Link Mobility - Top Sparebank Idea for 24

LINK 24.01.2024 kl 10:00 11622

Link Mobility, Europe’s biggest SMS communication company just sold its US business at 14 times EBITDA for USD 260 Million. Link trades at only 8 times now which indicates the upside.

Link is one of the cheapest stock vs its peers due to its high leverage. The leverage is now resolved by the sale of the US business.

Ready for price re-rating

The full investment summary below:
15.08.2024 kl 10:38 308

I sold my whole position in Link. I believe the largest shareholder will be divesting in secondary public offering.

It has been comming for some time. I plan to buy it back at the offering.
14.08.2024 kl 08:42 543

LINK Q2: P&L beat and all-time-high order intake with increasing traction in CPaaS

Parebank says should trade up 5% today

Another raise tomorrow as brokers will come with upside revisions price targets
14.08.2024 kl 08:24 601

d12m skrev Hva sier de?
I andre kvartal hadde Link Mobility inntekter på 1,8 milliarder kroner. Det er en oppgang på drøyt 250 millioner siden samme kvartal i fjor.

Driftsresultatet kom på 380 millioner, mot 337 millioner i fjor.

Inntektene til Link for andre kvartal i fjor er i årets andrekvartalsrapport justert ned, fra 1,18 milliarder rapportert i fjor til 1,56 milliarder i onsdagens rapport. Det påvirker nøkkeltallene fra fjorårets andrekvartal.

EBITDA kom på 168 millioner, opp fra 106 millioner i fjor. Det ga et resultat før skatt på 78 millioner, som etter skatt endte på 62 millioner kroner. Det står i kontrast til fjoråret, da resultatet før og etter skatt var på henholdsvis minus 22 millioner og minus 16 millioner.
13.08.2024 kl 10:17 814

Pareto bullish before tomorrow numbers
10.08.2024 kl 13:15 993

Det er håpe at dem også kommer med noe nyheter vedr videre
oppkjøp.For får noe det og gode tall vill nok kursen fort gå oppover .
10.08.2024 kl 01:42 1070

Håper på videre vekst, stålsetter meg for flatt. Er redd investerings viljen / endrings viljen hos kundene er høyere nå.
Håper jeg tar feil.
07.08.2024 kl 10:27 1270

CM.Com - a peer of Link Mobility reported 50% year on year growth! Good proxy for Link Mobility! POSITIVE

POst by Sparebabnk this mornign:

Link Mobility (peer reporting): CM.Com - a peer of Link Mobility reported figures during the summer months and even though it is not a perfect correlation between their messaging volumes and Link Mobility messaging volumes (as CM.Com is exposed to EMEA, APAC and Americas and Link Mobility is only Europe, incl. Nordics), it is normally a decent proxy on the underlying market at least. Interestingly, they show a solid growth improvement YoY in 2Q24 of 50% (supported by a WhatsApp campaign worldwide - confirmation that the market for rich text messaging is growing), after 18% YoY growth in 1Q24 (as illustrated below). At the same time, gross margin in CM.Com increased 1.4% in 1H24, driven by both customer mix and volume mix (share of rich messaging) we believe. Positive!
24.07.2024 kl 14:28 1514

Liker selskaper som tjener gode penger. Det synes Link å gjøre.

Hva mer: de har tosifret vekst. De har et stort potensiale ved å penetrerere større markedet i Europa, disse er ikke kommet så langt som Skandinavia med tanke på sms varsler og Vipps løsninger.

Det er vanskelig å se skjær i sjøen som skulle forhindre videre vekst og inntjening. Noen grunn til å ikke laste og holde selskapet?
24.07.2024 kl 12:46 1569

Syden skrev Innlegget er slettet
Ser ut som det er blitt litt mer fart i Link om dagen
Også Tigerstaden og Sundt har lastet litt mer
Ellers ser det ut som veldig mange sitter stille i båten.
Så det er vel bare sitte rolige å vente på noen gode. Nyheter .
16.07.2024 kl 09:12 2249

Ja alle mener Link skal opp til kr 30
Men den har stått på stedet vil å jobbet mellom 19,90 og opp mot kr 21 . Hva er det som holder den igjen?
Er det Link selv med sitt tilbakekjøps program .
16.07.2024 kl 08:51 2295


Oslo, Norway, 16 July 2024. LINK Mobility Holding ASA (“LINK Mobility” or the
“Company”) (OSE: LINK) announced a new share repurchase program on 12 June 2024
to repurchase an additional up to 8.69 million of the Company’s shares in open
market transactions on the OSE, totaling up to 17 million shares including the
8.31 million shares repurchased under the program completed on 30 May 2024. The
new program will be conducted during the period from 12 June 2024 until the last
day prior to the annual general meeting 2025, and in no event later than 29 June
13.05.2024 kl 07:40 3831

Link Mobility varsler flere oppkjøp
Fredrick C. Ekeseth
Mobiltjenesteselskapet Link Mobility fikk et resultat før skatt på 340,5 millioner kroner i første kvartal, sammenlignet med et underskudd på 31 millioner kroner i samme periode ifjor, ifølge en børsmelding mandag.

Driftsinntektene var på nær 1,7 milliarder kroner i første kvartal (1,3).

Resultatet før skatt og avskrivninger (EBITDA) var på nær 140 millioner kroner (117).

Link hadde en kontantbeholdning på 3,4 milliarder kroner per utgangen av første kvartal.

«Den sterke balansen gjør det mulig for Link å fortsette sin historie med uorganisk vekst, med mer enn 30 oppkjøp i Europa i løpet av det siste tiåret», skriver selskapet.

Link legger til å være i «pågående og konstruktive» samtaler over et bredt utvalg oppkjøpskandidater.
10.05.2024 kl 10:44 4072

Sist dag før q1 legges frem på mandag,
Får vi en pen oppgang da?
07.05.2024 kl 15:16 4335

very bullish into the Q1 report next week. So are all the brokers
26.04.2024 kl 10:06 4866

Veldig still på Link tråen nå om dagen✅.
Sitter alle å ventet på q1 13 mai.

Heller ikke så mye trøkk i aksjen heller om dagen.
Men jeg tror det beste er å bare sitt stille å vente.
For enten kommer det oppkjøp eller så blir Link kjøpt opp på lik linje
som Kahoot ble sist sommer .

21.04.2024 kl 16:28 5284

Hva tror dere vi kan forvente av kurs når q1 legges frem den
13mai? Men tror man det også kan komme noen andre gode nyheter fra selskapet ?
20.04.2024 kl 12:48 5450

Oppfordrer dere til å gå inn på Finansavisen og legge inn deres estimater
17.04.2024 kl 15:50 5697

Pareto Monday:

We expect Q1’24 to mark an extension of the
positive business momentum from 2023, with
organic gross profit growth +8.5% y/y.
• While sequentially down from Q4 (+12.8% y/y),
we highlight a tougher comp & Easter Holiday
falling into Q1, likely to push some messaging
spend over into Q2.
• No big changes to the key cost drivers (salary
negotiations take place in Q2), and we end up
with an EBITDA adj. estimate NOK 158m, +15.2%
y/y vs. consensus at NOK 153m.
• This implies a margin improvement of +3.2pp y/y
(ex. North America), as organic GP growth
continues to drive operational leverage.
17.04.2024 kl 15:47 5707

Arctic yesterday:

Continued double-digit growth and ahead of consensus
LINK will report Q1’24 on 13 May and we are 6%/8% ahead of Factset consensus on GP/adj.
EBITDA, modelling 10%/18% organic growth, which is backed by a continued high backlog
and LINK seeing similar trends into 2024. The Q1 report should thus be another positive
trigger with higher growth and showcasing scale, while a continued strong order intake and
more upbeat outlook comments could come on top. We reiterate our BUY and NOK 25/sh
TP as we continue to see favourable risk/reward with the shares trading at 12.5x/11.0x P/
cEPS and 8%/10% FCF yield on our ’24/25e.
17.04.2024 kl 15:23 5724

Sparebank today:

(+) LINK MOBILITY: Earlier today, issued a trading report. Says it sent 2bn messages in 1Q24 which represent a volume growth of 18% compared to last year and C it is now back to growth following four quarters with zero or negative growth in volume.

Link Mobility saw that up-tick from 2Q23 and we expect this to continue in 1Q24 for Link Mobility. Another supportive datapoint on the strong market Link Mobility commented on during 4Q23, reiterated in February and our experience talking to the company lately (with reference to our latest newsflash).
16.04.2024 kl 15:11 5880

Arctic very bullish on LINK. Today’s report:

Continued double-digit growth and ahead of consensus
LINK will report Q1’24 on 13 May and we are 6%/8% ahead of Factset consensus on GP/adj. EBITDA, modelling 10%/18% organic growth, which is backed by a continued high backlog and LINK seeing similar trends into 2024. The Q1 report should thus be another positive trigger with higher growth and showcasing scale, while a continued strong order intake and more upbeat outlook comments could come on top. We reiterate our BUY and NOK 25/sh TP as we continue to see favourable risk/reward with the shares trading at 12.5x/11.0x P/cEPS and 8%/10% FCF yield on our ’24/25e.
15.04.2024 kl 11:48 6057

Går litt ned idag som mange andre også gjør.
Så vi får bare sitt å vente på at den stabiliser seg over 20 tallet .
10.04.2024 kl 13:22 6283

Perfect, thank you.

It will be the first “cleaned” balance sheet after the sale of the US business - the first time investors will see debt reduced and US business out.

I hear Pareto is organising a roadshow for Link right after the results.

I am long and I am bullish. Since the idea was posted here, the stock is 15% up. My price target when the Q1 is reported is 21-22 NOK
10.04.2024 kl 09:50 6378

Yes, but this is only the conclusion:

When buying Link Mobility you get 1) double digit organic growth supported by high barriers to entry (size needed to get direct access to channels owners), +110% net retention and low single digit churn (due to heavy system integration at the enterprise customers) from 50k customers across Nordics and Europe (of which the latter is lagging the Nordics on penetration by 3-5 years), 2) margin expansion towards 10-12% reported EBITDA margin that we argue is a normalized level given the current gross-margin setup (we currently model 9% in 2024 and 9.2% in 2025, up from 7.6% last year), which yield ~15% EBITDA growth, with 3) a rock-solid cash conversion (EBITDA reported is basically equal to cash flow from operations), 4) a company that has fixed the balance sheet and is now around 1x NIBD/EBITDA, but 5) still trades at P/CEPS (free cash flow to equity per share) of 13x in 2024 and 12x in 2025. That is why we continue to argue this is the best risk/reward within our coverage universe!.
10.04.2024 kl 09:40 6401

Ser ut som interessen for Link ser bedre ut.
Hva kan vi forvente oss når Q1 legges frem i mai?
09.04.2024 kl 16:35 6570

Another bullish report by SpareBank on LINK was published today. Does anybody have it?
12.03.2024 kl 09:49 7143

Men vil dette tilbakekjøpet hjelp på aksjekursen?
For nå har den jobbet mellom 16/18 over lang tid.
Og hva ønsker dem størst aksjonærene her?
For selskapet går bra har masse penger på bok.
Men har aldri betalt utbytte.
Kommer vi her til å se ett salg av selskapet nå i nær fremtid?
For jeg tror vel dem store snart ønsker litt mer her.
Vi har sett mange Tech selskaper har blitt solgt og tatt av børs.
11.03.2024 kl 14:29 7327

Pareto summary of the buyback:

Link – NOK 290m (5.7%) share repurchase program
Link announced a 17m share repurchase program this morning. It equates to 5.7% of outstanding shares and NOK 290m at Friday’s closing price of NOK 17/share. Maximum value is set to NOK 400m. The program is running from today until 29th of May, at a max 381,052 share/day (25% of average daily trading volume in Feb). The purpose of the program is to meet obligations arising from employee incentive programs. Following the divestment of its US business, Link has approximately NOK 3.4bn in cash & NOK ~4bn in IBD (incl. lease). BUY/TP NOK 25
11.03.2024 kl 11:14 7409

Link Management Believes Link share price is too low - Buyback Announced

Oslo, Norway, 11 March 2024. LINK Mobility Holding ASA ("LINK Mobility" or the
"Company") (OSE: LINK) has authorized a share repurchase program that allows the
Company to repurchase up to 17 million of its outstanding shares. The Company is
not obligated to repurchase any shares under the program. The program will be
conducted during the period from 11 March 2024 until 29 May 2024. LINK Mobility
may, however, at any time suspend or terminate the program.

The share repurchase program has been resolved by the Board of Directors of LINK
Mobility and is in accordance with the authorization granted to the Board by the
Annual General Meeting of LINK Mobility on 31 May 2023.

In furtherance of the program, LINK Mobility announces today that it has put in
place an agreement with Arctic Securities AS ("Arctic") for the repurchase of
the Company's shares in open market transactions on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Under this agreement, Arctic will make its own trading decisions independently
of, and uninfluenced by, LINK Mobility.
05.03.2024 kl 16:11 7791

LInk Mobility SpareBank Top Idea list for March:

Attractive cash conversion

Valuation Trigger
1) NIBD/EBITDA 1x in 1Q24 (down from 4.8x) and
2) steady pace on growth and margins in January

• +110% net retention, 50k customers in Europe with low single digit
churn (2% in 3Q23) and attractive gross profit business wins points to
+10% revenue growth and high-single digit gross profit growth.
• With operational scalability inherent in volume increases in general and
from growth skewed towards existing customers increasing volumes in
particular, points to margin expansion and earnings growth more than
gross profit growth (+10% compared to 16% organic in constant
currency in 3Q23 and 12% YTD).
• Very strong cash conversion: EBITDA reported = cash flow from
operations over time (higher in 2023)
• Balance sheet fixed and refinancing risk out of the picture following the
sale of Message Broadcast
• Trades at a 2024 and 2025 P/CEPS of 11.4x and 10.4x.
05.03.2024 kl 16:11 7794

LInk Mobility SpareBank Top Idea list for March:

Attractive cash conversion

Valuation Trigger
1) NIBD/EBITDA 1x in 1Q24 (down from 4.8x) and
2) steady pace on growth and margins in January

• +110% net retention, 50k customers in Europe with low single digit
churn (2% in 3Q23) and attractive gross profit business wins points to
+10% revenue growth and high-single digit gross profit growth.
• With operational scalability inherent in volume increases in general and
from growth skewed towards existing customers increasing volumes in
particular, points to margin expansion and earnings growth more than
gross profit growth (+10% compared to 16% organic in constant
currency in 3Q23 and 12% YTD).
• Very strong cash conversion: EBITDA reported = cash flow from
operations over time (higher in 2023)
• Balance sheet fixed and refinancing risk out of the picture following the
sale of Message Broadcast
• Trades at a 2024 and 2025 P/CEPS of 11.4x and 10.4x.
05.03.2024 kl 11:16 7975

Good slide from the new presentation they published today:

All-time high revenue at NOK 1 796 million
• Organic growth in fixed FX at 14%
• Strong market push related to Black Week and Christmas trading
All-time high gross profit at NOK 385 million
• Organic growth in fixed FX at 13%
• High growth on profitable OTT channels like RCS expands margins
• FY 23 organic gross profit growth in fixed FX was 7%
All-time high adjusted EBITDA at NOK 181 million
• Organic growth in fixed FX at 24%
• FY 23 organic adjusted EBITDA growth in fixed FX was 15%
• Profitability growth supported by cost reductions completed early 2023
Cash reserve NOK 3.4 billion after divestment of Message Broadcast
• Divestment of US subsidiary at highly attractive valuation closed on 3 January 2024
Leverage after close of US divestment at ~1.1x adjusted EBITDA
• Providing ample financing capacity for inorganic growth through M&A
05.03.2024 kl 10:46 8010

The latest Link Mobility presentation was published today for their Roadshow in Sweden.

28.02.2024 kl 14:42 8331

Vil tro denne er bunnet ut for denne gangen