CODE Wow 🚀🚀

CODE 06.03.2024 kl 09:16 95026

Breakthrough in Domain Driven AI Technology by Uniscale AS
Oslo, March 6th 2024

We are pleased to announce a significant achievement by CodeLab Capital's wholly-owned subsidiary, Uniscale AS. Uniscale AS has achieved a remarkable achievement by, to our knowledge and analysis, being the first in the world to successfully develop Domain Driven AI technology for Programming, marking a monumental advancement in the realm of artificial intelligence.

CTO Svein Arne Ackenhausen remarks, "Domain driven AI Programming represents the next major evolution in programming. While current technologies, such as Generative AI tools, assist programmers in writing code technically, our technology distinguishes itself by being vendor-neutral. It can seamlessly integrate with all Generative AI Tools, providing them with the necessary contextual information for intelligent code generation.
The Uniscale products enable generative AI tools to act intelligent and write the code precisely and fully aligned with the functional and technical specifications. This ensures close to 100% automatically generated source codes that is 1:1 with the intention of the domain design. This drastically reduces programming time from a full day to just 5-10 minutes, resulting in a significant effect for our customers empowering optimization and innovation rates to new heights."

This achievement is the culmination of years of dedicated efforts by our team at Uniscale.
As we look ahead, we anticipate a surge of interest and demand for our innovative technology and platform.
Uniscale AS is well-positioned to meet the challenges of tomorrow with confidence, armed with a solution that is not only revolutionary, but also highly scalable on a global level.

We will disclose further information regarding this monumental achievement to the market in due course.
We look forward to sharing more exciting developments with you in the near future.
Redigert 06.03.2024 kl 11:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2024 kl 08:58 442

Tror nok du bør bruke natta til å sove og heller konsentrere deg om TGS som du har et snev av peil på for nå faller olje og nærmer seg 70 tallet noe som fremskynder nedgangen mot 2 sifret kurs...;)
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Store kjøpere i Code.
Fin kjøpsmulighet dette.
26.07.2024 kl 06:57 253

Fordi du har et snev av peiling på denne her? Du er helt utrolig.
Du kjenner åpenbart ikke styret eller ledergruppen. Du forstår heller ikke produktet eller målgruppen. Du har bommet på alle spådommer så langt fordi du mangler innsikt.
I dag kl 09:11 52

Tigerstaden dumper 2,4 millioner aksjer, de skal nok selge 4,6 millioner til fordi de nok har kommet til samme konklusjon som baisserne her inne,

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CODE TIGERSTADEN INVEST AS -2.417.203 4.633.011 2,3