SoftX estimated market size is NOK18bn.fair value of NOK 0.69
OFTX: COMMISSIONED RESEARCH REPORT - Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding
Sparebanken 1 Markets, commissioned research report.
Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding
SoftOx Inhalations Solutions aims to replace the use antibiotics with hypochlorous acid (HOCI) in the treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP). VAP is a respiratory infection that occurs during the intubation of patients by circumventing natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. An estimated 130,000 patients in Europe and the US contract VAP yearly and there is currently no effective treatment on the market as resistant bacteria and biofilms limit the effect of antibiotics. SoftOx has managed to develop medical-grade stabilized HOCI that has showed strong antibiofilm activity against pathogens found in VAP. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability. Phase 1 was completed in 2022 and proved the solution to be safe to inhale for humans. Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of-concept in humans and could commence early 2025. However, the company requires funding of NOK50m to take the project through phase 2, and an additional NOK130m for phase 3. In Europe and the US, the estimated market size is NOK18bn. The company targets capturing a 10% market share within the initial 3 years of market approval, with additional growth opportunities stemming from high mortality rates and potential cost savings.
Our analysis
• There is currently limited effective treatments for VAP as antimicrobial resistance and biofilms limits the effects of antibiotics. Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern, causing 1.2 million deaths in 2019 and listed by WHO as one of the top 10 global health threats. Patients contract VAP during ventilator intubation as it circumvents natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. VAP raises mortality rates in ICUs and, according to SoftOx, intubated patients face a 10-30% risk of developing VAP and increases mortality rates of up to 50%. Studies show that in Europe and the US there is an estimated 70,000 and 60,000 cases each year, respectively, and leads to extra hospital costs of USD47k per patient in the US and USD30k per patient in the EU.
• SoftOx has achieved medical-grade stabilized hypochlorous acid within the therapeutic window. Due to the inherent instability and high reactivity of chlorine-based solutions, most solutions today are unable to maintain a therapeutic level over time. SoftOx Inhalation Solution’s HOCI strikes a balance between unacceptable toxicity and insufficient efficacy, with degradation being less than 5% over 2 years. SIS has proven to be effective against bacterial biofilms and respiratory pathogens. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability with relatively low study costs. Phase 1 showed the solutions to be safe to inhale for humans, and Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of concepts in humans. SIS is protected by over 90 patents ensuring patent protection for +15 years on vital applications, shielding them from competitors seeking approval for similar products. Should SIS reach market approval, the pathway is well defined. Since VAP is an infection contracted at hospital, the hospital is liable to cover the associated treatment costs without any reimbursement process. VAP comprises a large market with a cost reduction potential of NOK54bn.
• Valuation thoughts: Assuming the company receives sufficient funding and reaches market approval, we estimate NOK1.8bn in revenues and NOK722m in net income by 2030, based a 10% market share and a 40% net income margin. Based on a Price-to-Earnings ratio of 12.5x discounted back to 2024 and equity issuances post-phase 2 of NOK230m in the range NOK0.5-1.5/share, this translates to a fair value of NOK0.53-0.69/share.
Sparebanken 1 Markets, commissioned research report.
Promising antimicrobial technology - further advancement dependent on sufficient funding
SoftOx Inhalations Solutions aims to replace the use antibiotics with hypochlorous acid (HOCI) in the treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP). VAP is a respiratory infection that occurs during the intubation of patients by circumventing natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. An estimated 130,000 patients in Europe and the US contract VAP yearly and there is currently no effective treatment on the market as resistant bacteria and biofilms limit the effect of antibiotics. SoftOx has managed to develop medical-grade stabilized HOCI that has showed strong antibiofilm activity against pathogens found in VAP. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability. Phase 1 was completed in 2022 and proved the solution to be safe to inhale for humans. Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of-concept in humans and could commence early 2025. However, the company requires funding of NOK50m to take the project through phase 2, and an additional NOK130m for phase 3. In Europe and the US, the estimated market size is NOK18bn. The company targets capturing a 10% market share within the initial 3 years of market approval, with additional growth opportunities stemming from high mortality rates and potential cost savings.
Our analysis
• There is currently limited effective treatments for VAP as antimicrobial resistance and biofilms limits the effects of antibiotics. Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern, causing 1.2 million deaths in 2019 and listed by WHO as one of the top 10 global health threats. Patients contract VAP during ventilator intubation as it circumvents natural airway defenses, heightening the risk of bacterial infection. VAP raises mortality rates in ICUs and, according to SoftOx, intubated patients face a 10-30% risk of developing VAP and increases mortality rates of up to 50%. Studies show that in Europe and the US there is an estimated 70,000 and 60,000 cases each year, respectively, and leads to extra hospital costs of USD47k per patient in the US and USD30k per patient in the EU.
• SoftOx has achieved medical-grade stabilized hypochlorous acid within the therapeutic window. Due to the inherent instability and high reactivity of chlorine-based solutions, most solutions today are unable to maintain a therapeutic level over time. SoftOx Inhalation Solution’s HOCI strikes a balance between unacceptable toxicity and insufficient efficacy, with degradation being less than 5% over 2 years. SIS has proven to be effective against bacterial biofilms and respiratory pathogens. With proof-of-concept studies in animal respiratory infections the clinical success has a favorable probability with relatively low study costs. Phase 1 showed the solutions to be safe to inhale for humans, and Phase 2 aims to demonstrate proof-of concepts in humans. SIS is protected by over 90 patents ensuring patent protection for +15 years on vital applications, shielding them from competitors seeking approval for similar products. Should SIS reach market approval, the pathway is well defined. Since VAP is an infection contracted at hospital, the hospital is liable to cover the associated treatment costs without any reimbursement process. VAP comprises a large market with a cost reduction potential of NOK54bn.
• Valuation thoughts: Assuming the company receives sufficient funding and reaches market approval, we estimate NOK1.8bn in revenues and NOK722m in net income by 2030, based a 10% market share and a 40% net income margin. Based on a Price-to-Earnings ratio of 12.5x discounted back to 2024 and equity issuances post-phase 2 of NOK230m in the range NOK0.5-1.5/share, this translates to a fair value of NOK0.53-0.69/share.
Redigert 08.05.2024 kl 08:58
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05.09.2024 kl 12:18
Ja, det blir ordentlig rekyll.. men ikke før alle aksjer er delt og de som selger skal ut. Blir uansett spennende de neste månedene her.
12.09.2024 kl 16:20
Softox tapte og må ut med 3 mill, anker så de må ut med litt mer. Uansett denne utgiften sender kursen ned 30%. Ikke at det overrasker men sier sitt.
X-43 scramjet
17.09.2024 kl 15:15
Er helt glemt case nå Softox. Har handlet under 2 øre. Snart kommer en mega rekyl
17.09.2024 kl 15:40
Det er vel på tide med en spleis av aksjene her. 2 øre er en tullekurs så 1000 aksjer bør bli til 1. De kom med noen nyheter i dag. Er det igjen snakk om at det blir en emisjon? Er jo ikke uvanlig når det kommer nyheter fra dette selskapet.
17.09.2024 kl 16:56
Høres fint ut men dessverre har det så langt vist seg å være en fiasko. Om det blir noe mer for dagens småaksjonærer er heller tvilsomt.
X-43 scramjet
17.09.2024 kl 17:16
De har fortsatt sår delen som de holder på. Kan bli aktuelt for et annet pharma selskap å kjøpe opp det
X-43 scramjet
17.09.2024 kl 17:34
Softox har mer å gå på. Ikke gi opp. Verdt å prøve nå kun 2 øre per aksje
17.09.2024 kl 19:12
25.10.2024 kl 15:23
Aldri eid så mange luter i noen lut før med så lavt gav,håper den ikke nulles👍
31.01.2025 kl 14:58
Har dere fått med dere hva som har skjedd i Softox #SOFTX nå? Tidligere Novo Nordisk-profiler har tatt kontroll over innsiden av selskapet, godt skjult av et grisete bokomslag.
De har konvertert all gjeld på 0,20, hentet cash på 0,02 og skilt ut "skiten" (sårselskapet), så de sitter kun igjen med indrefileten (inhalasjonsmedisin og Nato samarbeidet) og de har guidet finanseringsløsning innen februar. Bare NATO samarbeidet gir et tilskudd på rundt 90-100 millioner til forskning på softox teknologien. De prises til underkant av 30 millioner i dag. Når seriøse aktører som tidligere Novo Nordisk-profiler har tatt over kontrollen, kan det være verdt å følge med.
De har fått inn M&A-ekspert Christian Vinding Thomsen fra (Loeven Advokatpartnerselskab) som nestleder. Seriøse aktører pleier å ha en plan, så jeg tror det fort kommer inn en industriell partner her. De har også ansatt en ny Director of Clinical Operations: Peter Halkier – Også hentet fra Novo Nordisk. Signaliserer at de har kontroll på finansering, og det er vel tvilsomt blir mot retails. High risk case da, så man må kanskje være litt crazy for å ta i sånne, men enorm oppside. Helt gjeldsfritt så salg går rett til aksjonærene.
De har konvertert all gjeld på 0,20, hentet cash på 0,02 og skilt ut "skiten" (sårselskapet), så de sitter kun igjen med indrefileten (inhalasjonsmedisin og Nato samarbeidet) og de har guidet finanseringsløsning innen februar. Bare NATO samarbeidet gir et tilskudd på rundt 90-100 millioner til forskning på softox teknologien. De prises til underkant av 30 millioner i dag. Når seriøse aktører som tidligere Novo Nordisk-profiler har tatt over kontrollen, kan det være verdt å følge med.
De har fått inn M&A-ekspert Christian Vinding Thomsen fra (Loeven Advokatpartnerselskab) som nestleder. Seriøse aktører pleier å ha en plan, så jeg tror det fort kommer inn en industriell partner her. De har også ansatt en ny Director of Clinical Operations: Peter Halkier – Også hentet fra Novo Nordisk. Signaliserer at de har kontroll på finansering, og det er vel tvilsomt blir mot retails. High risk case da, så man må kanskje være litt crazy for å ta i sånne, men enorm oppside. Helt gjeldsfritt så salg går rett til aksjonærene.
31.01.2025 kl 16:04
Tog noen lodd her i går. Da så mange prater i chatèr om de danskene. Men dette er jo bare luft og prat. Opp 150% i dag på luft for et jallselskap. Det er bra det, crave :-)
Ringreven Selaco AS er og på plass som aksjonær. Han har jo blitt en liten bjellesau på micro SMB selskaper som har ramla ned 99 % i verdi. Har Larsen tatt over Bjellesau effekten fra Spetalen?????
Ringreven Selaco AS er og på plass som aksjonær. Han har jo blitt en liten bjellesau på micro SMB selskaper som har ramla ned 99 % i verdi. Har Larsen tatt over Bjellesau effekten fra Spetalen?????
Redigert 31.01.2025 kl 16:06
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