSET-SMIDTSRØD SANDER 0.37% 82 425 39 250
42 JOHANSEN ØYVIND HESTVIK 0.35% 79 800 38 000
43 BØRSELIEN HELGE STEINAR 0.34% 77 700 37 000
44 L B HOLDING AS 0.34% 75 600 36 000
45 SAND BJØRNAR LYNGVI 0.32% 72 450 34 500
46 BENSVIK KYSTFISKE AS 0.32% 71 421 34 010
47 FOSS TORGEIR 0.29% 66 429 31 633
48 ARUMUGAM KYLE 0.29% 65 108 31 004
49 LARSEN RONNY 0.29% 64 565 30 745
50 HAUGSTAD JAN AMUND 0.29% 64 210 30 576
51 Others 29.06% 6 546.05k 3 116.95k -8 042
22.01.2024 kl 09:02 9949

Der kom 4 tallet opp i ordrebunnen. HOLD! Vi skal langt opp.
22.01.2024 kl 09:08 9946

Går veien dette.
22.01.2024 kl 09:12 9965

Ja det er neste ingen selgere så lavt, en må nok over 4 for å få lastet opp litt aksjer ja. for eksempel 50-100 k aksjer.
Redigert 22.01.2024 kl 09:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.01.2024 kl 10:18 9941

4 tallet passeres nok snart
06.02.2024 kl 21:11 9699

Opp 20% i dag, nå går denne.
08.02.2024 kl 07:18 9566

Rally I dag.
19.04.2024 kl 10:53 9109

70 000kr så er denne doblet
19.04.2024 kl 11:32 9079

Kan bli en kraftig rekyl.

Ingen selger.

100 target nå.
19.04.2024 kl 15:19 9005

19.04.2024 kl 18:31 8955

Ler meg skakk ser en emisjonsaksje. Og der jublet gullet på 4 kroner 🤣🤣🤣😍ja, bare 3,8 kroner opp dit nå. Du er ikke sann altså.
08.05.2024 kl 08:53 8585

Kan være en kandidat som kan gå mageganger. 11øre nå...påtide å se på denne.
08.05.2024 kl 08:55 8573

OFTX: COMMISSIONED RESEARCH REPORT - Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding
Sparebanken 1 Markets, commissioned research report.

VAP comprises a large market with a cost reduction potential of NOK54bn.

• Valuation thoughts: Assuming the company receives sufficient funding and reaches market approval, we estimate NOK1.8bn in revenues and NOK722m in net income by 2030, based a 10% market share and a 40% net income margin. Based on a Price-to-Earnings ratio of 12.5x discounted back to 2024 and equity issuances post-phase 2 of NOK230m in the range NOK0.5-1.5/share, this translates to a fair value of NOK0.53-0.69/share.
Redigert 08.05.2024 kl 08:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2024 kl 09:13 8551

08.05.2024 kl 09:21 8538

08.05.2024 kl 10:06 8493

SOFTX SELACO AS NY 920.000 0,2 ny kjøper seg opp.
08.05.2024 kl 10:53 8463

Kommer det rally snart...nyheter
Slettet bruker
08.05.2024 kl 12:57 8409

Kalleklovn547 skrev Selskapet er toast
Bra uttrykk
Slettet bruker
08.05.2024 kl 12:59 8405

Misbruk av begrepet vakuumtrading.
X-43 scramjet
08.05.2024 kl 13:22 8388

Bør gå 3 gangeren. Fair value 0.69. Tydeligvis at Selaco har funnet en underpriset aksje
08.05.2024 kl 15:34 8311

skal opp 600-700%
14.05.2024 kl 17:16 8101

Veldig intelligent hausing.
04.06.2024 kl 08:57 7828

Rallyet er startet.
Slettet bruker
04.06.2024 kl 09:14 7785

Da tok jeg gevinst med 110 raske prosenter. Lykke til videre de som sitter👍
X-43 scramjet
04.06.2024 kl 09:17 7769

Softox har mer å gå på
04.06.2024 kl 09:37 7722

Litt tidlig kanskje ….
15.08.2024 kl 09:13 7092

kl 14 i dag utrolig spannede.
23.08.2024 kl 09:10 6932

Venter på info.

23.08.2024 kl 10:05 6876

Tr går ut i dag, så blir kjekk dag på mandag.