Hvorfor LYTIX?

LYTIX 11.03.2024 kl 09:27 35985

Har tenkt å opprette ny tråd, stort sett faglig og fakta-basert, dele nyheter, med minst bassing/haussing :)

Etter ULTI-fiasko har jeg tenkt å begrunne min interesse for LYTIX:
Som en med litt kunnskap om kreft har jeg ved flere anledninger uttalt meg om min pessimisme om "Universale kreft vaksiner"!
Enkelt sagt: akkurat som om å drømme om å produsere universale bildeler som passer til alle merker fra Rolls-Royce til Tesla :D

Hvorfor LYTIX?
- Den er ikke systemisk (som cellegift behandling), men har stor systemisk effekt pga bred T-celle stimulering... Derfor lar lav toksisk-profil!
- Den har ikke biologisk interaksjon som ved "onkolytic viruser". De er "nesten levende" partikler, og er avhengig av kroppens mekanisme etter injeksjon.
- Robust akademisk styre bla medisinsk Nobelpris vinner.
- Allerede med kommersielle avtale ... hvor Radforsk bukett-selskaper er milevis unna!
- Amerikansk partner som kjører BCC, og har klart å gjennomføre Phase2 studien i kun 4 mnd! Fase 2 resultater kommer når som helst ila Q2
- Ikke snakk om lang perspektiv å se effekten. LYTIX kommer i aksjon nesten umiddelbart etter injeksjon (både direkte og indirekte).
- Amerikansk finans-partner med representant i styre.
- God kontroll på Økonomi.

Del gjerne din mening om innlegget mitt :)
Redigert 11.03.2024 kl 13:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2024 kl 09:01 1854

Nå må den positive meldingen komme snart for nå går det nedover!
19.07.2024 kl 09:21 1832

Har dog fortsatt "trua", om en noe svekket.«

Hva mener du er svekket?
Troen på at det kommer en melding?
19.07.2024 kl 10:03 1788

Mulig kjøpsanledning snart? Men ned til 7,50 først?
19.07.2024 kl 14:06 1685

Davrab, har du sluttet å hause nå? Mistet trua? 10% ned i dag ser ikke bra ut :(
Er du ute Stockwizard?
19.07.2024 kl 14:46 1648

Jeg tror nesten alle er ute nå, meldingen kommer jo ikke?
Slettet bruker
19.07.2024 kl 15:02 1631

Meldingen kommer vel gjerne når "alle" er ute!
Redigert 19.07.2024 kl 15:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2024 kl 00:32 1429

To spørsmål og svar fra chat GPT:
1-Why is the trial results Verrica VP-315 is delayed?
2- What is the likelihood for positive fase 2 part 2 trial results of VP-315 Verrica?
«The delay in the results for Verrica Pharmaceuticals' VP-315 trial is primarily due to the time required to complete dosing and collect data from the patients. The last patient in Part 2 of the Phase 2 study was dosed in early January 2024. This trial is investigating VP-315, a novel oncolytic peptide immunotherapy for treating basal cell carcinoma. The company is focusing on analyzing the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of this treatment administered intratumorally.

The data from this phase is expected to be released later in 2024, as the analysis and review of clinical trial data can be a time-consuming process [oai_citation:1,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Last Patient Dosed in](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/01/05/2804581/0/en/Verrica-Pharmaceuticals-Announces-Last-Patient-Dosed-in-Part-2-of-Phase-2-Study-of-VP-315-a-Potential-First-in-Class-Oncolytic-Peptide-Based-Immunotherapy-for-the-Treatment-of-Basa.html) [oai_citation:2,Last Patient Dosed in Verrica's Phase 2 Study of VP-315 for Basal Cell Carcinoma](https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/last-patient-dosed-in-verrica-s-phase-2-study-of-vp-315-for-basal-cell-carcinoma) [oai_citation:3,Verrica doses last patient in part 2 of VP-315 immunotherapy trial](https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/verrica-last-vp-315/).»

«The likelihood of positive results for Part 2 of the Phase 2 trial of VP-315 by Verrica Pharmaceuticals seems cautiously optimistic based on several factors:

1. **Previous Success in Part 1**: Part 1 of the Phase 2 trial showed favorable safety and tolerability profiles along with clinical evidence of activity in patients who received higher doses [oai_citation:1,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Dosing of the First Patient in Part 2 of Phase 2 Study Evaluating VP-315 for the Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma - Verrica Pharmaceuticals](https://verrica.com/press_release/verrica-pharmaceuticals-announces-dosing-of-the-first-patient-in-part-2-of-phase-2-study-evaluating-vp-315-for-the-treatment-of-basal-cell-carcinoma/). Positive preliminary results often bode well for subsequent trial phases.

2. **Mechanism of Action**: VP-315 is an oncolytic peptide designed to induce immunogenic cell death by targeting tumor cells and stimulating the patient's immune system. This innovative approach has shown promise in inducing tumor-specific immune responses in earlier trials [oai_citation:2,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Last Patient Dosed in](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/01/05/2804581/0/en/Verrica-Pharmaceuticals-Announces-Last-Patient-Dosed-in-Part-2-of-Phase-2-Study-of-VP-315-a-Potential-First-in-Class-Oncolytic-Peptide-Based-Immunotherapy-for-the-Treatment-of-Basa.html) [oai_citation:3,Last Patient Dosed in Verrica's Phase 2 Study of VP-315 for Basal Cell Carcinoma](https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/last-patient-dosed-in-verrica-s-phase-2-study-of-vp-315-for-basal-cell-carcinoma).

3. **Unmet Medical Need**: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, and there is a significant demand for non-surgical treatment options. VP-315 aims to fill this gap by offering a non-invasive alternative [oai_citation:4,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Dosing of the First Patient in Part 2 of Phase 2 Study Evaluating VP-315 for the Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma - Verrica Pharmaceuticals](https://verrica.com/press_release/verrica-pharmaceuticals-announces-dosing-of-the-first-patient-in-part-2-of-phase-2-study-evaluating-vp-315-for-the-treatment-of-basal-cell-carcinoma/) [oai_citation:5,Verrica doses last patient in part 2 of VP-315 immunotherapy trial](https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/verrica-last-vp-315/).

4. **Company’s Confidence**: Verrica Pharmaceuticals has expressed confidence in the progress of the trial and the potential of VP-315. The company's consistent updates and detailed plans for further studies reflect their belief in the treatment's efficacy [oai_citation:6,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Last Patient Dosed in](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/01/05/2804581/0/en/Verrica-Pharmaceuticals-Announces-Last-Patient-Dosed-in-Part-2-of-Phase-2-Study-of-VP-315-a-Potential-First-in-Class-Oncolytic-Peptide-Based-Immunotherapy-for-the-Treatment-of-Basa.html) [oai_citation:7,Verrica doses last patient in part 2 of VP-315 immunotherapy trial](https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/verrica-last-vp-315/).

However, it is important to note that clinical trials inherently carry risks and uncertainties. The final outcomes will depend on a range of factors, including the robustness of the data, the observed efficacy in a larger patient population, and regulatory review.

Given these factors, while the outlook is promising, definitive conclusions can only be made after the complete analysis of the Phase 2 trial data expected later this year.»
21.07.2024 kl 05:05 1394

Også fant disse; Det ser ut at studien er mere avansert enn vi tror 😎. Ikke overrasket over forsinkelser !

« In the Phase 2 clinical trial of Verrica Pharmaceuticals' VP-315 for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the study is divided into parts with different dosing regimens.

**Part 1**: This part focused on a dose-escalation approach starting with a daily dose of 2 mg, increasing in 1 mg increments up to a maximum of 8 mg per day. The doses were administered once daily until the first lesion was necrosed or a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) occurred. No DLTs were observed, allowing the maximum dose of 8 mg to be reached.

**Part 2**: This part aims to refine the dosing regimen. It involves administering a total daily dose of 8 mg of VP-315. The regimens explored include:
- **Cohort 1**: An initial half dose on the first day followed by full doses on subsequent days.
- **Cohort 2**: Full doses on all treatment days for up to three consecutive daily doses per week.
- **Cohorts 4 and 5**: Split doses, with the first dose being 2.4 mg and the remaining 5.6 mg administered 15 minutes apart, given two or three times per week, respectively.

These adjustments are designed to identify the optimal dosing regimen for Part 3 of the trial [oai_citation:1,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces Dosing of the First Patient in Part 2 of Phase 2 Study Evaluating VP-315 for the Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma - Verrica Pharmaceuticals](https://verrica.com/press_release/verrica-pharmaceuticals-announces-dosing-of-the-first-patient-in-part-2-of-phase-2-study-evaluating-vp-315-for-the-treatment-of-basal-cell-carcinoma/) [oai_citation:2,LTX-315 Part 1 and VP-315 Part 2 in Carcinoma and Skin Cancer and Basal Cell Carcinoma - Clinical Trials Registry - ICH GCP](https://ichgcp.net/clinical-trials-registry/NCT05188729).»
21.07.2024 kl 07:45 1366

Takk, Davrab. Veldig interessant!
Vedr forsinkelse av readout er det Q1-guidingen som fortsatt gjelder, og den kan ikke tolkes annerledes så lenge guidingen ikke er korrigert. M a o tenker jeg "any time soon" om readout.
Mht dere som messer om at "alle" er ute, så er det åpenbart at de største aksjonærene holder på aksjene. Topp-20 har variert +/-0,2% siste mnd, det tilsvarer ca 100k. Ingen er ute.
Jeg mener det er uheldig for Lytix at ikke guidingen vedr timing ble korrigert i juni, men da måtte den korreksjonen komme fra Verrica.
24.07.2024 kl 10:03 845

Hvis det var dårlige resultater ville ikke Radiumhospitalet i akkurat disse dager, på eget initiativ, klargjort for å dosere sin første Førstelinjepasient i en Fase 2 undersøkelse - Dette er helt klart et gjennombrudd for LTX-315! Gleder meg til melding om at første pasient er dosert. Disse pasientene har jo kun fått diagnosen sin og er ikke behandlet på annen måte - Vil tro at resultatene med pasienter UTEN svekket immunsystem vil bli ganske oppsiktsvekkende! Spennende tider og ganske uutholdelig :-)
Resultatene fra Verrica kommer hver dag som helst nå og det er jo ganske utenkelig, i mine øyne, at de har noe annet enn helt oppsiktsvekkende resultater!
24.07.2024 kl 11:55 762

Resultatene et nok rett rundt hjørnet og LYTIX kan bli den første norske biotec sensasjonen etter Algeta. Spennende timer fremover
24.07.2024 kl 16:35 633

Set ser ut at Verrica is back i full fart! 🤩
25.07.2024 kl 11:37 418

Sakset fra Lytix Forum på Nordnet: FULLSTENDIG TUMORREDUKSJON!!! Mer lovende enn dette kan det jo ikke bli!!
Publisert juli 2024
«Deres in vivo-studier viste at GK1-peptidet signifikant øker gjennomsnittlig overlevelsestid og forsinker tumorveksten til de behandlede dyrene. Analogt viser Camilo et al. [112] evaluerte antitumoraktiviteten til LTX-315 mot både murine og humane kreftcellelinjer in vitro og en muse melanommodell in vivo. Resultatene deres viste at administrering av LTX-315-peptidet induserer tumornekrose og fullstendig tumorregresjon.»

I dag kl 04:20 179

Fra Chat GPT: ser ikke ut at aksjefallet har noe med LTX-315 å gjøre!

- what is the Reason for Verrica stock fall last week in July?

Verrica Pharmaceuticals' stock experienced a significant drop in the last week of July 2024, primarily due to disappointing financial performance and outlook. The company's recent earnings report showed that they did not meet revenue expectations, which concerned investors. Additionally, Verrica faced challenges in achieving profitability and managing operational costs, contributing to negative sentiment around the stock [oai_citation:1,Verrica Pharmaceuticals Stock Price | VRCA Stock Quote, News, and History | Markets Insider](https://markets.businessinsider.com/stocks/vrca-stock) [oai_citation:2,Verrica Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:VRCA) Stock Quotes, Forecast and News Summary - Benzinga](https://www.benzinga.com/quote/VRCA).