Kona l 🚀 Metal FiDO 2 ID

IDEX 08.02.2024 kl 11:20 21954

Oslo, Norway and Tokyo, Japan – 8 February 2024 – IDEX Biometrics and KONA I are partnering to deploy biometric payment and access cards in Japan. With credit card fraud reported by Japanese companies increasing by 30% year over year to USD 294 million, banks in the market are showing interest for biometric smartcard solutions, and especially metal cards. KONA I expects banks to begin offering high-technology biometric cards to consumers in the second half of 2024.

In response to the growing demand for cybersecurity solutions by governments, public and private sector entities KONA I and IDEX Biometrics will bring state-of-the art secure ID and biometric payment card solutions to market. KONA I and IDEX Biometrics smart card platform provides the cybersecurity market with an end-to-end authentication platform focused on digital security, and compatible with standard protocols such as FIDO2, as well as biometric payments cards. Both solutions are delivered with optimal customer experiences and security by design.

KONA I is a global smart card and technology platform leader, headquartered in South Korea, manufacturing smart card products with an annual production capacity of more than 60 million cards. The fast-growing market in Japan is set to reach 30% of KONA I’s business by 2025.

Asia, including Japan, is leading the way for fingerprint biometric innovation in the payments industry, with a high penetration rate of contactless payments. Credit cards are the leading cashless payment method in Japan, and the market growing at a CAGR of 8%, is expected to reach $870 billion by 2028.

“The partnership with IDEX Biometrics enables us to react to the fast-growing demand for biometric smart cards in Japan,” said Koichiro Sasai, Head of KONA Japan LLC as a subsidiary of KONA I. “We are proud to offer bank customers in Japan the most innovative access and payment solutions. There is a very strong demand from affluent customer who seek the highest security and unparalleled value and user experiences, as offered by biometric metal cards.”

“We are excited to enter Japan with technology innovations that meets the needs for increased cyber security together with KONA I,” said Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer at IDEX Biometrics. “Through this partnership with KONA I, we are bringing relevant solutions to the growing demand for frictionless payments and smart card solutions, enabling banks in Japan to differentiate and support loyalty and trust with their customers.”
Redigert 09.02.2024 kl 18:04 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.03.2024 kl 05:00 3935

Jeg tror selvfĂžlgelig ikke at kortene forsvinner over natta. Det er sikkert noen som bruker kort selv om 10 Ă„r.
Men du refererte til nye direktiv fra EU. Disse har vÊrt kjent i flere Är og aktÞrene har forberedt seg pÄ det. Det er nye utfordringer og ingen har forsÞkt Ä lÞse dem med en videreutvikling av forrige Ärhundres teknologi. Ingen andre enn noen som skal tjene penger pÄ fingerkort. Ingen finansinstitusjoner, ingen brukerorganisasjoner har nevnt fingerkort som en lÞsning.
E9 eller UE9
01.03.2024 kl 07:56 3855

Hei Keane: sÄ du nevnte : "Virker som om Idex har et elelr annet pÄ gang - ref presentasjon hos Arctic i dag. Arctic har nÄ kursmÄl pÄ rundt kr 12,-" Har du mulighet til Ä legge ut den her?
01.03.2024 kl 09:49 3850

Som nevnt tidligere og som du pÄstÄr ingen vil benytte seg av sÄ kommer altsÄ en melding i dag som bare bekrefter det jeg har sagt hele tiden. Blinde, svaksynte etc vil trenge Idex sin teknologi og nÄ skal dette programmet rulles ut over store deler av verden. Du fÄr bare fortsette Ä leve i fortiden og komme med all mulig drit om at dette har vi hÞrt fÞr og ingen vil ha kort lenger og bla bla bla. Superflott melding fra Idex dette.
FĂžre var
01.03.2024 kl 09:52 3836

"Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): IDEX Biometrics og Accomplish Financial, en internasjonal leverandĂžr av betalingslĂžsninger, vil lansere et biometrisk betalingsprogram for Ă„ hjelpe syns- og hukommelseshemmede."

Egentlig en super melding!
01.03.2024 kl 09:53 3844

OgsÄ akkurat som jeg har pÄstÄtt hele tiden. EU er pÄdrivere for Ä fÄ pÄ plass biometriske kort og tydligere kan det vel neppe sies:
Digital inclusion is critical for economic growth and a key
priority for all: EU governments, interest organisations and corporations".
Redigert 01.03.2024 kl 10:03 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.03.2024 kl 09:53 3934

Men altsĂ„ ikke ifĂžlge iTrader 🙈🙈
01.03.2024 kl 09:56 3918

Good news.
IDEX Biometrics and Accomplish Financial, an international payment solution provider, are bringing to market a biometric payment program to help the visually- and memory impaired. The program will first launch in the UK, where a global fintech will bring to market an accessible payment solution for the visually impaired and other customer groups with special needs.
01.03.2024 kl 09:56 3928

Fikk som sagt et inntrykk av presentasjonen at det er MYE pÄ gang i Idex!
01.03.2024 kl 09:56 3931

Fikk som sagt et inntrykk av presentasjonen at det er MYE pÄ gang i Idex!
01.03.2024 kl 10:05 3923

Enig keane. Jeg er superbull pÄ Idex. MÄ jo bare vÊre enig om at ting har tatt 6mnd lenger en forventet, men Idex vil bli gigantiske om de fÄr lov til Ä bygge selskapet i noen Är og ikke blir kjÞpt opp sÄ altfor tidlig.
01.03.2024 kl 10:50 3842

We were incorporated as a public limited company under the laws of Norway on July 24, 1996.


Har en sÞnn som er fÞdt i 1996. Han er nÄ blitt far og jeg bestefar. SÄ at Idex blir kjÞpt opp for tidlig er vel Ä ta litt hardt i :)
Men hÄper dem kommer i mÄl en dag ..
01.03.2024 kl 11:46 3775

Alt er relativt. Men du skjþnte sikkert hva jeg mente 😉
01.03.2024 kl 12:44 3709

MM kan du hjelpe meg litt til Ä forstÄ disse tallene i rapporten.
01.03.2024 kl 13:28 3705

Veldig bra. Og dette blir starten /inngangen til et mye stÞrre marked, dvs resten av Europa i neste omgang. Og sÄ vil jo selvfÞlgelig lÞsningen spres til andre kundegrupper som er majoriteten av befolkningen. USA mÄ jo ogsÄ vÊre midt i blinken! Der er det vel en befolkning pÄ nÊrmere 350 millioner.
01.03.2024 kl 15:22 3614

Er det derfor noen selger seg helt ut. Eller ligger fremtiden flere Ă„r frem i tid.
01.03.2024 kl 15:41 3589

Hvem selger seg helt ut? Noe info pÄ at noen har forlatt Idex?

Sjekket loggen din, synes oppriktig synd pÄ deg. Inne pÄ forskjellige aksjer og poster kun negative kommentarer.

Get a life!
Redigert 01.03.2024 kl 15:46 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.03.2024 kl 15:45 3584

Teigland espen
01.03.2024 kl 16:12 3522

Det har vÊrt meldingstÞrke lenge inntil nylig. Kursen har sunket pÄ lavt volum. 2-3 meldinger i mÄneden i fortsettelsen ogsÄ, sÄ blir dette bra! En Visa sertifisering hadde lÞftet kursen kraftig!
01.03.2024 kl 16:14 3541

Mulla3 skrev Teigland espen

Finanstilsynet hadde hele sommeren hatt en prosess med Espen Teigland og Investornytt som kulminerte i et brev fra tilsynet kun tre dager fÞr, den 8. august. I brevet fikk Teigland kjeft for mangelfulle opplysninger om egen aksjehandel samtidig som han hausser de samme aksjene pÄ Investornytt.
01.03.2024 kl 16:20 3531

Har ogsÄ solgt seg ut i forkant av positive artikler for Ä ikke vÊre med pÄ Ä hause egne aksjer.
01.03.2024 kl 16:25 3526

Han har ikke eiet noen aksjer i Idex. Finner ingen transaksjoner pÄ investorlistene til E24. Har ikke gÄtt lengere tilbake enn november 2023.
01.03.2024 kl 17:24 3461

Kanskje jeg husker feil at det var i lok han solgte seg ut.
01.03.2024 kl 17:54 3426

Kanskje slette dine feilaktige innlegg da
01.03.2024 kl 19:53 3371

Dere er sikker pÄ at dere selv kan hÄndtere et biometrisk kort?
01.03.2024 kl 20:21 3376

Jeg blir stadig sikre pÄ at kursen vil stige og forventer kurs over 3,0 og videre over 3,5 og videre til 7,0 i fÞrste omgang , her vil kursen stige og videre utvikling aha andre forhold. Om det gÄr fort eller lamgsom er usikker med tanke pÄ shorternes innsats , men virkelig kurs forventes innen 3-8 uker .
01.03.2024 kl 21:29 3315

Espen kjĂžpte aksjer i Idex 18.11.22 og solgte de 22.11.22. Det er siste transaksjonen hans i Idex.

Det er riktig at han solgte seg ned i Loko 28.02-29.02. Disse kjĂžpte han 13.02 og 21.02.

Burde dĂžpe om Investornytt til Daytradingnytt for egne journalister.

Redigert 01.03.2024 kl 21:34 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.03.2024 kl 23:36 3213

Kan ikke jeg fÄ lov til Ä dokumentere at jeg har gjort EN feil i livet.
02.03.2024 kl 16:05 2919

Su, Payment News, Payment What's New, Financial Information Navi

KONA Japan launched "metal card with fingerprint authentication function" in collaboration with IDEX Biometrics to realize secure authentication by fingerprint authentication with high value-added metal cards.

March 1, 2024 8:00

Korean smart card manufacturer KONA International (KONA I) has collaborated with IDEX Biometrics, a Norwegian biometric company specializing in fingerprint imaging and fingerprint recognition technology, and international bra He revealed a policy aimed at introducing ID cards such as metal-type credit cards with built-in fingerprint sensors for payment (EMV payment) and ID cards such as employee ID cards and student ID cards in the Japanese market. First of all, for the wealthy, we will release a fingerprint sensor built-in metal card as an optional function and start full-scale market expansion after the second half of 2024. ( Enhancement of payment, financial and distribution services 2024 [PR])

KONA Japan G.K. Representative, Country

Mr. Koichiro Sasai, Manager

Korean IT companies enter the Japanese market

I want to absorb what I can learn.

Koichiro Sasai, the representative and country manager of KONA Japan G., a subsidiary of KONA I, said, "KONA has been increasing in recent years, and the existence of physical payment cards has a tendency to diminish. We have been ambitiously developing and manufacturing rich and well-designed different material cards using tal, leather, jewelry, etc., and have increased sales on the global market."

It has strengths in the manufacture of cards with high design such as metal cards (left). The bottom is made by KONAI, the surface of the metal card with built-in fingerprint sensor

KONA I, based in Korea, is listed on KOSDAQ, an emerging stock market of the Korean Securities and futures Exchange, and manufactures 70 million IC cards and more than 150 million IC modules per year at two factories in Korea. I'm doing. Mr. Sasai says, "The domestic market share is increasing mainly in IC modules."

The Japanese corporation was established in July 2023. In addition to further expanding the supply of different material cards such as metal cards that KONA is good at, we are also considering the development of the platform business in the Japanese market, which is another major pillar of KONA's business in the medium term.

Japan has no time difference with South Korea, and Japanese KONA user companies have always been able to receive quick and detailed support. And KONA I will upgrade the Japanese office to a Japanese corporation, and as a company rooted in the Japanese market, it will have contact opportunities with more Japanese companies. While introducing KONA products to the Japanese market, the Japanese corporation is actively absorbing what we can learn from Japan.

Easily register your fingerprint with a smartphone app

Instant identity verification with touch payment or IC payment

This time, working with IDEX Biometrics, about the aim of responding to the demand for smart cards with built-in biometric authentication technology that is rapidly increasing in Japan, Mr. Sasai said, "In Japan, non-contact in international brand payments is progressing, and wealthy As an alternative to a 4-digit PIN when users make high-value transactions, the need for fingerprint authentication with a high user experience is increasing at fintech companies and card companies," he says.

The state-of-the-art secure biometric payment and ID card solutions introduced by KONAI and IDEX Biometrics to the Japanese market are against the growing cyber security threat among governments, government agencies, the financial industry, and private companies. Respond to the demand for solutions. Both companies' smart card platforms provide the market with an end-to-end authentication platform specializing in digital security, as well as support standard protocols such as EMV and FIDO2, and with biometric authentication payment cards. Ensure compatibility.

It is equipped with an EMV-compatible fingerprint sensor, and it is a mechanism that immediately authenticates when you make touch payment or IC payment on the store's payment terminal while putting a finger with registered fingerprints in advance on the sensor chip of the card. The strength of this system is that the user's fingerprint registration can be easily done by downloading the app on the smartphone. Follow the instructions in the app, connect the card and smartphone with NFC, put your finger on the fingerprint recognition sensor chip of the card and register.

In the Japanese IC chip and card market

Aim to acquire a 25-30% share

The Asian market, including Japan, has a high penetration rate of contactless payments and is leading the innovation of fingerprint biometric authentication in the payment industry. In Japan, credit cards are a representative means of cashless payments, growing at an annual growth rate of 8%, and is expected to reach $870 billion in 2028.

In addition, in the Japanese market, the unauthorized use of credit cards is US$294 million, an increase of 30% from the previous year, and several printing companies, fintech companies, card companies, banks, system companies, etc., especially solutions using biometric authentication, especially finger He shows a strong interest in a metal card with a built-in crest sensor.

In addition to increasing interest in strengthening security, the lower cost of manufacturing fingerprint sensor parts is also expected to boost the spread of cards with fingerprint sensor function. Mr. Sasai said, "The rapidly growing Japanese market is expected to reach 30% of KONA I's business by 2025. First of all, we aim to acquire a 25-30% share of IC chip cards in the Japanese market. In the field of metal cards, I want to aim for a 60% share," he said.

In addition, KONA I announced in June 2021 that it will provide dual-type (contact and non-contact) fingerprint authentication cards compatible with the next-generation international standard "FIDO2". With the technology that realizes passwordless login to the cloud service, it can also be expanded as an ID card such as an employee ID card or student ID card. In the Japanese corporation, in addition to credit cards with designs for the wealthy, there is also a need for ID cards with such access functions, and the idea is to dig up business opportunities.


04.03.2024 kl 13:26 2397

Kanon nyhet! Her bekrefter Kona at de gÄr ut til premium kunder allerede nÄ og full skala i andre halvÄr 2024.
04.03.2024 kl 14:37 2313

Virker Ä vÊre super mye bra pÄ gang, men aksjekursen trenger bÞrsmelding som sier noe om klingende mynt i kassa, eller oppkjÞpsforsÞk kan ogsÄ hjelpe.. hoho
E9 eller UE9
04.03.2024 kl 17:26 2169

Vi trenger absolutt noe fast Ä holde i her. Ble skuffet over ny utsettelse av Visa sertifiseringen og derfor sendt Mail til M.BÞe om hvorfor/hva skjer her nÄ. Er det samme grunn som Master Card blir det for dumt. Venter fortsatt pÄ svar!!
04.03.2024 kl 18:05 2114

Mastercard sÄ var det feil i papirene. Det var ikke Idex som sto for denne feilen. Slik jeg forstÄr, Visa er ogsÄ sendt inn av andre selskaper enn Idex. Jeg tror det har skjedd mye ved overgangen til Idex Pay som gjÞr at man hopper litt tilbake til start.

Men en Visa sertifisering vil ikke lÞfte kursen. Her mÄ det launch og ordre pÄ plass fÞr man i det hele tatt kan forvente stigning i kurs.
04.03.2024 kl 18:19 2082

En VISA sertifisering tror jeg vil lÞfte kursen raskt over kr 2. Det vil ta bort usikkerhet og fjerne enhver tvil om dette. SÊrdeles viktig Ä fÄ pÄ plass pÄ pay-delen. Men Idex er jo enormt mye mer enn bare pay
04.03.2024 kl 18:41 2049

Litt trykk nedover her nÄ.

2 mnd siden fyst transje, er det ikke?

Kan det vÊre fÞrste innbetaling av det som ikke er et dÞdsspirallÄn vi ser?
04.03.2024 kl 21:01 1937

Wow nÄ er du god MÞyfrid. Tipper familien din er stolt av deg