Link Mobility - Top Sparebank Idea for 24

LINK 24.01.2024 kl 10:00 13255

Link Mobility, Europe’s biggest SMS communication company just sold its US business at 14 times EBITDA for USD 260 Million. Link trades at only 8 times now which indicates the upside.

Link is one of the cheapest stock vs its peers due to its high leverage. The leverage is now resolved by the sale of the US business.

Ready for price re-rating

The full investment summary below:
14.08.2024 kl 08:24 1535

I andre kvartal hadde Link Mobility inntekter på 1,8 milliarder kroner. Det er en oppgang på drøyt 250 millioner siden samme kvartal i fjor.

Driftsresultatet kom på 380 millioner, mot 337 millioner i fjor.

Inntektene til Link for andre kvartal i fjor er i årets andrekvartalsrapport justert ned, fra 1,18 milliarder rapportert i fjor til 1,56 milliarder i onsdagens rapport. Det påvirker nøkkeltallene fra fjorårets andrekvartal.

EBITDA kom på 168 millioner, opp fra 106 millioner i fjor. Det ga et resultat før skatt på 78 millioner, som etter skatt endte på 62 millioner kroner. Det står i kontrast til fjoråret, da resultatet før og etter skatt var på henholdsvis minus 22 millioner og minus 16 millioner.
14.08.2024 kl 08:42 1477

LINK Q2: P&L beat and all-time-high order intake with increasing traction in CPaaS

Parebank says should trade up 5% today

Another raise tomorrow as brokers will come with upside revisions price targets
15.08.2024 kl 10:38 1242

I sold my whole position in Link. I believe the largest shareholder will be divesting in secondary public offering.

It has been comming for some time. I plan to buy it back at the offering.
20.11.2024 kl 11:51 826

Spare Bank this morning:

(+) LINK MOBILITY: Positive RCS datapoints. According to Telnyx, which refer to Grand View Research, the text-message marketing industry in the US is expected to growth at a CAGR of 20.8% (!) until 2030. One of the drivers of this growth is highlighted as Rich Communication Service (RCS) we have highlighted in recent research notes this is key driver for growth and margin expansion going fwd.

03.12.2024 kl 11:38 555

Message from my broker today:

Q4 is LINK's largest quarter due to retail seasonality.
Our analyst notes that he has had 60% more black week marketing SMS received in the period 22 Nov to 2 Dec y/y.
BUY, PT 31 (equal to 17.5x '25 cEPS).
03.12.2024 kl 11:41 553

LINK AMONG TOP 10 IDEAS of Sparebank for December!
14.01.2025 kl 10:44 169

Arctic today:

Following a selloff in the shares, we think this is a bargain entry and model 11% organic GP growth and remain 7% above cons EBITDA into Q4 on lower opex.
8% FCF yield and 13.4x cash earnings is too cheap here we think.