QEC - QSC suspends provisions of Bill 21 - hva nå?

QEC 26.01.2024 kl 09:22 27573

Les meldingen fra QEC i dag, kan det være en game changer for QEC?
Hvem husker ikke hva Jason mente QEC var verdt?
Kan kursen gå til kr 3-4 på kort sikt?

Québec Superior Court suspends provisions of Bill 21
January 26, 2024 – Québec Superior Court suspends provisions of Bill 21
Calgary, Alberta -- Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today on the ruling by the Québec Superior Court (Civil Division) on the Company’s application to stay certain provisions of the Act ending exploration for petroleum and underground reservoirs and production of petroleum and brine (the “Act”), for the duration of the judicial proceedings.

Michael Binnion, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented, “This exceptional ruling in our favor preserves our legal rights as we continue to work for a political and business solution to the situation in Québec. We remain hopeful for a solution that will materially reduce Canadian greenhouse gas emissions while improving energy security.”....

Les hele meldingen her.
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 09:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2024 kl 18:33 8962

Det er klart våre norske samar skulle gjort det same.

Det hadde ikkje vore ein einaste rein igjen oppe på finnmarksvidda....
12.02.2024 kl 17:05 9220

Nice, MC Axel. Enda ett skudd for baugen for myndighetene.
MC Axel
12.02.2024 kl 16:52 9291

Note that this article has nothing to do with Bill 21, but shows a clear trend that the natives are winning in court for their rights.
Therefore, it will definitely be a battle in court if Quebec and other states ignore the rights of the natives to extract their resources on their territories
And there QEC stands very strong, now that they both have an indigenous person in their management and a good collaboration with the First Nations

It seems the trend is our friend! 😁

First Nations within Alberta celebrate Supreme Court’s Bill C-92 decision
Author of the article:Jason Hills
Published Feb 11, 2024

Indigenous communities in Alberta and across the country are celebrating the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision to declare Bill C-92 as constitutional.

On Friday, the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the constitutionality of Bill C-92 reinforces and
""recognizes the establishment of self-governance and the right to self-determination for Indigenous people.""

Bill C-92 was passed into law in June 2019, but parts of the legislation were ruled unconstitutional in February 2022 by the Quebec Court of Appeal.

Read it all here:


Redigert 12.02.2024 kl 16:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.02.2024 kl 19:44 9964


Har brukt opp mine gratise klikk i Le Devoir, men kanskje andre vet/kan undersøke om noe interessant ?
"Ikke rør unntaksbestemmelsen sier Quebec ved å skjerme Bill 21. Å begrense bruken vil være en veldig, veldig dårlig ide ".
Men hva mer ??

Redigert 10.02.2024 kl 19:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 21:00 11683

Å ATI derborte opp 111% morsomt men bare 2 mill i volum eller no.
Var vel heller ikke verdt så mye uten dette 🤑
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 21:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
26.01.2024 kl 20:18 11803

This is also good news if the environmental organizations try to stop QEC from extracting oil and gas, if the go ahead comes

Quebec environmental group denied court injunction against Northvolt EV battery plant
MONTREAL — A Quebec Superior Court judge has refused to grant an injunction to halt tree cutting and other preparatory work at the site of a future electric vehicle facility east of Montreal.
The Canadian Press
12 minutes ago
7 minutes ago

MC Axel
26.01.2024 kl 18:49 12036

according to The Herald, the energy shares go bananas, following the QEC victory against the Quebec government

Canadian energy stock rallies after Québec Court ruling

Market News
Jonathon Brown
Markets Reporter

26 January 2024 10:13 (EST)

26.01.2024 kl 16:28 12440

Det kan også gå rett ned igjen, ikke glem historien på kursutviklingen til Qec
26.01.2024 kl 16:22 12513

Der er det ingen som vett bortsett fra at dette kan bli helt rått.
26.01.2024 kl 16:19 12542

Skal QEC opp til kr 4-5 neste uke?
Tenker sluttauksjonen bli heftig og slutt på intrade høy.
Så bruker kanskje noen storfisker helgen til å snuse litt rundt QEC og dagens melding?
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 16:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 16:16 12574

Dette er aksjen sin det 🤑🤑🤑

Blir himla gøy fremover 🤘
26.01.2024 kl 16:13 12617

Går til 3 til 4 neste uke.
Go helg
Slettet bruker
26.01.2024 kl 14:09 12947

Tviler på at det er momentum nok til å klatre videre idag.

26.01.2024 kl 14:02 13010

Bør klare 2 inden luk,hvis ikke tar vi'n imorga.
Blir gøy nå fremover,ingen vet hvor haren hopper 🤑
26.01.2024 kl 11:35 13523

Fantastisk nyhed for QEC og for alle os, som har ventet på dette i mange år.
................sikkert "nogen", som rykker sig lidt i skægget i dag :-)
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 12:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 11:05 13749

Kopierer inn fra Sveinung på en annen tråd:
Her er hva SB1 Markets sier:

Positive update from Quebec: Questerre reported today that the Quebec Superior Court has suspended the provision for Bill 21. As far as we understand, the key impact of the suspension is that the ruling preserves the company’s legal rights for the company’s Lowlands licences. Our understanding is that Questerre currently is working on a damage report for the projects, where the company will require compensation for historical costs (CAD 160m, or NOK 2.9/sh unrisked and undiscounted) and loss of NPV. Regarding the latter, peer Utica Resources has filed a two-digit billion dollar claim to the Government in Quebec for the same reason. We have included the assets in Quebec at conservatively risked amount of NOK 1.0/share. In a blue-sky scenario where the company gets compensated for historical costs and a USD 1/boe lost NPV, we estimate a total compensation of 10-11/share, illustrating the massive upside potential vs. the current share price of below NOK 2/share
Redigert 26.01.2024 kl 11:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.01.2024 kl 11:04 13763

Gratulerer med dagen MC Axel, vi er mange som fikk rett og som i dag har startet å innkassere litt belønning😀
MC Axel
26.01.2024 kl 10:47 13913

But this decision also gives the Quebec government a back door where they can get out of this case by saying that this is not their decision. This means that now the government can say yes to extracting oil and gas, and when Greenpeace and others criticize, the government refers to the judge's decision

Legault and the government can wash their hands in good faith
MC Axel
26.01.2024 kl 10:43 13959

Québec Superior Court

In the ruling issued yesterday, the Justice assessed the key criteria for a stay and deemed that our application met these criteria. This included the existence of a serious legal matter and the serious or irreparable harm if the request for a stay is refused

Mr. Binnion added, “The argument of the Attorney General is, in effect, that the powers of the legislature are supreme even over laws intended to limit the powers of the legislature. This would, in effect, nullify the provisions of the Civil Code and Charter protecting citizens from abuse of Government powers. It is a hallmark of constitutional democracies that the Government has limits on its power and the disguised expropriation of our assets in Québec should be compensated for.”

I now have no doubt that the compensation will be huge

26.01.2024 kl 09:56 14217

Expropriation Act clearly states "Fair value", here QEC will also be successful if it comes to a compensation case"

Nå er det mye kjøtt på beinet og potensiell oppside for aksjonærene i QEC. Dette kan være den forløsende nyheten en har ventet på. Kursen skal nok raskt opp og etablere seg på 2 tallet, enten i dag eller tidlig neste uke når flere har tatt inn over seg denne meldingen.
MC Axel
26.01.2024 kl 09:51 14270

In favor of QEC and here there were many who claimed that this was not possible!

And we know that the Expropriation Act clearly states "Fair value", here QEC will also be successful if it comes to a compensation case